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Messages - Heroebal

Stone gun suggestion: how about make it earth elemental and give it like quake or maybe make it like an earth slash. Formula could be PA and/or MA based. Another option is could make it like a geomancy gun.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 05, 2015, 11:18:41 am
Quote from: Rouroni Elmdor on July 05, 2015, 09:30:24 am
Thanks again for hosing matches, Behemoth! Nice to see some regular season stuff going on, and it will become more necessary as the tournament thins out. Lots of great new teams, barren seem to be drawing a lot of inspiration lately. Bunch of solid new teams on his end, herobal is putting together some decent stuff too.

GG, herobal. It'll help to give units like rock something to chew on while your team works up some statii/buffs. The mediator has some nice defensive options.

Yeah I've been tinkering with finger guard on the scholar since she has DO to fall back on when out of mp. It gives her room for like Bizen boat (but she keeps taking out the priests mp with it >.<). I've been wondering maybe an item-bot mime might be better than the priest on SFSF, but I already have one on biebes team.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 04, 2015, 12:01:50 am

I got very luck this round that none of those petrifies didn't land, that would have been gg. Usually this squad folds like a deck of cards once the mages are down (especially the priest, as scholar can't ressurect her back up). This squad has big issues with sinkhole which is why I was trying to implement short charge in the other versions. But she wasn't doing enough damage with shades with sc. Maybe SC for priest but then she'll get nuked. So maybe SC plus Setiemson?

Thanks for the info on the Quickening. I essentially had the quickening on them for when they had nothing better to do or if they were in crit status and ran off into a corner (make themselves even faster so they get back on frontlines quicker once shade heals them up). I do not want the thieves to run off into a corner I'd rather they just die so they can pop back up quicker...
I also noticed my 2nd thief is not really using kagesougi, he's pretty much opting for damage/climhazzard procs instead (I guess the ai priortizing dmg/chance to ko over status infliction).  The thieves on my team may be better served with a mixture of bad luck/steal accessory/more tons for 2nd thief instead.

Because essentially how the team works is this:
-->Start of match thieves rush forward causing as much damage/status inflicting as possible and keep the opponent's squad preoccupied as long as possible on their end of the board until the thieves hp has been extinquished. 

-->This will hopefully allow time for the scholar to set off shadow shades and the priest to buff with haste.

-->Next by the time the opposing team starts approaching the scholar/priest, they should be weakened enough from shades/thief dmg for the scholar/priest to start laying units out (especially mages) with quake/bio/demi spells.

--> If somehow that's not enough than hopefully the scholar/priest can still deal out enough damage/healing/status inflictions to buy time for the theives to wake back up (which shouldn't take long because they're fast) and start wrecking havoc again.
--> It's kind of a yo-yo or yin/yang effect until eventually the thieves overwhelm with their speed.

So far through my test runs the team has had issues with sinkhole/short charge spells (which showed in first round), status inflictions (esp petrify for the thieves and DA/silence/sleep/petrify for mages). It's why I keep going back and forth on accessories/armors trying to nullify status w/o sacrificing damage output too much. ATM I have it set up so it's ok for one mage to be silenced (scholar has DO) and the other can't get DA (priest). Although I'm thinking the priest would be better with silence protection b/c if she's DA's she will just run away. 

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 27, 2015, 11:55:53 am

Looks like I'm gonna have to put some sort of tank on there. I need to fix that bard too. I don't mind that he sings but not the whole time lol. Maybe if I take out nameless dance he won't sing as much and use more of the yin yang magic? I also think I'm gonna have to switch out death sentence on the mediator to something.

I don't think my knightitsu was a very big fan of squirejitsu , looks I should switch switch his mantle to ice absorption. I think I could need more resurrection power on one of the units, possibly the geo.
Thank You all for the help, it's working nicely now I set it to 100, 60 was too slow for my taste.
Update I have it mostly done it's playing the teams and matches & stuff. Only Problem is it's going like a 100 miles an hour.
^ ooh that could be it, I did download the latest version. I'll try the 1.6 version when I get home. Thanks for the help guys.
Quote from: Barren on June 26, 2015, 04:33:10 pm
Did you set the men card to one of the slots in your emulator? Because even if you generate the memory card correctly you still have to assign it to a slot.

Open your emulator and select config then select memory card. Pick either slot 1 or 2 and find wherever you have the .gme file then it will be read as a memory card.

I believe I did that, but is showing up as /user/desktop/Heroebal3.gme (I've also tried deleting and leaving just the /Heroebal3.gme part, still flashes). That's when I get the repeated "check memory card" message it almost seems like it's "skipping". When I switch it back to the original .001/.002 files it actually reads "no data stored" but no flashing/skipping of the message.

I'll try run it back through again later after I get out of work.
Not sure where I'm going wrong on this. What's currently happening is that when I go into the game and try to run the memory card I made it will flash "check memory card" repeatedly and that's it.

>>I believe I have it patched correctly, the game shows the fft arena logo when running.

>> I created the memory card file (Heroebal3.gme) using the fft arena memory card generator. I added my teams in there and then set the player 1 vs player 2 the way I wanted for each of the save files (I'm basically just trying to load my own teams just to see & make sure they work alright. ie Heroebal team 1 vs Heroebal team 2,etc.). I believe the teams are added correctly b/c I see them listed under the team listing tab. I tried saving and running it through the emulator as an .mcr file first, then I tried Barren's suggestion in this topc changing the settings tab in the memory card generator to .gme and then running fftastic and then saving the memory card file as .gme and then running the Heroebal3.gme that way. When I look through the Heroebal3.gme file using fftastic I see that the teams&rosters are present on the save files.

>> I copied the scus data from 4f000 to the end (from notepad removing the 'spaces' and pasted it into the iso data tab in cell A2. I've also tried just leaving the scu data the way it is as the defaulted data that comes with the generator. 

I think maybe there's something I need to do with epsxe emulator? I may have patched the bin file twice with the fft arena patch, maybe that could be it. But I would assume that the bin file would corrupted or error if that were the case.

I don't have the mime patch in there yet and atm I'm skipped putting in any teams that have mimes in it. I'm not worried about that as of right now I'd rather get it working first then worry about fixing the mime thing after.

I also tried getting a new iso but it's being listed listed as Final Fantasy Tactics [NTSC-U][SCUS-94221].bin.ecm and not just the normal bin file. Right now I'm still trying to get the original .bin file (that I downloaded last week & patched with fft arena ) to work. I also have a physical copy of the fft disc on hand.

I'm leaning towards something I need to do with the emulator because every change I have made so far has lead to the same result repeated "check memory card" flashing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I think maybe sleep is made to last longer because it's easier to undo. As all it takes is a throw stone or small whack from a weak attacking unit while the other status effects require something more specific. Charm also only takes a throw stone but that has a unit actively going against it's on team mates, but then again I don't think there is any multi-target charm abilities.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 23, 2015, 12:54:15 am
"How to tame a dragon?" is a themed team as well. The idea was for the thief to keep hitting the dragon with shadow shade to keep activating his pa save and the thiefs reaction speed save to quickily increase the pa/damage output of the dragon. ( I wanted the lore damage low so it did little damage to the dragon, just there to trigger reactions) and then the mime/bard were supposed to keep healing themselves and redistributing the hp back to the dragon to keep him upright.

However none of that works if he keeps getting one-shotted :p. I figured the lack of being able to revive the dragon would be a problem. So I have a rough draft  in the works of incorporating cursed ring on the dragon into the equation, along with koutetsu & steal heart on the thief. I guess corosar's mage had a good answer to "how to tame a dragon" you tame a dragon by bringing in real dragons :) .   

*I didn't realize that berserk negates evasion, thanks for that. He would probably be better off with swift plate then
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 19, 2015, 01:24:43 pm
Quote from: Mudvayne on June 19, 2015, 11:20:11 am

Those dancers hurt. A LOT. Fun fight, but agains against a mimed wizanaibus team this time from some pretty strong ass dancers. Again, curious to see how this team stacks up against a different type of team. Was still fun either way though for sure  :P

Thanks a lot for the matches Wiegraf!

Yeah it was fun match the 2nd battle showed me there still some tweaks I could try to improve it. It made me decide to go with white magic plus some mobility for the Biebes. I had ma save + draw out so he could pack a wallop when the enemies did come for him. But he doesn't really get hit much up to the point that he would need to go on offense and he was pretty boned when the ladies went down. So I think being able to revive them back up and more options with damage/healing should be better. I'll be losing haste option oh well can't have everything. 
Yeah I did better than I thought there, good match. Looking forward to rest of the match ups.
is zephyr shield the same thing as swift plate? I don't see zephyr on master guide was just wondering.
For first time entering a tournament here I will be happy with a win. I think with Reks team I'm hoping my squad has enough of a speed advantage to take out that wizard and squire. Otherwise I think those nether fires , summons, and tans are wreck havoc.
Quote from: Rouroni Elmdor on June 09, 2015, 10:18:57 am

Pretty excited, so I'll make my predictions now:

Most used item:

1.chakra band
2.healing staff
3.black hood
<-- 1 for 3 here -->

most used class:

3.time mage
<-- 1 for 3 here -->

most used abilities:

<-- 0 for 3 -->
Other predictions:

- Thieves and archers will be the most valuable assets <-- 2 for 2-->
- at least 3 matches are going to end within 3 rounds  <-- probably in my favor and also not in my favor-->
- stop will be cast 100 times                                  <-- no stop ability for me -->
- shintroy makes finals with his mime team             <-- to be determined -->
- unshakable faith will not make an appearance        <-- to be determined-->
- there will be PRECISELY 13 mimes, mimes will take 4th spot on class/ability use <-- no mimes for me-->

*I think I've been running an archer in fft tourneys for about 2 years straight now, no specific reason or anything. Just the way it's played out.*

I look forward to the tournament also, good luck to everyone participating.
Hello to you also Rouroni, sorry I didn't notice the edit on your post.

However this tournament turns out, I think I might have the title for most pm's to Barren for it.
^^ they reset the deadline to June 10th 11:59 pm est