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Messages - KingUrameshi

Played a little bit of KH 1 and I did enjoy it but how I long for the days of world ending, space faring adventure that were the older FF games. And I don't know about anyone else but the game over screen for Chrono Trigger with "the future refused to change" and the world ending in 1999 scared the holy living s**t out of me when I was a kid.

Big ups to Enix on Valkyrie Profile also, still one of my favorite games ever.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Re-Release Info and Changes
September 05, 2015, 01:36:52 pm
Quote from: RJ Cid on September 05, 2015, 10:45:00 am
Two suggestions for ability animations in Dante and Link:

Could Link's whirlwind strike animation look similar to the Bull Demon's (the actual name escapes me) spin ability? Maybe remove the lightning and have it spin around once with a blue palatte instead of the red? It is his only sword ability, afterall.

I second this and was actually expecting it when I played Ch.1.
Quote from: Xifanie on September 05, 2015, 11:18:34 am
But SquareEnix is no such company, and would rather toss a Cease & Desist at anyone who uses their copyrighted materials for anything, because their layers claim it would reduces their sales. ¯\(°_o)/¯

Yeah Squeenix died about ten years ago for me. FF 10 was good but in my opinion almost everything they have done since is terrible. Stop overloading my games with kiddie anime BS and get back to the serious world shaking games they were good at.

I still remember the email I got from Square asking me if I would want Disney in my Final Fantasy and I said HELL NO! That was the beginning of the end for them. Watered down kiddie BS.
I think the developers are trying to keep this gem on the downlo. When things get popular they tend to get ruined. I might be wrong about that though.
Quote from: KingUrameshi on April 08, 2015, 05:28:32 pm
Link with black magic as the Hero of time is a juggernaut. And Snake is gonna make one hell of a thief.

Gonna repost this as I feel its a good choice. Link in the HoT class with Black Magic is down right awesome. Granted his faith may not be the best but the shear versatility you can have with him is awesome. Bow skills and the occasional black magic gives him excellent range and power, just try to fight the urge of using him as a pure melee fighter.
Quote from: leal2020 on August 26, 2015, 01:31:24 pm
hello I am Brazilian and fan fft jorney of the five, I'm very curious to know when the chapter 2 will be released appreciate any information you give me :D

I asked this question a few weeks ago and I don't think much has changed. This is probably the closest thing that can answer your question.

To answer the question about release. As I always say, there is no way to predict that until we are in bug testing phase.

Currently we are reworking the items in the game (which we already did once, but as making more slight changes due to finding some old resources that were assumed lost) to work well with the upgraded synth shop. It's going to add a big new mechanic to the game and because we are who we are, it has to be perfect, professionalism and Perfection is the biggest thing we strive for as it becomes less of a mod and more of its own game. The plus side of this is that once done, it'll be setup for the entire game (though of course 90% of everything will be dummied out of the re'release so none of ya'll can spoil my fun)
Quote from: Elric on August 26, 2015, 11:55:12 am
I have it on my SNES. However I don't remember enough about it to really do so. Truth be told, the entire idea behind marks came from Arc the Lad 2 :P.

Ogre Battle had some unique job classes like Terror Knight and Lich. Would be cool to see some stuff like that. Do what you guys feel is right, really looking forward to all the work you guys are doing as this is probably the most anticipated game for me along side some indie stuff like Americana Dawn and Chasm. You guys are the best, always courteous and hard working.
Hey don't' hesitate to put some Tactics Ogre stuff in it. :more:
Any ideas floating around for a chapter 3 or 4 yet.
So just noticed at the top of the page it says not to use epsxe. I downloaded chapter one and played it through to the end with no noticeable problems on that emulator. Will playing on epsxe really stop me from enjoying this game upon re-release or chapter 2?
LOL, just looked up Segata Sanshiro. Why they never ported those commercials to America I will never know, they wouldn't even have to change any of it and Saturn would have done much better. You guys need to put him in this game, I am totally "cereal" about this. JK  :mrgreen:
Cactuar is in the insanely derpy hack as an enemy class and had some interesting moves but proved not to be a threat as you got further into the game. I don't suggest you play the insanely derpy hack unless you want to throw your computer out a second story window, really it is broken as hell and requires very specific setups to get through it.
Here I am (the royal pain in the ass) bothering you for another update. Looks like chapter 1 re-release is nearing completion and should be out sometime next month, which tells me that the chapter 2 release will most likely be around December. Any ideas concerning this, thaaaanks.  :D
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
June 27, 2015, 08:44:57 pm
It is hard to want to change the base classes especially on a first play through but ultimately necessary if just to make the game good. I think people who want to do a base class run through might want to change focus to a game like Vandal Hearts or Shining Force which are more linear.

It always pissed me off in Tactics that I could only use one reaction or support ability at a time. Imagine if we and the CPU could use two or three different ones at once. If the developers would have done that this game would be a million times better with almost infinite possibilities for combat. Its stupid how something so minor could completely change the game.
Please do not spoil too much as I have a habit of studying every screen meticulously.  :mrgreen:
News / Re: Transfer to a new server
April 24, 2015, 12:42:05 pm
Your back. You guys were down for about a week or two and I didn't know what to do with myself. Glad to see everything is up and running again. Can't wait to see the community start posting again.
I think the Marks system is a great place for extreme challenge. With a LOT more marks it might make sense to lower the difficulty. I am still playing chapter one (restarted after I didn't like how my characters were turning out) and have unlocked a good amount of skills and still run into a problem about 40% of the time were I get my ass flat out handed to me. Working on barius valley now against more than three enemies.

The game would be extremely boring if most of the battles were easy though. As it stands now to get through the entire game (through chapter 4) would take a very long time due to battle difficulty.
Link with black magic as the Hero of time is a juggernaut. And Snake is gonna make one hell of a thief.
I am doing a second run of chapter one and am concentrating on opening as many jobs as possible. I fear I might over level greatly to get some good skills and jobs. I am focusing on monk, knight and black magic and feel that these skills on multiple characters can make fights like the Lamia and Turtles possible.

The only problems I have run into is when the beast master is present and gives his allies reraise, regen, protect, shell or being turned to stone by squids. Maybe nerf that slightly (regen). Its very balanced outside some exclusive fights but the five of the same enemy battles are drawn out and boring and require immense grinding. I would like more strategic variety with weak enemy types supported by strategic allies and terrain settings which come together to present a challenge.
I know I am probably being a pain but how soon until chapter 2 is released. I need my fix man.  :shock: