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The Lounge / Re: Poll: Your Opinion Please
April 25, 2012, 11:46:35 pm
Of he has a gun.
How else would he shoot me in the face?
The Lounge / Re: Desktop Thread!!!!
April 25, 2012, 10:18:31 pm
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 25, 2012, 08:52:52 pm
As Clayton watched the crew hock their goods to Yeager, Vicky slipped away and was hastily tucking various objects of worth into her cloak.
She kept a watchful eye on everyone, knowing that one slip-up could spell doom for her and her companion.
"These well do nicely..." she thought as she tucked several bags of Gil into the cloak.
As Yeager took the dress, Vicky's eyes darted towards it.  Something about it seemed wonderful and foreboding all at once.
Her mind continued "...but I wonder what else they have hidden away..." she nearly knocked a large paring knife from one of the tables.
Quickly grabbing the knife from the edge, she darted back to Clayton's side, neatly tucking the weapon into a pouch on her back.
"Not bad for one night's work though..." she smiled, and focused on Tatoolo and his cohorts, feigning that she had watched the whole time.
RP Forum / Re: ¡ǝbpop oʇ ןןoɹ
April 25, 2012, 01:27:25 pm
>Walk 20 feet an relieve self into a nearby bush.
Spam / Re: what is this?
April 24, 2012, 08:57:49 pm
i was gonna link a gross video, but flash is being a bitch and not playing the videos for me...so i dunno which to post.
but it was of a person drinking a cup of snot.
Spam / Re: what is this?
April 24, 2012, 07:02:36 pm
can i bring my own drinks then?  because a bar without drinks sucks.
Spam / what is this?
April 24, 2012, 06:30:22 pm
i never came in here because of the warning on the door, but i figured what the hell
and here i am, lower iq and all.

so... is this it?
April 23, 2012, 12:17:20 pm
i hope the way i cover past events in my posts the way i am . . .i can stop if it's too confusing
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 23, 2012, 11:54:57 am
"Okay then let's go in."
Vicky says, sticking close behind.
She had not broken into anybody's headquarters for several years now, instead relying on petty theft.
She inhaled deeply and could smell the familiar smell of perfumes, they probably ran a ring for those.
"You sure?  I'd love to get my hands on some of those perfumes."
She zipped her lips as they entered the compound.
     She woke up several hours later.  The courtyard lay in ruin... crystals littered the ground.
     Still dazed form the impact she stumbled to her feet.  She looked around frantically for her fallen friend. . .
     It was clearly too late at this point though.
     "Up there!" a voice yelled.
     Having run out of any energy to cast spells Vicky was a sitting duck.
     'I'll have to rely on my other skills' she thought to herself.
     'Yoohoo!  Sexy boys, I'm up here!~'
     The men below were a bit surprsised by the tone in her voice, she was so alluring to them.
     "Okay miss, we'll be up in just a minute to help you!"
     The castle guards had no clue what was about to transpire.  If they had, they probably would have just executed her on the spot.
     They scurried about, looking for some sort of pass through the rubble, eventually they cleared out a path to her position.
     She was perched atop a mound of broken stone and dirt, it was slowly crumbling and if she didn't get down soon, she'd likely fall to her death.
     'Oh you guys are so strong!  Please hurry and help me!'
     They had no clue that she was the one who commited the attack.
     'Oh watch out!'
     A large brick fell from the mound, causing the whole pile to shift.
     Eventually one of the men got to her. . .and her plan was already in motion
     'Oh my!  Aren't you a strong paladin?'
     Blushing the guard responded "Well, it's all part of the training"
     'Actually, you're pretty cute too!'
     "Well thank you ma'am!"
     'Maybe you should help me out. . . I think we could work something out that you would really enjoy!'
     The man smiled. . ."I don't know what you mean. . . "
     'Why don't you take your sword and kill those other guards?'
     "With pleasure!"

Hopefully, this will be an easy in-easy out kind of thing, she thought as she and Clayton slipped into the HQ.
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 22, 2012, 06:01:02 pm
"Okay fine.  Tsh.  I knew I shoulda stayed home tonight.  Don't expect to leave my sight,  you owe me. . . "
She ducks into the alley, not losing eye contact with Clayton.
"My name's Vicky, by the way.  You go first though." She says, gesturing to the once again moving thieves.
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 22, 2012, 05:52:17 pm
"Okay fine, we can treat.  But let us find a safer place than this. . . it's far too wet tonight to be out anyway.
Once we got moving your boyfriends can be free to go."
She said with the same toothy grin.
"Besides there are bound to be more gangs wandering the streets tonight."
She started walking towards a different alley, there was a sign nearby reading 'Lowtown ->'
"So what is this you have to offer. . .?"
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 22, 2012, 04:58:58 pm
Vicky shrugged.  She walked closer to Clayton and began to inspect his clothing and wounds.
Some of his injuries were grave indeed, she noticed bright red dripping from several places.
"What's with this get up?  Are ya trying to hide from someone?  It's not going
to end well if you're in this condition anyway. . ."
She cast a quick heal spell on him.
"What's so important about them anyway?  Are they your boyfriends or something?
Yeah.  Sure I guess I can let them go, but what do you have to offer?  This has
been a big waste of my time."
She stood before Clayton, leaning on her staff.
Slowly creeping across her face was a toothy smile.
"What's your name anyway?"   
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 22, 2012, 03:20:09 pm
Vicky fell to the ground as she struck an unseen mass.
". . ."
Sticking her arms out Vicky felt the form of a man.
"Dohohohoho!  What have we here?"
She sprung to her feet, stepping on some sort of invisible round object.
Slipping slightly, she picked her foot up and placed it on the slippery stones.
She gathered herself, and placed her feet firmly on the stones.
She began jabbing her staff at the ground. . .
"Hellooooo? Wanna start talking?"
She smiled, and stood for a moment, staring at the ground.  Wondering whom she had just plowed into.
"Okay, just speak up if you want a healing.  I have work to do!"
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 22, 2012, 02:13:28 pm
"Well fuck it"
Vicky says to herself.
It was raining, it always rains in Dorter.
"My perfume will wear of soon at this rate.  I better just follow
those vagabounds.  I don't have time to waste plotting a new
And with that she gave chase to the thieves.
She stood for a moment quietly chanting.
She was preparing a time spell.
The last time she used time magic . . .

  "Ajora!  We have to run Vicky!" yelled Thomas.
  'Nonesne we can take 'em!'
  "I mean it! What...do you have a death wish?
   you know they outclass us in everyway!"
  'Shut up wouldja? I'm concentrating'
  "Damnit Vicky we don't have TIME for you to fuck around
   like that!"
  '. . .'
   Vicky stood silently for a moment and cast Wall on the
   two of them.
  "That helps I guess, but they'll still find us any moment!"
  'Just shut up okay?  I'm working on something'
   vicky grabbed a book out of her bag and quickly read aloud
  'Time! Rest and give your kindness to the worthy! SLOW!'
  "Vicky come on, you know you can't cast those!  Can we
   PLEASE just get out of here now?"
  'We have a job to finish Thomas.'
  "Fine" Snarked the theif.
  "Well your shouting got them to notice us finally!"
   A volley of arrows piecred the darkness towards the two.
   One traveled deftly towards Vicky, but the Wall deflected it.
  "Time for plan B I guess.  I'll stall them as long as I can."
  'Okay, just lead them to the other end of the courtyard.'
  "Got it!"
  Vicky watched as her partner scuried down the wall and lead
  the archers fire to the other end of the open garden of the
  palace.  She watched as the archers' aimed true and sunk
  their arrows deeply into her friend.
  She could hear them men bragging about who shot the thief.
  One remarked they still had to kill the girl.
  She had hoped they'd have forgotten about her.
  Vicky knelled behind a buttress and concentrated all of her
  being into one skill.
  'Thomas I'm sorry.  I promise... I promise I'll revive you.'
  She flipped decidedly to the page, it had a heavy red fabric
  bookmark marking the page.
  'Please Ajora, if ever you let your servant bring vengence
  on her opponents...please...let now be the time!'
  Up there!  the men yelled, as they caught a glimpse of her
  robe as it blew in the wind.
  'Time has come . . . crash down on the wicked! Meteor!'
  Suddenly the sky turned crimson.
  Vicky smiled as her spell manifested above the battlefield.
  Ajora was indeed smiling on the lowly white mage, as what was
  recorded as the largest meteor crashed into the planets atmosphere
  and towards the castle guards.
  'Thomas! I'm coming!'
  Suddenly a twang was heard, an archer had taken a shot and it flew
  true towards vicky's heart.
  The meteor slowly crashed into the yard, and indeed the castle.
  It had enough force that it caused the tectonic plate to shift.
  'GAH!  Why?!' Vicky called out as she collapsed.

"Not again, that will never happen again."
The rage began to fill her heart.
"I will stop those thieves and take what's mine"
She stood and concentrated deeply.
"Spirits of time, Hide us from the judging hand of Ajora! Stop!"
Suddenly the hasty bandits froze in their tracks.
"Come on Vicky, now's your chance."
She ran down the alley, her perfume was starting to wash off from
the heavy rain that hung over Dorter.
"Just a few more steps girl, and it's all yours!"
RP Forum / Re: Desperation --- Roleplay of Pairs
April 21, 2012, 11:58:36 pm
Sitting at a table in a dark corner of the bar was a young woman.
She wore dark clothing and was virtually invisible... around her hung a mysterious aroma.
In her hand was a porcelain cup of rat tail tea.
*Sigh* "I can't believe it. . ."
The plan was simple, sneak into the bar after hours, rob the joint, get out undetected.
"At least these twerps look nearly finished...but they cleared out the bar.  I guess I've got
follow them. . ."
"This perfume seems to be working remarkably well!  How grand~"

She got up from her seat, walked over to the barkeep and cast a healing spell on him, and left the bar.
As she left she looked around and saw the thieves running down an alley.

"Hrmm...they're fast..."

"Oh well, I guess I can try a different hovel."
The scent of Setiemson still hung heavily to her.
April 21, 2012, 11:57:58 pm
Hi so I'll be joining y'all now.

I bring with me . . .

She's grew up in the slums of Dorter.  She never knew her mother or father, her earliest memories
were of digging through heaps of garbage looking for a scrap of food.
She was a naturally quick girl and took easily to pickpocketing.
Her earliest police record reports her as 9 years old.

She started to learn white magic at the age of 12 when she was enrolled in a monetary.
After being picked up a record number of times the police brought her to the church and asked them
to set her straight.
Vicky was happy to finally find a place she could call home.
Eventually she made it to the top of her class.
One day the Head of the church came to her.

~"My child, I notice you are gifted with the white arts and have reformed your ways.
We would like to send you out on a mission . . ."
Her mission was to seek out a local gang lead and assassinate him.

By the time Vicky was 18 she was known as the best bounty hunter the church had known in a hundred years.

~"We must have a chat again my child. . . 
You have been faithful to Ajora and the Teachings.
You have redeemed your sins.
You are now free to leave the monetary and start your own life."

It was not a request, as much as a command.  The next day the escorted her from the property and left
her on the street.  Once again without a home Vicky found herself falling back to her old ways.
Years later, nothing had changed. . .She was still a thief, but she had her own morals and code of
ethics.  As a cunning young woman she was able to get ahead in life with relative ease, but kept to
her way of life.
The Lounge / Re: Randrew is Rand-New
April 21, 2012, 11:28:06 pm
hello and welcome!
we've already met and stuff, but we can make it good and proper now!
The Lounge / Re: Desktop Thread!!!!
April 20, 2012, 11:12:29 am
Hello once again, I got to fiddling and here's what i came up with

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
April 18, 2012, 12:16:14 pm
That was great!  Thanks for demoing me!
I see some major flaws in that team's design.
The Lounge / Re: Desktop Thread!!!!
April 18, 2012, 04:09:48 am
i like having gui along with key commands...