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Messages - Alaris

Non-FFT Modding / Re: Odal's FFVI Hardtype
May 22, 2012, 02:29:16 am
Quote from: Eternal248 on July 04, 2011, 11:21:38 am
Just to note, upping the encounter rate will only lead to more EXP being gained, which means more levels, which means less challenge in the long-run.




Sorry about that... nightmares of playing in ET's HT patch... *Shudders* Encounter Rate hurts...
Episode 36:

QuoteIn response to your latest post, I think I'll reserve judgement until after my playthrough before I make recommendations.

Episode 33:

Episode 33.5:

QuoteAnd finally, I'm back to updating FF6 Hardtype. It's really a good game, and I like the challenge of the patch, even if it is somewhat frustrating sometimes. ^_^

Episode 34:

Episode 35:
Spam / Re: Typing speed?
March 29, 2012, 10:52:35 pm
102 WPM, 98% Accuracy.

The Lounge / Re: ST4R's Minecraft Server
March 29, 2012, 01:59:45 pm
I have visited, and made myself a little cabin out in snowy lands.  Haven't done much else other than a Wheat Farm for food.

The Lounge / Re: ST4R's Minecraft Server
March 29, 2012, 12:14:52 am
Looks like I've been un-white listed.  Alarikun is my Minecraft Name, so feel free to add me. ^_^
The Lounge / Late Introduction
March 28, 2012, 06:05:37 pm
Well, I've been here a long while... but I never bothered making an introduction topic. Don't know why... don't really see a big point in doing one now... but meh, I'm bored.

I go by the name Alaris, or Alarikun, and I'm a Male... Human.  At least, I think I'm human.  Currently unemployed, but with all the free time I have, I've been able to start picking up one of them fancy Programming Languages (Python), and maybe I can make something out of it.  A program to sell, maybe a game or something.

I'm also a Let's Player (www.youtube.com/alarikun), and I have a propensity to play patches.  So far, patches that make games harder than they originally were (1.3 and FF6 Hardtype).  If you have a game to recommend, or a patch you're working on that you want Let's Played, then you can recommend it to me, and I'll be sure to take a look.

I visit the IRC channel often, though I don't talk terribly much there.  Mostly there to yell at Eternal for various things in his patch.  It's fun, honest!

I own a 360, a Wii and a PC. If you play multiplayer games on any of those, hit me up, and I'll see if we can game together. I'm a nice guy in general. 

That's all there really is to say about me, so if you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the thread. Seeya.

My L33t Programming Skills (So Far):
Umm, why the hell not.  I've never actually done one of these tourney things before, but it couldn't hurt.

I'm in.

28) Alarikun
Completed Mods / Re: Patch testing for WotL!
February 29, 2012, 04:54:10 pm
Quote from: Mega_Tyrant on February 29, 2012, 04:10:56 pm
Test System:  PSP-2000 CFW 5.50 Prometheus-4
Patching Version: LivePatch Beta 5

Test Results
Patches Enabled: fast.live, unstretch.live
Notes: no other plugins installed
Result:  screen is un-stretched, full-speed skills, no sound de-sync, saving is functional, volume controls functional, brightness functional, Home button functional, game doesn't crash on quit attempt.

Looks like Beta 5 is the version to use if you've got 5.50 Prometheus-4.  Barring any plugin conflicts the patch should be fully functional.  Again, thanks for the hard work.

I have the same CFW, and I can't figure out how to make it work.  Damnit....
Completed Mods / Re: Patch testing for WotL!
February 29, 2012, 12:20:42 am
Quote from: Archaemic on February 27, 2012, 05:34:06 pm
I've tested LivePatch on 5.00 M33 and 6.60 Pro-B 10, so presumably it works on anything in between too. Are you sure it's enabled and the patches are in the right place? The patches (*.live files) should go in ms0:/livepatch/fftpsp

I've got 5.50 Prome-4. I've got it showing up in the Plugin folder in the recovery menu, as on.  I've got the patch files where they should be, but I'm seeing no visible effect. I'm not getting any crashes from using Home or anything, so I don't think I'm getting ANYTHING to work.
Completed Mods / Re: Patch testing for WotL!
February 27, 2012, 03:39:32 pm
I have WoTL, I'll put this to the test soon...

Edit: As soon as I find my damn ISO for it... don't want to have to rip from my UMD AGAIN...

Edit #2: Nevermind, just finished actually reading the first post. Won't need an ISO it seems.

Edit #3: Does LivePatch require a specific Custom Firmware? Because I'm getting no effect using it.
For the love of ALL THAT IS HOLY, why the hell is the FireEater so powerful.... jesus Eternal... I find myself wanting to hit you over the head with a sledgehammer...over...and over... and over again.
Quote from: dn on February 06, 2012, 11:18:42 pm
A 'hard type' is implied to be a challenge hack, which this really isn't anymore. It's also why calling FFIV "hard type" irritates the hell out of me.

Well, obviously you wouldn't want to call it "FFIV Hard Type," since it's not Final Fantasy 4, but Final Fantasy 6 (VI).  ^_^

I suppose that's true.  Don't know what to rename it... "FF6 Rebalancing-Type" doesn't roll off the tongue too well.
Episode 25:

QuoteI'll be updating to 1.2 for Episode 26, since 24 and 25 are already recorded. Thanks for your hard work, Eternal.

Episode 24:
So... Cool.  Have several more videos ready to upload soon.  Or at least, ready to be rendered, and then uploaded.  So please, watch and enjoy. ^_^

Episode 23:

QuoteNot a problem, I enjoy updating.  And all that jazz.

Episode 22:
Quote from: Kaijyuu on January 26, 2012, 07:53:21 am
Yeah that's a pretty good start. Simple 'n all that, but for learning purposes you did well.

Re: Moving up to C++.

If you decide to do so, here's some resources I found invaluable.
A quite good c++ tutorial for beginners. Also has good documentation on the standard libraries so you can look up how stuff like stringstreams work.
Lazy Foo's SDL tutorials. (for graphics)

With those I was able to make a very rudimentary fighting game. It was back in ~2007.

Thanks very much for the tutorial, I'd been looking for a good one for a while now, and it's good to have one recommended.

Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on January 26, 2012, 12:13:27 pm
Stick with Python for a few months.

I do agree.  I took a look at C++ coding, and it gave me a headache.  I'll stick to Python for a bit, to learn more about just basic coding, and then move on.  Eventually... I mean, Python isn't all that bad a coding language anyway.
Quote from: dinosaur on January 26, 2012, 12:21:20 am
Hahah pretty cool! After 3 days of l33t you got this? ... I have been meaning to do that myself. Good work!

Well, about 2-3 weeks of learning Python, and then about 3 days of programming got me this.  And thanks.

Quote from: Celdia on January 26, 2012, 01:00:00 am
Looks like a good first start, Alaris. You should upload it for people to play. :P

Also, since it hasn't been said yet and it just BEGS to be: IT'S RAINING MEN! HALLELUJAH IT'S RAINING MEN! AMEN!

*Nod* I could, but it's all programmed in Python, so if you don't have Python, you can't play... unless I froze the code into an EXE... but I'm not quite there yet.  You'll have to suffice with simple video for now, and perhaps a polished version of this in the future.
So... I began to learn the Python language about 3 weeks ago, and am liking it.  Debating moving just up to C++, to get straight to the ridiculously-difficult-to-learn crap, but much more powerful language.  Meh, don't know if I will end up doing so.

Regardless, after much l33t programming.... and by that I mean about 3 days (not even full days), I have come up with a 'game' as it were. It certaintly fits the criteria of what one would call a "game;" it has something the player can control, enemies, victory and defeat conditions.  I suppose this topic is more me showing off my newbie l33t skillz, and asking questions from the more experienced folks here, if there are any such (which I believe there were, over in the Tethical forum... they were using teh pythonz). 

Either way, enjoy video of my FIRST attempt at a video game... of sorts.

Episode 21:

QuoteEpisode 3:

Bunnies... BUNNIES...they're not cute... not like everybody said.... hoppy legs...twitchy noses...AHHHHH!!!!!

QuoteEpisode 4:

Updates are fun...

QuoteEpisode 5 (Special):

Special Episode... a full one-hour long, as the Let's Try becomes a Let's Play!  HUZZAH!

QuoteEpisode 6:

Completely forgot to post the latest episode on here. FAIL!

QuoteSeems that I managed, even with killer bunnies...  Episodes 7 and 8 are up.  I decided to primarily split them into just 20 minute segments, so people can watch them and not have to devote an hour to doing so.  Some people have complained that they didn't have the time, so there you go.

Episode 7:

Episode 8:

QuoteFor people's sakes, I'll put the rest in Spoiler Tags, but I've been feeling under the weather... so I did more videos.  Because other than staying in bed to recover, I had nothing else to do.  Blarg.

Episode 9:

Episode 10:

Episode 11:

I think I'll go back and edit the rest of them too... so they aren't massive videos taking up the whole page.

QuoteEpisode 12:

Episode 13:

Episode 14:

Episode 15:

Final Fantasy VI Hardtype - [Developer's Room & Narshe Secrets]

EDIT: I've consolidated 90% of my episode posts into this single post, because there was no reason to have hat many posts, especially since I believe I had a quadruple post here... which may or may not be against the forum rules. Below are most of the episodes.

QuoteEpisode 16:

Still sick, it sucks...

QuoteEpisode 17:

Episode 18:

QuoteEpisode 19:

QuoteEpisode 20:
Archives / Re: ST4R's Official FFH MineCraft Server!
January 23, 2012, 03:06:04 pm
Quote from: st4rw4k3r on January 23, 2012, 02:52:33 am
Amazing update!
I am now running the server on Hamachi!
In other words, you can login without a bought Minecraft.
Thats what I call awesome.

The new IP, because of this is:
I will try to get Xif to change the sub domain ip to that.
also since the IP is changed, so is the dynmap:

Well, if you think that's awesome, you do.  But I more so approve of buying the game to play it, rather than cracking it.  >.>