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Messages - Torgo

FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Stream day
July 17, 2014, 02:09:39 am
Yeah, thanks for running the matches! It's been months since I really popped my head in here, and I just happened to when you were streaming. :)
A pity too, because some of the fourth abilities look pretty swank.
'Sup folks, been awhile.

I noticed that Monster Skill says it's supposed to have an effective range of three, but is only working on adjacent monsters, like so:


Is the ability description incorrect, or is it working wrong? Such a short range really hampers its usefulness.
Quote from: Zotis on October 13, 2013, 01:39:45 pm
I really like CT5Holy's commentary, especially how he talks about the teams before the matches.  So far I've only watched the preliminaries, and I really enjoyed Torgo's beastly team.

All told, I feel my team was solid ideas executed poorly. Depending on the changes the next revision bring, I know exactly what changes I'll be making.

Anyway, fantastic finish.

The Lancer's comeback against Avalanche's Ninja in round one of match 69 was amazing.

Haven't been posting much (read: at all) the past couple months, but thanks for running the tournament guys. It was a blast to participate, and even better to watch. :mrgreen:
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Beta 138d+Hotfix 2 Download
August 16, 2013, 05:14:12 am
Is there any alternatives to Excel 2007 to use the memory card generator? Or any alternatives at all to getting games set up? I'd like to get Arena up and running on my own system, and I try to avoid the pirate hat when I can.
Heaven's Cloud says it has a vertical range of three but it most certainly does not. I found out the hard way. :P

I'm up to Yardow. Still diggin' it. Despite the nerf Elemental received, I'm finding that pretty much my entire party has been or is going to be a Geomancer at some point. Their equipment spread is simply one of the best. And truly, taking away Gained JP Up is one of the best decisions ever. I'm one of those people who generally always used it in favor of actual, useful support skills just so get the most JP bang for each action.
Another bug (I think?), probably not highest priority: The music doesn't cut out when defeating Queklain. The battle music is still going as he asplodes. Again, not the biggest deal I suppose, but there it is.

Nicely done beefing him up by the way. I had a heck of a time beating him, but with the right tweaking to my party I finally managed to stay on top of his shenanigans and take him out.
Speaking as someone who's put hundreds of hours into vanilla but never touched a modded version of the game it's been... humbling. There aren't a lot of story battles that I haven't had to take a second pass on. There have been a few especially brutal fights, but nothing has felt like bs.

Well, except for one.

Goug Machine City was a terrible, terrible fight. The enemy has the height advantage, range advantage, number advantage, and initiative, which means instant death for the all-but-useless-anyway Mustadio and quite often at least one other party member. If the RNG especially hates you there a good chance of a Charm getting thrown into the mix as well. There is absolutely no recourse against the Cyclops-spamming Summoners that are in range on their first turn. And that was honestly the lynch-pin that made the whole thing such a nightmare. Every time I had to spend my first round just recovering from the Archers and Thieves, only to have the Summoners beat me back down with double Cyclops. Every. Single. Time. I eventually won was because the numbers finally rolled just enough in my favor.

Granted I'm hardly playing optimally (I never do), but as it stands where every other fight has felt like a challenge to be defeated, this one just felt like a crapshoot to luck my way through.

But for realsies, except for that I'm enjoying the heck out of it. The "harder" aspects of it feel less arbitrary (stat boots for everyone!) and more about thoughtfully just giving enemies better resources to work with. The balancing of the monster classes is especially fantastic. I was actually considering putting Boco in my main party for a little while, but then he crystallized saving Agrias. Whoops!
Possible bug: Mustadio's level doesn't scale when he joins the party permanently. Lavian, Alica, Radd, and Boco all scaled. Kind of a buzz kill if I were planning on using him.

It's doubly weird considering he scaled when he joined the party initially as a Guest, so he actually lost several levels.
Yeah, Male Samurai seems best suited if you're looking for a balance of PA and MA (9/9). Actually, taking a quick glance it looks like Samurai is a better base period for Elemental.
Combining Platina and Carabini Mail would definitely be a boon to any Paladins or Samurai that want to get their Elemental on. How that would work in practice I have no idea, but it's always worth keep in mind that while most characters are interested in just PA or MA, anyone using Elemental is most definitely interested in anything that increases both.
Quote from: Dokurider on July 05, 2013, 02:38:32 pm
when did he make that face?

I was actually just looking for a goofy face shot of him from Eegah, but that was one of the first things to come up in an image search, and it was too perfect to not use.


It's nice to get a proper win. Thanks guys! I think my saving grace more than anything was Jonin wasn't packing too much in the way of serious ranged power. Getting the opportunity to close the distance is pretty crucial for me.

reinoe: Yeah, I'm still bummin' out that Roxy isn't doing any Witch Hunt. On the small map it's understandable, but I think on the larger map it's just a matter of the ai giving haste buffing a priority when she's not in range. I think in the future I'll take away Yell. Eegah's Masamune is good enough for haste buffing. That said, her using Throw Stone to cancel charges was exactly the reason I wanted to give her Basic Skill.

CT5Holy: Thanks for the observation about Carbunkle. I'll probably reallocate those points to something else in the future. Maybe Silf for status effects, or Leviathan for buff removal. (Titan would be redundant, and undesirable besides in lieu of Quake.)

And since it was talked up in the video and in the comments, I have some meandering thoughts on the Platinum Sword and its viability, but I'll probably save that for the balance thread. Later. I haven't slept. In the mean time, dat 357 crit. :cool:
I caught one mild discrepancy in my team. Nothing on the technical side, but one of the names. It's Arch Hall Jr., not Hill.

And don't you forget it.
Pshh, Heaven's Cloud's already got your Slow proc covered, and more stylishly at that. And that Defense Ring is great... if you're a wiener that's afraid of status effects. And Muramasa? Pfft. :P

I'll grant that she'd school mine in a 1v1, if only because of the Defense Ring and Faith proc, but in a real fight... hah.

But no seriously the Defense Ring is actually a solid idea. Dat Absorb: Water. And I can feel only having Murasame for Draw Outs... or at least omitting Masamune. I kind of go crazy every time a freshly revived unit goes straight for the Haste buff only to die again right after.

I do like the idea a lot though: A little tankier, countering with a guaranteed Faith proc and falling back with a nuke, presumably laughing the whole way.
Quote from: reinoe on June 27, 2013, 11:52:34 am
If you insist on using something underused or underappreciated you can create a unit with Black Magic secondary.  I don't think anyone has done that.

Black Magic
Counter Magic
Magic Attack UP
Move MP Up
Linen Robe
Magic Gauntlet

Kikuichimoji, Heaven's Cloud, Murasame, Masamune
Water, Water 2

The talk about Earth and Float is timely, because my original idea was to have her Two Swords it up with Chirijiraden (strengthen: Earth) and Kikuichimoji (33% Quake), than give her either Float or Diamond Armlet. That's a little too points intensive though, leaving little room for proper Black Magic, let alone a reaction or movement ability. In the end the weapon pairing is probably better suited for a Ninja with Equip Katana than a Samurai with Two Swords (which I don't mind saying is an idea I was kicking around when I first started putting my tournament team together).

I'm a little torn on if a Linen Robe is the best option. She's starving for MP and my original choice was Robe of Lords, but the HP boost on it leaves something to be desired and all that MP won't do her any good if she keeps getting knocked out. I tried workshopping a Black Robe and a Kiyomori, focusing more on general elemental damage, but it's middling HP and MP boosts seem to offer the worst of both.

The question remains if the AI will make use of Water, but outside of any proper mage class a female Samurai is the best bet if you want to secondary some Black Magic.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 27, 2013, 04:32:09 pm
Quote from: The Damned on June 27, 2013, 01:28:54 pm
(Yeah, you didn't do all that "bad" for a neophyte, everything considered, Torgo.)

Thanks! That first shot was mostly me throwing crap at the wall and seeing what stuck.

Quote from: The Damned on June 27, 2013, 01:28:54 pmWith regards to Southern Cross on the Dancer, I actually think it's a good idea. You just had the misfortune of facing the team in ARENA that probably has most evasion overall as a team in DomieV. Then you had to face a team where half of your team got annihilated before it could even get in range, so...

I'll definitely want to revisit it later, but right now I think Basic Skill might be the way to go to give her a little more versatility.

Quote from: The Damned on June 27, 2013, 01:28:54 pmIf you want to try with the newer version of that team, I'm going to send Dokurider a "fixed" version of "Excalibur 2" as well as another potential tournament team that I'm probably more likely to use. Up to you though.

This sounds good to me. I shot him a revision last night/this morning, actually.
Quote from: The Damned on June 21, 2013, 11:25:53 am
Platinum Sword may be good, but right now it's only "paper" since literally no one is using it or has ever even attempted to use it to my recollection.

Is that so.

I'm probably the least qualified person to do it, but I am going to do it. I can always dig on trying to figure out how to make use of underused or underappreciated stuff.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 26, 2013, 06:35:03 pm
Quote from: reinoe on June 26, 2013, 05:04:34 am
Re: Torgo...
Monk: Always go with Chakra Band.  It's the only band worth using if you're a monk.  Think about it, is a monk really worried about Poison or Silence?  Also, your Monk is in dire need of a secondary.  Even if it's just ITEM/ for Phoenix Down.

Scholar: Move MP-Up and Absorb MP, and Summon?  You can afford to lose one.  Think about Magic Ring.  Are you trying to absorb/protect yourself from Holy or Wind?  If not then Defense Ring is much better for Spellcasters, plus it still protects from an element. 

Dancer: Katar is a powerful knife, but not necessarily for Dancers.  Dancers are glass cannons like Monks.  You have amazing attack power but not a lot of survivability as such Chivalry may not be the best secondary for you.  Chivalry is great for High HP or tanky units.  Take Transfusion for example.  Her HP is already low, so she heals people for not a lot of HP and sacrifices her already low HP to do so.  Also, I would consider Witch Hunt if you have the JP for it.

Bard: Why does he have Golden Hairpin?  Sing requires no excess MP provided and neither does Item.  Neither Item nor Sing get a benefit from HOLY/DARK boost. 

You should definitely have units 2 and 4 switch around, even though you're using Cheer song.  Speaking of Cheer Song you should reconsider that.  After Cheer song hits twice on the bard it's useless.  You're units are equally focused on both Magic and Physical so choose either Battle Song or Magic Song (but not both).

Take my advice with a grain of salt.  I'm only an average player.

Monk: Yeah, Chakra Band was my original decision. I'm definitely going to run with that. PA Save is doing him no favors when he has no survivability, so that's going to go. I've juggled around his abilities and given him Draw Out with Masamune, so he can do a little round opening buffing. I want to give him Auto-Potion, but I'll have to ditch the Cursed Ring, which again wasn't really doing him any favors. I'd be better off with a Bracer or an evasion boost I think.

Scholar: Absorb MP is definitely going. For all the times it pinged relative to his use, I might as well have had something else. Anything else. Since the idea is for him to hang back and primarily use Earth Dragon and Quake, I'm going to trying rolling with Distribute. Magic Ring is going to go and he's getting Roxy's Diamond Armlet. Earth Clothes are getting swapped out for a Linen Robe, though I'm not sure how I feel about losing Strengthen: Earth.

Dancer: Roxy's getting an overhaul. She actually did have Witch Hunt, and I'll admit I was a little disappointed she didn't use it on the rounds she wasn't in range. The original idea was to take advantage of her crazy high innate PA, but I'm going to sacrifice some of that and crank up her evasion. She's getting a Mythril Shield to nullify earth rather than absorb it, and a small mantle in her accessory slot. I think the tradeoff will be worth it. I really want her to keep Southern Cross, but yeesh the hit rate on it was terrible. I'm going to try rolling her with Basic Skill, which will still take advantage of her high PA and allow her to do Other Stuff like revive and cancel charges. Accumulate will let her build her PA as well. (My original idea was to give her Steal, but in the end I wasn't really feeling it. I may revisit that idea.)

Bard: Cheer Song getting swapped out for Battle Song. I think boosting Eegah's and Roxy's PA will be more worthwhile in the long run than boosting Miller's and Arch's MA. Other than that I feel pretty good about him. I wonder if making him a Chemist /w Cheer Song would be more worthwhile though. I chose Bard because 1) they're much faster and 2) It fits the team/character theme better. But Cheer Song success isn't affected my MA, and Chemist would give allow him a gun and innate Throw Item, so...

edit: misspelled Linen Robe, though considering my team's color, Lenin Robe might actually be appropriate.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 24, 2013, 04:02:03 am
Awesome! I'll get it to you presently.

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 24, 2013, 03:32:21 am
If I shot you my team could I get a video? I wouldn't mind seeing it in action at least once before I submit it for the tournament.