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Messages - Robrain

Help! / Re: List of Text Related To Jobs
October 26, 2012, 07:56:58 pm
Quote from: yrogerg on October 20, 2012, 07:24:01 am
Job requirements are missing. Go in FFTactext, open your iso then go in Text option there is a QuickEdit option. Every thing is in there even though you still have to change everything else.

You know, when you said "Job requirements", I thought you just meant like "Level 2 Squire".  I never realized until I was in FFTactext the other day that there's actually a good quantity of text to go along with it.  Thanks.
Many thanks to both you and Pride in the chat, who provided me with the following link:


I'm taking this one step at a time, so this will be my first foray into FFTorgASM.
Quote from: plandr on September 19, 2011, 04:41:19 am
That said, perhaps this is something you or someone else has knowledge on? :)

^^ Using the ShiShi sprite editor, these are the sprites I'm seeking out to replace. They aren't used by anyone else in the game and as such don't require me to replace existing characters which is ideal to me (so I don't see duplicates of the imported characters during story battles/events).

That said, when I unpack a fresh .ISO file (without using ShiShi I'm able to do this) and use FFTEVGRP to open up the UNIT and WLD .BIN files I don't see any associated sprites with these characters. As such, even if I could successfully follow the tutorial I don't see a clear way to assign a battle formation sprite and portrait to the "free/empty" characters in the game.

Am I just missing something here?

Thanks for any help you can provide. :)

Quote from: Eternal on September 19, 2011, 05:42:40 am
I'm pretty sure you'd have to use those slots for characters that don't join you, but I'm not 100% sure on how it works.

Quote from: Zozma on October 06, 2011, 08:39:11 pm
you're wrong. you can reassign a unit.bin sprite to ANY sprite, for example, i assigned the Dancer unit.bin sprite to celia and lede's :)

Back on Page 2 Zozma stated that there was a way to reassign a UNIT.BIN sprite to ANY sprite.  However, he left no details on how to accomplish this.  I've just hit the same wall as plandr - I was utilizing some of the unused jobs / sprites to create a new job class without destroying any of the ones that are used in the game.  They work fine in battle, but they don't have any corresponding formations sprites/portraits.

Does anyone know what Zozma was referring to in his above quote?
Spriting / Re: theultrawolf's sprites
October 23, 2012, 12:38:52 am
Quote from: Kagebunji on October 04, 2012, 08:22:58 am
Or just use this for the portrait:

Where'd that portrait of Penelo come from?

The hairstyle in ultrawolf's Sprite of Penelo just doesn't seem like it belongs to the Penelo from FF12:

Help! / List of Text Related To Jobs
October 20, 2012, 07:04:57 am
So I'm basically working on some blueprints for my first mod, and I could use some help to make sure I'm not overlooking anything.

This weekend, I want to go through and write out all the new text for the new job classes I'm coming up with.

I want to make sure I'm not overlooking any text related to the generic job classes (or non-generic job classes).

So far my checklist is:
+Job Name
+Job Description
+Skillset Name
+Description of the Skillset
+Ability Names within the Skillset
+Descriptions of Abilities within the Skillset
+Quotes said by characters when using those Abilities
+Formation Screen Quote for non-Generic Characters/Classes

I feel like I'm almost certainly missing some of the text related to the jobs themselves.  Is there anything within the Brave Story about the generic job classes?  I really have to go through the Brave Story and read it from top to bottom.  Maybe I can get that done this weekend too.

Thanks all.
Help! / Re: Sorta newbie, re-introducing myself...
October 18, 2012, 09:24:45 pm
Jon, I was able to find a .doc file that I believe contains your old thread regarding new character/job creation:

Download link for the .doc file:

Or view it in your browser by using this link:

Character Creation Tutorial
by Jon

Creating a new character in Final Fantasy Tactics is actually a very simple thing to do. All you need are a few programs that you can download off of the main FFH website and an idea, some character that you wish to appear in your patched game. Whether it be yourself, or a character from the Final Fantasy series or just a custom sprite, it doesn't matter whom or what, because I'm going to tell you how in this tutorial to make them appear in game either way. Read on!

1) The first thing you will need are the programs. You can't just magically make a new unit appear in game out of nothingness, you're going to need the following:

Go to Google and search for these 2 programs

GraphicsGale (which is the best for spritesheets and can be found here on FFH) and
PalSuite3 (it changes pixel colors)

Once you've gotten these 2 programs, download everything that FFHacktics has to offer:

FFTEVGRP (replaces unit portraits and menu)
CDMage (this gets the UNIT.BIN and WLDFACE.BIN)
Shishi Sprite Editor (find .457, its the one I use and works the best)
FFTacText (an absolute must if you are making units from scratch)
FFTPatcher (also a must, it does practically everything stat related)
FFTorgASM (a unique program that does a variety of things)

and of course

Your FFT Iso file and a Spritesheet of your character!!

Awesome, now we are rolling. If you have all of the above, move to step 2.

2) Open CDMage. Open up your .iso/.img file of your FFT game under File>Open(duh!). It will prompt you to make an Image type, select the last one called "Raw Image(*.iso,*.bin,*.tao,*.img,*.bwi,*.mm2)". Click detect in the box that appears. It will create a .cue of the iso, click okay when another box pops up. If it says "Data track has errors in the file system, its content may be displayed incorrectly. Continue parsing?", choose Yes. Click once on Track 1, and on the right hand side there will be 10 folders and 4 other files. Double click the EVENT folder. Scroll down to the bottom of this folder and find UNIT.BIN and WLDFACE.BIN and select both of them with ctrl and then right click and choose "Extract Files..." and save them in the same place as the iso and cue of FFT. Close CDMage.

3) Open Shishi Sprite Editor (.457 or better or these steps won't work). Go to File and then Open ISO, and open the iso. If it says something like "Do you want to extend your iso?", choose yes. Find 12 - Simon and go to Sprite at the top and Export SPR. Save this as simon.spr. Notice that Simon is a TYPE 2 unit, you will have to make sure he stays that way once we put him back in the game. Now go up to Sprite once more and Import either YOUR .spr file or .bmp depending on whatcha got. You will need to change the TYPE to what the imported sprite is, otherwise their arms will look like Rayman in battle if the sprite is type 1. Yes, their arms will float next to their body, not good! So change the type! Now go up to 12 - Simon and scroll down to 39 - Celia (Never Used). Go to Sprite and Import the simon.spr. Celia is type 2 so you don't need to change the type. Close Shishi Sprite Editor.

4) Here comes the working part. Open up GraphicsGale and if you have a portrait bmp and menu icon bmp ready, skip to the next part of this section. If not, read on. First open up the art program and open up your sprite sheet. Get the rectangular box (up on the top in the toolbar) and box in the second unit on the sheet, it should be the one that is looking down but at a diagonal. I would zoom in first because it is hard to do when the sprites are tiny. Make sure the box is 24 by 40 pixels. Now copy this image, make a brand new page and when it prompts you to set the size, make it 24x40. In this new tiny white box, paste your character. It is difficult, but try to center the character here so its in the middle. I would use a reference of any unit you can get from the FFTEVGRP. Save As [spritename] menu.bmp, close it and reopen it in GraphicsGale once again. Now go to the top choose All Frames and change the Color Depth from 256 colors to 16 colors by changing 8bpp to 4bpp and then okaying it. Finally, just save (because it already is a bmp). Now do this exact same procedure but with the portrait, so first rotate the canvas of your sprite sheet counter clockwise under Image>Rotate and make sure the size is 32x48, which should be really easy considering you are boxing in the entire portrait which is 32x48. Paste this image as a new file called [sprite name] portrait.bmp, also once again a BMP file with the colors set to 16!! That is important! Close GG once you got all that done. These are important files if you want your new unit to show up properly in the Menu screens.

5) This will only take a few seconds if you have done the previous step carefully and exactly. If PalSuite3 doesn't recognize your portrait and menu bmps, then you probably need to change the colors in GraphicsGale from 256 to 16. Open up PalSuite3 and go to File>Open and open up the 24x40 [sprite name] menu.bmp. Now go to Edit and then Resize and change the value from whatever it is to 16 and okay it. Save this as the same name [sprite name] menu.pal, which means change (Important!) it to a RIFF Palette (*.pal). Not any other palette. Do the exact same procedure for the [sprite name] portrait.bmp. Up to now you should have 1 of each of the following: 1 menu.bmp, 1 menu.pal, 1 portrait.bmp and 1 portrait.pal. If not, then you must have skipped something, stop now and reread what I wrote. Close Palsuite3.

6) The FFTEVGRP is our next stop. What will happen once you complete this is that the character will appear fully in the game; in battle, in the menu and also all portraits will be displayed. Note: First test your sprites without the palette (.pal file), if it doesn't look right in game then Import PAL. Open up FFTEVGRP and open for now the UNIT.BIN. Find the right menu character which is 0A Simon and replace it with your menu character by means of Import BMP..., then under Import PAL..., import your menu pal(but only if its weird in game). Simple. Finally, click Save file. Now go up to the top to File and open up the WLDFACE.BIN and find agian 0A Simon, and see how its the old white mage's portrait? Import BMP... and Import PAL... (again only if its colors are off in the game) of your sprite's portrait and pal. Click Save file. Close FFTEVGRP.

7) Open up CDMage again. Since the sprites are good and ready, you are going to import them into the game itself. Open up the FFT iso and find the EVENT folder once again. This time first click once on UNIT.BIN and right click to Import File, which will be your UNIT.BIN. After this, right click on the WLDFACE.BIN and import your WLDFACE.BIN. Close CDMage.

8) Details, details, details...well we are gonna do this correctly, right? Open FFTacText and then ISO>Import either PSX or PSP ISO and well I think you know what to do. For me the FFTacText Editor takes like 30 seconds to a minute to open, patience is a virtue... Select Text at the top and choose QuickEdit to save us some precious time. Now in this part I will call the characters job [Job Name], so if you want something else, just replace it. So the first thing under the QuickEdit is the JobDescritptions, scroll down the list until you find 19 Bishop. This is Simon's job, even though in game you never see it, there for its useless. Cool, a free space to create a custom character! Write in the right box something like this:

The [Job Name] is a custom character{Newline}
imported by [your name]. This job{Newline}
doesn't have a discription yet.

Of course write what you believe is necessary here, not this ridiculous nonsense I wrote (especially in the brackets "[ ]"; from now on fill the brackets with what you need).

Now change to JobNames in the middle bar and scroll down once again to 19 Bishop. Again never used in game, again name it this time [job name] in the right box. After this, under SkillsetNames, this may seem strange, but we are gonna use Teta's/Tietra's Magic and change its name to [skillset name], because Teta/Tietra never participates in battle, except when she is taking a nap in the snow up at the Fort...nevermind... Now find 35 Magic and rename it [job's skillset name]. Under SkillsetDescriptions, scroll down again and replace 35 which reads originally this:

Delita's sister Job command. Magic{Newline}
taught by her brother only she can{Newline}

Change this to something like:

[Job name] job command. Uses the [skillset name]{Newline}
to kill enemies.

Notice how "Newline" is enclosed in these { } things, that is used in code to distinguish a newline. In JobRequirements, type the same thing you have for JobDescriptions but add under the text the conditions for job change, its 38 Bishop here:

The [Job Name] is a custom character{Newline}
imported by [your name]. This job{Newline}
doesn't have a discription yet.{Newline}
No conditions for job change.

I didn't give any requirements for job change, but you can if you want, naturally. Alright, now that in theory your whole new job is totally complete in name, there is just one thing left to do. Go back up to the top and make the drop down bar under Text appear, select ATTACK.OUT. You should see Unit names, scroll down to 123 Dish and rename this to your very own custom name, probably your own name or something like Aeris or Bartz or whatever, it doesn't matter. This will make your own character's name appear in game :) Next again under Text on the top is OPEN.LZW. Change again 123 Dish to the same name (don't make spelling errors!) and finally after that go to Text and choose WORLD.LZW, the second to last on the bottom. Switch to 9: Unit names and 123 to yours again and then switch to 10: Unit names and name 123. So, you should have renamed 'Dish' 4 times, make sure you did! Now save this as a .ffttext just so you won't in the future havta do all this again. Then go to ISO and patch your ISO and wait for a while, up to 2-3 minutes unfortunetly. Patience, young Padawan! Close FFTacText once you get the "Success" message.

9) Save the best for last! Open up FFTPatcher and read on carefully! Go to File>New PSX/PSP patch, like always depending on whatcha have. Click the Jobs tab. Find 13 Bishop, this is the new job we just created in FFTacText over Simon's, its still going to be called Bishop here but in game it will be changed to whatever, so don't worry. Now you are going to have to change the stats on your own, don't fret because you can always just copy some other units stats if you don't know what you want. Sorry I can't help, but I'm not a mind reader ; ) Now, change the skillset on the top here to 23 Magic, Teta/Tietra's skillset. After you are done giving your unit some stats, click the Skill Sets tab. In here find 23 Magic and change Cure and Wish to whatever you want and use any blank spaces for more techniques/magic. You can also change the Reaction, Support and Movement abilities to whatever makes you happy. One last thing to do here -once you are content with your new skills- click the ENTD tab.

Now you can have your new character literally appear in game when and where you want, but I will show you how to make them appear in Gariland Magic City, the games first real battle. Not in Orbonne Monestry for 2 reasons, 1. you wouldn't see your character again for about 10 battles and 2. you would have to change around way more events in the ENTD, which is annoying actually.

First we are going to change all of Simon's apperances to 3A which stands for Celia (Never Used). Go to 100 Beginning of game inside Orbonne. Find in the upper right box Simon and click on him once. Below this box there are a whole bunch of sub catergories, like Sprite Set and Name, ect. All you have to do is change his Sprite Set to is 3A. Do this also under the following event numbers (where Simon appears): 110 and 11E. Up until now, these 3 events are the only times Simon appears. (There may be the 2 events at Orbonne where Wiegraf and Izlude are storming the place for Zodiac Stones, but I can't find them on the ENTD, meaning you might see your character in those scenes, weird...). Once you have done everything with Simon, go to 188 and you should see a list like this:

Ramza      Ramza      Squire
Delita      Delita      Squire
Generic Male   <Random>      Squire
Generic Male   <Random>      Squire
Generic Female      ...ect. You get the point.

Click the first Generic Male, right under Delita. Change this Squire's Sprite Set to 13 Simon. Change the Name to 7B Dish. Change the default "random" Birthdate to a desired birthday. The Job should also be now set as 13 Bishop. The units Level should remain 1, but if you want you can change this to a higher level, making the first few chapters or the entire game too easy, meaning more boring. My advice: leave it at 1. The Faith and Brave can be altered, but remember not to make them too faithful or too cowardly or they will leave your party after the first battle. Leave the Pallette, Unit ID, X, and Y alone, don't change this. Jobs unlocked determines how many jobs will be unlocked, so if you select Black Mage for example, the unit will have a default of a level 2 Chemist. The Initial direction, Team Color and Target Unit ID should stay as they are. Now if you have a female character, change Male to Female in the box above, leave the rest as is. Below there are the Skills, the first Primary should remain as FF <Job's>, the rest can be altered again to whatever you please. The same goes for the Equipment, you can have your character start with a unique weapon or different armor(s). Leave the Unknown and Spoils alone in the lower part. Go to 183 once you are all set up. Find the Generic Archer Dish and change his name to <Random>. Good, you're all set!

10) Go to File and Save patch... or Save as PSP patch... to save yourself some future work. Next go to either PSX or PSP and then Patch ISO. Click the "..." and locate your iso file, then click OK. Wait a few seconds and once this box closes and returns you to the FFTPatcher program, you're done. Run your patched game and if you followed the instructions exactly, your new character will appear at Gariland Magic City! Congratulations!
I'm new to this, so coming into this thread I thought I'd be seeing a whole lot of orange/black palettes.  Something along the lines of:

That's Hal (short for "Halloween") from the Idlewild series of books by Nick Sagan (son of Carl Sagan).

As far as color, I was imagining something like a cross between Palette#3 and Palette#1 of the Male Mime:


Or basically something like Palette #3, but with the red replaced by orange.

Anyway, I have yet to do any spriting at all, so I don't think I'll be able to have an entry submitted by the deadline.  But I really think the FFT world could use a black/orange palette character, so I'll post it when I finish it.
Help! / Re: Sorta newbie, re-introducing myself...
October 18, 2012, 12:25:26 am
Okay, so I just wanted to note, I jumped on IRC and got some instant help, and that was absolutely awesome.

Took a nap afterwards, just woke up, going to go through some things and read the replies above and then finish what I was doing in FFTPatcher.
Help! / Re: Sorta newbie, re-introducing myself...
October 17, 2012, 02:45:43 pm
Quote from: Jon on October 17, 2012, 02:16:26 pm
Yes, it won't be reflected in FFTPatcher. You have to keep track of everything. And what do you mean blank job classes? Like there are unnamed special jobs, I don't think renaming them and assigning them a skillset will cause any problems. They will be special jobs, not generic, just letting you know. So if you change one of those and import a certain sprite, that's what the sprite will always remain as in game. I would advise against using the unnamed ones if you want them on the player's side, but for making more unique enemies that's fine.

So, if I wanted to create an actual character (like Mustadio, Agrias, Beowulf, etc.) that keeps the same sprite, then there are certain slots I can only use?  I had thought there was a separate "flag"/"switch" that I could toggle per numbered slot that determined whether or not it was a Generic, Non-Generic, or Monster.  Perhaps that has to do with the Sex of a Character instead?
Help! / Re: Sorta newbie, re-introducing myself...
October 17, 2012, 02:34:08 pm
Besides the workflow questions, I'm also a little confused because I'm not really finding a tutorial anywhere on here that explains pretty much the most basic thing most people that are new to this would want to do - customize Job Classes / Abilities!

I mean, obviously you can do it using the Tools, but...unless I'm overlooking it, a nice, friendly guide on how to use the Tools would be most helpful.  If one doesn't exist already, I'll be more than happy to write one myself...just as soon as I figure out how.

Like, I figured someone would have written a tutorial that's clearly labeled something like "Create A New Job Class", and then a simple walkthrough of how to do exactly that.

Going to the Tutorials page:

There are 9 tutorials:

1) Beginner tutorial to ASM hacking *in progress* [since I'm new to this, I have no idea exactly what ASM hacking is, or whether or not that is a requirement for creating a new Job Class]
2) How To Fix Portraits in GraphicsGale [okay, I'm not really making any portraits right now so I don't think this applies]
3) Starting up Lioneditor [I'm not modding the PSP version, I'd assume Lioneditor is some Tool for modding the PSP version]
4) Editing Effect File Graphics [don't think this is part of basic creation of a new Job Class]
5) Inserting custom character animations [this is sort of part of creating a new sprite, not necessary to create the underlying Job Class itself, more of a decorative finishing touch]
6) Handling the camera [not related to creating a new Job Class]
7) Ripping .STR &amp; .XA files to .WAV (movie > music) [music is unrelated to creating a new Job Class]
8) How to Replace In Battle Sprites [seems like it could be related, but you would have to get the underlying skeleton of the Job Class created first]
9) Replacing Sprites in the Formation Screens [likewise, could be related but still doesn't help to get the underlying bones of the Job Class created first]

But wait, there's a different list of tutorials, found in the forum:


These are at least loosely categorized:

ASM Tutorials
Event Editing Tutorials
Graphics Editing Tutorials
Fixing Emulation Errors Tutorials
ISO Patching Tutorials
Miscellaneous Tutorials

All sound very helpful in their own right, but still no simple, straightforward Tutorial titled "How To Create A New Job Class".

I don't want to come off sounding rude, but I thought someone would have written a tutorial like this quite a long time ago.  It seems like an obvious thing that most people would want to do.

I'll happily write it myself, and make it newbie friendly, if someone's willing to guide me on my quest.

Basically, I've got:

Emulator installed + working
FFT ROM in .ISO + .IMG + .BIN/.CUE formats
FFTPatcher Package installed + working

My starting goal right now is to create a single new Job Class.

I believe that's supposed to be able to be accomplished through use of FFTPatcher + FFTactext (besides swapping in a new sprite?).

First, we have to be able to identify/label/name the new Job Class.

Let's try to create a Job Class named "Hunter".

First off, where do we input the name for "Hunter"?  FFTPatcher does not appear to have any place to input/change text, so I jump on over to FFTactext.

I go to the drop down option labeled "Job Names".

There's a long list of Jobs, numbering from 0-154.  0 is left blank.  Is that a usable slot?  There is no entry for name/width/text in that particular one.  Perhaps it's intended to be left blank?  Unknown just from looking at it, seems like you're simply supposed to start guessing.

Scrolling down the list, besides the number in the left column, the "Name" column and the "Text" column appear to match in most cases.

However, when you scroll far enough through the list, you get to something like number 57, where the "Name" column states "Oracle" but the "Width" and "Text" columns are blank.  What does that mean?  Is that a usable slot that I can change to create a new Job Class?  Is that a special off-limits slot that I'm not supposed to touch?

Number 58 and 59 are entirely blank.  Are they usable?  Can I just type whatever I want into the "Text" column for those and create my new Job Class there?

Is there a maximum width I'm not supposed to surpass as far as how many characters I can use for the text name of my new Job Class?

When I get to number 142, just below Tiamat, it has no name, but it does have "None" listed in the "Text" column, as opposed to being blank like the previous ones I noted.  Are those ones with "None" reserved for some special purpose that I'm not supposed to mess with?

Can I go to (for example), number 146 (the one immediately below Steel Giant) and change the text in the "Text" column from "None" to "Hunter"?

If the answer to that question is Yes, how do I figure out where that corresponds in FFTPatcher so that I can link it / further customize my new Job Class?  Do I just find the one immediately below Steel Giant on the list in FFTPatcher, and that's always going to be the same one?

I'm sure the current layout of the Tutorials looks fine for those of you who know what you're doing and need to have the reference stuff handy, my problem is that someone new to hacking FFT doesn't really have a great Tutorial to dive in with.  I'd be happy to create one, with screenshots/images and everything, make it completely newbie friendly.

I'll go look up the IRC channel info so I can jump on and try to get some real-time help with this to speed things along.
Help! / Re: Sorta newbie, re-introducing myself...
October 17, 2012, 01:39:08 pm
Okay, I'm toying around in FFTPatcher and FFTactext, and I'm slightly confused.

I believe these are meant to be used hand-in-hand, but for example, if I change the name of a Job Class in FFTactext, that change will not be reflected in FFTPatcher, so I just have to remember/manually keep track of (example, in a Notepad file) the exact slot that of the Job Class that I renamed?

Also, the "blank" Job Classes, is there going to be any problem using them / renaming them?
Help! / Re: Sorta newbie, re-introducing myself...
October 17, 2012, 12:41:14 pm
Okay, I've gone ahead and converted/duplicated the .IMG file (FFT PSX ROM) to both a .ISO and a .BIN/.CUE file.  I seem to remember needing the .BIN for something last time...

Any suggestion which one I should be using for this?
Help! / Re: Sorta newbie, re-introducing myself...
October 17, 2012, 12:24:04 pm
Question, what format does the FFT ROM need to be in?

Mine's a .IMG file - do I need to somehow convert that to a .ISO before working with it?
Help! / Sorta newbie, re-introducing myself...
October 17, 2012, 04:45:00 am
Around the beginning of 2009, I came across this site shortly after arriving back home after finishing my enlistment.  With my newfound free time, I was ecstatic that there was such a dedicated following (this site) to pretty much my favorite video game of all time.

There was a lot of information even back then, and I dove right in trying to take it all in.  However, due to my time spent in the military the previous 4 years, some computer skills that I otherwise already would have had, I did not have at that point in time.

When I first got to these forums, I set about on a small personal project that I was hoping would also be useful to the rest of you:


The idea was to record a video of every single spell / ability / item animation, and upload them in an organized manner to Youtube, for reference use.  That way, if you wanted to see what a spell/ability's animation looked like, you didn't have to boot up the game, get into a random battle and cast the spell / use the ability.  You could simply jump on over to my list, click the one you wanted to see, and instantly watch it.

However, I was totally learning all the necessary computer skills/tools/programs on the fly at that point in time, meaning I ended up re-doing a lot of the work multiple times over.  It was a very inefficient (and extra time-consuming) process because of that, and I was also having problems with Youtube decreasing the quality after I uploaded the video files (turns out the main issue there was that Youtube doesn't work well with video resolutions that aren't typical).

Anyway, to make matters worse, a severe lightning storm (I hate Florida weather...) shortly after my last response in that thread absolutely NUKED the new quad-core / nicely spec'ed computer I'd just bought after finishing my enlistment.  Unfortunately, ensuing financial problems regarding my parents meant I was unable to allocate the necessary money to replace it at that time.  In short, life reared it's ugly head in a most devilish way. :(

Now things have settled back down for me somewhat, and I'm very interested in getting back into the swing of things here.  At first glance, it seems that the available knowledge has increased on an order of magnitude since I was last here, and that makes it even more appealing to me.

After much thought during the past four years, I think I've mostly decided on what I want to use my G.I. Bill (military college scholarship) on as far as field of study - I'm pretty positive I want to go into the videogame industry as a career.


I obviously need to re-familiarize myself with the available tools before even considering a cool patch of any decent scope.

To start my own smaller project first, I think I'd want to learn how to do the following (seemingly basic) things:

1) Create new job classes
2) Create custom ability lists / tweak those abilities.
3) Import sprites (I was just going to use the ones already publicly available here: http://ffhacktics.com/sprites.php - this wouldn't be for a public release, just a small quick personal project to get my feet wet so I know what I'm doing going forward)
4) Create new items (especially editing the name of the items / attributes / and defining the color palette of the item as shown on this chart: http://ffhacktics.com/items.php )

Basically this was my simple goal:

You know how when you start a new game in Final Fantasy Tactics, you start out with a bunch of generic squires/chemists?  I wanted to create a customized party to replace those generics (keeping Ramza, as last I recall playing around with him comes with a few catches that can cause game bugs).

Each of those characters I'd be creating would be similar to Mustadio, Beowulf, Agrias, etc.  I forget what the term is without looking it up (non-generics?), but basically they'd have their own unique job class, along with a unique skillset to go with it, and a customized sprite/avatar (which I would simply get from the list provided above, until I learn the finer points of creating a customized sprite from scratch).

Lastly, I'd want to be able to create custom equipment / items for them.

I feel this would be a good starting point that doesn't seem like anything too difficult.  I definitely realize that actual projects can take a great deal of time, so I'm not expecting to snap my fingers and have this completed overnight.

If someone can jumpstart me by letting me know which programs/tools I need to accomplish the above requirements, that would be most helpful and I'd be completely appreciative.

I'm going to start reading up on everything now.  I'm extremely stoked about finally getting to come back to this!
Help! /
April 22, 2009, 09:43:28 am
Just to give an update, I did temporary pause the project while I did some other things.  I realized while uploading the clips to Youtube that I hardly knew what I was doing with video media, so I stopped everything and researched/studied/learned.  I'm a lot more knowledgable now when it comes to video-related media.

I'm also slowly working on several other aspects of my own FFT Project, which I may start a "work in progress" thread for by the end of this month, depending on where it's at.

Just letting everyone know that I didn't bolt on this.
Help! /
March 29, 2009, 03:55:17 pm
Thus far for the videos I already captured, I originally started by just changing the effect tied to Throw Stone.  Refining the process to remove as many elements unrelated to the animation as possible, I chose Fire (a spell, so no flying stone animation) and made it so that it didn't deal damage (or any status or anything) so that no numbers or miscellaneous stuff pop up when the animation starts.

Characters are transparent.  I boot up the game, get into battle, cast Fire (non-charge added to that spell so it's instant), I have FRAPS set up for video capture, as soon as the lines for charging the spell disappear, I tap F9 to begin recording the animation roughly a second before it begins.  Let animation record, when it's done, tap F9 to stop recording.  Play the recorded video to make sure there were no errors, if it's good, exit the emulator, boot up Windows Movie Maker to convert it from uncompressed AVI (or DV-avi, or they might be the same thing) to a compressed video file (.wmv in this case, WMM default), delete the original uncompressed copy and then upload the wmv to Youtube.

Since the characters are transparent, and there are no miscellaneous things to block the animation (numbers, etc), the last variable is the terrain/map.  Once that's done, I'll be able to record.  A single animation takes me approximately 5-10 minutes total to record, convert, and upload.
Help! /
March 29, 2009, 01:37:18 pm
The new plan is to do 3 recordings of each spell.  One on an all black (like Deep Dungeon) map, one on an all white map, and the third on a neutral map.

The map chosen for all recordings is the "Arena", as stated above:


I can begin the neutral recordings just as soon as someone can tell me how to swap out some map for the Arena map.  Once someone lets us know how to do the gradient thing (black / white) I can do those recordings at that time.
Help! /
March 29, 2009, 01:25:48 pm
As Voldemort pointed out in the chat, this map was the flat one I referred to:

First, let me be clear.  I'm in the process of designing my own project, and I was originally doing this for my own reference purposes, but after talking to some of the members in the chat, I realized that it could be a rather good tool for anyone else working on their own FFT project.  So.

I'm recording a short video clip of EVERY SINGLE ABILITY AND SPELL ANIMATION.

I originally started doing this at Mandalia Plains, and got about 15 done before a suggestion cropped up that I record inside of the Deep Dungeon.  Doing so silhouetted most spells (though I also need to compare to see if spells that have a lot of black need a different background to be best viewed, such as white).

The problem with the Deep Dungeon is primarily with larger area spells.  The heights with the terrain cause parts of the animation to be blocked from view.  So what I need is a completely flat map, with the blackness of the Deep Dungeon maps.  Several people have said it's possible, but they weren't exactly sure how to do it.

Because I've already had to start over twice, I've put the recording project on hold until someone can give me instructions on how to get the map setup as explained in the paragraph above.

For an example of what the end result will look like, go here:


Thanks for the help.

[edit: alternatively, if anyone knows how to make a map transparent, that would be the most ideal solution.  Currently we have all characters partaking in the recordings as transparent sprites, so a transparent map on a black / white background would be the perfect solution]