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Messages - Lionheart537

I was getting into spriting before life and people treated me like how we don't treat dogs for awhile (no one here btw). Then a bit ago my computer has been uh... gone. This all sucks but I see plenty of people take 6-24 month breaks here with life and other projects interrupting- it's human and happens to everyone. Maybe someday I'll get back to placing pixels stylishly. Until then I can say there are references and lessons here and elsewhere to practice and become good (much better than I got) to make custom work yourself. Don't be put off by how much it takes to get there but try to enjoy the journey as you practice.
Help! / Re: Sprite change error
October 18, 2017, 07:37:25 pm
From my knowledge unless you have a bad game file there shouldn't be a difference unless you edited the sprite in shishi or changed which character id uses which sprite (done outside of shishi). Look at it again and if you're still having issues send in screenshots of what you've actually done. Hopefully you have a back up of the game and any sprites you changed so you can use those for any revisions and fixes. Either way this doesn't seem like a difficult problem.
New Project Ideas / Re: FFT:LHW (Lionheart War)
October 16, 2017, 02:25:39 pm
UPDATE: Progress will be slowed some more as I discovered a new game that is very fun and accessible to modding, Darkest Dungeon. I'll hop back and forth as FFT is still a favorite of mine. Still hope to have my changes mostly function in time for Christmas or New Years, but learning and testing everything certainly takes serious amounts of time. Anyway i'm modding DD on Steam, so if you're a fan of that game my much smaller mods over there will be popping up under the username derek_l_gunnels or Lionheart537.  Thanks for your support so far everyone!
Help! / Re: Sprite change error
October 16, 2017, 02:13:29 pm
As in the actual battle map or the formation screen before battles? Pictures are always helpful
Help! / Re: How can I have Loffrey on my team?
October 04, 2017, 02:24:48 am
Best of luck and welcome to the community! The mods here are very helpful so long as you keep good manners, follow rules, and provide as much info as you can/attempt solving it yourself first. It's an arduous hobby but fun despite the steep learning curve.
New Project Ideas / Re: FFT:LHW (Lionheart War)
October 03, 2017, 12:35:21 am
Hmm i was moreso fishing for some brand new ability ideas but maybe you're right, tweaking the perfectly good vanilla abilities works just fine. Considering the "pinnacle" of the physical jobs, Dragoon, is hardly changing maybe it makes since to do the same to the Bard. Sometimes the simple answer is also the best, i appreciate your feedback dotchan!
Spriting / Re: Lion's Bizarre Spriting Adventure
October 02, 2017, 12:07:10 am
After a much longer than intended break (extended further by discovering neir automata) i got back into doing some work for this sprite again. I looked at some vanillas and you're right Satoh, they flow more than the blocky hair I had before. After reworking it myself several times I ended up using your example with tiny edits (hope you don't mind). I also decided to rework all the dresses. Here are my current concepts.
From top to bottom are
1. The original
2. reworked dress and hair with new highlight (can't find a suitable shade for this hair color though  :cry: )
3.  reworked dress and hair with added decor in place of a dedicated hair highlight.

Which do you guys think looks best and how would you improve them? I mostly like the dress and hair design changes but i see a few wrinkles I'll iron out tomorrow. *note for this frame the dress is slightly wider, opened-out than how most should appear, this is intended*
New Project Ideas / Re: FFT:LHW (Lionheart War)
September 22, 2017, 12:18:13 am
So one class I'm really unsure how i want to go about is the Bard class. I definitely want a high tier mage class (both for additional job choices and to keep my diagram symmetrical) and make it something interesting like a Bard, Blue Mage, or calculator. But I'm at a bit of a loss for ideas on how i want to go about it. Suggestions on balancing a bard/dancer hybrid or a cooler Mage job would help a lot!
Spriting / Re: Lion's Bizarre Spriting Adventure
September 12, 2017, 08:28:28 am
Took a look at the spritesheet in-game and I can see it has several more problems. Some frames aren't in the correct place, movement animations are flat and unchanging in some views. I looked for a breakdown of what each frame in a MON sprite is but couldn't find anything. Guess it'll be trial and error with referencing vanilla sprites to place them correctly and improve frames for animation quality. If someone does have a guide/tutorial to monster frames please share, otherwise I may make one after I figure them out, I've already picked up a few.

EDIT: I guess one cool thing about needing extra work is i will get to do proportion, positioning, animation, frame work; which i really wanted more practice with. The flower looks great in-game btw Satoh. I'm not sure how to improve its design but I'll tweak it as necessary.

EDIT2: I did find this image that labels several frames (most I figured out but it was still helpful). Unlabeled frames are front walking and #2 back walking view. Fairly certain everything below these frames are attack animations

EDIT 3: I took the liberty of finishing a diagram of the basic monster sprite frames for anyone else who might need help with this. Additional frames on a larger spritesheet would be for additional attack animations.
From what i can tell Walk 1 is the base, standing pose. Walk 2 is partial-step (right leg left arm). Walk 3 is full-step (right leg left arm) Walk 4 is partial-step (left leg right arm) Walk 5 is full-step (left leg right arm). For creatures that don't use arms/legs to move be imaginative and remember right-side first, left second. Jump 2 is preparing to jump/crouching. Jump 1 is leaping through the air. *Note it seems the jumping animations are used for flying as well?* Block is blocking attacks. Dmge is taking damage/being hit. Lvl Up is leveling up. Criticl is near death (critical status). Dead is dead status, 0 hp. Attacks have 7 frames apparently, and Atk 1 isn't usually the standing pose, Walk 1, so they are each unique. Also each frame box is 48x48 pixels. If any of my observations are wrong please let me know!

If all that frame info is correct I'll have to make several frame changes including 7 new attack animations (like I said earlier the original just copy pasted movement frames there)
Spriting / Re: Lion's Bizarre Spriting Adventure
September 11, 2017, 06:49:24 am
Quote from: Satoh on September 10, 2017, 10:15:35 pm
I think an orb might not look so good since it wouldn't be animatable, so it would likely look more like a circle than a 'glow'

EDIT: maybe a scaled down fairy would look good for the dead pose? Like it was using magic to appear bigger or something?
Its a curious question. Chocobos turn to feathers, bobcats turn to skulls.. what does a fairy turn into when it dies...?

Maybe a leaf? or some kind of bellflower blossom?

Something like this as a general idea

Oooh i really like the flower/leaf idea. I think that's very appropriate. A tiny fairy would be hard to add any noticable details to, but it could also work. I'll try these later today, thanks!
Spriting / Re: Lion's Bizarre Spriting Adventure
September 10, 2017, 10:06:39 pm
Quote from: Satoh on September 10, 2017, 09:09:52 pm
The hair looks a bit pillowy. My suggestion would be to expand the lightest orange-tan color out a bit to fill more area, and to be less afraid of having a dark color touch a light one without a medium color between. The shiny highlight spot is probably fine how it is.
The gown colors don't seem quite as pillowy/gradient shaded, and I think it may be due to higher contrast between the lights and darks, so you might try just brightening up the brights and darkening the darks in the hair.

To clarify, its not really a bad looking sprite by any means, but it doesn't quite fit the same shading style as FFT classic sprites, which tend to favor wide areas of flat color that transition somewhat sharply into shaded regions, rather than transitioning smoothly.

But that's really the only thing that jumps out at me.

I totally agree that the hair is somehow...off. I'll fiddle with it and try your suggestion thanks! As for the dead pose would you guys think a revamped corpse (like now but better) or a mystical light orb would look better for a Fairy?
Spriting / Re: Lion's Bizarre Spriting Adventure
September 10, 2017, 08:22:27 pm
UPDATE: Glad to announce that I've mostly finished the spritesheet now. I noticed that the lower frames were essentially more poorly colored copies of previous frames (i improved them with the others of course). This is my first time working a monster sprite so I'm not 100% if it'll look good enough in-game. Some testing and critiques would be appreciated  :D Besides that I'm not completely done, there are several changes left to make.
1. Redo the dead frames because they are garbage. Really just sloppy all around.
2. Possibly lengthen the hair in the back. Edit: possibly touch up the hair overall like i did with the dress.
3. Finish the portrait/improve it.
4. Finalize my personal palettes and matching portrait palettes.
But most of the tedious work is done! Again I always value another's helpful input!
Quote from: shan8090 on September 10, 2017, 04:03:20 pm
I have downloaded Journey of the Five Chapter 1 v1.97e should I patch it to ps1 version or pap version

PS1...It's a great mod hope you enjoy it.
If this was your first experience doing any kind of spriting I'm pretty impressed. A custom sprite like this is ambitious. Keep tweaking improvements or come back to it after some more projects. It's beyond the scope of what I've worked on so far. Congrats mate!

Also thanks for the advice Twinees, Nyzer, Bossman!
Help! / Re: Passive Weapon Leveling
September 09, 2017, 08:33:11 am
Yeah I'd suggest changing clothes or harps weapon slots into 3 distinct versions of this "upgrading" sword. Or I guess you could use patcher to raise the Wp manually every now and then, or add new elements/innates. On whether it's possible I'm feeling a no on an item actively changing throughout the game,  but who knows the wizards here do all kinds of insane stuff (like how the heck do they setup spreadsheets like that!?)
Reviving this for another question. I saw a tutorial for changing weapon categories, but does armor have any hardcoding or bugs when it comes to editing? For example if I change mythril armor's type to robes would it have any foreseeable problems? Mostly wondering because I want to give hair adornments new item slots and asm change it to remove gender requirement with job requirements.
Man you're updating so fast, nice work Muffin. I only had about 20 minutes this morning to look over the sprite concept and make a few edits to the center sprite. It's mostly roughdraft but I wanted to push out something before you move on again.
1. Changed reds to darker, browner shade
2. Changed grays to browner, more iron-looking shades
3. Small edits to headband and cape
4. Enlarged shoulder pauldron and removed some gray (it's a front view you wouldn't see the gray from the back)
5. Colored a rough outline for the pants (very rough, sorry)
6. Colored interior of cape, it might look best as the shading color but I prefer to use that as a border not a full on color/shade (if that makes sense)
7. Slight change to eyes

Again sorry for the sloppy work, I wanted to give you some contribution today though. Use/improve what you like and discard the rest.

Glad to help. It wasn't much of a hassle.
Hey Dell. Sorry I guess i used the wrong Marshall sprite when you asked before, whoops! Anyway I took a look at this one and it was set up to easily change. I knocked out everything and a handful of small edits to improve it. Let me know if it's what you're looking for  :D
Yo I'll take a look at this if you don't mind. I'm no expert spriter but I'd consider myself above novice now. There arleady concepts fpr Ike to use for inspiration here
I'm always working on my own projects but I need practice with total racalls. At the least I can definitely improve the colors and some of their placements, possibly the palette too. Also everything Nyzer said is solid from my experience. Great help as always bro