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Messages - EverstillGhost

First of all, thanks for your work in the patch!

You are still improving the patch and accepting feedback?? I'm playing your mod right now and have some things to talk about.

One of the best things is how close to vanilla this mod is. I'm trying to find the best, and until now, your mod is the best I played after 1.3. I can say i'm enjoying my playthrough very much. (chapter 2 currently)

I will talk about some points, praise the good things, ask questions and give some criticisms to others.

+ Close to Vanilla jobs. Changes in skills are much more aceptable, in fact, it's often a good thing because of how unbalanced FFT is. The jobs are true to his original form with a better balanced skilset. (but still not perfect) You could even be more ambicious and change the skill sets more.
- The jobs are still unbalanced, you can really try to balance them more.

+ Enemies scale with you but don't get equipment that you can't get in the shops.
? Are the equips Fixed (always the same) or you used something that randoms the equips based on items on shop?? For example, in a given story battle, the enemies will ALWAYS start with the same items. And more one thing, the random battle equips are random? If I grind to max level, they will appear with Excalibur and shit? Because this would be very abusable.

+ The random battles are somewhat still random enough to feel random. (in 1.3 it's always the same configuration...)
- I don't know if i'm crazy, but the Monsters families are too 'mixed' in a lot of places? For example, in Sweegy Woods story battle we have panthers, goblins and bombs. And in the random there is skeletons but no more panthers. Araguay Woods have Goblins, Trents, Skeletons, Ghosts... Can we have a more consistent Monster Fauna?? Of course you can put random rare monsters like Dragons anywhere (like Mandalia Plains) for the surprise rare monster event and in later chapters you can "mix" the fauna much more.

+ Thank God for all the Quality of Life improvements like always getting the Rare item in the move find item, the Random Battle only if you click, the non permanent brave and faith change, etc.... Everything is great.
? A question, does all the jobs have the same growth?? For example, all the physical have the same growth and all the magical have the same growth, or does it still have a overpowered job with better growth?? (sorry if this is in the changelogs)

+ Thank God you don't changed the original colors of the factions!! Death Corps should be Green, Church should be Red, etc...

Some feedback about the battle themselves:

I don't see why you changed the Wizards in Doter I from male to female. i'm in chapter 2 in your mod, and you literally only find Female Wizards. It appears you are trying to match the better genre for the Job in the battles, but this is not good because it decrease diversity. The enemies are already weak as fuck because of setup, no need to give them the "right" genre for the job, diversity is more important. Changing back the Wizards in Doter to male would give better diversity.

Another problem, in Wiegraf I, you see in the cutscene a Female Monk, and then the battle start.... where is she? I liked the Female Oracle you put in this battle, but the geomancers are unecessary because the female Monks are a good diversity and don't broke the cutscene making the mod look amateurish. In fact you can even change to 1 monk 1 geomancer 1 oracle (full diversity). Also, NEVER FUCK WIEGRAF PARTIES, it must always be full female to keep his flavor. Also, you can make bosses characters like Miluda, Wiegraf, etc... with smarter skill setups to be stronger. They must fell badasses even if the other enemies are total scrubs.

Ovelia teleport.... why she's in danger if she can teleport. An immersion breaking skill in this battle.

Also, why immortal characters are immune to everything? You should make immune only to things that fuck them like Toad and give immunites individually to each one, it feels very forced when you face things like Boco and he is immune even to Blind effects. You can make a battle against VIPs harder without making them hard just because they are immune to everything. The most status they can be targeted, the better. Of course in later bosses like the Templar Knights you can go full yolo and make them immune to everything. Increase the immunites gradually in the chapters.

Remove the Guests from Formation. Seriously. It's the worst mechanic in the game. Use that hack that remove the guests and give them good skills and equipment. The guests simple fall behind in level and JP that they will be stuck with the base job + item forever. Plus, it's way better to balance the Battles.

One thing that I wanted to discuss with you. One of the most annoying things in FFT is how the battles varies between Ramza + 4 and Ramza +3 characters, so we always have that one character that falls behind because some battles he's in and some battles he's not. (in the first chapters, later it becomes consistent Ramza +4). Can't you make that all battles you send Ramza +4 characters? You can easily rebalance the Battles adding an extra enemy to counter your extra character and etc... For example, in Mandalia Plain, Alguns should start without a weapon and shield, because by the cutscene, he is incapacitated, an extra character and enemy in this conditions will keep things fair. In zirekile falls, you will have 8 characters in your side (!!!), so, you keep the two knights near Gafgarion, the Knight that talks to Delita and change the other 2 Knights to Lancers and add another Lancer (or even 2) in a good formation. You got the idea.
I don't think you will have a problem to balance the battles with the Guest Hack + always 5 characters.

The Undead mechanic is perfect!! The Vanilla mechanic of "maybe your character will vanish and GAME OVER" was not good. The one in your mod that every turn they have a chance (50% I believe?) to Reborn is great. A very good value to Undead.

Now about monsters.
The Panther reaction glitch too much, it looks very amateurish and ugly. Change to other thing, even if a simple Counter. Also, the 1.3 Reactions for the monsters, I think it's the perfect selection. Your selections are very close to 1.3, so they are really really nice. Meatbone Slash for Skeletons are much less annoying than the HP Restore. But the giant birds (Juravis) reaction are really retarded. They are already Fast, they cast instant Haste in Area (!!!) and get an extra 1 Speed by every reaction. Good Lord, this thing fly half the map, attack with a unavoidable feather bomb from 5 panels and they attacked 2 turns before my party. My priest simple died!
It's funny how this battle in the Desert with this 3 Juravis was the hardest battle I faced until now (I even Lost and had to reload and start again to win). You really should change the Reaction to Arrow Guard. And talking about it, change arrow guard to projectile Guard (bows and guns). Because otherwise it's a very very weak Reaction. (Give Blade Grasp to the Ghosts, it simple make sense that the Ghost is hard as fuck to hit with physical damage)

The 1.3 monsters became very retarded. Every monster have a ranged attack that can heal his friends. Your monsters are way better because it keeps their basic attacks and try to keep some flavor and theme. But unfortunaly, there is two problems: The monsters casting normal Jobs abilities are really weird (like haste and the Yin Yang magic), you should make new abilities with different effects that match the monster. Also, some monsters look too random and crazy, like how a Goblin have Monster Skill, and he give it for himself and always cast his monster skill. I believe a Pisco Demon have too?? I don't think it's a good idea to give Monters Skill to non-unique monsters. Give Monster Skill to the Squire set and add some generics to the battles you want them use monster skill.
Even better, create a Nomad/Beastmaster Class (with a different or geomancer appearance) and give some random battles generics this class to justify a generic that lives with the monsters and tame them. I don't know what the Pisco Demon family is, they all do different things. And I did not undertood your change to Chocobo. Why Esuna is AoE (and revive) and Choco Cure is single target?? It should really be the inverse, AoE Choco Cure and ranged single target Choco Esuna.

Your changes to monsters are heading the right way. It just needs visual fixes and thematic changes to make them very good.

Jobs Criticism
Squire Set is very useless. You really need to change Wish to a Revive skill that revive with 1 HP, because otherwise we can never pick another Secondary Action other than Item. Also, Gain JP cost so much!? Why?? Remove this shit and decrease the cost of all skills. No one likes to grind JP (I use the Never Go Down JP cheat myself)

The Thief is very very bad. The change in 1.3 to a ranged Gill attack to kill low HP targets are really nice, because Steal Gil is USELESS and Thiefs are very weak. Maybe a poison bomb skill too (Poison + slow, poison + darkness, etc...) to make thief usefull.

Why Monk Revive skill is so shit?? It's literally a shit Phoenix Down. There is no Vertical tolerance and a Very Low chance to Revive. You need to buff this because I can't even have Punch Art secondary in anyone because I need Item in all physical classes.

It's just me or the priest Raise don't have a good chance to hit? Plus, I think the cures are so low for the mana cost...

In fact, you should reduce the amount of Redundant Cure and spells that reach to 4. Buff them and make them get only to 3. (and remove protect 2 and shell 2 and make the basic version very acurate)

What is supposed to be the differences of the Fire, Bolt and Ice? I liked the other mod Fire = Strenght, Bolt = Speed and Vertical, Ice = Big AoE. Your changes are so low and the spells overlap. Also, it's a shame how the other elements have so low amount of spells.... a lot of monsters and things have sinergy with them but basically only the Summoner cast them. Maybe remake the Wizard to give more elements?

Move JP up and move XP up are useless, you can safely remove this. Also, try to fuse that amount of useless movement skills like Any wheater, move on lava, etc... into a single usefull skill. (you can keep them for monsters, of course)

As I said, revive skills are too important. The enemy don't care, but for the player, a single cristalized character is game over (The best change in FFT would be being cristalized don't permanent delete your character) and we basically only have Revive skills in Chemist and Priest (the Monk skill is laughable). 1.3 change to Summoner in AoE revive is very good. And any Revival skill added is a good thing. (Maybe a Oracle Revive+Undead Necromancy skill?) Because I can finally change my characters, because all of the physicals have Item and the mages White Magic.

Speaking about this, it's possible to make Cristal/Box = does not delete your character?? Would be the biggest game changer for the game and would open a lot of new strategies.

About items.
It's not good that weapons change the Evasion rate so much. You have a good sword for Weapon Guard, them the next tier the evasion is lower. You should keep them consistent and give better Evasions to make Weapon Guard usefull. Specially the Mages equips because I love using equipe shield + weapon guard in them.

The Jump boots are useless. At least make them Jump +2.

Why the phoenix down is so expensive?? The only thing this do is a early game big problem, because at the start, your only option for Ressurection is PD, but you basically make Random Battles with a 0 Gil profit because of this. After the initial strugle, it does not make a difference.

Also, the change in FFT+ at the Chemist items are really nice. Make Chemist items capable of removing everything, but spread the effects across the items. (instead Remedy = cure everything).

I have to use more items to talk more about them.

Well, I already talked too much, i'm so sorry! It's because i'm very excited about your mod and I will keep playing until the end. (and give you more feedback if you want!)

See you later.