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Messages - Elmdork

FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
October 13, 2015, 11:24:23 pm
I'm not the guy who pulls out a spreadsheet to ensure the math is sound (that's for the intelligent people like wkw and gaigun to do) I just spitball ideas with balance in mind, even if it nerfs some of my favourite stuff. I firmly believe haste and regen should remain seperate. I think thieves should have to make great sacrifices to achieve 200 damage, and if mp switch is anything like it was before, it has no place here. I watched some stuff in the earlier seasons where the mp would not carry over to hp when surpassed. If this can be addressed, then sure, I can consider it, but if that's not possible, it can get messy. That's just my two cents.

I pretty much agree with everything else (go easy on the pole arms though, they're mostly great weapons even if underused) monsters have been a topic of much debate in the past and I agree we should try to hash that out before attempting to add new classes. My proposal for them are to have pre-designed monster units that vary with palettes based on popular team designs. For example: Red bomb is fire element, absorbs fire, has a fire spell and can self destruct dealing fire damage and oil. Grenade (blue) can be the ice version that procs slow upon detonation, and even a green one (Ivy shell?) That is earth but heals upon detonation and offers positive buffs (if we can get ai to sacrifice itself like that, again I'm just the idea man, I'll let the smart people determine if something like that can work). We can do this for chocobo, skeletons, behemoths etc. As far as equip is concerned, I think they should have equip accessory only with a list of accessories specially designed for monsters. I would love to see monsters have their own JP skill sets, but that seems absolutely daunting to program, so this is my proposal. Of course having their own JP skill sets to choose from would be ideal, but I'd just be happy to see monsters functioning at all.

Though I've been around for a while, my input isn't much better than what a new player can offer so please take what I say with a grain of salt. I feel that the game has been well refined at this point and doesn't need drastic changes all over the place, but a few things must happen for sure. Losing speed stacking is definitely one most of us seem to agree on and may be just what the game needs to do things such as keep thieves in check.

Oh, I'm curious: what do ya'll think we should do about monsters? Would you feel okay with pre-designed monsters to fill offence/tank/support roles (much like vanilla)? If not, how do think we should go about that?
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
October 13, 2015, 03:50:21 pm
Gawd too many ideas! Before we even think of changing things like samurai which is actually totally fine and doesn't really need any buffs we gotta make sure the big things get fixed, such as scholar as a whole.

What i don't understand is why masamune (ability) still gives regen. By removing regen from masamune you would buff both poison AND every other ability that uses regen. still range one target self, and people will still use the crap out of it. The whole reason regen has problems at all is because of how easy it is to abuse masamune, and how many times better masamune is to pretty much everything else in the game. Conversely, squire should pick up poison. First off, it'll actually get used, and secondly, it will help fortify squire as a potential caster. Ultima isn't bad but i really wish it was ct4.

while we're on samurai, all they need is a selection of katana that people will want to use. that's it. Start giving them bows and spears and then they'll pretty much be able to do everything with little to no drawback. Kind of not cool as they're supposed to be compared to paladins who appear to get left in the dust with every new idea. I know i was one of the first to agree on the bow/spear thing, but after much thought, i realized my second favourite caster class is samurai, and they're not even caster types. We don't need them proficient as a speed character as well.

I'm cool with netherseer as a class, not too happy with losing dancers though. It's a tough call between the dancer skillset being nearly useless, but the class itself totally rocking. If we lose permanent speed stacking, maybe we can ease up on the dancer's hit %. Would be cool if there was an oil spell on a class somewhere. Thief needs a PA nerf. Like, a big PA nerf. If masamune loses regen, maybe lancer can pick up "Rei's Wind" which would look like a grand cross that grants regen. We can keep the 3 highest level jumps and like 2 vertical jump slots and have a few support abilities akin to squire stuff. Zombie/berserk/oil/stop and maybe charm need another skill to cure them. They just dominate games and can be very difficult to counter. especially stop, nerf the stop spell PLEASE! waaaay too potent for how easily 100% can be achieved. i can't even get those odds with don't act. I suggest we make a shield to prevent one of each of these statii as most armor doesn't even protect against them and cloth units should have a choice of at least one defense (aside from accessories which may offer ma/pa benefits you may not even want)

i don't think increasing summoner MP will make a huge difference unless we develop spells with such ridiculous MP costs that only a summoner would be able to comfortably cast them. If not, you could give them 999 mp and they'll still collect dust. Oh, and no mp switch. we can't get that to function properly without move mp up abuse.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 13, 2015, 02:14:56 pm
Thanks, Shintroy. She's totally perfect and healthy.

Bad luck for CT5Holy here, but in fftarena it pays to lean towards the offensive side. the whole reason 40 br/fa is the minimum and 70 is max is to ensure every game ends, and it's much tougher to make a defensive team that can succeed against an all out offence. Think i'm going to make an experimental defensive team to test out against the standard offensive team. who knows, could be good.

Great show, andrew and better luck next time CT5Holy!

It's clear that there's a damage buff associated with berserk. My theory is it makes your effective brave 100, which is why berserk units do insane damage to each other. Pairing a couple chemists' with the berserk units was a clever idea.

Barren had it right when he said reks' team is lacking offensive punch. There's real potential in this team, but the units need to be a little better rounded in order to have success reliably. I'm not sure why the oracle is missing a secondary, just seems unnecessary. She could definitely benefit from white magic and even use regen for self healing.

O..ouch.. it's hard enough to make MA stacking effective without a berserk ninja going nuts everywhere. Not to say ma stacking isn't effective -it certainly is- but every turn you spend raising your stats is a turn someone is using masamune or an oracle is petrifying, or in this case a ninja being a ninja. I generally stray away from stat stacking on a more serious team for this reason.

in any case, respects anima, i have NEVER had success with ninjas. Ever. Period. So i like to see people have success with the things i can only dream of doing. It was a good shot, andante, just the speed became too much to overcome and that first map offered you no forgiveness. Also just beat ff9 for the first time about a month ago. Played a bit when i was younger but i really procrastinated getting back to it. I like the classic style FF.

Wow, that was a fantastic game. Unless i'm mistaken, that's corosar's first team refined to a point, and they are surprisingly effective. Great job, beating any of shintroy's teams isn't an easy feat. Action packed from start to finish, i definitely enjoyed this one. The meatbone slash was a welcome sight.

The fuck was that?! I haven't seen such a bad sandbag loop since derpstock 2015.

That aside, undead/anti undead is very powerful in the current meta. The only counter is holy water, which is usually the first thing cut when over JP and refute which is semi-reliable at best. Being able to shut down the entire white magic skillset (which is still the best for sandbaging) is borderline OP.

I'm definitely a fan, mudvayne. they have a clear goal and do their jobs well.
also of note: lancer has to be the best itembot in the game. Easy access speed gear, heavy armor and the potential to do damage no matter the multiclass just makes them THE class for an armored item bot. Paladins ain't got shyt on that.

CRAZY! Kudos to TL for thinking to pit these two teams against each other, it was a blast to watch. Awesome unit compositions, i particularly like the dual chiri undead quickening paladin (whoa mouthful) but both teams' concepts as a whole are rock solid. Both teams lacking in the sandbag category, but that's not a huge deal, watching two teams brawl it out is more exciting than watching sandbag loops anyway. GG guys, looking forward to seeing these teams in action again.

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 12, 2015, 04:47:55 pm
Woooah I got a match! Thanks, barren! Been crazy all weekend and my sister just had a baby this morning, so I'll have to get around to everybody's matches, but I'll see em' soon enough.

I needed a good win, been on a bit of a losing streak lately, but they've been good games either way. Forgot to take don't move off the monk, I'll do that now, just lacks punch compared to slow 2.

GG, epic. Much like CT5Holy, I don't have an "A team" but I must admit intergalactic is probably my strongest team overall. When my thief hits 16 speed, he becomes very hard to counter, easily one of the deadliest unit compositions in my arsenal.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 07, 2015, 08:51:44 pm
Quote from: Andrew on October 07, 2015, 07:03:40 pm
Thanks for the compliment, Rouroni, and it's nice that you've got all caught-up with the videos.  The Raven King's mime looks like she can do some pretty effective mimicking... lots and lots of Chakra action, and those dances would be a pain to deal with!

We'll have to see. They're supposed to feel like the first fight against Elmdor, so I added last dance and a mime to better emulate stop bracelet. Probably the final edit, elmdor has his own kind of "blood suck" and works surprisingly well. Some time later I noticed it looks a bit like delay buster (huge fan BTW, ct5holy) almost too similar.. accidental, I swear, but it's not a common strategy so I feel okay about it. Thanks for taking the time to look at my team, Andrew. You must have been watching for a while before making teams, you're doing really well.

That was a seriously exciting match. I thought Krypt had that one in the bag after the first round. Surprised to see how well mimic spell gun worked out.. go figure. Has the weapon bug been dealt with or is this the exception? GG to the both of you, I enjoyed that.

I'll start by saying "I love those geomancers" they are definitely up there with my favourite configurations ever, that said, just a terrible match up for shintroy. Mudvayne's team did a great job of neutralizing well.. everything with a pulse.. and further proves: Oracles. Clutch. Games.

I was excited for this one. Both teams are well designed while being unique and interesting. Very surprised to see such a convincing victory in WkW's favor, but he's a talented designer and of course, oracles. Better luck next time TL!

Ooo grudge match time!! Surprised I managed to put up a fight at all, I was almost certain silentkaster would have submitted his SCC thief team in the S4 tournament, they're really that good. An entire team gets a double turn before I can complete one dance, just disgusting.

GG, my friend. I have always been a fan of the thieve's guild, and for good reason. They're at totally disgusting levels of dangerous and I'm glad to have somewhat put up a fight. I'm leaving the raven king as is, just wanted to see if they would do as intended, and they do. Just waaay too fast for them today.


Honestly had my money on DW, but RNG would have none of it. The guarded/counter magic holy was the big turning point in round 2 (right when things were going DW's way) and then that ninja faith upped the wrong dude. The battlefield soon filled with smoldering organic material.

Great job, corosar. Your baptism in flames have paid off, you're really becoming someone to watch out for. DW, you've been damn deadly since the first team you ever submitted, I always keep an eye out for your games. Awesome stuff from you both.

Great to see so much yin yang magic being thrown around, better yet to see how well it's being used. My respect to those who've used yin Yang in the past couple weeks.

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 06, 2015, 08:36:01 pm
My internet connection has been abysmal at best lately, so it's been a pain to watch everything, but I watched everything dammit! Welcome, Andrew, your teams have been a blast to watch and great job on the teams lately, DW! Sweet commentary from barren and ct5holy, also great music selection, TL. Have a few new team ideas, but for now "the raven king" has been untested since the mime change if someone wants to give that a go. 
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
September 16, 2015, 11:22:25 am
In 1.38 I had a team called "order of steel basilisk" which revolved around a male samurai with (the previous) muramasa inflicting faith and a female samurai with black magic inflicting oil with the fire spell. I once saw a 956 damage ice spell on a faith up, oiled unit. Haven't been able to get the same results in this patch, especially because of the muramasa and oil change, so I begrudgingly scrapped it.

Basically, if you can get oil and faith up on units to follow up with a near max damage spell, I would consider it a success. Bonus points if your caster has faith up as well. I don't really intend to try again, but I might if no one else does. I reccomend using mediator's preach, archer's hawks eye and a fire/thunder black magic user.

@barren: hey, if you think you can pull it off, it's all yours. Oil no longer deals double damage, so you'll need bolt 2 to stand a chance at 999. Will be hard to keep an 18ma wizard with faith alive, but two speedy units could both inflict faith/oil and act as a distraction. Definitely all-in potential but the execution must be perfect. Safer to have a good sandbag plan along with it.
Happy (belated) birthday skip!

No wonder it's taking longer than usual, the quality looks better than ever! I don't know what you're hiding but I can tell you're going all out. Can't wait to see it!
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
September 13, 2015, 02:43:19 am
Thanks for running matches, guys! "Ban Hammer" is an all-in team so I'll either stomp or fold quick. I didn't even want to give the scholars raise and fairy! Need those things though, can save them one day. Any combination of auto potion, HP restore, shell, magic defense up and 40 faith will do em' in quick, but if you forget to bring that to the party.. one, maybe two turns max. Don't see nealy enough games against TL, I just like to watch his teams go. Always exciting
But I totally folded on this one, GG. Hope we get a closer match next time

Edit: oh almost forgot, always been against speed altering abilities. You can even benefit from slower teams if there was a speed cap. So many minor improvements come out of this.

Hard to say what hurts me most in arena, my teams are all very different from each other. Two tournaments I entered I used caster based teams with no absorb, so counter magic has been a bitch. Also in any match up, DW and TL have been the bane of my existence, but I love their teams and they have earned my respect.
That was an awesome tournament! Everybody who recorded matches did a great job, and congratulations gate buster! My internet has been garbage lately so it's been taking me forever to watch everything, and therefore respond.

Really interesting to see the two teams that beat me duke it out, what ultimately cost reks the victory was the investment into anti magic stuff. Got him this far, but speed and physical damage won the day. DW, mudvayne, fattyzilla.. you all did fantastic and have proven you are forces to be reckoned with.

I'm happy with my run, oracles are sitting generally where they belong, but there's an issue: I already have an oracle team, so these lovely ladies need a good home! At the cost of synergy, I went with 4 very different oracle builds all of which would make an excellent addition to any team. I firmly believe there is at least one status to compliment every team composition (which is why I feel "status based team" seems a funny thing to say) and with a tweak here and there, any one of these oracles will get that job done.

As you can see, they are quite happy together, but they'll be much happier on a team with more variety.
The Lounge / Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Announced
September 09, 2015, 09:23:41 pm
Wow that adapter is all spiky with AV jacks. There's gotta be like 100 controllers hiding somewhere.. definitely a bit jealous :3
Oh man, that was a great match, can't even be mad about a game like that. Round 1 was Murphy's law for me, if a couple of things went right I could have taken that. Round 2 was the complete opposite, more things hit than they had any business doing but it seem they still had a hard time putting the squires away. Great job on the commentary, CT5Holy, it was a blast all season.

GG, reks. Ain't no shame in being beaten by a master, good luck in the semi finals!
You have done the oracles proud, Krypt. Excellent first run! The odds are stacked against us, but if you lend me your lovely lady luck we may have a chance.

Well skip, looks like the party's over. You did great this time around, you should be proud. Was a blast to see your team in action!

Good luck everyone, may the best (wo)man win!
Don't get discouraged, skip! I always check in here to see if anything is going on,  I can help write scripts and proof read some stuff for you if you'd like. Being as inspired/excited as you were during the first tournament is tough, so don't force it. I can always read over stuff or pitch ideas if you feel you've hit a block or just want feedback on something.
Games with silentkaster are always bittersweet. I like to see him do well, but I like to win too. Definitely had a hand tied behind his back which left too many openings for me, but I also got really lucky with RNG. GG, man. Maybe we'll meet again on the doom train, I don't want anything to do with the remaining 3 teams in the winner's bracket, pretty sure they'll swipe me.

@skiploom: Hey don't tease me like that! You know I'm a fan. Great job this tournament, really kicking some ass this year.

@gatebuster: I'm gonna die long before you get a chance to kill me, so best of luck in the winners bracket!
FFT Arena / Re: Mem gen issues
August 24, 2015, 02:28:30 am
Hmm... you using Microsoft excel? nothing else will do except fftastic which allows you to modify mem cards. There may be a free trial of excel floating around somewhere, hope it helps!
Got pretty lucky with that opening dodge+ counter magic holy. Things could have gone a lot worse for me, so I'll consider myself lucky. GG fdquinn!

Oh man, silentkaster's next.. though I feel relatively good about the matchup, I know better than to underestimate him. We have a long history of great battles and I expect this one to be no exception. Always a classic match between us.
Great job on everything Barren, CT5holy, corosar and andante, you guys got this all down to a science. Thanks to you too, gaigun, your stats were very thurough and neat. Feel a bit overwhelmed by all the videos and balance discussion stuff going on, so I'll keep it brief. Will say "I have never seen someone get 6 predictions wrong in a row" but hey, statistics!

I didn't want to face you or your brother so early (and isn't fdquinn your niece too? do I gotta fight your whole family?!) I love watching you guys in action and it puts me in the awkward position of rooting for you guys but also not wanting to die. Really wish we could see more from you, redworld. You always manage to do something clever and unique, hope to see you in the regular season and good luck fdquinn! SCC chemist is pretty tough, should be a good match.
Hey, can I have my palettes swapped to red/yellow? Not a big deal, just want them to be pretty  :oops:

Good luck to you all, and can't wait to see our opener, redworld! I'm actually a bit scared.

as for the team/band name, I suggest "Dethfrog"

Edit: Oh, cool! Wow holy crap you guys just banged out everything, huh? That's awesome, can't complain. Haven't seen some action in a while :p
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena SCC Tourney Registration
August 08, 2015, 06:33:36 pm
Quote from: CT5Holy on August 08, 2015, 06:14:02 pm
Desktop is good to go! I can definitely help host :D
Quote from: Barren on August 08, 2015, 06:30:51 pm
Sweet! That is awesome news! Would like to help me with the winner's bracket just like old times?
