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Topics - RavenCurow

Help! / Monster riding changes.
August 29, 2020, 08:31:58 pm
I'm looking for a way to make smaller monsters like goblins able to ride larger monsters like chocobos.
I found this little hack by Emmy, but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone know if this has been done by someone else? I've looked around and haven't found much more than this.

<Patch name="Monster riding changes!">
    <Description>"Large" monsters are mountable, "small" monsters can ride.  Monster size defined by "stepping stone" check.  Teleport bypasses rider validation (so anything with teleport can ride regardless of size).  This version works. :)</Description>
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="10d87c">
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="10d3d8">
Help! / Wacky proposition bugs.
April 23, 2018, 08:42:53 am
When doing propositions with the mod I'm working on I seem to be running into some wonky bugs. First every prop so far since instarted chapter 2 is 1 day long with no option to extend. Another strange thing is characters congratulating people that don't exist. I've also had props that had both success and failure in the same report I.e. one character says the job was a success and the other says they failed.

I'm not sure if this is caused by the special jobs can do propositions ASM patch or not, but its the only thing I'm using that modifies props. I'm also using Xifs soldier office hack and the elemental sword fix. I don't know if any of these are conflicting. FFtorgASM doesn't show any conflicts.
I imagine it would be difficult to do, but I figured I would ask in case I've missed it. Has anyone ever made a movement ability? For example, say I have an ability called leap in my skillset. When used I could target a range of up to 3 and my character would jump to that space. Would be neat. So you get extra movement at the cost of an attack.

I don't think I've seen anything like that as an ASM nor am I aware if it would be possible within the engine. Just figured id ask.
Help! / Trying to figure out an asm formula
April 14, 2018, 08:20:39 am
So I'm trying to figure out this asm formula to get the status on the formula and I can't seem to figure the math. So I set x to 27 and that gives me the status block that looks like this

   0x80 -
   0x40 - Crystal
   0x20 - Dead
   0x10 - Undead
   0x08 - Charging
   0x04 - Jump
   0x02 - Defending
   0x01 - Performing

Now the status that gets added is the Y value and so you plug that number in. Where it gets complicated is that Y will add multiple statuses to the formula because it adds the statuses together. For example if I put in 1 I'll get performing. 2 will get defending. But 3 will get both defending and performing. Now I want to just have Undead, but putting in 10 will of course get me defending and charging. So I'm not exactly sure what number to use to get what I need.

Edit: After much trial and error I came upon the correct number which is 16. I'm still not quite sure why that number is correct. The only reason I made a guess at it is because all of the statuses before it combine to 15 so I tried 16 which I figured was just as likely to get me Undead, jump, and defending.
Help! / Targeting dead units with status changes.
April 13, 2018, 09:30:53 pm
Is it possible to have a status cancel dead and be able to target an enemy? For example, I make a copy of the zombie status and have it cancel dead then put that added status on a spell. If I target a dead character with it will I be able to revive them or will it auto miss?

After looking around on the forums I came across this nifty hack Emmy came up with for a raise undead spell. Also supports other shenanigans.

  <Patch name="Formula 5D - Cancel status 1, inflict status 2">
    <Description>Replaces formula 5D. Does 1 HP healing (1 damage to undead) to allow for use to cancel dead. Accuracy = Fa(MA+200)%.  X and Y correspond to the status inflicted on the 2nd hit of the move.  X = 27 for status group 1, 28 for status group 2, etc.  Y = the statuses on the byte you want to be able to inflict on hit 2.  Do not use values that don't make sense for X or Y, or bugs will happen! :(  Status proc ID = the status you want cancelled in the first hit of the spell.  This will animate twice.  If unit doesn't have status 1 to cancel, it'll attempt to inflict status 2 twice.  If the first attempt at canceling status fails, it'll attempt to cancel it a 2nd time.</Description>
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="128784">
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="f7898">
C8000334  <!-- c8 = 200 in accuracy calculation, change this if you like -->
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="eb314">
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="1165cc">

Thought id leave it here in case anyone else can use it.
So I'm modifying some more text in my mod and I've only changed a few lines from what it was before; specifically, the names and descriptions of Yell, Cheer Up, Wish, Scream, and Ultima. I'm not sure what happened to cause it to flip out and I've done just about everything I've tried before when I get DTE errors to get it to cooperate, but nothing I've tried seems to work (clearing extra japanese text, cleaning up lines so they aren't too long, etc.) so I thought I'd post here and see if anyone can give me some advice. I've attached my file if anyone wants to take a look at it.

Also, I have added some more stuff previously in the unused skills slots under Parasite as well as overwriting a couple empty job slots and descriptions. I don't think those are having any problems as it patched fine before. Only problem I could see is maybe amount of text. I'm not sure.
Help! / Making new monsters with breeding mechanics.
April 03, 2018, 07:24:45 am
If I use an empty job slot to make a new monster, say a white chocobo, how would I make that chocobo be available through eggs? Is that even possible? Will it work if I just make the monster job or will it take an ASM hack?
Help! / Multi attack animations
April 01, 2018, 06:44:19 am
So I've used the Hydra's Triple fire/thunder/ice formula to create a melee attack that does 3 hits. Unfortunately I can't get the animation to play right after the first hit. For the first hit he swings his sword, but for the next 2 hits he does this weird punching animation with his left hand.
Help! / Changing the overworld Ramza sprite.
March 31, 2018, 10:12:29 pm
I've been learning to add sprites to the game and so far all of my sprites are working great. I've changed my Ramza sprite to the Mercenaries Ramza sprite cause I think it looks cooler, but the one thing I don't know how to change is the map sprite. He looks great in the formation screen and in battles, but it's a little weird to see the old sprite walking around on the map lol. Are there any tutorials for changing this? Has anyone done it that is still around? I noticed that the Jot5 Ramza sprite is changed on the map so does anyone know how they did it?
Basically I'm trying to make some new archer skills. I would like to tie them to weapon range so that they scale with height like a normal attack. Unfortunately when I went to test them I found that my AOE skills were single target only. I'm assuming this is because setting an ability to weapon range means that in order for the ability to have an AOE effect the weapon must be AOE as well. Is there any way around this or am I stuck choosing between having it tied to weapon range and being able to modify the radius?

I was looking at trying to make a class similar to Reis's Dragoner class that had abilities that can target different monsters. Like a beastmaster class or a chocobo knight or something along those lines.
Help! / Sillset menu not opening.
March 24, 2018, 06:33:56 pm
I'm working on a mod for Ramza's skillset. I've turned it into a warrior skillset with flametongue and ice brand etc. Strangely the skillset works fine in the pre game battle for chapter 2 Ramza but chapter 1 Ramza's menu wont open when clicking his job command in battle. I can learn skills just fine in the party roster so I know I have it set right, butbwhen clicking the job command in battle it takes me back to the act menu. What could be causing this?

Edit: After pulling it up in patcher I found that the action menu had been changed to unknown instead of default.

Edit: After correcting the menu problem now after choosing a skill it goes back to the unit menu. Seems I've botched something.
Specifically I'm trying to add the new dark knight abilities from Wotl to the PSX version. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a formula that fits the desired effect. Has anyone done this already or are their any ASM hacks for a formula like this?
Help! / Problems with elemental effects
September 27, 2014, 08:03:15 pm
Okay, so I made a patch for my game that turned Ramza's base job into a Warrior based off of FFX-2. However I notice when using his moves in game my elemental attacks don't seem to do added damage against things that are weak against them. Ex: Ice Brand does the same as Liquid Steel to a goblin that is weak against ice. Did I miss something when making this move? I checked the Ice element box in fftpatcher.
Help! / Help with WOTL sprites please!
September 24, 2014, 10:52:53 am
Hello everyone. I'm new around here. I found this wonderful website with all its gadgets and gizmos and became a kid in a candy store playing around with my FFT. Anyways, after messing around with FFTPatcher and FFTactext I saw a post about editing sprites and immediately thought Cool! I wanna do that!. So, I decided to add Cloud's nemesis to the game as the FF fanboy that I am would not tolerate not trying to use Sephiroth.

Now I found this nifty little tutorial here: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=6727.0
and got to work on my sprite patch.

I decided to make him a special character, but I didn't want to replace any of the existing ones so I decided to overwrite Simon as he only appears twice in the game. Once in the beginning and once at the library in the end.

I followed all of the steps in the tutorial and then used lioneditor to change a male party member's sprite to Simon/Sephiroth. I loaded my game up and found Sephy in my party screen looking sweet. Yay!

I thought it worked and I was done. Wrong! I went into a battle and tried to use him. In the formation screen his sprite had a white box around him and I figured I had cropped badly and that was it. I could live with that as long as it worked well everywhere else. When the battle started I found that Simon was more resilient than I thought and had reclaimed his sprite. Can anyone tell me what happened and how to fix it? Pretty please?