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Messages - Gnomish

Help! / Where to post non-hacking related FFT stuff?
March 01, 2011, 09:57:14 pm
If one had a question regarding FFT, but the question had nothing to do with hacking, where would one post it? Perhaps I am misinterpreting the different board descriptions, but it seems this forum lacks such a board. :|

"Hacking" is for "resources for modding FFT and FFTA can be found in this section."

"Spriting" and "Help" obviously wouldn't be the right place, either.

"General," on the other hand, reads, "All non-FFT stuff can be posted here."

Do questions such as "Do you think Delita loved Ovelia?" or "How come female mimes wear a mask while male mimes don't?" simply have no place here? They clearly aren't related to the hacking boards, yet they aren't "non-FFT stuff."
The Lounge / Re: Other games with WOTL-ish scripts?
March 01, 2011, 09:47:10 pm
Thank you for the input, both of you.

I have had my eye on the new Tactics Ogre for PSP, actually. I found it at the local mall the other day but was uneager to spend the $40 that the store was asking. (I've been out of the handheld loop for some time and have only had my PSP for a few months now, but $40 just seems so much for a mere handheld game.) Perhaps I should bite the bullet and splurge on it....

As for Vagrant Story, I really should give it a try. I've heard some people speak of it as the last glorious gasp of air from Square before it lost its touch with RPGs. A highly subjective statement, of course, but one that flatters the game nonetheless. I am a fan of Xenogears and the PS1-era Final Fantasies, so perhaps this game would be right up my alley.

Odin Sphere looks to be very interesting indeed. I glimpsed the trailer and one or two gameplay clips on YouTube, and it seems like a quirky mix between SaGa Frontier and a platformer like Castlevania. (Am I at least warm with that guess? Haha.) Of course, if you say it has the same composer as FFT, Eternal248, that is probably enough of a selling point for me to want to give it a chance. I am a composer myself, and oftentimes, the music makes the game for me--or at least it can salvage a bad one. :)
The Lounge / Other games with WOTL-ish scripts?
February 27, 2011, 04:31:56 pm
Can anyone name any other games (preferably from the 90s or early 2000s) that employ dialogue akin to that found in the WOTL translation? I am an English major of a Shakespearean bent and would love to try my hand at some other games that use that Early Modern English style of dialogue.

Thanks in advance! :)
The Lounge / Re: Developing hacking tools for more games
February 11, 2011, 02:20:50 pm
Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on February 10, 2011, 05:54:28 pm
SaGa Frontier

:shock: I kid you not, I just googled "Saga Frontier editor" and closed that window when nothing came up, then I clicked on your thread and saw this! Haha. If I had the technical know-how, I would love to take you up on the spreadsheets offer for that game. Given how open-ended and dense the game is, there would be much room for editing and eventually patching.

Anyway, good luck trying to find someone to take you up on the offer. :)
The Lounge / What makes FFT such a popular hack?
February 11, 2011, 02:05:11 pm
I am astounded each time I pop in on these boards or pay a visit to the downloads page, because it shows what a strong following this game has fostered among hackers and non-hackers alike. The character editors, the sprite editors, the custom scripts, the elaborate patches... and someone even took the time to make the :more: emoticon! :P

Anyway, this post has two purposes: First, to express my gratitude for being allowed in to this FFT community, and second, to pose a simple but, I think, complicated question.

Here goes. What is it about FFT that has made it such a popular game for hacking? Is it simply that the game itself (storyline, mechanics, etc.) is so stellar that its own merits have inspired such a following? Is it that the game engine lends itself particularly well to hex editing and the like? Or perhaps some hackers love the game but view it as "incomplete" when unhacked (i.e., the undoctored game has unmet potential)? Is it something else altogether that hasn't occurred to me?

Thanks in advance for anyone taking the time to read this and reply. :)

P.S.: I have tried my best to place this in the most appropriate section, but please feel free to move it somewhere else if that is where it belongs.
The Lounge / How can I hack other ISOs?
March 17, 2009, 12:04:24 pm
I really love what FFH allows me to do with Tactics. It gives me the opportunity to re-experience the game in a whole new way! (The first thing I tested when I figured out how it works was I turned Ovelia into Altima in the prologue scene! Haha!)

Are there any similar communities or softwares out there that will allow me to hack other (emulated) PS1 games? I'm thinking of FFVII or other "classic" PlayStation RPGs, mainly.

I currently use an emulator called pSX, which suits my needs just fine. However, it has no GameShark function, so that's why I'm looking around for some new hacking options for games other than Tactics....

Any suggestions would be welcome! :)


P.S.: Mediator ftw!