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Messages - Pierce

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
December 17, 2011, 04:38:01 am
That was... painful. At 9 minutes into the video I was thinking "How is this possibly going to end in 7 minutes if things are moving so freaking slowly?" I wonder if the match would've ever finished.

Watching this match made me realize FireWater needs some serious revamping. GG Barren.

Spriting / Re: GeneralStrife's Sprites
December 16, 2011, 04:41:53 am
Quote from: GeneralStrife on December 08, 2011, 10:30:50 pm
Almost as terribad.....ugh.
Gotta find a realistic project.

I think the problem with this one lies in the visible portion of the face's intersection with the shadow. I think maybe some more of it needs to be visible? Something about the shadow from the hood looks off. I can't tell if the problem is that not enough face is visible, or if it's that the place where the shadow/face intersect is an awkward shape.
A really unhelpful criticism, sorry.
Bugs and Suggestions / Re: Subforum Proposal
December 16, 2011, 02:13:30 am
I completely support this.
Especially the Recruitment idea. I often want to help on projects but I'm never sure if people asking for help want more than just a tester.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Beta 137 Download
December 16, 2011, 01:50:33 am
Would it be possible for a section to be made in each ability section to mention whether each skill is modified by AttackUp/MagicAttackUp/MartialArts? The reason I ask is that a recent post in the Stats/Abilities thread made me realize that some of these things aren't documented. For example, some people may not know whether or not Martial Arts modifies PunchArt commands, as it isn't documented anywhere.

Also, the same goes for Brave and Faith. The Faith-dependant skills are all labeled, but the Brave ones aren't. For example, DrawOut doesn't mention if it's Brave or Faith or neither, which may be confusing for people unfamiliar with Arena.

If no one wants to do it, I have no problem doing it myself.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT: Arena Beta 136 Download
November 15, 2011, 07:32:39 pm
Quote from: FFMaster on November 15, 2011, 06:39:09 pm
- Raiton renamed to Futon, wind element

Throwing furniture at people is now effected by wind.
FFT Arena / Re: Updating for 134 - shove everything here
November 07, 2011, 01:09:00 pm
Quote from: formerdeathcorps on October 27, 2011, 03:05:53 am
let's not forget that Auto: Transparent also adds some stupid features to the AI.  First, it draws in enemy fire onto a unit that probably has low HP.  Second, it causes the AI to spam the "Attack" option because it sees it as unevadable.

I feel like Transparent needs some sort of overhaul. As you said, it fucks with the AI a fair bit, and often the transparent unit has been hit (negating transparency) before it even has a turn to attack with 100% accuracy. I don't really know of a fix for this, but maybe transparency = +1move? Just a thought, feel free to poke holes in it because I didn't consider any of the effects really when I suggest it.

For the Fury/Faith reaction rate, how about [(Fury+Faith+30)/2]. This puts 70/40 and 40/70 units with a 70% reaction rate, and if you're making yourself vulnerable with 70/70, you get an 85% reaction rate. Again, just a thought.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
October 09, 2011, 05:32:10 am
Is float buggy? In my match vs SoySauceMaster hosted by fdc, my Paladin is floating, yet he hits himself with Grand Cross and his weapon is earth elemental (Kikuichimonji). Not sure if this is a bug or what, not a big deal though.

Also, thanks to all the hosts of the recent Arena matches. A lot of videos have been pumped out in the last week or so, and I feel like you guys don't get enough thanks for all the work you do. So special thanks to Barren, Wiz, and FDC, you guys do an awesome job.
Spam / Re: Adopt a PGF today
October 03, 2011, 01:11:28 pm
Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on October 03, 2011, 11:10:01 am
Unions talk about how they help people, but every time a union job is given the option to either:
A. Lay off newer workers so older workers can keep their high wages, or
B. Everyone gets a pay cut so no one gets laid off,
All the older members voted to lay off the younger members.  So fuck them, I hope some crazy Republican gets elected and they all fucking die when their social security if cut.  </insane animostiy>

Unions in America must be different than in Canada. Here, unions aren't allowed to lay off employees without justifiable cause (coming to work drunk, skipping shifts, stealing, etc) and generally they're good employers because they're monitored really well within themselves to make sure they don't break union rules.

Consider going to charitable organizations looking for work. Generally they know of places where you can find jobs if you're in a tough situation. Although you might end up doing a less than ideal job, it's better than nothing.
Spam / Re: Adopt a PGF today
October 01, 2011, 10:05:49 pm
Wish I had a way to help.
While you try to get your shit sorted out I would suggest just going to various shelters, lots have food and beds to sleep in while you figure out your next move. Other than that, I really don't know. Stay with a friend for a little while?
Spam / Re: My favorite people on FFH
September 29, 2011, 03:21:48 am
No Pierce?
I cry...
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
September 19, 2011, 04:34:20 pm
I blame my loss solely on Auto-Potion being buggy and not working (Just kidding, I'm not so vain as to think that's the only reason I got my ass kicked). I thought there were a couple points where things might turn around for me, but your team got the best of me. GG Barren.

Holy shit. The 800 damage hit was the highlight of that match. Not sure how I feel about the balance there, but meh.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 31, 2011, 09:26:17 pm
It should be noted that Auto Potion has yet to trigger in any matches. Not sure if this is a fixable bug, but perhaps something should be said about that in the Master Guide.
Just had a discussion on IRC about this:

Female mimes need a PA boost. As it stands, they're only really useful for mimicking, but they insist on using their melee attack. All they do is trigger reaction abilities while doing 50 damage or so. This differs from male mimes who can be used as attackers and do decent damage.
--Not sure if this has been discussed in the topic above, honestly didn't want to read all those walls of text.--
Original post edited to reflect problems with PPF-O-Matic on Lion OS X

Quote from: dinosaur on August 12, 2011, 02:14:56 am
Pretty sure you do not need to download BIOS for PCSX-reloaded. It does it automatically,

It gets plugins for you, but it doesn't get the proper BIOS. It can run some games, but unless you add them yourself, games crash a lot.
Okay, so it may seem like an obvious thing, but I realized today that there's no tutorial on how to get emulators to work on Mac computers. It's done very different from setting up an emulator on a PC.

It should be noted that there are some different steps involved if you've upgraded your OS from Leopard to Lion. I'll include those steps as well, but be prepared to do a little bit more work.

There isn't a huge list of emulators that are Mac compatible. In fact, I've only found one and it's the one I'll be providing links for and such (PCSX-Reloaded).

First off, let's get some supplies you'll need. You're going to need:
An emulator: (http://speedofmac.com/emulation/pcsx-reloaded.php) <- Download the latest version ideally.

A converter: (http://www.stuffit.com/mac-expander.html) I use Stuffit Expander, which is free and does the job fine.

BIOS: I can't link you to BIOS legally. Either rip them from your own PS1, or google PSX BIOS. Googling them works fine.

An FFT rom: Again, can't link you to these legally. Just search for them on Google pretty much.

PPF-O-Matic: (http://philsov.ffhacktics.com/Patching%20Tools/) The .exe doesn't run on Macs, so download the .dmg one. This is only for if you want to patch onto your FFT iso. If you're on FFH, chances are that you want to patch.

Generally, I throw all these things into a folder on my desktop called "Emulation", just simply so I don't have to spend hours trying to remember where I put my files.

So now that you've got all the things from above, your next big move is to apply the BIOS to your emulator. Your BIOS need to be .bin files. If they aren't, run them through Stuffit Expander (Right click -> Open with -> Stuffit Expander) and they should come out as .bin it all sort of depends where you got them from. Highlight your BIOS files and copy them (Command + C), as in a moment you'll be pasting these somewhere.

Open up Finder, and along the left side you should see your name/username with a little house icon next to it. Click on this. In front of you now should be some folders with names like "Documents, Downloads, Music, Library, etc. The one you want to open is Library.
    NOTE: Lion OS hides the user Library folder, so you have to access it differently. Open Finder, and along the top of your screen there is a tab called "Go". Click this, and in the dropdown menu click "Go to Folder". If you don't have an option of Go to Folder, then you have to hold the "option" key as you click Go. A text box should pop up, inside the text box type "~/Library/" (Except not in quotation marks).

Inside the Library folder, you will see another folder called "Application Support", open that one. Inside you should see another folder called "Pcsxr" or "Pcsx", sometimes it's a little different, but open whichever one looks like Pcsx or some variation. Open the Pcsx folder, and inside you'll see a folder called "BIOS". Open up the BIOS folder, the inside should be completely empty. Paste your BIOS in here, and you're all set. Yay.

You've now got a completely functioning PSX emulator! The next steps are for getting roms to work, and how to patch with PPF-O-Matic. But be happy, the hard part is over.
 NOTE: If you're applying patches, always use a clean FFT file. Never patch over a file that has already been patched on, or it will not work. I suggest making a little folder (within your folder) and put your .bin and .cue untouched FFT files, and whenever you want to patch your FFT, you copy and paste the files into a different folder, so no matter what you always have a clean untouched FFT iso.

You should at this point have an FFT file. If you got it online, you likely have to put it through Stuffit Expander first so it's in a format that will actually work. What you should get is a .bin file and a .cue file.

You also need the file for the patch you want to apply. Cruise through the forums to find patches, that's totally your responsibility and I'm definitely not going to provide links to every patch, simply because that's silly. You want the file to be a .ppf

Now open up PPF-O-Matic. It will likely give you a warning about needing Rosetta and it will look for it online or something stupid like that. Just hit okay and it will get Rosetta for you, yadda yadda yadda. PPF-O-Matic should now open.
  EDIT: Note to Lion OsX users. Lion Os X currently is unable to run PPF-O-Matic as Lion can not use Rosetta properly. As of currently, there is no known solution for how to patch using Lion, but I'm currently working on finding an alternative method of doing this.

If you're lucky, PPF-O-Matic will work flawlessly. You will be able to select the patch, select the image (use your .bin file), hit apply and magically a patched file will come out. IF YOU'RE LUCKY THAT IS.

More realistically, PPF-O-Matic has some stupid issue that will frustrate you to no end, where you try to select the patch and the image and it freezes up and closes. If this is the case, you need to do this a little bit differently.

In Finder (or a folder on your desktop, whatever), find the patch you want to apply. Right click on it, and select Open With -> PPF-O-Matic. If PPF-O-Matic is greyed out, you need to have it open first. PPF-O-Matic should now be open and display the patch. You now just need to select the image, hit apply, and you're all done.

You're done! Enjoy! Yaaaay.

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 02, 2011, 03:37:23 pm
I wonder just how much PA those mimes had at the end of Round 2. I'm so glad they managed to pull off 999 damage, I was waiting the whole fight for that to happen.
Spriting / Re: First Sprite: Nojgaard
August 01, 2011, 03:13:14 am
I'm no spriter, but what you've got going there looks awesome.
To add the "Show" option, you embed the picture in a spoiler tag.
[ spoiler=Show] Image [ /spoiler]
FFT: Parted Ways / Re: Glitchy Orbonne?
July 22, 2011, 07:44:11 pm
I tried another fresh iso, and when that didn't work, ANOTHER fresh iso, damnit that took forever. It still appears to not be working for me. Also, upon further testing, it isn't just at Orbonne, it continues to happen in the Gariland battle as well.
Perhaps it's something to do with the fact that I'm not using ePSXe, I'm using PCSX Reloaded, as I am on a Mac. I know using an emulator other than ePSXe tends to mess things up in CCP as well, so maybe it's the same as Parted Ways.
FFT: Parted Ways / Glitchy Orbonne?
July 22, 2011, 03:33:06 pm
I just downloaded the newest version of PW (0.20 I think), and I'm having a problem. In the first battle at Orbonne (with Agrias and Gaffy), everything does 999 damage. There are no other problems I'm seeing, but every single attack does 999 damage and I'm not sure why.
I patched onto a clean iso, I'm 100% sure, and I tried repatching it twice, but it continues to do it.
Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Old Project Ideas / Re: FFT: kind of
July 14, 2011, 08:16:51 pm
Quote from: FFMaster on July 12, 2011, 10:58:46 pm
Something needs to be done to Concentrate/2 Hands/2 Swords as well. No ideas though. Tweaking 2 Hands to be 1.5x damage is easy enough though.

If the problem with concentrate is that it's OP, maybe just make it ignore one or more of the forms of evasion (mantles, shields, class evasion).
2 swords maybe just make swords unusable as 2 swords, leaving knives and ninjaswords. If there's some ASM that makes it so you can't equip 2 of the same item on one unit, that might be an idea as well? Who knows.