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Messages - Heisho

PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Pride's ASM Thread
August 01, 2017, 10:20:46 am
Hi there Pride, I was checking around the Treasure  spreadsheet and came to a stomp.
On the XML tab the cell that has the treasure data suddenly changes to #NAME
I checked a few times and it changes from the original data (that has a lot of zeroes) to #NAME when I change something.
This of course can't let me see the code that generates from changes to the Treasure data tab.

I hope that I explained myself
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Pride's ASM Thread
July 28, 2017, 12:58:51 pm
The charge and item drop hacks are awesome Pride, thanks a lot.
The procs on the charge hack is always 100% if all or nothing is flagged on the status?
This is remarkable and very close to what I thought would not be possible.

Once again Emmy you deliver great. Even if what I wanted cannot be done this still can play very well on my project.

Thank you very much. Get some well deserved rest.  :)
These are great hacks Emmy, thanks a lot.

I don't know if you are willing to fulfill a request but here is it:
Since I'm not going to use Geomancy at all I was wondering if Counter Flood can behave like Counter Magic so we can counter abilities with the Counter Flood flag.

Once again thanks for the hacks, especially White Wind and Psyco Shift which are going to be part of my Blue Mage class.

Help! / Re: Weapon behavior
July 20, 2017, 01:48:30 am
My apologies then. I hope someone can bring some light on this.
I can answer your first question:

You can use ARH, is a spritesheet hack made with conditionals in mind. But this only works on regular action abilities. For further info check this:

I hope this can help you with your first request.
Help! / Re: Weapon behavior
July 19, 2017, 11:44:00 pm
Thanks a lot Raven. That answers my question. Too bad about the "duplication".

Since you surely know a lot of ASM please enlight me: is there a way to lock a weapon or piece of equipment to a certain class or unit?
Help! / Re: Weapon behavior
July 19, 2017, 05:42:28 pm
Or at least link an item to a job or unit? Kinda like the perfumes on females or the Onion Knight equipment on PSP.
Help! / Weapon behavior
July 15, 2017, 12:40:06 am
Greetings everyone.
I was wondering if there is a way to set a weapon on the patcher as one category (for example a Flail) and to behave like another in the game (like a sword). And I mean in the whole sense (animation, sound effect, etc) It's like if there was a duplicate category.
I know about Raven tools which are awesome, but as far as I have understand you change weapon in-battle sprites, formulas but I don't know if is possible to convert a whole category to another.

Thanks to anybody that can provide hints or info.

Well I'm willing to finish this project, I understand that you may have put your help and hopes on people who did nothing in end and I share yout thoughts, it would be frustrating. This thing that I'm doing I'm trying to keep it mainly basic with not too many changes so that way I can finish it and then make more adjustments like events and the like, otherwise it would be too much of work and might quit in the middle and that is not my intention, trust me.
My questions are to know how far I can get because I think of this patch day and night and I've doing for the last 3 or 4 months. I'm not an spriter so many things that I wanted are going to stay on paper, but the rest I will put it on the patch. These ideas that I have expressed mean to create a more challenging game but not as hard as 1.3 (that's really insane). I know there have been like a thousand rebalances, but I'm willing to make my own point of view, otherwise I will not learn anything about the game I love. Also the reason I haven't post any work it's bacause I want to show it when is completed or at 85% at least.  Finally I not know nothing on programming and the like so yes, I'm going to keep asking questions about ASM, events and all that, I'do my best to understand events at the least so my questions will be diminishing as the time passes.

About the rooster let it go. I was in a bad mood at the moment, in fact I think it was a good joke. I also troll people on a daily basis when I have the chance.

I hope this can stay in the past.
Not yet. That is the reason Im asking all my questions first. To know if what I have in mind is doable. The rest, well, everybody has the right to have an opinion. And regarding tje rooster, making of fun of somebody who makes a grammar mistake while not writing in his mother language is not a nice gesture. At least I know I dont make fun of people trying to speak my language.
It will accomplish the porpouses of my project. Alicia an Lavian are useless generics. This way I can give them a new class but as a guest only and let them be more useful. Rad will accompany Ramza since is one of the new clases that needs to be in the field. Also this will allow to have more room for the roster since the PSX is a bit limited even with the rooster hack.
Actually I was thinking about it and came with another work around. The generics will be with you until Igros Castle which was their main mission. After that a character might let Ramza know that he would be outnumbered before the mission in Dorter. Maybe Zalbag can give a hint about that and then you can recruit 2 soldiers at the barracks. Also if guests (Delita and Algus) can join random battles they can help too. I know they will not retain their progress on that fight but as the event battles continue they will be "upgraded" to keep an even fight and you can control them too.
So maybe this way you can have 2 units loyal to you and in chapter 2 you will get Rad, who will be a special character on my project. Lavian and Alicia will stay at Orbonne and might rejoin you has guests in the fight against Izlude and Wiegraf.  Boko will join you a little bit later and now the formation will have 5 units.
Maybe that way could work.

I also understand what you say nyzer and you are right. But with this it will add a little more challenge and might be a little more close to the story.
I see.
I was hoping that it had something to do with event programming. Maybe I might need to discard this.
Hello there.

First of all, if this doesn't belong here I'll glady remove it.

Now an explanation about this question. You can skip if you like.

Story wise the academy of Gariland accepted only nobles (except of Delita, but that was a special request from Balbanes) so my point is that those generics should have bailed Ramza at the end of Chapter 1 (or viceversa since he also quit being a noble, therefore joined Gaffgarion) My point is that generics that can join you should be available from chapter 2 but that doesn't mean that you should not get help (that where an ASM hack of guests joining random battle might come to scene).

This will add a little more realism to the story, in my humble opinion of course, since Ramza supposedly ditched everything after the Zeikden tragedy and when the chapter 2 starts is when he finally decides to make a move. Also it will add a little more challenge to the game.

So the question is if the units that join you since Gariland can stay as guest trough all the first chapter and then get removed when is finished.

Thanks to anybody that can shed some light on this.

Help! / Re: Adding "Break/Rend" to any skill slot
June 29, 2017, 08:24:24 pm
Thanks alot for the help =)
Help! / Adding "Break/Rend" to any skill slot
June 29, 2017, 01:25:41 pm
Hello there.

I remember a while ago that I found a thread about a spreadsheet that can add the "Break/Rend" feature to any given skill (or formula, I don't remember correctly). After searching on the forum I came empty handed so I I don't if it really existed or it maybe it was my imagination.

I'm asking for help to those who saw it or are familiar with it with some directions to that thread.

Thanks in advance.
Well I'm also going to add my two cents.

It's a re imagining of the Knight class, it will keep its name but will be more support oriented, high HP, above average evasion, Parry innate. Some or most abilities will use MP to avoid abuse. No description for abilities yet, but the in-battle quotes are ready. The Break/Rend abilities will pass on to Rad/Ladd who will have a special class that will learn its attacks from a class named Lieutenant who will use attack Meliadoul-like without range and only usable with swords.

I already made then work on an older project patch that went sour on PSP but I'm moving it to PSX, they have their own animations which are the animation from other weapons but with swords to simulate different movevements at the moment of ability execution.

A strong and honorable warrior that protects
the allies with a sacred Chivalry code.

Knight job command. Inspires and guides the
allies straight to victory over the wicked.

Encourage - +5 Brave (Area 2, Auto, Ally)

Do not fear the enemy! Fear what
will be the outcome if they win!

Defense Formation - Defend, Protect (Area 1, Auto, Ally)

Everyone! Raise your shields
and brace yourselves!

Attack Formation - +1 ATT (Area 1, Auto, Ally)

It is time for the foe to meet
its maker!

Rescue - Effect Wish (Unit, Ally)

No soldier should be left behind!

Blitzkrieg - CT 100 (Area 1, Ally)

All men, with me! Charge!--

---------DRIFTER KNIGHT---------
(Drifter Knight)
A mercenary that wanders Ivalice learning skills
from different places to perfect his Vagrant Blade.

(Vagrant Blade)
Drifter Knight job command. Collect skills and
techniques from all four corners of the realm.
Unit Quote
~ "Instead of a book, I prefer to learn from practice.
Or by being hit for all that matters" ~

Upward explosion that will rend thy head
in half! Geyser Slash! (Helmet break)

Strip the body from innapropiate
vestments! Heathen Ablution! (Armor break)

Coward! It is futile to hide behind
shields! Dragon Claw! (Shield break)

Do not impair the innocent any longer!
Falcon Cleave! (Weapon break)

Brush the vanity of useless trinkets!
(No name yet) (Accesory Break)

The world is safer without your foulest
incantations! Mana Break!** (-MP)

Feel your feet getting heavier by the
minute! Iron Punishment! (-SPD)

My sword will rip apart your meaningless
spirit! Soul Tear! (-MAG)

Rendering your muscles until no strength
is left in them! Griffin Grip! (-ATT)
Spriting / Iron Giant Pulverize animation change
June 17, 2017, 03:32:47 pm
Greetings everyone. I'm making (or trying) some changes on the last animation of the Iron Giant.
Instead of using a drill, it will be like a cannon, I'm no sprite artist tough, but still I'm learning and wanted some feedback.
Thanks in advance. Also I added some new palettes, the sample is for something like a boss or the like. Still is a work in progress.

Spriting / Re: Mime Item Icons/Graphics
June 16, 2017, 02:12:54 am
This work is highly appreciated.

Thanks for the whip I was looking for something like this. Keep this awesome work man it's really cool.