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Messages - Twinees

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Can't wait :_:
November 06, 2016, 07:19:03 am
Also think about what characters have complicated designs! Gilgamesh for example has extremely intricate clothing. I usually tend to avoid pixelling those characters unless I can simplify them. Monsters take much longer than human sprites to make as well.

But that doesn't mean myself and the team haven't done some cool looking shit.

I did not make this.

Hacking/Patching Tools / Re: ISO Manager v1.00b
September 29, 2016, 05:20:31 am
Awesome stuff! Great work Xifanie!
Hacking/Patching Tools / Map Editor: Ganesha v0.75
September 07, 2016, 10:48:43 am

Ganesha v0.75 is hErE!!

Once again, credit to Gomtuu for creating Ganesha and Twinees for doing past updates.
Credit again to Garmichael for working on more features and sending in bug fixes for his work from the last update!!
And of course, thanks to the community for testing things out and suggesting new features!

Here is the README update from v0.75:
- (Garmichael) Fixed an issue with importing palettes where Ganesha would only read part of the file
- (Garmichael) Changed palette editing window from having an Alpha slider to having a checkbox
- (Garmichael) You can no longer manipulate the sliders in the palette edit window with nothing selected
- Multi-Terrain Editing window is no longer able to edit Polygons, and should not result in more crashes
- Multi-Terrain Editing window is now able to properly apply Flat 0 and Natural Surface to multiple tiles at once
- Multi-Terrain Editing window will no longer set tiles to Convex NW when no slope type is selected
- Fixed a bug where using a hotkey with nothing selected would cause a crash
- (Garmichael) Added all polygons in map list to the Polygon edit window
- Camera panning has been added, use Alt-Right Click / Mouse-Wheel Click and drag

Not a huge update this time, but the frequently requested Camera Panning feature is here!
Garmichael has been putting in work on Ganesha (as you can see) so make sure you send him some thanks as well :)

Ganesha v0.75 Download

The download / install process remains the same as above, but this time I've only included the folder that has to be replaced in the ganesha-0.60 folder.

(Ganesha is also on github! If you have suggestions and/or bug reports, please note them on the Issues page of the project here: https://github.com/JustinMarshall98/Ganesha or send me a private message on the site, or join our Discord and reach out to us there!)


Hey everyone. A couple of months ago I decided to have a look at the source code for Ganesha (original program made by Gomtuu) and see if I could fix any of the underlying problems, but mainly my goal was to add colour. Well, I finished that after a couple of days, and added a couple of new features. And now I'm finally uploading it after several requests.

Ganesha is now in COLOUR!

The only downside to the program now being in colour is the loading and import speed. Currently it will lag a fair bit, due to my dodgy implementation of code, however it was and still is the only way I can think of implementing it. But in the long run it saves much more time having to continuously import, or test ingame or with map2gl!

While I was there, I decided to implement some other functions as well.

Some of the new features in Ganesha 0.72:
  • Did I mention colour?
  • It is now possible to move the entire map in one button press (note: do not move into negative zones due to terrain values!). Simply press 'u' to open the menu
  • Rotate Face and Rotate about Vertex buttons in the polygon edit window
  • Fixed layout, per request
  • Added -20 and +20 buttons for the UV movement, per request

Well, I hope you like the new Ganesha. It was a lot of effort but definitely worth it! Enjoy  :cool:

Download Ganesha 0.72 HERE

Installation instructions:
        Step 1: Follow all steps HERE
        Step 2: Unzip ganesha-0.72.rar
        Step 3: Copy the folder inside ganesha-0.72 called ganesha-0.6 (I did not change the name of this folder for a reason! Leave it as ganesha-0.6).
        Step 4: Paste it to the location of ganesha-0.6 (The normal location is most likely Program Files) and let it overwrite the files!

And done, you should be able to run Ganesha normally through the shortcut that was made during your initial installation (hence why we don't change the folder name ;))

Lastly a big thanks to Gomtuu for creating the vanilla program that I was able to slightly decipher and get something more out of it. All props to you!
Help! / Re: Need help with sprites.. I'm a noob..
August 07, 2016, 07:57:07 am
FFT sprites use 16 colour palettes to determine how they appear ingame. Each row is each palette the sprite can use.

The first row of the palette is the 16 colour palette for the first sprite palette. The 9th row of the palette is the first 16 colour palette for the portrait. Your current set up won't work. That's why the bmp is all messed up when you inserted it. Have a look at the vanilla sprite palette for Ramza and tutorials on the forums please.
Bugs and Suggestions / Re: Ganesha suggestions
July 15, 2016, 10:40:47 am
Ramza's beard.
Hi White Knight Wiegraf,
Sorry for the late reply, I only just noticed your problem! (Might not want to bump a 6 year old thread next time though! :P)

I ran some tests and I also came across your issue, that particular tile reads as a 'None' value (hence why its saying it should expect a type of 'int'). I found the code mentioned and managed to brute force the slope type to Flat 0 for that particular tile (1,1) (which is what it should be?). Please check your private messages for the fixed version.

Hope this helped!
It's fine Nyzer, don't worry about it haha. We're all working hard behind the scenes on things we can't talk about. But the rerelease is gonna be great and chapter 2 will be just as great. I think this is my first post on this thread? I've been working on the pixel art aspect of the mod along with Lijj and others and I'm really happy with the result of everything. Expect some updates to portraits and some new sprites when the rerelease comes out!
The Duplicate Addon had a small bug where the texture palette did not copy over properly, I found the relevant code and fixed it. Full credits still go to lirmont, all I did was change a small mistake of "page" to "palette".
Spriting / Re: Luiakyn's(Omnir's) Sprites
March 15, 2016, 11:27:23 am
I like all the custom poses and animations you've done for Duma. They look great. The horns on the back view frames are good and pretty consistent, I still get the feeling that the horns are lopsided on the front view though, I think I mentioned that a long time ago. Not a big fan of the palette at the moment, particularly the reds but that is easily changeable if you are inclined to do so. Good luck on the rest of the sprite touch ups!
My wholehearted advice is to bench the Deis sprite for now and come back to it another time. I definitely think that you will be able to improve it once you have a bit more experience.
I'd offer more help but I've got my own sprite related stuff to do for Jot5.

The skin palette should always have 8 colours (at minimum of 7 if you are in need of an extra colour).
Her neck should start a couple more pixels towards her chin. Use references! Lijj set up the megaref sheet particularly for this type of thing. If you look closely around the necks of some of the (mostly) female necks, you'll notice they show some collar bone/start of shoulders. Trying to add this may improve it as well (look at the female mediator, thief and geomancer!). And it will help you define the palette!
You did a good job with using the brown colour with the purple pallette section, but once you add the black (#302828 or in graphics gale I think its R/G/B:48/40/40) you can use that instead of the brown.

Hopefully that will give you a decent start for the portrait.

Oh and also try custom face poses/directions later :P.
Quote from: Valkirst on February 23, 2016, 05:52:58 pm
Yeah Spriting is a very different animal from drawing or painting, the basics are there but I love the challenge of it. 

That's great that you are enjoying yourself, keep at it.

I wouldn't say keep the body static, just something needs to be done so the tail isn't flailing :P. Maybe look at how the Lamia's animation from ffta, ffta2 or ffxii:revenant wings is done. Might help with some ideas. I think they only have 3 frames however, they have an animation cycle of 1-2-3-2-1 which suits the fft animation cycle (1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1).
To create a proper snake slither you would need a cycle of 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5 etc. which isn't possible unfortunately.

Another thing you could mess around with is the position of her head and the size of her breasts. Right now, it looks like she is leaning back a fair amount, and the size of the breasts isn't helping that haha :P. She doesn't need to be flat-chested, they just need to be a little smaller I think. Let us know how it goes~
Hey Valkirst,

The animation is a little bit odd, its not really possible to make the slither of a snake in an animation that goes forwards and backwards. So the tail kind of looks like its flailing all over the place. But I'd rather talk about the sprite itself.
The angle seems strange compared to other sprites due to the position of the hands, the long thin face and the height of her hair.
I made a quick edit to show you what I mean about the face and hair:

Getting the angle right is really important! And then shading comes afterwards. I really recommend going back and messing with some vanilla type 1 or 2 sprites so you can get used to the shading. What you've got now is alright, but I think you can improve it quite a bit! Good luck.
Spriting / Re: Dark Maeko's Sprite attempts
February 07, 2016, 08:08:03 am
Hey DarkMaeko.

I'm going to have a differing opinion of a lot of people here, but I don't think the Golbez sprite looks great. There are a couple of problems with it that I'd like to point out.

- The old Blue and Gold palette looked better than the current Black and Red, but they both aren't good, and are hiding flaws in your shading. The black colours in particular are making it look really flat. Two of your red colours are at 100% saturation, that is a big no no! Grab colours from existing FFT sprites and you will be able to see the issues I will be mentioning. Just remember, that when you are trying to make a sprite fit into a game, making the palette similar can go a long way in achieving that.

- The chest and back are really flat. The back in particular. You'd be better off adding a cape to hide the whole back frames like Golbez normally has.

- The darkest black colour you are using/shadows around the chest and arms makes it look like he bigger than intended or look like he has a small cape sometimes.

- The front and back view legs are probably the worst part to be honest. The yellow/red cloth in the middle has weird shading and the current colours you are using don't help with the look of that. But the dots on the legs are basically indecipherable. It's just a continuous pattern of a bright yellow and slightly darker yellow, it's extremely jarring.

Harsh critiques maybe, but getting critiques like this will help you identify areas you need to improve on and will help you in the long run. I would recommend sticking with smaller sprites until you get used to the shading style. Also getting accustomed to the colour palettes used in FFT will help greatly. You used FFT colours in the Artorias sprite which was great and it turned out okay.

Anyway, that's all for today. Keep improving, stick with smaller sprites for now and come back to Golbez at a later time. :)
Quote from: Elric on July 10, 2013, 05:05:55 pm
Ranger Female      TYPE 1      Kagebunji / Concept by Twinees & Kagebunji

And then the portrait for Lightning is once again mine :P
Quote from: haywire13579 on August 26, 2015, 09:12:09 am
There is nothing about JOT5 that I did not love. Exept when chapter 1 was over. Awaiting the re-release and chapter 2 with ever growing anticipation.

And I'd just like to quickly say that all the people working on JoT5, myself included, really love to see these type of comments because this is what keeps us going! And... it allows us to continuously smile (like Elric's portrait)!
The colours look great, it should definitely fit well/blend in-game!

Still have to work out the kinks with the front diagonal view though. In my previous edit I mentioned that the head looked weird once I moved it, and I realise now it was because of the eye positioning on the head. If you move the eyes down by one pixel you'll have more head room which is a good thing (look at Delita and Orlandu for reference). Also, have a look at Rafa and Malak on how the eyes should look like there are small very minor differences which will get the angle looking better. Actually, take a look at a lot of different FFT sprite eyes and you'll see the differences between each, its good to learn :P

References are really important! I've said it before but you'll understand why after a while! They apply to all the few nitpicks coming up.

And then there are only a couple of small nitpicks left, like on the critical frame (crouching down) his eyes should be two pixels tall. Check both casting animation frames (no open mouth on one of the front views and the back views don't have hair updates like you've done with the other parts).

Otherwise cool! I'm seeing the improvement, good job.
I don't think so reversebustersword.
Here you go~