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Messages - Wasabi

Spam /
December 11, 2009, 06:32:54 pm
Nihilism has a point of not having a point whatsoever. Oh, and destruction of social and political institutions for future improvements yada-yada-yada.
The Lounge /
December 11, 2009, 06:26:24 pm
Voted X. Call me a sap for enjoying the plot of the game. The mechanics sucked, but was decent for a turn-based rpg. X-2 is easily despised, but I found that it held its own in following up with X's ending somewhat well.

Second would be VI, but only because I enjoy Celes being the show stealer. Terra can eat it. :P
The Lounge /
December 11, 2009, 06:13:06 pm
Quote from: "philsov"I just think they don't like messing with an up toilet seat ;)

^This. I do have a lot of friends that are rooming with the opposite gender (who are straight or bi or whatever), and they are fine with it. Kitchen and toilet cleanliness are a must, however.

The job market here in NYC is sporadic. It picks up, but give it time and it'll drop down significantly. It's a flip-flop type situtation. But what's worse is the housing conflict since rent is still on rise.
Archives /
December 10, 2009, 09:21:51 pm
Two people revising the storyline text will quicken the project's pace, Kokojo.
Archives /
December 10, 2009, 09:19:48 pm
Consume can't be applicable with a "only usable when Critical only" since that's applying another status. And it won't work with the self-destruct formula, since the status isn't self-targeting but targeting other units. Hopefully there's little to no damage with this ability, since you can't apply a healing element to this formula (it's Dmg_(CasMaxHP-CasCurHP)).
Old Project Ideas /
December 10, 2009, 09:09:39 pm
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"Hm... yank one of the magic gun formulas and do some fiddling to create an Oath ability to cast Midgar Zolom, Lich, or Cyclops?  I'm not sure what all can be done with those formulas.

Quote from: "Skip Sandwich"well, to my understanding, since the spells called are dependent on the element the formula is assigned, even if the magic gun formula did work when not attached to a weapon, you'd still be limited to fire, ice, or thunder element. (most likely anyway, though I think I remember some talk about it defaulting to the ice spells if not one of those three). This may or may not interfere with the AI's use of the skill (since it may think that the spell is ice element, when the spells it calls are really dark element/non-elemental)

I believe the AI would be too stupid to consider if the formula is elemental based on the formula of the ability, since all it does is transfer the command to allow differentiating percentages between the tier 1, 2 and 3 spells the ability is assigned to. Like, say you're using the ice magic gun formula, it won't consider the ability an ice element based on what it reads from the formula itself but whatever the element the corresponding abilities that ability designates. As always, however, this does need to be experimented just to be sure (and you can always fiddle around the AI behavior slightly to see how this ability is utilized in battle).

This has been mentioned a couple of times in this forum, but a revamp of the Bard/Dancer classes should be in order. I've seen one topic concerning the Dancer that has been revamped and edited, and it looked pretty swell, but nothing about the Bard class. Suggestions?
Archives /
December 08, 2009, 07:08:50 pm
It helps to provide a list of which items you are working on and want to modify. Special stats for the weapons would be nice as well, like elemental properties and the like. From there, naming them should be the easy part.

Flamberge, Ice Brand and Demon's Bane are all good suggestions, but I would be interested to see a list for better labeling.
Old Project Ideas /
December 03, 2009, 02:38:10 am
I understand, Vanya. I was speaking in part for FFTA's equipment, such as light swords, blades and broadswords. Thinking that the Warrior would be a small fusion between the Hume Squire, Bangaa Warrior, Mog Knight and Hume Fighter, I just came up with this idea. And also, the Warrior in past traditions of the FF genre relied on elemental weapons to lead the battle, which in most cases were either Knightswords or not, so I thought a better method was just making them elemental attacks with a weapon range, that deal weapon damage.

However, wasn't there a glitch involving "Wild Shot" and "Aimed Blow" that was abusable in 1.3? I believe it may have been Wild Shot. To keep this from happening instead of a low accuracy / high attack power ability, why not one that deals a hard blow but injures the user as well? Spin slash may be a good addition as well, but it might overlap with the Monk's Spin Fist unless that is edited out for future reference on a player's patch. But, this ability can be fixed in having a better vertical and given the Minotaur's spinning attack effect to compensate (and maybe require a sword, who knows?; the Monk's Spin Fist can be made stronger to contrast).

I like your earthquake idea for the Defender. This could also be implemented as a monster skill for the Sacred/Sekret that can either only be learned upon hit, or is a shared skill amongst the Defender and monster. Also, if that is your flavor of the Defender, I feel that they should have an auto self targeting AOE 1 ability that damages surroundings with a chance of knockback, just like the very same ability that Defenders had in FFTA.

And one question about the Undead status: would there be a way remove the formua of randomly processing a crystal/treasure when a fallen undead unit has its CT go beyond the 0 point mark? That would destroy any need of having a second component to make them revive, and with the Undead/Charm ability, you can implement the Haste status to speed up their CT for a faster revival (just like in vanilla when a unit has an equipment with Always: Haste, they still retain the Haste status even when dead). Is that possible?
Help! /
December 03, 2009, 01:58:14 am
On the topic of Lion Editor, it is only a save state editor. So, whatever modifications you make with Lion Editor, it will only change whatever is listed under your saved game data from whatever is listed in the ISO. It works with a patched ISO edited with FFTPatcher, but expect some values and abilities that you modified with FFTPatcher to be inconsistent within the Lion Editor program.

To be sure and safe, rely on FFTPatcher and follow Aquablack's instructions. And for optimal performance with editing, the PSX ISO works best since the PSP version has some areas that are hardcoded (but is workable to a certain extent).
Old Project Ideas /
December 02, 2009, 11:25:25 pm
Well, here's a small breakdown on what FFV Advance's Necromancer had for abilities:

Drain Touch - (self-explanatory)
Dark Haze - Causes old and confusion status for all enemies.
Deep Freeze - Freezes one target with otherworldly cold. Causes stop status.
Evil Mist - Sprays all enemies with a deadly poison. Also causes poison (status).
Meltdown - Burns target with searing heat. Causes sap status.
Hellwind - Rends all enemies with cursed winds. Causes petrification.
Chaos Drive - Strikes enemies with the lightning of hell. Causes paralysis.
Curse - Causes various status ailments.
Dark Flare - Damages all enemies with a burst of dark energy.
Doomsday - Forbidden Dark Art powerful enough to destroy everything in its path (basically, a touch stronger than Dark Flare with a slightly higher MP cost).

I believe Dark Haze and Curse were the only spells that didn't deal damage. And Drain Touch, Deep Freeze, Meltdown and Curse were single target spells.
Old Project Ideas /
December 02, 2009, 07:37:22 pm
Warriors are very nice indeed. Personally, I think they should have weapon ranged elemental and stat debuff abilities (whereas for Knights, the ranged -Ruin abilities seem more fitting), along with maybe one or two abilities that are slightly useful but not overpowering for them to be considered bottom tier (like Heal/Salve/First-Aid and maybe a 2-paneled ranged rez with a slightly nerfed accuracy, similar in 1.3 with Wish).

Hmm, Vanya, your latest comment about Defenders sounds pretty interesting. Equipment break abilities... Would you like to see them as a fusion of the vanilla FFT Knights and Meliadoul? Swordskills that deal damage and/or break equipment? I'd like to see that happen, actually. Maybe a step-up from the Knight's -Break abilities, in that they are weapon range, but can break equipment AS WELL AS deal damage just like with Meliadoul's Mighty Sword / Unyielding Blade in the WotL version (where, regardless if the the unit is armed with any equipment, her swordskills can still deal damage).

Necromancer is probably one of my favorite jobs in FFV Advance. It was a shame that once you've obtained and mastered the class, your party was already fully developed and/or mastered with the other jobs. In terms of FFT, they can be made to utilize plenty of wondrous abilities. However, on the topic of reviving a dead unit and making them undead would be a hard task imo. With FFTPatcher, the way the reviving formulas work is that only one status is enacted within the formula, and that status is the trigger for it. For revive abilities, that's "cancel: Dead," so it'll be difficult to remove the "Dead" status on a fallen unit and legitimately apply the Undead status at the same time without a means of, say, an ASM hack I believe. (Note: By difficult, I mean editing a temp ability that would mirror such a task like this without ASM hacking.)

But the standard fare of abilities for the Necromancer would be powerful single-target elemental spells that also deal abnormal statuses to the enemy. I hope this goes through. They also have innate: Undead, which if there is a means to manipulate equipment in such a way that helps to aid with the Undead status I'd like to see that happen. Necromancer + Chaos Orb in FFV Advance was pretty awesome.

And, well, the Midgar Sworm summon could be used for an "Oath"... *hint hint* A lot of great possibilities with the Necromancer job.
Old Project Ideas /
December 02, 2009, 03:50:52 am
Paladin/Defender - everything works great except for Hibernate. Never really used that skill imho and I feel something better could be used for it in its stead. Maybe a weak Holy attack spell with an AOE? (<---Sort of inspired from Cecil in his Paladin form in Dissidia, with his "Searchlight" attack.)

Berserker: Valid point about innate Blind and Attack Up. An ability should be crafted to make the Berserk status a self-targeting ability. In my personal patch, I edited Ramza's Scream/Shout ability to be an auto self-targeting Berserk/Protect/Atheist status ability. Maybe for the Berserker an ability crafted as self-targeting Berserk/Protect/Haste could be implemented, something like 'Mad Rush' from FFVIII which was one of the abilities the Guardian Force Ifrit had in his disposal. Whether or not the Atheist status should be implemented is up for judgment.

In terms of its stats, I feel that they should have low/moderate HP to accentuate their low defense (which FFT has no real statistic for; traditionally Berserkers have high HP), extremely high attack power, moderate to high speed and evade, and pitifully low MP, MA and Magic Defense.

As for their abilities, a couple can be extracted from the Berserker class from FFX-2 (wikia page elaborating on their abilities). They have a skill that depletes the enemy's HP down by half, one that deals high attack damage but has low accuracy and a couple of status attacks. I bet something can be made from this list, and much more.

Also, if someone can elaborate on what the berserk bug is by any chance, please elaborate on it as I'm unaware that there was a bug in the first place.
Old Project Ideas /
December 01, 2009, 11:24:59 pm
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"In FFIII, Dragoons could equip Shields along with their Spears.  I believe Kain could in IV too.
Speaking of which, Kain could equip spears, axes, and I think some swords.  I'm wanting to think Spears were the most effective weapon type for Jumping, but I could be wrong.

In most localizations of Lancers/Dragoons in Final Fantasy, spear-wielders can also equip shields with their spears. I'm just saying if spears get a boost in their WP or have an added effect in their place, a forced 2 Hands could be an application to balance them out. Of course, I'm also in league of wanting axes to be 1H/2H (not 2 swordable) and without the random damage formula, so you might see my logic as being somewhat out of bounds. :P

Kain could equip light swords, but not Knightswords in IV. And I believe Jump got a boost with spears in IV as well.

Quote from: "SilvasRuin"Oh, and if one removes the break abilities from FFT's Knight, Paladin/Defender would be a prime candidate for Disarm (break weapon).

This. Especially in FFT 1.3 and their other adaptations when broken equipment are returned to the Fur Shop for a cost. A simple textual change with Tactext.

And I also believe having Defender separate from Paladin sounds a bit silly, considering they both do the same thing with the exception of one being more defensive while the other is more curative/offensive.
Archives /
December 01, 2009, 10:52:18 pm
Quote from: "Kokojo"Swicthing the 2 lucky will be pretty difficult... Lucky 7 deals  low damage if it hits 2-3 times, but very high damage if it hits 7 times.... and it has a good JP and MP cost for it's usefullness.

Well, if Lucky Star had formula 5E with a *sure* 3-hit random attack that deals decent damage, then it can work imo. I just think Lucky 7 may be a bit powerful if it's a single panel that has a chance to hit {1...7}, but if the job's MA growth/multiplier aren't too extravagant, and the formula's damage multiplier is low, then it's fine by me.
Mercenaries Spriting Forum /
December 01, 2009, 10:36:30 pm
The turban looks very oblong to me. Maybe it's too ovalish and it doesn't give definition to her scalp as much as I would appreciate. Also, does her brow above the left eye seem to be covering one pixel too much, or is it just me?

Anyway, really nice portrait. Can't wait to see her with a mouth veil.
Old Project Ideas /
December 01, 2009, 10:19:10 pm
Seems like I missed quite a discussion. :?
Spam /
November 29, 2009, 06:55:13 pm
You forgot to mention "stick" as one of the essential ingredients.
Archives /
November 29, 2009, 06:43:15 pm
Yeah, Hexblade works great as a name for the skillset. Hint hint.
Archives /
November 29, 2009, 06:41:21 pm
Agrias redux is the female Luck Conjurer? D:

Lucky 7 sounds really powerful, and Lucky Star somewhat underpowered. Maybe switch the number of times they hit with each other? Like Lucky 7 will have a self-auto AOE of 2 that hits seven times, and Lucky Star will be a single target ranged spell that hits three times (both at random from {1...X}).
Archives /
November 29, 2009, 06:30:58 pm
"Slash Legs," "Bland Swipe" and "Violent Slash" confuse me. How does giving them a Y of 1 do when their formulas don't have any involvement in the equation?

And some of ability names for the Khingts skillset could use some work, since they're so experimented. :P

Bland Swipe -> Subdued Blow / Subdue
Violent Slash -> Blind Swipe