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Messages - Xujints

Well, most of the enemies where just out of range to be hit by any of my shots and I felt like doing a little JP farming while I wait, so I targeted Cloud (He was standing right where the marker is on the 4th pic) with Dante's trick shot and the bow had a random Crit. But it wasn't a normal Crit... It was one of those ones that has knock back as well, and Cloud unfortunately had his back to the 'wall', so when he was hit back, I guess he simply clipped through and fell to 0h.

When I posted it yesterday, I was flipping out and couldn't think straight, but now that I look back on it, I think it was hilarious.
Sorry about the size of the images. I don't really know why they are so large when the cap was small... It's strange. Also, I'm sorry for not being specific. Normally i am, but I was freaked out by it. I even took caps of what happened when Cloud's turn rolled around. The game even acknowledged that it was wrong.

Edit: And thanks for the warning about the picture size. I'll be sure to edit their sizes from now on.
Ummm... I'm scared now... Elric, I think I broke your game.  :shock:

(See the pictures for the reason why, they are screen shots of what the heck just happened during a battle.)
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Official Mark Ideas Thread
February 13, 2016, 08:21:27 pm
Hmm... The no EXP and JP might not be possible, but I do have an idea for not game overing. It's pretty simple really, set an event that ends the fight when the last man standing goes terminal. A way to guarantee this would be to make it so that way every party member can survive a death blow with 1 hp, or give that ability to the last man standing when everyone else goes down... Not sure how to go about it though... I just know that K.O.ed participants would be stared instead of numbered.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Official Mark Ideas Thread
February 13, 2016, 06:41:41 pm
Hmmm... Something else that could be done with the area, seeing as there is no risk of gaming over, one could make it to where no EXP or JP is gained. The purpose is simply a test of skill and to receive awards for completing difficult battles voluntarily as opposed to random encounters. Thee rewards can also change based on the chapter it's done in too...
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Official Mark Ideas Thread
February 13, 2016, 12:03:03 am
I'm not sure if an idea like this has already been submitted, but here goes.

Story: Ramza's Bloody Palace

"Every once in a while, travelers would hear sounds of some-kind of conflict happening at (insert castle name here) castle. Many have tried to explain these battles, even the local guards, but all have found no evidence of even the slightest hint of conflict."

Upon arriving at the castle, the party is greeted by a ghost that takes an interest in them. The ghost offers a challenge to the group, Ramza is wary of the Ghost, but when the Ghost sweetens the deal by offering grand prizes and some encouragement by Dante, he agrees. The Ghost tells the group they don't have to worry about dying as they will be fighting in spirit, hence why no one ever sees the battles. He vanishes, reminding them to have fun.

Upon winning the first battle, the ghost rewards the party and said that it was most entertaining and that they can return anytime to try to win more prizes, at the cost of fighting more. To return to the Ghost, one simply needs listen to the rumor again. Upon losing, the ghost returns and sends the heroes on their way, suggesting they return later when they become stronger.

Special notes:
A 'curse' prevents the party from reviving fallen comrades, but healing from all sources is buffed by 1.5. Health is carried over from the last battle into the next. The condition for victory is clear a certain number of battles that is selected at the start of the Mark. This Mark can be completed any number of times, but be warned, once you complete a specific number of floors you need to complete two or more next time before you can go lower. Example: If a player has the option of 1 to 5 battles and picks two and succeeds, they have to complete 4 or 5 battles before they can pick two or lower again. The Player can quit at any time by selecting wait for all party members in a row, thus forfeiting their prizes.

Heaven and Hell.

Igros Castle (Or another castle with a few maps inside.)

Varies depending on the floor. Almost any random encounter enemy can be faced.


Varries depending on the player's level and how many battles they complete.
Whoever made the multiple parties thing a thing in combat... I love ya!
I got it now. Thanks for your help guys, it's really appreciated.

Now I only have one other problem.There is one App I did to test to see if it was working, and found that it had no sound. Is there something I could do to fix that? (Thank goodness FFT JotF has sound)
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
February 10, 2016, 09:42:00 pm
:D Tis the thing, even good, or great ideas have their flaws. It takes a good writer or artist or etc. to point out flaws in other ideas, but it takes a great something to admit it in regards to their own works or themselves. Considering JotF is a hack, you have to abide by the rules that it has on it.

Sure, it'd be possible to change them, but then it wouldn't be FFT anymore. It might as well be a straight up fangame.

Regardless the idea, it does have to go through you anyway, so what you say goes. I'm just glad I was able to put the idea forward as I don't usually do this sort of thing. It's really not often I can try and help contribute to something that I like, ya know?
Multipatch is not good right? Okay. I did a little digging on my app store and sadly, PPF-o-Matic doesn't seem to exist... How odd, considering there are mentions of it elsewhere on google, but when I try to investigate further, it doesn't exist there either... It's strange. And then I looked at what was recommended in those links from a bit ago. It said to get the .dmg version because exe doesn't work on Mac. I downloaded it and tool a look and it said that the legacy file needs to be converted.
I see...

I don't think the iso is bad, as they work when I play them on my PSX. They are .bin files. I have one file that can be played on my PSX-R, which is an .img file... (Not sure what's up with that.) I'm confident I have the latest versions of my emulators, so I guess it'd be the patching program i'm using. I tried getting Patch o mattic... But I don't know what i'm doing, and I have a thing called multi patch, which seems to work fine, but when I patch my Bins and try to run them, they fail.

That's basically the gist of my problem and I can't seem to figure out what's wrong... I appreciate the fact that you guys are trying to help me, but I honestly don't know anything... And I grew up in the age of computers (Who hasn't these days)
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
February 10, 2016, 07:51:18 pm
Well, the reason I was talking about DmC Vergil is because of the fact that the Classic, could vary well be a chapter end boss... The biggest support to that idea is the fact that Ganon was one for Link. It'd stand to reason that Liquid Ocelot or some other crazy thing like that will also be one, and certainly Sephiroth, because... Sephiroth.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
February 10, 2016, 02:48:31 pm
I spent most of last night mulling over the idea of DmC dante showing up in JotF and I think I came up with a brilliant solution. The first mark sets up the rumor that a white haired swordsman is stirring up trouble, upon investigating, guards show up confusing the classic for DmC. Fighting ensues. Upon victory, the party will receive a hint on how to start the next mark and agree to keep an eye out.

For the second, I came up with three scenarios, with two of them being quite similar. In the first, the run into a demon pretending to be the DmC Dante and Classic immediately sees through the ruse and strikes him down, and then the real DmC Dante shows up and before the situation can be resolved, more demons show up, forcing a three way fight, with the goal being to defeat all enemies.

In the second scenario, DmC Dante arrived first and beat his doppleganger. Then the party arrives to confront him as more demons appear. Again, three way fight.

In the third, both parties arrive at the same time and DmC Dante strikes down his copy. The two Dante's exchange some witty banter before more demons arrive and they get into a contest to see who can kill the most. The goal of this fight is to protect both Dantes.

No matter the scenario, the conflict will resolve and DmC Dante explains why he is in Ivalice (Either Kat botched a spell somehow, or he was fighting Vergil who sent him there using the Yamato when things wasn't going his way.) and that he needs to get back home. He starts to suspect that Vergil was behind the doppleganger and resolves to find him first. The two Dante's share a couple of jokes before they part ways, forming some kind of relationship in the process...

For the third Mark, the party arrives as the DmC Dante and Vergil are fighting. (I think it would be fitting at the Monastery where the stones are hidden) Ramza and Co step up to aid DmC Dante before Vergil can find the stones and gain increased power. With their combined effort, they manage to knock out Vergil and Classic Dante suggests using the Yamato to create a portal back home. While it is a good idea in theory, it only led back to DmC Dante's world. Classic shrugged it off saying it was worth a shot and gave the Yamato to DmC Dante who said that he'd take Vergil and keep an eye on him. As DmC Dante left, Classic commented that the kid could vary well grow up to a competent rival to him and would find some way to see how things go in a few years.

Someone jokes about how Dante is taking a liking to his reboot counterpart, which Dante denies... Mostly...

What do you think?
I'm running on a Mac, so sadly I can't use all the different Emulators that everyone else is. Perhaps it just can't be done... I don't know.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
February 10, 2016, 03:28:44 am
Ah. I heard you had the idea for JotF for quite a while. 14 years is a long time... Who would have thought you'd be making a fantastic fan game? Us writers always have the strangest ideas, and hilariously enough, they work. Today's fanfiction could be tomorrows canon (In extreme cases... Which I actually have seen happen, twice. Not including stuff happening to my works.)

I myself have even managed to get in on some crazy stuff, I currently am writing scripts for a fanime... Speaking of shows, I was thinking of featuring JotF on a new one I was planning on making for the pilot. Basically I review fan games, rom hacks, fanfictions and the like that could use more coverage. From what I've seen so far in the game, and what could be, I can't resist doing something. I had other games in mind for it, but FFT was one of the first FF games I ever played and was my favorite back on the good old days of playstation... Just a shame I can't get JotF running at the moment like I could vanilla FFT, it stinks having ideas and never being able to implement them in anything. Anyway, there is probably a better place on the forum for talking about stuff like this, isn't there?
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Suggestions
February 10, 2016, 01:57:47 am
I'm not sure if anyone had actually suggested this yet, or anything similar. I'm a writer and dabble in fanfiction, not often the most interesting subject, but this is the idea (which is based on a story I was working on before hearing about JotF). What if DmC Vergil stumbled across Ivalice and it's vast demonic power and when he hears about the heroes, or bumps into them, he hatches a scheme to knock them off using his rival, the DmC Dante. How? He kidnaps Kat and sends her to Ivalice and sets up a scene that gets the two Dante's to bump heads, fighting ensues.

It's a stupid idea, especially considering that not everyone likes DmC... I'm sorry, I like it, mostly because I never grew up with the classic, though I do appreciate his roots. It's funny how the new one has such a bad rep when it's the same old complaints that don't really hold up too well... But I digress.

This idea might actually work better then the other one I had where a Demon (Possibly Vergil) convinced Dante (classic) that his (DmC) was evil and stuff and that he needed to be stopped before he could crossover to that world and rule it too. But... Come to think of it, given his portrayal in JotF, classic Dante might actually want to fight, given he doesn't have nearly as much of a challenge these days. Meh...

What do you guys think, could the Reboot's Dante make an appearance somehow? (At least people might enjoy the fight, as it'd be an excuse for Classic to wind up winning because he's a PC)
ecm format? I don't think so. I'm new in the whole emulator world... All I can really tell you is that they use the .bin extension, with one of them being an .img.

Also, Whoa! I knew you were around Elric, but I didn't expect you to show up and try to help solve this problem in the same day.

Edit: TO be more specific on my problems. I tried to play FFT on both PCSX(R)s and it starts up fine for the regular files. (Except R, which the screen is just black with no audio). But when I try to boot up the patched game for Journey of the 5, it says that it can't check the CD-Rom.
Let's see... I have the old PCSX (I think) and PCSXR. I managed to get the regular (Pre patch) .bin to work on PCSX, but none of the .bins work on PCSXR. I'm working on seeing if I can find alternatives.
So, today I downloaded the Rar file and extracted it to get the ppf file and attempted to patch my .bin with it and play the game, but whenever I try to load it using PSX, it says that it cannot read the CD-rom. Can anyone please explain what the problem is?