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Messages - Celdia

Classy of the candidates to not vote for themselves.

Eternal gets my vote.
That's great, philsov. I, too, want a sandwich.
I just spent hours reading this whole thread and watching all the links videos and perusing the wiki links, etc.

Wow. Just wow. I am astounded by some of the content here. Almost every reason I don't mix well with religious people is displayed here in its *finest* form.

But I think Asmo's post on page 10 wins this whole thread. :D
1) Split the patch into two? (One patch for Chapter One/Two, another for Chapter Three/Four)

  • Yes
[ ] No

Big yes, here. There's just so much potential for that extra space.

2) Keep increased item costs?

  • Yes
[ ] No

Forget 1000 for the Phoenix Downs. Hell, forget 2000. Make 'em 3000!   :?:

4) Welcome Luso and/or Cloud to your party?

[ ] Yes
  • No

Nothing really against Luso or Cloud but they have nothing to do with the game itself. They were added in as fun little easter eggs and I'm all in favor of that kind of idea but there's no reason to limit it to Cloud, Luso or even Balthier. I say if you're going to use the template for their events to have new characters join late game (which is its own kind of annoying unless they come in already leveled up) then put in your own custom characters instead of the ones that have been used before.

5) Innate Weapon Guard (Parry) on all?

[] Yes
  • No
  • Both

While playing there have been more than a few times where I have wished this was available on a character or two but on reflection that's because I just wanted far too much in a single character. If you can apply this to just a few classes that it makes sense to give it to, that seems sensible. If your only option is to give it to everyone, then don't.

6) Use the Defend decreasing damage ASM?

[ ] Yes
  • No

Elitist sort of answer, but if people can't figure out a way to set up their game to get around this ASM causing a crash, fuck 'em.

7) Enemy Level Scaling: Yay or Nay?

  • Yes
[ ] No

Level scaling is always a great option because it is just too easy to grind away for a bit and then blow away everything in your path. I don't think any of us around here want a total cakewalk of a patch.
Spam / Re: The saddest thread
August 04, 2010, 03:41:50 pm
And nothing of value was lost...
The Lounge / Re: Reconnecting with old friends.
June 05, 2010, 02:47:35 pm
Hi Hanners. I didn't even know you frequented this place.
Quote from: "Eternal248"*pictures*

Oooh, shiny! I like.
Just decided to put this together for anyone playing this that wanted a Mime: despite Mime needing Job Level 3 for all Non-Bard/Non-Dancer Classes, unlocking them all requires more than that on a few different classes. So here's the REAL level listing for unlocking Mime.

Onion Knight 3
Scholar 3
Hunter 4
Black Mage 5
White Mage 5
Knight 4
Monk 5
Geomancer 4
Thief 5
Dragoon 3
Ninja 3
Samurai 3
Time Mage 4
Enchanter 4
Mediator 3
Summoner 3
Oracle 3
FFT: Parted Ways / Re: FFT: Newtype
April 19, 2010, 12:34:14 am
Yeay, you posted it! Now other people can suffer as I've suff....er...uh... I mean ENJOY this wonderful patch!

No, seriously, its fun stuff. Good work, Eternal! ^_^
Spriting /
June 15, 2009, 04:24:40 pm
The 'Gold' sprite makes me think of Ryoga from Ranma 1/2. Now I'm wondering if that's who its supposed to be or not.
Spriting /
May 27, 2009, 10:23:16 am
FF1 was the best of the series. Without it we wouldn't have all the greatness (and occasional not greatness) that came to follow. All of you should be FF1 fanboys (or fangirls as the case may be.)
Spriting /
May 25, 2009, 09:38:16 am
They look very nice, Vanya. I totally approve of Tiamat making an FFT appearance. ^_^
Spriting /
May 08, 2009, 09:42:36 pm
Your avatar makes me feel better about mine for not being the worst edit on the board.
Spam /
April 26, 2009, 04:00:20 am
I know I'm late to the party here but I'd like to point this out from the top of Page 8 in this thread.

Quote from: "SentinalBlade"This is magitek all over again, only more subtle and not littered with empty threats.

SB is the next Nostradamus! *stands back in awe*
Spam /
April 18, 2009, 07:39:40 pm
Quote from: "Zalge"
Quote from: "Voldemort"have sex

..at least this is the least likely to bother other patrons and the staff should be well acquainted with anything left behind from it.
Spam /
April 18, 2009, 07:19:45 pm

I work in a hotel and I pity the staff at wherever you're staying.
Spriting /
April 13, 2009, 03:13:09 am
I opened those expecting some kind of eyesore and was pleasantly surprised. I even liked the yellow and that's a color I generally don't care for at all. Good selections.
Spriting /
April 09, 2009, 02:55:21 am
Are those the normal sprites for her down-facing direction? I never noticed how manly her arms looked like that.
Spriting /
April 09, 2009, 02:32:29 am
Interesting idea all around. I agree with Cheetah though; short is interesting though I like the long better...and that edit to the body makes her look wrong. Not feminine but more like she has HUGE pectorals instead of boobs at all.
Spriting /
April 06, 2009, 06:40:35 pm
Very interesting looking work. Would be amazing to see things like this actually put into a game. I can see Ramza struggling while hanging from that chain.