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Topics - Edea

Using an emulator, I went into the random clan battle vs. House Bowen in Sant D'alsa Bluff, and forgot to bring a unit with flight capability.  So I just went into the RAM and plopped some Faerie Shoes on one of my units, and then next turn had them go over there to grab the urn in the far right corner (the one with Ragetsu-denbu in it).

Here's the really weird thing, though; I went back into the RAM and took the Shoes off, expecting the unit to be able to teleport for that one turn before going back to normal (as I wanted them off that isolated area where the urn was).  Well, they were able to teleport, but they didn't use the long animation to do so.  They blinked in and out instantly, just like a Ghost unit.

I know that this was a desirable animation to play for Faerie Shoes compared to the longer one, and it seems entirely possible to potentially swap it out given what I just saw.  I'm mostly curious 1.) Where in the RAM the movement data gets stored at the start of each turn, and 2.) where the routine might be that checks item property IDs (specifically Shoes).  Has anyone tried putting $44 (the 'Move by teleportation' property) on a non-Shoe piece of equipment to see if the same animation plays?
I read this thread after running a search, but it wasn't quite what I was going for: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=6529.msg136331

I wanted to write in a move that performs "Add:Crystal" when targeting a KO'd unit; essentially it would use the same routine as Raise (jury's out on the Faith check), but then instead of removing KO, it would turn the the unit into a Crystal instantly (and it'd work on Undead, hopefully).  It would be specific to Ramza's Guts skillset/I wouldn't assign it to enemies; basically, just a way to speed up that counter so you don't spend every fight standing around waiting for corpses to rot.

Is it possible to make this move entirely with the regular FFT editor, or are there some glitches/workarounds I need to look out for?  I heard something about a 'crystal glitch' and 'you can only have one crystallized unit out at a time', and I was starting to get confused.  Thanks in advance to anyone answering, apologies if what I'm asking for is worded in an obtuse manner.
This is an odd request/question, but did anyone here ever figure out how to get 'Invisible' status to stick to units which don't normally access it? 

Normally, if the unit tries to become Invisible and they don't use a sprite that has default access to Invisibility in some form to begin with (like Viera, Seeq, specifically Hurdy (not other Moogles), I think Dreamhares, etc.), they will immediately reappear on the field and they won't be Invisible any more.  I'm fairly certain it's some sort of sprite-check routine, but I don't remember ever being able to trace it.  Any knowledge about this would be appreciated (aware of how old this game is, unfortunately).
Would anyone happen to know the location of the sprite animation pointers in the FFTA ROM?

I was trying to give Hunters the ability to equip and use Knives, but the battle sprite vanishes the moment one tries to make an attack with a melee weapon.  I'm actually fairly certain the sprite graphics needed are already in the ROM, they're simply not pointer'd for Hunter when making a melee weapon attack (since it never makes a melee attack unless unarmed).

Any help would be appreciated, it's been a very long time since I've looked at this ROM and just started playing the game again recently.

EDIT: I think the "Action Indices" I'm interested in (Using the "Tactics Advance Sprite Editor", sorry there's no readme or other info to go along with that program name but I'm pretty sure I got it off of either here or romhacking.net) are numbers $28 through $2D; for melee-capable classes these are sprite pointer sequences that produce a 'weapon swing' animation, and Hunter's are blank (though the actual sprites needed are almost certainly in there, having seen them pointed to in other "Action Indices").

EDIT 2: OK, found it at $370204 (-ish), and discovered that putting in a brand-new series of pointers for an animation is...problematic, as there's no free space.  For now, thankfully, $1c and $1d (I think these are used for Sonic Boom, which all Humes can use) are close enough to the melee strike animation for most classes that it works for Hunter swinging a Dagger around, but I guess now my next question is where I might find free space to add in some extra animation pointer sequences...
Non-FFT Modding / Tactics Ogre PSP Remake Data
June 20, 2013, 11:42:43 pm
Et requested I post this in here, hope this might be useful for someone.

I've found where a lot of the mechanical data is stored for the Tactics Ogre remake on the PSP.  I've been toying around and modifying it so that I get things like Vartan Canopus with access to all bows and Tremendous Shot, or self-made craft recipes for Scrolls of the Cicada and Treatises on Seduction in the Transcription craft manual.

First, the imporant part: when looking through the game's contents in Explorer/UMDGen/whatever, from the game's /USRDIR folder, you need to open up 03E8.BIN in a hex editor.  This is where all of the goodies I've found so far reside.  Once you have this open, you'll find that it's completely uncompressed and has no decryption; it's just like looking at an old SNES ROM.

Once you've got that, finding everything's a snap.  Here are some sample locations; note that all of the data 'sections' in this file will start off with "78 6C 63 65".  You can actually build a rudimentary table with this info to find the description text, as well, because this will spell out 'x l c e', and the letters are in the expected order.  I've put down addresses as I saw them in my hex editor, if you need them translated into a more standard format I'll try my best:

698a0: Equipment Section
   7ce90: Unknown, very short: just looks like a bunch of numbers proceeding in gradually larger amounts.
7cfe0: Consumable Item/Sundry Section.  Note, shop availability is NOT located here, but craft recipe specifics are.
82480: Class Mechanics Section
89ca0: Class Description/Name Section (with pointers)
91ee0: Spell/Finisher Section
a25e0: Battle Formation Data, I believe.  More research needed.
   ba2e0: Unknown
   bbf90: Unknown
   c0ce0: Unknown
   c1eb0: Unknown
   c2840: Unknown
c31d0: Base Character Stats (things like unique character RT, starting stats, etc.)
   cb1f0: Unknown
cb7f0: Skill Learning/Use Info (things like what class can use what skills, etc.)
   d48c0: Unknown
   d6c80: Unknown
d8b60: Character Name Section (with pointers)
   df400: Unknown, extremely short
   df420: Unknown, extremely short
   df440: Unknown, short; seems to be a list of pointers
   df590: Unknown
   e45d0: Unknown, very short
   e4610: Unknown, very short
e4650: Equipment Name/Descriptions, Objectives, etc.  Lots of text and pointers, HUGE section.
       136890: Unknown, very short
       136900: Unknown, very short
       136980: Unknown
       1370a0: Unknown
       1378f0: Unknown, very short
       1379f0: Unknown, very short
       137aa0: Unknown, short
       137bf0: Unknown
       139600: Unknown, very short
       139900: Unknown
13a77a: Death Quotes (with pointers)
13bf50: Spellcasting Invocations (with pointers)
1433c0: Battle Messages (things like "Stats slightly increased.") (with pointers)
       143670: Unknown, short; seems to be a list of pointers
143810: Spellcasting Sets (i.e. which classes use which spells)
       147a70: Unknown, very short
       147b10: Unknown
       147d40: Unknown
       147e10: Unknown, end of file

I do not have shop data (no debugger), or stuff for graphics/sprites/sounds (not interested in changing that stuff).

BUT, this is also a sign that the /USRDIR has the files for actually running this thing, not the massive DATA.BIN file I was dreading trying to pore through.  Hopefully someone else takes interest in modifying this great game, so go into the /USRDIR and have a look around to see what you can dig up.
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Note about Formation Data
October 07, 2012, 05:29:35 pm
Eternal asked me to leave something here so he wouldn't forget :P

First, just to reiterate for anyone else who might be interested:  CLAN FORMATION POINTERS (Starting ROM Address 0854cd7c; $28 bytes (40) per section).

If you've got that already...Bytes (x+4) to (x+7) contain a 4-byte pointer which leads to the given formation's 'unit composition' data. 

For example, if you look at 0854d254 in a hex editor, the bytes at 0854d258 to 0854d25b read '00 d2 52 08,' or 0852d200.  Go there, and you'll notice a pattern of '2D 2C 2C 2C 46,' spaced 48 bytes apart.  That would translate to 'Red Cap, Goblin (1), Goblin (2), Goblin (3), Sprite.'

The Formation data seems to hold two other pointers per entry; I'm guessing they're for unit placement of enemies/guests and designation of legal tiles for you to plop down your own units, but I haven't really looked at or tested them, yet.