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Topics - Xifanie

Spam / chinpokoman
October 24, 2009, 02:55:45 pm
Zodjiaku was traveling in the fun land where it is legal to force animals to fight themselves.

Zodjiaku challenges Prinny_X to a duel, because he wants to become a better chinpokoman master.

-  I'll destroy you, and steal all your chinpokoman, choose your chinpokoman to fight my kokobo; it's SHOWTAIM! Kokobo, I choose you!
News / Small update
October 23, 2009, 09:33:24 pm
I worked on the website today, here's what I did:
- Removed the statistics on the forum because it wasn't working anymore,
- Made every page on the main site xhtml 1.0 valid (except videos),
- Fixed the Videos section; but I still need to recode it and find a way to rip youtube pages easily,
- Fixed the Custom Sprites page, and made it much more compat (in term of page filesize)
The Lounge / Rules or no rules?
October 15, 2009, 05:44:41 pm
For easier banning and stuff. However that would mean going through the trouble of making a rules chart. I seriously wouldn't do this alone though.

One of the problematic with rules is that you cannot write anything very specific for signature length, avatar size or lack of contribution.
Spam / Things you always wanted to say
October 06, 2009, 08:50:12 am
Perception is up to the reader, as this is the SPAM section.

Let me start:
- Dome, you're dumb, but at least you stopped using retarded smilies... that took a ban threat though.
- Asmo stop complaining about the god filter. Would you really want to have xtians invade the forums?
- Narutards, just fucking die already. Naruto is just really fucking gay and stupid and I'd rather have any sprites made from ANYTHING but that.
- Voldemort and Zalge you are wusses. Emotionally borkenered because of girls? oh noes.
- Seushiro, your avatar sucks. The eye animation doesn't make it look cool, it's just retarded.
- Welcome back gojoe!
Hacking/Patching Tools / Palette Editor (1.31b)
October 04, 2009, 08:37:18 am
This tool allows you to open BMP (8bit) ONLY, convert them from/to old/new shishi arrangement. And if course it allows you to switch palettes.

Before importing in shishi just load the bitmap and click Null palette.

If you want to copy a palette, just drag & drop the one you want to copy unto.

Help! / Palette in photoshop
September 30, 2009, 09:31:07 pm
Hey guys, seems weird for me to create a new topic in this section huh? :P

Anyway, for batch converting purposes, I need to have access to the full 256 colors table, but I can't find it anywhere. I googled and stuff without any success. The best I managed was to reset the color table in Imageready, but that only keeps the 16 used colors; which sucks.

I just hope I can use photoshop, else it will be a pain to build a program since I've never coded anything for graphics before.
Spam / Did YOUR dream come true?
September 29, 2009, 10:23:29 am
FFH is wondering if its members are satisfied of their services.
Spam / for the LULZ
September 28, 2009, 02:06:42 pm

News / Transfer Successful!
September 26, 2009, 08:39:00 pm
If you can read this, the DNS server was successfully changed to redirect to FFH's new host.

It's time to say goodbye to downtime and hi to da shiznit!
Spam / DomDomDomDomDom
September 25, 2009, 03:13:08 pm

No I mean, seriously...

How can we take you seriously with an avatar like that?
Spam / Assassins
September 21, 2009, 10:20:32 pm
News / Find a new host for FFH contest!
September 19, 2009, 03:29:50 pm
Gain awesomeness, and maybe something else.

If you feel you didn't contribute enough, now is your chance. We need to find a new host and move before October 1st because our current host is discontinuing its services.

To your browsers everyone!

By preference:
Unlimited Mysql databases (min 4), e-mail accounts(min 10), subdomains (min 10), FTP accounts (min 10).
We need a BARE minimum of 50gb bandwidth per month, and 2gb of space. The forum database likely requires 200mb uncompressed.

Oh and a high uptime too. iipanel had a 99.9% guarantee that it completely failed to respect.
Site Submission / Removal Requests
September 14, 2009, 09:52:05 am
Even if the work is not yours, if the tutorial is outdated or if a sprite is too ugly, just request it's removal here. Discussion is allowed.
News / Remember to submit your work!
September 12, 2009, 06:59:59 pm
A lot of people aren't submitting their:
- Sprites
- Tutorials
- Videos
- etc.

And that even though they are of great quality. I see this as a waste since we have sections to list all of them so that we don't have to browse the forum for hours. To submit a work, simply post in the appropriate topic in the Site Submission forum.
I've started thinking about adding a fanart section too.
Spam / Fanfic
September 08, 2009, 07:16:47 pm
Generously provided by BLOOP via e-mail

Quote from: "BLOOP"I am writing fan fiction about FFHacktics. Although I'm not entirely sure if it is accurate so far, I'm pretty sure this paints a good picture about the FFH community!
It is 7:00 a.m. Zodiac's mom wakes up. Of course, Zodiac does not wake up. He didn't even fall asleep. He was up all night stroking his ego to his one and only true love, Final Fantasy Tactics. He quit High School just to spend more time with FFT. He would commit murder just to be with it. And he nearly did.
His mom left for her job. She didn't even bother to try to get him out of the house. She gave up after he threatened to kill her. She only took care of him. She never spoke to him, in fear of being killed. Zodiac didn't even notice her.
Zodiac the spotted a newbie in the area. He was posting in Spam forum. SPAM FOURM. How dare he spam in the spam forum? What the freak? He immediately banned him, all the while stroking his "ego".
He decided to check the chartrooms again. And wouldn't you know it; somebody was trying to learn how to use the epsxe emulator. How DARE he? He was banned faster than you can say FFT.
Meanwhile, Archeal woke up from his sleep. He only got sleep in one hour increments. He immediately went on FFH. He did other things, like play more video games and play water polo (although he was only in it for the shirtless men). Still, if FFT was out of his life, it would freaking suck.
Back to Zodiac. He talks to LastingDawn about how sexy it is to ban newbs. He climaxes while doing this. Then suddenly BOOM his computer crashes. He still types for several minutes while looking at the computer screen. He then realized he was looking at a black screen. Oh ship.
He had a heart attack, then and there. Oh ship. My life is ruined. The only reason I lived was to play FFT and hack it. Now what? He got a gun and pointed at his head. Life is over. There is no point in living anymore. He had no job. No girlfriend. No friends outside of FFH, no nothing. The time he had to spend without FFH was not worth living through. He was going to pull the trigger, but then the power turned back on. Thank Ramza!
Now that he had the computer, It was time for FFT pornz time! Jacking off to FFT took up 1/3 of his day, which lasted 24 hours. This time, he jacked off to his favorite porn: FFT Mercenaries. Sexy. HE climaxed in less than a second. He did it again. And again. And again. He was doing it so often and so long that his Mom came back. He was still jacking off, but she was used to it.
He finaly ran out of sperm. Damn. Now back to hacking: or more like having e-sex with his favorite FFH members. Meanwhile, a guy was spamming the chat boards saying that if his accout isn't restored, he was going to commit suicide. Emo kid. He banned him again.
Several hours later, he passed  out. This happens once in a while, due to his 23.999 hour lifestyle. He slept for all of an hour. To be countinued...
Spam / Turn a line into PSP script!
September 06, 2009, 01:22:11 pm
It's easy, first the person translates the last person's line into PSP script and then puts his/her own sentence to translate. Try to build a story too.

I'll build an example and start:

- I was looking at the sky.
- With my eyes, I was contemplating the deep blue vast area above my head.
News / September Phools 1.3
September 01, 2009, 12:51:19 pm
A lot of people fell for the prank, and supposedly some even got mad and ragequited! That's what you get from an 8 hours joke that some find of bad taste.

Here is how I started it:

Maybe you'll learn this the harsh way, but I had to remove the 1.3 forum section.
Square Enix hasn't sent us a C&D letter; that's not the reason.

You see I know a lot of people praise 1.3 but a lot are on the other side, noticing how ridiculous it is. Honestly I don't see the point of keeping a patch that only attracts members that I could say have a lower IQ than the rest of the forum. Please understand, I'm only doing this for the best of our community. I removed all the topics from the database so there is no going back now.

I'm sure most of you will agree that we should focus more on patches like Mercenaries or FFT: Complete.
News / FFH Chat Notice
July 28, 2009, 12:54:39 pm
Don't forget to come talk on the chat.

And now too bad for you but you're forced to identify yourself.
If you didn't already know, if you are logged on the forum in you can directly log in the chat with your forum account name from there.
Else you have to input a nickname.

- Cadet00
- Cadet01
- Cadet69
- Cadet99
News / Donating to FFH makes you SEXY
July 27, 2009, 02:49:59 pm
This is part of a triple News post; don't miss the other two.
You can now donate to FFH to help us pay the website if you want to contribute with money, the page was added very recently on the main site.
Everything is explained there; be generous!

News / Front Page News
July 27, 2009, 02:49:38 pm
I decided to find and edit a News template that loads posts from the phpBB forum, and it seems to work well, if you check the main site, you'll instantly know if there are news or not! How awesome is that?
News / 3 days downtime
July 27, 2009, 02:49:06 pm
Basically I was waiting for my credit card to arrive before paying my website. It ended up that I had no access to a credit card the last day I could possibly pay. I received my credit card only the next day, which is when I hurried to create a paypal account and pay my hosting package/domain. They received my payment, but just didn't change my nameservers, I even received messages from my host that they received my payments. So I want wondering what the heck was going on and sent multiple support tickets. Other problem is that it was friday, and while the support team answered me, they didn't know what to do (will be explained later in the post). I kept sending more information to fix all this shit ASAP but in vain!

Yes, while claim to have a 24/7 e-mail support, they were ALL having a nice week-end while I was cracking up, googling for hours trying to find a solution in order to fix it myself. But it's only after a while that I understood I couldn't do a single fucking thing and had to wait for an action from them. Today, the guy in charge of the billing finally confirmed my payments and BOOM! servernames changed so the site is back up. This experience sucked so much for everyone, and I hope this sort of shit will never happen again. And neither do you of course. Thanks to melonhead and mes for providing alternatives to access the website during this crisis, even though most users didn't know of them.
Hacking/Patching Tools / ATTACK.OUT Editor
July 12, 2009, 03:07:59 am
http://www.ffhacktics.com/downloads/ATT ... Editor.rar

Just put it in the same folder as ATTACK.OUT and run the program.

When you're done click Save and then import.
Spam / Good or Vengeful god?
July 06, 2009, 01:21:35 am
Good: ♥ to users

Vengeful:  :ban:
PSX FFT Hacking / sprite hacking
June 28, 2009, 04:26:21 pm

0x0001ADCC :
activate paletted portraits for special units

0x00020AE4 :
Custom palette for special units and generic humans

0x00020AE4 :
Custom palette for special units, generic humans and generic monsters.

Number of maximum palettes that can be used. 08 recommended.

Quote from: "Raise palette limit + fix"0x000E92E0 :

0x0010D4C0 :

0x0001AD88 :

Number of allowed spritesheets; override. This one is risky if you aren't aware of the consequences. Normally the spritesheet limit is 9 and the game will always calculate that you bring 5 units in random battles, even if the squad allows less. Therefore the game will calculate that only 4 enemy spritesheets are allowed to be loaded and will not even try to load any different spritesheet units after that. By raising the limit to 13, it allows 8 enemy spritesheets. Whoever you have to make sure the amount of units the player is allowed in the squad plus the the total spritesheets the ENTD can generate doesn't exceed 9. Else you create the possibility that a graphical glitch will occur for some units just like in story battles or the Deep Dungeon.

Here are some demos I made with my crappy bmp palette
 generator spreadsheet. (making some myself would've been too long and too ugly ^^)

Archives / Wall-o-Shame
June 07, 2009, 08:11:00 am
Wall of Shame

Son_of_Jim AKA red_bird AKA TentacleCassanova (
Hydrallx (;;
psp master AKA psp7master AKA pspmaster7 AKA ffthacker AKA not psp master AKA captain obvious AKA many other alt accounts (;
MagiTek AKA MagiTek Issue AKA SeraphimEnchantress (;;;
Jukain AKA KrazyKlyde (
Obliques (
Tornado Jack AKA Zodiac
deadlyangel91792 (
The Chad (
Beowulf cadmus AKA Ansem (
ShamWow3000 AKA AlphaBetaGammaDelta AKA BLOOP (
White1N AKA radon (
Mental_Gear (;
Zalge (;;
HakuSGX AKA Onegia AKA Caesus (
Red Fox (
Jon (89.204.*.*;82.113.*.*)
Voldemort AKA Voldemort2 (Whatever his IP is)


War of the Lions Hacking / WotL timeline info
May 31, 2009, 08:27:46 pm
It would be appreciated if someone could note be all the information possible towards historically important PSP only events.

The original timeline is here:

The PSP events will have a different color as well as custom ones (for patches).

hlp plz?

If I could be more specific, it would be all events that you can locate in time and that always happen; that means no subquests.
Spriting / Run chawcawbaw run
May 30, 2009, 12:32:39 pm
I thought my anim lacked movement so I decided to make a second version but I'm not really satisfied with the result. What do you guys think?

version 1

version 2
News / Stop asking for or providing ISOs
May 26, 2009, 07:19:01 am
I am seriously sick of this.

Whatever external link or way to acquire copyrighted material is ILLEGAL.

If you want a FFT ISO, just make it yourself. It's easy and barely takes 3-5 minutes.
News / Entering Defcon 2
May 11, 2009, 08:25:31 pm
Currently trying to eliminate all risks of potential attacks.

Safety is not guaranteed.

In case of failure, evacuation will be in order.
So with this you can change when the game draws paths and locations... but not only this, you can change where and when the next storyline event will happen. It's possible that this controls everything relating to subquests too as you're not limited to storyline progression when choosing a condition.

I need someone to help me with this.

I made an excel editor that I joined in this post.

I can teach the basics but I don't know a lot myself.

If you see for example 6E000400
006E = condition based on storyline progress.
0004 = value, 04 is set after the first even at Igros after saving Algus.