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Messages - Otabo

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 25, 2014, 07:47:41 pm
Wow, reinoe, dude. What did I ever do to you to deserve that one? :D Last Hurrah always loses to tanky immortal teams that use Quickening + Slow Dance. I mean, that's like a given.

Regardless, thanks for the match, CT5.
FFT Arena / Re: When Do You Scrap A Team
February 24, 2014, 04:34:51 pm
5 main reasons I scrap a team:

1) I just don't like their overall performance.
2) If they can't win matches even against poorly constructed teams.
3) When I have no idea of how to improve the team.
4) I stop caring about the team in general/not worth the time to fix it.
5) When I reach my limit of teams. I cap myself to a limit of 20 teams (right now I've got 19.)

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 20, 2014, 11:47:28 am
Quote from: Rouroni Elmdor on February 20, 2014, 08:57:20 am
a lot to note of a lot of teams, but i'll focus on one, the weirdest of them all of course!

i will start by mentioning that i generally disapprove of any team that starts with a defensive objective, however, despite "i will make a team that can tank anything" usually being not such a great idea, there is potential for a seriously strong team. i saw that quickening squire got a repel knife, good call. she's still somewhat awkward in my opinion, but now her 16 speed actually MEANS something. good job. the pally, though not bad, would probably be more effective as a monk. he doesn't really do damage, which is fine his job is to tank, but so is everybody else on your team. at least with a chakra band you'll be able to cover as many statuses if not more, and martial arts can give you a decent chakra (which u need badly) and you can actually dish out some damage. i like your team, oddly as it posses things i generally don't like, just needs.... damage.. or a frog or petrify or something lethal. yes, your team uses death sentence, however cursed ring, the most commonly used item in the game, nulls that. on a team that has a "tank anything" basis, this should definitely be addressed. i suggest raise 2 for obvious reasons. please don't delete them! i wanna see them become something scary, because it's weird, different and potentially very effective.

Edit: I'm sorry if i'm coming off as rude, that's not my intention. I actually love your team and would steals them in a heartbeat! Your paladin is perfectly fine and as matches have shown, a crucial part of your strategy. I just think that jp usage is more efficient on a monk while fulfilling the same role. oddly enough, being a monk actually FREES up some equip for you, quite a rarity. While revive, stigma magic and secret fist are all conveniently there so you can do other things with your secondary. focusing on hp restoration instead of evade and opening a new doorway to your offence is crucial to making it the versatile, tanky team as intended. 

-- 3 reasons why i don't like refute --

1. Low chance to hit. comparatively to other status removal, refute has a very low chance to hit. in some cases where a stigma magic would do the trick, a refute is used and missed and CT5Holy gets sad.

2. Can target enemies. Seems an odd reason to not like it, but it will target haste, making it probably the first thing your unit will do. every time a refute is used to remove haste, a slow 2 hits 3 units and reminds us how fragile we all are. though i'm not against using refute for the purpose of removing an enemies' buff, but i think of how i want my team to behave in the first 3 rounds or so (after that all bets are off) and refute generally doesn't make the cut of things i want to happen. just make sure chaos blade, refute or dispel is a crucial and functioning part of your strategy. refute is not a willy-nilly ability.

3. will remove positive buffs. well yeah. she got rid of poison but i'll have to waste another turn hasting you. if you use masamune (or anything with positive buffs for that matter) do yourself a favor and don't use refute. stigma magic, esuna is just fine.

4. It cancels charging/singing & dancing. Worst part about that is that AI targets your own units that happen to be charging or singing/dancing. Which is just silly.

Seeing this, I sorta kinda miss seeing Deathspell 2/Dispel 2. Or whatever that spell was called that cancelled positive statuses in an AoE.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 20, 2014, 02:56:24 am
Seriously? I thew that charm team together in like 5 minutes and it was that effective? Granted there was compat issues floating around, but still. 70-80% charms? LOL. Also, that 300-something damage staff whack. Serious note though, I totally forgot that Quickening doesn't work with Focus, but works with Accumulate. Guess I gotta look at that.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 18, 2014, 03:13:11 pm
Quote from: ShadowDragon15 on February 18, 2014, 02:26:46 pm
That was horrendous. My Wind Walkers are fools. I'm not going to change them, but something is messed up with their AI minds. There are 3 of them with reviving abilities, and none of them were really used. they kept attacking, so I'm pretty confused. Again, not going to do any changing, but that kind of urks me.

They really couldn't do much to begin with, to be perfectly honest with you. Your revivers got quickly locked down with status, then killed off, and the ninja was ignored, allowing him to get free damage and don't act procs in. Even if they could do something, your team had no way to deal with the summoner, besides normal melees from the scholar and samurai, and even then, the summoner could've just healed that damage forever thanks to Move-MP Up. I personally think that the team needs a backup source of damage and/or Steal Accessory and/or Head Break (probably both actually) to deal with units running Magic Ring/Thief Hat as both are very common (Thief Hat especially).
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 18, 2014, 12:32:09 pm
ShadowDragon15 (Wind Walkers) vs. Barren (Change of Pace)

Gonna record more matches on Thursday or Friday.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
February 03, 2014, 04:57:08 pm
Quote from: ShadowDragon15 on February 03, 2014, 04:17:18 pm
For Strong Foundation, I wanted to use Brick as a decoy, he was slow, I realized that, so I put a ton of evasion on him, just so that He would continue to live. and then he would have a consistent chance of phoenix downing a priest.

Problem with that is - he actually won't because he effectively has 4 speed and the priests have base 8 speed (10 if hasted), meaning they'll get two turns to his one, and if they move too far away, he can't even catch up to them to attempt to do his job (especially if the map is large). Not to mention he can't get hasted. In fact, the AI won't even go for him until last because one, he has 450+ HP and two, the rest of the team consists of a Cursed Ring unit, and two squishy priests that don't do anything besides run up and get themselves killed. So the AI of course is going to go for them first. If you want a decoy, it actually needs to do something to attract the AI and make it target him. He'd probably be better off as a thief with quickening or something. If you plan to keep Item + Phoenix Blade on him, he needs a way to deal with the auto-slow and attempt to keep up with the rest of the team. It's like Barren said, Phoenix Blade is only good on certain team comps.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 30, 2014, 06:41:16 pm
The rivalry continues.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 23, 2014, 10:43:18 pm
Cute how my whole team died in a nice little T formation at the end there.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
January 23, 2014, 03:23:28 pm
Quote from: Barren on January 23, 2014, 12:25:20 pm
I like to bring up (even though I'm sure its been brought up before) positives and negatives of Cursed Rings. Its going to be a brief list since I don't usually type winded posts. So here we go:

Positives: Negates Holy. Absorbs Dark. Plus 1 stats on PA, MA and speed. Ways to block fire weakness i.e. Black Costume, Flame Shield, White Robe and Crystal Shield. Effective on melee units that are for DPS. Full heal with Death spell and Demi 1/2 healing since both are dark elemental. Always comes back. Can find ways to prevent other weaknesses though not everything. And finally can make for entertaining matches (see lightninghax firmly grasp it vs dokurider bomb squad).

Negatives: OU. Can be killed with potions and raise 1/2. Any fire attacks will hurt if weakness not covered. Petrified with seal evil, ancient sword or petrify spell from Oracle skillset. Can be stolen with steal accessory. Can be killed with consecration (though it rarely happens anymore). And finally can drag on matches or end quicker than you would desire.

So why am I bringing this up? Well to simply point out that Cursed Ring is too good of an accessory since its basically OU. hey ran rampant in the last tournament and people are still using Cursed Rings. I think it should be revamped somehow (unless people are happy the way cursed rings are of course). It was just something that I thought about for a long time and while I too am guilty of using a cursed ring team I can personally attest to the fact that while its good, it seems now getting old to the point where we've seen strategies using cursed ring before. Hopefully next release (whenever that will be) will have significant changes to Cursed Ring. I'm not saying don't use it ever but think if you really need to use Cursed Ring on your team

I'm glad this is being brought up. I agree - Cursed Ring right now is a big problem that needs to be addressed. In my opinion, the problem with Cursed Ring is the fact that it has very little drawbacks to use it. Well, that plus Immune: Crystal and the fact that it comes with 6 other stats that help the unit. When used correctly with the right combination of equips and/or R/S/M, and if it's the right type of unit, the positives far outweigh the negatives. And when you add skills like Quickening to the equation and it gets even more powerful. Cursed Ring simply does not punish the player enough to use it. I, too, have teams that use Cursed Ring, and know how powerful it really is.

Compare it to Phoenix Blade. Phoenix Blade is similar to Cursed Ring. Yeah, it has auto-reraise, but Phoenix Blade isn't used nearly as much as Cursed Ring thanks to its auto-slow. The auto-slow alone hurts the unit for having it equipped, and as we should all know by now, slow is very powerful in Arena and no one wants a slowed unit in a match as it gives the other team a distinct advantage. Not to mention that only a few classes can use the Phoenix Blade (without having to use Equip Light Blade, anyway), and all of those classes (except Thief) are base 8 speed units. And if that wasn't crippling enough, the unit is also immune to Haste. Two devastating drawbacks for the Phoenix Blade's auto-reraise stat makes it balanced.

Cursed Ring, though? Useable by anyone. This includes thieves, which are probably one of the best users of Cursed Ring. What devastating side effect does it have? It has none. Auto-undead doesn't really count; sure you can get one-shotted by Raise 2, but you can build a team to work around that; drain the caster's MP, status him/her, kill him/her; there's plenty of ways. Weak: Fire sure as hell doesn't count; as you mentioned, plenty of ways to work around it very easily. So it might as well not be there period.

My point is, Cursed Ring doesn't have any drawbacks to using it. Auto-undead and Weak: Fire doesn't cut it for all the stats it gives. Either there needs to be a crippling drawback(s) to use it, ala Phoenix Blade, or it needs to lose Immune: Crystal. That's my two cents on the matter. The fact that it virtually has no drawbacks has made it a go-to accessory for some teams. There's a reason why I've said in the past the Cursed Ring is one of the dumbest things in Arena.

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 21, 2014, 06:07:07 pm

First two teams: Ugh, spellgun teams are so boring. Especially when two are against each other. Nothing exciting about this match.

Second two teams: This one was more interesting, at least rounds 2 and 3, anyway. Also, I'm glad I'm not alone about summoners. Breathe on a summoner and she dies. Also agree about the Cursed Ring usage.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 20, 2014, 03:33:09 pm

Reason why I gave the thief Meatbone Slash was because I didn't have enough JP for anything else useful really. Though, I could have given him HP Restore if I took Chakra from him. Anyway, GG Fenire. Not even Weapon Break (which is this team's real weakness) was enough. I do admit, the thief did some work and so did charm. Might take Counter off the monk and give it to the thief, though, then stick monk with something else. Slow 2 helped out some, too.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 18, 2014, 09:42:16 pm
Quote from: silentkaster on January 18, 2014, 09:10:07 pm
Nice match Otabo. Your status team is crazy good.

Thanks. It's decent. It just needs more damage options besides poison and stabbity stab knife damage, lol. Though it does its job quite well. Might look into giving the archer a longbow or something. GG.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 18, 2014, 06:08:56 pm
Quote from: silentkaster on January 18, 2014, 05:39:13 pm
LMAO, loved the music for the second round...laughed so hard the whole time. GG shadowdragon15...my only problem was with my Monk...I was like...hello you keep singing without MP and it's not woooorrrrrkkkiiiinng. You have Chakra...but no he was too busy silently singing for that to work :P I wonder how to fix that? *shrug* GG

And here I thought I would never see someone run jumping Priests in Arena. Props to you! :D

Anyway, about the whole singing without MP issue. Yeah, the AI has a bad habit of being dumb like that. Although it knows it has the ability to restore its own MP, it won't until the unit decides that it needs to use Chakra to heal HP. It's similar to how units under Death Sentence with access to Reraise sometimes won't use Reraise on themselves even if they know they're dead in two turns. The AI in general is picky about MP restoration when it comes to Chakra/Ether/Hi-Ether. That's one reason why a singer should run something like Absorb MP, MP Restore or Move-MP Up; something to restore their MP indirectly without having the singer having to stop singing. That's why you see most dedicated full time singers or some Lore users run Absorb MP to keep their MP up without having them worrying about MP restoration, especially if they happen to be immobile units. Dancers/units running Dance secondary have this same problem as well, but restoring a dancer's MP is a bit trickier, and I won't get into that here.

On the other hand, if said singer knows Carbuncle or Angel Song, the AI will gladly take a turn to use them to restore its own MP. The AI likes using Carbuncle and Angel Song. Whichever you want depends on if you want the gradual effect with Angel Song or a more immediate effect with Carbuncle, and of course, on your team needs as a whole.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 18, 2014, 01:38:50 am
Quote from: Rouroni Elmdor on January 18, 2014, 12:47:57 am
bahahahaha! that was intense. thanks, ct5 holy, you were right i meant right :P appreciate that.

man, that damage. i was more afraid of berserking one of those units. GG otabo, i was thinking of changing the black magic mediator to item user, just for some support.

Yeah, GG. Actually, when I was making that team, I was thinking about running Genji Helmet or Salty Rage on that samurai, but then he still wouldn't be doing as much damage as the geo.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 17, 2014, 09:27:19 pm
I'm starting to like Dudes That Bring Double Trouble. Some equips/setups could be a bit better, but otherwise I like it. Now to do something about Divas. (AGAIN)...
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
January 16, 2014, 11:28:31 pm
Quote from: Rouroni Elmdor on January 16, 2014, 11:04:33 pm
yuup. summoners are great when you wanna do a lot of damage to a lot of people, without some fancy "strategy" Bahamut, i choose you!

I guess. I don't have a problem with summon magic itself, but summoner class is too damn squishy for my tastes, especially pure damage summoners. Rather run summon magic as a secondary on a scholar or a geomancer or a bard or something. But that's just me. I've never been fond of them in Arena to be honest with you.