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Messages - Kensai

Quote from: Eternal on September 10, 2015, 12:19:16 am
In regards to Steal, Steal Ability is flat out dead. It was ridiculously abuseable. It became Steal: HP.

Sorry, I mean ability from Steal skill set, Steal Weapon ability.
My idea was to steal weapon from your teammate, so he can Draw Weapon another, to use another skill for example.

Final battles were really challenging, Totema bosses as damage dealers with DEF+ ,FrogDoom is really annoying,this Full Raise is maybe too much.
BTW Last Breath works even on final bosses (47%), but I didn't use it.
https://goo.gl/J8YwW9 - invisible boss glitch :)

Ritz recruitment battle were difficult because of this "No Holy" law. Somehow even Saint Cross can't  Exorcise them, so they keeps calm uses  LV? S-Flare and ressurects after 3 turns. And Ritz were useless, that was hard to complete.

Babus recruitment was doable,but you need Ruby Earring and Ribbon\other to protect party agains FrogDoom and Angel Rings helps too.

Sadly, some of quests have their original, easy difficulty, I mean enemies have only one skillset and not even Item skillset equipped, often without reactions. For example hero's gaol second mission, battle at aisen, or something like that.

My best-5 team:

Fighter\Blue Mage
Ayvuir Red\Blue
Deals great damage (~340 with Ayvuirs), heal, and Matra Magic still works!
Good Combo: Paladin with Black Robe, Weapon ATK+ and Fighter Skillset for powerful Backdraft.
Also Steal skillset has great hit chance and is powerful for disarming opponents.

Saint Cross is weak

With proper gear has 100% Evade, Swallowtail is awesome early-game, Swarmstrike is best melee damaging ability for Viera,  and Corner Skills still works.
Nightmare has 70%-90% chance on back, and Fairy Shoes (stole it from Dip clan) teleports you to that place.
Last Breath works even on final game bosses and has 100% chance on sleeping enemies.

Didn't find the bow to learn Doubleshot so can't say anything about that.

Red Mage\anything
Still great. Great damage with Black Hat and Black Robe, unfixed Flamberge absorbs fire and helps with reflect.
Because of improved Fire and Thunder Red Mage has increased range and aoe attack.

Starts weak and slow, ends up best damage dealers and...slow :D
Templar can equip black robe which greatly improve myrmidon's Hollow ad Stasis (AOE, 200-320 dmg), and ranged Lifebreak (4 range, lost HP as damage) is awesome.
Other skills as Lancet (Dragoon), Downsize (Warrior) are good.
Samurais are weak imho.

About black robes: you can steal one, receive other at clan leveling and last as a quest reward.

Yakei description states he should have +1 MOVE
Viera Totema doesn't work
Bangaa's Last Berserk somehow increaes all his states, but maybe I'm wrong.

Big thanks for such great challenging mod!
Quote from: Eternal on September 07, 2015, 05:24:23 pm
Also, to fix the skillset check/game crash issue, I need to know exactly what enemies it happens on. Otherwise I have no way to check and see what the problem is.

Grisanbella, assasin
Laetitia, elementalist
From Ritz vs Marche battle (end game)

Aeon flute's ability has no label
Magic Hammer has no decription.

Can you make Steal ability be able to steal from your party mates?
This opens new tactic possibilities, for example changing weapon on beastmaster

OFFTOP: Can my blue mage learn skills from enemy blue mage?
Nurse triggers counter.
Dream Watcher teaches "Chocobo" skill to Assasin, but he can't use it.
Nosada teaches dul wield and some unknown glitchy no name skill with 0 ap.
Flamberge absorbes fire, not halves it, as states in description.
There is a spear wich gives Infinite Jump (100 Jump), and a katana which doesn't have this bonus.
Saint Cross banishes dead at 10%. Maybe I do something wrong or this skill is terribly weak after all.

There are some enemies in game and after you check its skills - game crashes.

Quote from: Eternal on September 02, 2015, 11:10:05 am
Uh, banishing Undead is a very Holy Warrior thing to do... it's been a staple in RPGs for Paladins for years now.

I thought that's a priest job ;)

Quote from: Eternal on September 02, 2015, 11:10:05 am
Nightmare has no MP cost at present, but it may regain it later in the future, depending on how terribly broken it is.


Maybe make it a no-mp cost Sleep at high accuracy instead? That way no Doom, but you can still KO your enemy on your next turn, if no one awakes him. (100% hit chance on sleeping enemy)

Quote from: Eternal on September 02, 2015, 11:10:05 am
Chances are good that you've spent a lot of levels in a Physical Attack growth-based job.

Of course! It's a bangaa after all, not some nu mou !! :)))
Does leveling in Samurai increase both atk and matk?
At the moment Myrmydon and Dragoon builds seems a better choices for me...

bug: Venus Blade teaches Myrmidon Doublehand but this job can't equip it...

P.S. fighting with resonating turtles is fun :D

Quote from: Eternal on September 01, 2015, 12:01:59 pm
Enmity, again, inflicts Berserk which (I think) wears off upon being wounded

No, it's a full berserk which wears off after death or maybe dispel (I think, haven't tried). No remedy will cure this. Death to the mages!

Quote from: Eternal on September 01, 2015, 12:01:59 pm
Saint Cross doesn't do damage, rather, it Exorcises surrounding undead units.

That's sad. Paladin is not a holy warrior anymore, but a some class full of gimmicks.

Quote from: Eternal on September 01, 2015, 12:01:59 pm
Crush's animation is hardcoded to display Sweet Spot, but if it hits it'll deal damage and inflict Slow.

Maybe change this animation to slow animation? Or that sword animation from Split.
This sweet spot label is really confusing imho.
Lancet skill needs a spear, but learned from a sword. ???
Nightmare has no mp cost, is it intended?

And actually I was wrong, if other skills damages as ashura then iaido is pretty weak skillset.

I haven't said that before, but thank you Eternal for this mod. Yeah he has it's bugs but still I love this increased challenge.
About Whirlwind and Swallowtail, maybe you should
a) lower accuracy
b) add MP cost
c) lower damage

Also maybe good solution will be to take a clean rom and patch these skills in aio, to see if they work and then compare code. That's just a noob advice ;)

To tell truth without this skills battles at beginning of game would be insane difficult imho.

And imho iaido is normal. Not owerpowered and class is not so easy to unlock.

Saint Cross doesn't working, shows 0% hit, 0% damage, no target selection. https://yadi.sk/d/tAo0_LSsio9FJ
Enmity is maybe owerpowered (I may be wrong), immobilize + berserk wins a lot of battle.
Crush (myrmydon skill) shows "Sweet Spot!" label doesn't add effect, and has 15 MP cost against 10 MP from Split (damage+poison).
Shadowstick (slow) is probably better than in original, but still not so useful as swarmstrike. Same for Aphony.

Moogles, so they get Dual Wield early after all. But I completely forgot about them and they probably don't get much support with skills\items at the begining, so their place was taken. Is anyone having same problem?

Quotelso, you all will be pleased to know that now Mewt has only 1 HP


p.s.I have your mod and item fix installed but I guess they should conflict with each other.
Thanks for the answer!!

1. First Aid. Actually, the way it is (and was), First Aid is useless in comparison witn Item:Potion.
If you can give potion to drink to teammate (AOE 1), why you can't aid them? It's not a specific skill like Boost or Chakra, to not be able to. And AOE 1 won't make it overpowered and such. Of course it's for you to decide.
QuoteThat being said, it's still really good early-game

Actually no, item:potion is useful than this skill.

2. Well that's sad. Maybe some part from another code (after hacking another class for example) is messing with variable? Hope you find a solution!

My point is then enemy wizard has mp regen often the best solution is to punch him to kill him on next turn, than you deplete his mana, wizard regens it and cast another spell at you.
And if enemy has manashield then this skill is simply useless.
My point is, if magicbreak get's damage bonus (50% of simple attack) it becomes a great tactical option, useful anti-mage skill.
Even an enemy with manashield loses his mana and get hit.

Yes, I know that soldier skills work great with bows (and even greater with dual wield in fft), it's just sad for me to realize that the way it is, soldier class is just a way to get other classes, not a great tactical job on his own. You only need a 3 soldier skills maximum to unlock warrior, so why not make other 5 skills better? (but I haven't played whole game to the end, so maybe I'm wrong )

QuoteThesis Hunt has always been a weird mission to balance. No matter what changes I make to it, it always comes out ridiculously hard or ridiculously easy. I've never been truly happy with it, but I'm getting there! The one Thief did lose Counter and Maintenance, and the other had Counter replaced with Arrow Guard. I noticed, however, that he didn't have any actual Thief skills. He can now steal your gear, but I'll see during testing how that plays out. Nurse is staying, namely because I don't feel it makes the battle much different one way or another.

Well, speaking for myself that was my first mission, and that was quite difficult, if I haven't got Whirlwind and Swallowtail that will be insane to complete.
In my opinion, what makes it harder is that almost everyone in enemy team has aid, cure, or even nurse with auto-regen. So you hit them them with all you got and then it's their turn and voila! - full hp.

QuoteIn regards to Scream, it's getting buffed in the near future, I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with it. Fret not, it's on my list! :)

I think that you wanted to make it more like Rage and Berserk skill from DND games, am I wrong? :)

Maybe buff it with Auto:Regen or Haste?
Or add advice effect (criticalUp).
Or before Berserk begins heal user and remove immobilize.
Or remade it to "AttackUP + DefenceDOWN + Charm\Berserk\Confuse immunity" combination

Beso Toxico should do a full damage, like swarmstrike
Throw skill is too expensive to use now. Possible solution - to reduce price on kunai and weaker knives

Quote from: rrs_kai on August 25, 2015, 12:54:56 pm
OMG!! Swallowtail has and AOE of 3? :shock:

AIO says Swallowtail is Vertical AOE 2 and Horizontal AOE 13  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Scream (Self berserk) is useless, because you can't heal or buff yourself, so potion>scream
How about to make moogle receive double wield much sooner than hume, but restrict this race or skill to knives only (but only for moogle, hume kept original)? They are small after all.
Reason why Swallowtail overpowered and Air Render useless now.

Before "Sensor"

After "Sensor"

Solder has some buff with hourglass from Warrior (Sprohmknigths)

BTW what do you think about AOE 1 decrease power as soldier mid level skill?
Swallowtail is messed up, becomes really powerful now.

First Aid is weak, maybe increase healing amount or add range 1?
I think magicbreak will be better if you add 50% damage to skill. It's perfect against mages.
Why you restrict doublecast only to red mage? That worked great with Elemental magick, and still limited with regen mp disabled.

Thesis Hunt - 2 thiefs with counter, 1 soldier with nurse (heal + regen) and 1 with cure + priest with cure. Are you serious?
So, red soldier cast nurse on enemy thief. Thief gets heal and regen and then counters soldier. Nice move, thief.