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Topics - Fosil

Spriting / Fosil's Sprites
December 06, 2015, 03:19:30 pm
Been away for a while, but I still check in to lurk every so often. In some of my spare time, I also sprite. Here are a few things I've been working on. The Storm sprite I began has not really touched, as I ran into some issues with her modified cape and animations. But would still like to finish it.

The blue mage attached was spawned from a portrait sketch I did a while ago. I have not tested it in ShiShi for animations, etc, so its still very much a W.I.P... Not to mention it has some horrendously drawn frames for certain poses...

Then, I had the bright idea to redo all generic sprites, and perhaps even some specials, to mimic the Black Mage/Dark Knight look.

There are others I've began to 'Black-Mage-ify', but are not good enough to post examples. A few of the generic sprites are really easy to do this process with, such as Ninja/Lancer/male Mime/etc. While others would require a hat or something that would cast their face into shadows. Also, as a rule I follow, no skin can show. This opens up the possibility of these being non-human constructs (ala FF9's black mages). And without skin tones, the hair can really be any color and look great compared to normal 'caucasian' units.

Also, I began the portrait for the Blue Mage, but being it is entirely custom with no source material, it looks really terrible and isn't worth sharing at this point.

EDIT: I dunno what the deal is with the black pixels on his robe in the zoomed-in Blue Mage, too lazy to re-upload.
So, in my trials of game design, I am currently stuck on how to create a well-balanced, yet interesting skill set for job classes.
I've skimmed the net for resources on how best to do this, but.. uh.. I have not seen much that was helpful.

My best resource for, as it turns out, Skill Tree design, came from the Diablo II Phrozen Keep forum, where a very knowledgeable user gave his input on skill design philosophy. (Link for those interested.) But, obviously, that is Diablo II, and this is Final Fantasy Tactics... I think the basic concepts generally still apply?

That aside, feel free to give example skill sets/jobs from any game or mod. (Diversity is great!)
But FFT-esque compatibles are ideal. :)

I suppose I should offer my favored skillset for "balance": The Squire's Basic Skill skillset. (FFT Arena especially.)
And, as far as skillset "flavor" goes, I would say: Samurai's Draw Out. In addition to how the skills originate in-game--(inspired by a real-world culture as well as drawing power from a weapon)--there is much it can do, and each skill has its uses. (Again, FFT Arena's incarnation is much better.)

Thanks in advance for those of you who participate!
Spriting / Tojoe's Sprites
July 13, 2012, 09:29:55 pm
(In hopes that I create more sprites, as I often wish to.)

My latest sprite: Phara, the sea-faring Pirate. (Or, you know, whatever you see her as being.
She isn't complete--there are still some... nits... to be... picked... out. As it were. That, and the portrait.
I want her hair to be red. (Gosh, what is it with me and red-heads?) So an alteration will be in order...

I am aware of the funny business with her hands blending into her hair on casting animations. Perhaps the 16th sprite colour can fix that?

Base sprite: Female Ninja; Hair: Female Assassin; Sash: Rapha
Colours may not be to FFT standards. (Did not use entirely existing sprite colours here and there.)
Total colours used: 15 (including black)

In addition, I am toying with the idea of adding white boot... seams? fabric? ... things to spiff it up.

Critiques? Ice cream? Oh please, be ice cream!
FFT Arena / Data collection of Season 1
July 03, 2012, 12:35:29 am
Herein I gathered tallies of jobs/items/abilities used in nearly all of the teams from the MemCard Generator spreadsheet. (It is far from fully accurate-it may not include all. However, the data still stands for what its worth.)

This outlines the best, and thus, the most popular.
You could say my goal in this is to encourage the buffing of low-popularity items/jobs/skillsets so that the best aren't quite the best anymore. Easier said than done, I know--balancing is tricky business.

Collection Highlights
(In order of most to least. See if you can guess the best! Full lists & counts in spoilers below)
Top 5 primary jobs: Archer, Scholar, Ninja, Bard, Monk
Top 5 secondary skillsets: Item, White Magic, Draw Out, Ninjitsu, Punch Art
Top 5 reactions: Auto Potion, Damage Split, MA Save, Absorb MP, PA Save
Top 5 support: Magic Attack UP, Attack UP, Short Charge, Defense UP, Throw Item
Top 5 movement: Move-HP Up, Move-MP Up, Move+1, Fly, Teleport
Top weapons of each type: Platina Dagger, Hidden Knife, Rune Blade, Defender, Murasame, Battle Axe, Faith Rod, Wizard Staff, Scorpion Tail, Romanda Gun, Gastrafitis, Mythril Bow, Bloody Strings, Battle Dict, Dragon Whisker, Ivory Rod, H Bag, Persia
Top 5 shields: Genji Shield, Venetian Shield, Aegis Shield, Kaiser Plate, Escutcheon II
Top headgear of each type: Diamond Helmet, Golden Hairpin, Ribbon
Top bodygear of each type: Reflect Mail, Black Costume, Linen Robe
Top accessory of each type: Sprint Shoes, Magic Gauntlet, Angel Ring, 108 Gems, Vanish Mantle, Chantage

63   Archer
53   Scholar
51   Ninja
51   Bard
46   Monk
44   Thief
42   Paladin
40   Priest
39   Oracle
39   Samurai
28   Chemist
27   Mediator
25   Lancer
25   Dancer
22   Wizard
21   Squire
18   Mime
16   Time Mage
15   Summoner
11   Geomancer
126   Item
100   White Magic
83   Draw Out
48   Ninjitsu
47   Punch Art
34   Summon Magic
30   Steal
25   Chivalry
24   Time Magic
20   Snipe
20   Talk Skill
18   Basic Skill
13   Black Magic
13   Sing
12   Yin Yang Magic
10   Elemental
8   Jump
7   Dance
2   Lore
105   Auto Potion
57   Damage Split
53   MA Save
43   Absorb MP
37   PA Save
35   Dragon Spirit
33   HP Restore
30   Abandon
29   MP Restore
28   Counter Flood
24   Counter
24   Projectile Guard
19   Awareness
16   Counter Magic
14   Speed Save
11   Regenerator
11   Faith Up
10   Finger Guard
9   Critical Quick
7   Meatbone Slash
6   Sunken State
6   Distribute
0   Brave Up
0   Counter Tackle
98   Magic Attack UP
95   Attack UP
94   Short Charge
47   Defense UP
43   Throw Item
39   Unyielding
38   Equip Shield
34   Overwhelm
29   Equip Armor
24   Two Swords
20   Martial Arts
19   Equip Ranged
19   Magic Defend UP
13   Equip Polearm
12   Half of MP
11   Two Hands
5   Equip Magegear
2   Maintenance
1   Equip Light Blade
0   Equip Clothes
0   Defend
0   Equip Hvy Blade
0   Monster Talk
174   Move-HP Up
129   Move-MP Up
71   Move+1
49   Fly
31   Teleport
21   Float
12   Flee
10   Ignore Height
0   Jump +1
0   Jump +2
25   Platina Dagger
17   Main Gauche
12   Orichalcum
6   Mage Masher
4   Air Knife
2   Dual Cutters
2   Blind Knife
1   Assassin Dagger
0   Throwing Knife
38   Hidden Knife
18   Ninja Knife
9   Sasuke Knife
6   Koga Knife
4   Short Edge
2   Ninja Edge
2   Iga Knife
1   Spell Edge
41   Rune Blade
9   Blood Sword
3   Ancient Sword
3   Sleep Sword
2   Diamond Sword
2   Platinum Sword
1   Ice Brand
0   Coral Sword
6   Defender
4   Chaos Blade
2   Excalibur
1   Save the Queen
1   Ragnarok
12   Murasame
12   Muramasa
5   Asura Knife
5   Kikuichimonji
5   Masamune
2   Bizen Boat
2   Heaven's Cloud
2   Chirijiraden
1   Kiyomori
0   Kotetsu Knife
31   Faith Rod
19   Wizard Rod
17   Prismatic Rod
3   Flame Rod
2   Poison Rod
1   Ice Rod
1   Dragon Rod
0   Thunder Rod
32   Wizard Staff
17   Mace of Zeus
5   Rainbow Staff
5   Gold Staff
4   White Staff
0   Healing Staff
17   Romanda Gun
17   Blaze Gun
11   Stone Gun
9   Blast Gun
8   Mythril Gun
8   Glacier Gun
20   Mythril Bow
3   Ultimus Bow
0   Long Bow
0   Silver Bow
0   Ice Bow
0   Lightning Bow
0   Windslash Bow

7   Gastrafitis
6   Night Killer
3   Poison Bow
2   Cross Bow
2   Hunting Bow
0   Bow Gun
13   Dragon Whisker
6   Obelisk
5   Javelin
3   Partisan
3   Holy Lance
1   Spear
0   Mythril Spear
33   Ivory Rod
10   Octagon Rod
3   Whale Whisker
1   Iron Fan
0   Gokuu Rod
8   Battle Axe
4   Giant Axe
3   Slasher
15   Scorpion Tail
5   Spiked Futon
4   Aspergillum
0   Sadist's Whip
16   H Bag
14   FS Bag
10   P Bag
3   C Bag
6   Battle Dict
2   Monster Dict
1   Papyrus Plate
1   Madlemgen

8   Bloody Strings
5   Fairy Harp
0   Lamia Harp
5   Persia
3   Ryozan Silk
1   Cashmere
35   Genji Shield
35   Venetian Shield
19   Aegis Shield
19   Kaiser Plate
11   Escutcheon II
8   Ice Shield
8   Flame Shield
5   Mythril Shield
4   Platina Shield
3   Gold Shield
3   Diamond Shield
3   Crystal Shield
26   Diamond Helmet
25   Barbuta
22   Crystal Helmet
18   Circlet
16   Cross Helmet
13   Gold Helmet
7   Grand Helmet
3   Mythril Helmet
3   Platina Helmet
0   Genji Helmet

30   Reflect Mail
28   Carabini Mail
13   Diamond Armor
12   Gold Armor
10   Platina Armor
6   Genji Armor
0   Crystal Armor
0   Maximilian
141   Golden Hairpin
80   Black Hood
68   Thief Hat
67   Green Beret
48   Holy Miter
46   Twist Headband
27   Flash Hat

98   Black Costume
74   Power Sleeve
55   Wizard Outfit
47   Brigandine
36   Earth Clothes
31   Rubber Costume
29   Santa Outfit
18   Secret Clothes
31   Ribbon
10   Cachusha
3   Barette

37   Linen Robe
37   Robe of Lords
16   Wizard Robe
14   Silk Robe
13   Chameleon Robe
13   White Robe
11   Black Robe
10   Light Robe
39   Sprint Shoes
36   Red Shoes
35   Battle Boots
24   Germinas Boots
11   Iron Boots
10   Rubber Shoes
8   Feather Boots
47   Magic Gauntlet
39   Bracer
4   Power Wrist
1   Genji Gauntlet
43   Angel Ring
38   Magic Ring
33   Reflect Ring
13   Cursed Ring
4   Defense Ring
24   108 Gems
18   N-Kai Armlet
8   Diamond Armlet
0   Jade Armlet
0   Defense Armlet
17   Vanish Mantle
11   Dracula Mantle
9   Elf Mantle
8   Small Mantle
6   Feather Mantle
2   Wizard Mantle
1   Leather Mantle
69   Chantage
47   Setiemson
46   Cherche
6   Salty Rage

Suffice to say, it is sad when so many items are neglected. Next step: suggestions for improvement? How about it, Arena-masters? :)
What if the wiki was... well, more of a wiki?

We could create pages about sprites, with that sprite's default portrait, sprite sheet, palette(s), and skill sets--as well as basic biographical data like date of birth, zodiac sign, Brave Story entry, help text of any sort that originates from that character, Bravery/Faith quotes, etc.
- For palettes, we could create sub-pages that detail that sprite's palette data, and be able to click on one of the colors displayed to see what other sprites also use, say: "Ramza Chapter 1's lightest shade of blue."

- For custom sprites that were "frankensteined" from other sprites, perhaps we could include links to their respective original sources?

- For skill sets, each ability could have its own sub-page? And within that page would be its formula, and that formula could have its own category that links to other abilities/weapons that also use that formula. Also, there could be detailed effect observations of that ability which state how it applies to single targets vs. groups vs. all allies/foes. (I seem to remember a forum article that had Youtube videos of such things but could not readily find it)

("tl;dr" Basically any data that would be useful to a user if he or she were to implement this sprite into their patch would be documented and easily accessible.
Of course there any many many more things that could be put on the wiki, the limit is in the user base. So, how about it?
The Lounge / Zodiac Stones after end-game?
May 11, 2011, 09:44:13 am
What happens to the Zodiac stones after the events of end-game FFT?
I've read several entries on FFT's story, but there are no details of if.

Due to this, no one knows. So then, I want some opinions from others as to what might happen to them.

I've had several ideas, myself.
- Ramza gives the stones to his friends (party members, whether special or generic) to keep safe
(Obviously this would vary from player to player, depending what company he kept. Although there are still key-characters from the story that could fulfill these tasks, such as Orran or Valmafra)
- Ramza (and/or his friends) scatter them throughout the continent, or even world
- They are destroyed?

Reason is: I may be dabbling a little into story content set after the completion of FFT's story.
Spriting / Our own Malcolm Reynolds (sprite)
May 05, 2011, 09:22:52 pm
While avoiding the wall that is redesigning Rapha and Marach, an idea hit me. I love Firefly. I love FFTactics. Mei yong ma duh tse gu yong!
However, I'm not planning to do the entire cast. For now I only have Malcolm and Inara in mind. (Then, if not Inara, Zoey)

They blend into the world of Ivalice enough, with guns and all. Convert space stuff to sea stuff and it works! (Minus the magic, but that is easily overlooked.)
I might be getting some hate mail that I'm ruining the world of Firefly/Serenity though...

I'm aware of the sprite messiness and incorrect colours. This is just a "rough draft" if you will.
Please, blow me out of the water!
It may be a piece of gosa, but gorramit its my piece of gosa.
Help! / Where can I get Balthier's sprite?
May 05, 2011, 02:57:02 pm
My searches are fruitless. However, some other users have the sprite in some way, either borrowing from it or posting implementation troubles concerning it.

I have found a version from 'The Spriters Resource' site, however its format is incorrect. So, surely someone has made a PSX-compatible version of this sprite? If so, could someone please point me to it?
Help! / Skillsets based on a unit's Zodiac sign?
April 20, 2011, 10:37:33 am
Like Bard & Dancer, is it possible to have a job's skillset differ based on Zodiac sign, instead of gender?

If so, replacing Orator with this would be totally awesome--albeit open to abuse with GameSharking.

And curious what would happen if you were to change their Zodiac sign mid-battle. I imagine their skillset would stay the same, until after-battle. Or perhaps, stay what it was originally--unless checks were made? I don't know much of that, though.
Spriting / Meliadoul Unveiled
April 03, 2011, 11:25:38 pm
In lieu of requests to alter my almost-submission... (Which is a very good thing!)

In wanting to re-imagine characters in different lights, I chose Meliadoul as my first task. I gave her (what I felt) was a more pleasing green cloak, and subsequently had to alter her gauntlet palette colours due to her hair. I also had to remove her grayish undergarment to trim down the palette. This led to me pasting over the male Archer's boots, which might not have been the best choice in retrospection, as there are better "metallic" boots to copy over.

Attached here is my progress at this point. I warmly welcome any suggestion, so please, suggest away! :)

- It has been already suggested that I restore the cloak's original colour. (Both hooded and 'hair' versions)
- Should I reduce the hair's saturation?