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Messages - Xander

Seems legit.
Spam / Re: Worst RPGs you've played?
August 31, 2014, 12:51:07 am
Quote from: Elric on August 30, 2014, 03:04:46 am
I would smoke with that dude. Still not seeing an issue here :P

Also completely aware of there being no God.

Smoke smoke?  Or tobacco?  Let's join for whisky in either case.

Really seeing a rise in atheism.  It's about time.
Spam / Re: What are you guys playing currently?
August 29, 2014, 07:08:00 pm
Quote from: Jumza on August 29, 2014, 06:55:05 pm
With the re release of JoT5 chapter 1 being necessary to implement the new system for marks, you'll have to restart anyway :P

The reason there's no sandboxing is because it was originally intended for the player to be able to keep their savefiles between the chapter releases.

That's why I thought there -would- be sandboxing.  I thought it was intended to go to Ch2 with the same save.  Oh well.  Second time round he'll die in four turns at most.
Would someone be so kind to point me to an explanation of all this awesome?  From what I see...  You build a team with one of's, and the let the AI "flawless" battle to see who has better planning?
Spam / Re: What are you guys playing currently?
August 29, 2014, 06:47:40 pm
Who knows?  I finished Jot5!!!! :D

Though when I finished it.... It didn't let me sandbox?! It never returned to the world map... Just continued playing some music on a black screen... So... I'mma have to beat that hell of a boss _again_?  I found a pretty easy way to kill him, but I wanted play to finish marks, and such in prep for Ch2...  My save is fixed inside the sequences following then end of the game...  So... I'm locked their unless I want to restart?
The Lounge / Re: Sup!
August 29, 2014, 06:37:41 pm
Quote from: Toshiko on August 29, 2014, 06:30:58 am

Sorry, I can't get enough of that emote. Welcome!

I'd like it if it weren't such a screen eater...  Like downsized to the size it is when you go into full editor.  You read 8-bit theatre?
Spam / Re: What are you guys playing currently?
August 29, 2014, 02:29:30 am
PM me where you got them, or do you think you could upload a torrent of them?
The Lounge / Re: Yo, new here !!
August 29, 2014, 02:28:21 am
Quote from: Elric on August 29, 2014, 01:53:42 am
Jot5 is easy. Get a Monk :P

Our perceptions of easy are quite different. D:  Plus, I can't stand relying on one character.  If I can't be diverse then it ruins the game play for me.  Some of the counters, like double magic, are brutal.  Since when is cloud's limit a magic!?  I meteorain'ed on TWO of the floating eyes.... I won the match because of that, but I had no idea it'd do what it did... Three meteorain in a row...  Killed everything, including Cloud.  I won the match right after because Ramza was the only unit out of range...  Was a good lesson to learn early for sure...  lol
The Lounge / Re: Sup!
August 29, 2014, 12:35:44 am
Omg, I remember getting blast in Dortor 100x over.  I was like... six or seven though.  D:

Thinking back I've no idea how I ever beat this game when I was like ten...  I struggle to do it now on a clean game, but I attribute that to laziness, and not wanting to grind.  :'D

Welcome to the forum.  I'm pretty lazy myself.   I think I'll try FFT 1.3 after I deal with Jot5...
The Lounge / Re: Yo, new here !!
August 29, 2014, 12:30:06 am
Jot5 isn't exactly forgiving to noobs, or the unlucky.  I've got four hours invested thus far.   I recommend it, but you'll bust your ass to grind.  Soon as I'm done with chapter one, I'm going to try this FFT 1.3 I've heard about as the "Dark Souls" of FFT patches.  I'm somewhat of a masochist when it comes to gaming...  Can't hold myself back.

Welcome to the forums all the same.  I'm fairly new here myself.  Seems this place is picking up in popularity recently.
Spam / Re: What are you guys playing currently?
August 28, 2014, 07:59:59 pm
Quote from: Elric on August 27, 2014, 09:00:48 pm
I'm actually also currently playing Bahamut Lagoon as well as Terranigma and Harvest Moon in addition to modding FFT and Fallout NV.
While I don't listen to actual audiobooks, I have about 200-300 narrations from about 10 different creepypasta narrators converted to
MP3 that i listen to all night at work :P

Are they good narrations?  You should share... ._.
Spam / Re: Worst RPGs you've played?
August 28, 2014, 07:58:37 pm
Quote from: EmmaNigma on August 28, 2014, 12:26:18 am
These are, heh, nice opinions, for a clown. Play a real RPG, like the Elder Scrolls or Mass Effect.

Orite.  Soz.  Don't talk shit 'bout FFT!  We love eachother!  We have something special! D:  How about you keep your misguided storylines, and crap ending.  *cries*

That's too bad about Two Worlds 2.  I actually considered buying it at one point...
The Lounge / Re: Hello
August 28, 2014, 07:32:29 pm
I thought that was the name of it, but I remember Shishi, like the interface itself for one reason or another.  I might not of ever actually used it, but I know I've opened it before.  I could have went to use it thinking it was something else. 
Spam / Re: What are you guys playing currently?
August 27, 2014, 08:40:57 pm
Very simply.  I'm a NEET.  I also listen to audio books a lot, and watch loads of anime.  Currently watch several series. 

Even when I am working, or in college, I'm divorced.  So I have loads of time either way.  I also play Magic with friends every so often.  Keep in mind, I sleep about... Four to six hours a night.   Plus, I normally go through kicks.  Like for a week, or two I play exclusively one of the games I've listed, then I'll work on another game.  Rarely do I play one game for short periods, unless they are like Dishonored, or Outlast.  Those are great games, but don't have the same sort of depth in their mechanics that I can sink my teeth into.   I have an obsessive personality, so the more depth the game has the more likely I am to play it.  Hence why I've played FFT since I was six, as well as Castlevania: SotN.  Dishonored is like a mature version of Crash Bandicoot... Find the collectables, get an ability, repeat until some storyline grips you... Repeat.   Just doesn't capture my attention enough. 
Spam / Re: What are you guys playing currently?
August 27, 2014, 07:18:34 pm
Xbox 360: Dark Souls, and DkS2  (Quite possibly my favorite games of all time.  Loved Demon's Souls as well when I had a PS3).  I'm also playing Dishonored here, and there. 

PC including Emu: Outlast (this game is hilariously shit yourself scary... Play with towels under your butt if jump scares get you), Runescape, Pkmn Black, Fire Emblem... Pretty much all of them..., FFT, JOT5... And maybe adding Grandia to the list soon... ._. 

DS: Fire Emblem: Awakening, and I want to get Bravely Default really bad.

Spam / Re: Worst RPGs you've played?
August 27, 2014, 07:00:25 pm
Quote from: Toshiko on August 26, 2014, 02:18:02 am
Okay, I need to set one thing straight. Grandia is pretty standard through the first disc. Nothing really special, just ordinary JRPG fare that's all a bit one dimensional. It's the SECOND disc where everything explodes and goes topsy-turvy and it becomes the masterpiece everybody says it is. Because it is a masterpiece. I'll forgive you for not finishing it, but I won't let you call it awful without finishing it. Seriously, anybody who's played through the game will tell you this.

I get it.  I do... And because I actually played, and beat a game as terrible as the other two on my list, I should probably go back, and play it seriously setting aside the unnerving gawd awful sound.  In the time I played it the sound was what made me quit...  I can deal with old graphics, and even bad graphics.   It's hard for me to get past bad sound.  Sound is what will make or break a game I'm playing.  I don't know why this happens to be my picky point, but it is...

Quote from: EmmaNigma on August 26, 2014, 02:35:11 am
Final Fantasy Tactics. It's a game so horribly broken, so unbalanced, and so poorly made that it requires an extensive modding community to make it good, often times rewriting its entire story and characters. This is good, because the plot makes no sense, and is poorly translated The characters are not engaging. Oh, cool, a character that could have a kinda cool plotline? As soon as you get them in the party, they're just generics with an exclusive job. Great character idea, idiots. Don't understand the love for this game. It's not even Final Fantasy.

Lolwut?  What is wrong with you kid?   It's 100% the only Final Fantasy that doesn't suck in one way, or another.  Even 7 has it's drawbacks (Materia lvled way too slow).   This game is -only- broken if you make it such.  The same can be said of all Final Fantasy.  I've seen that as one of the appeals of the franchise, that the more you train, the more you see a difficulty decrease.  It's a very rewarding system.  I see the difficulty in this game set to the will of the user.  It's up to you how intense you want your gameplay to be depending on how you train/abuse mechanics.   I mean, if you really want to be dumb, you can de-level, and relevel as Ninja's until your base speed is 50 and you take like six turns before any enemy.    Calling a game unbalanced due to your actions doesn't really fit.  If you just leveled via story, and the occasional random battle, the game is quite challenging... And I wish you good luck during the final Wiegraf battle...  Cuz the game can be punishing as hell if you neglect training...
The Lounge / Re: Hello
August 27, 2014, 06:49:41 pm
Quote from: Toshiko on August 26, 2014, 01:13:43 am

Shishi is the cornerstone of spriting for FFT. Most of us do our actual work in Photoshop and/or GraphicsGale, with the latter being almost essential to be assured palettes are structured correctly.

Are you talking about GraphicsGale?  Never used that, but I've been using Adobe products for years.  I remember Shishi from way back when.  I used it for custom images in Runescape Private Servers, and Furcadia once upon a time.  Though I remember nothing.  Was around seven years ago now. 

I'm confident I can make graphics for promotional threads, covers, etc.  Working full image, I'm not too shabby.  I don't really any work available at the moment.  Portfolio was ruined a while back, and never got around to fixing one on Imgur... One day...*strokes chin*

I do have Fruity Loops for composing music, but I normally produce from samples that I find via open source websites.  I'm nothing of a musician myself, though I'm working on vocals.

Let's join for whisky, and cigars, kinsmen.
Spam / Re: Worst RPGs you've played?
August 26, 2014, 01:58:03 am

I have no love for this game whatsoever.  I remember my mom bought it a few years after we'd gotten a playstation.  I'd done played the hell out of the other four games we had (FFT included), and I remember being soooo excited to play this... Then I just... hated it. From start to me turning it off after a few hours.  I had my mom take it back, lol.   Sad that a physical copy is something like $120 now.  Can't win all the PSX lotteries.  I have two copies of FF7, a FFT, and the first two Suikoden...  Can't get much better than that, but it'd be nice to own a game with a price tag that I wanted to get rid of.  Honestly, I've no idea why I even hated it now.  I've tried to play it again with emulators, but it failed.  Just not my game.

Enchanted Arms

This game is VERY much the WORST game I've EVER played, and FINISHED.  FFXIII wasn't this bad, it's next on the list, but it wasn't this bad.  This game I poured hours upon hours into.  I built up the main character so much!  I finally got through this horrible battle system... To find out that the final boss fight was not only super effective on that character, but would also steal my fakkin turn.  So, it was a LONG and drawn out loop of >>Smack the boss, die, heal... TURN STOLEN! GAME OVER!<< until I finally got lucky.  I don't even want to to talk about the horrid scripted dialog, and the even worse voice acting.  I'd sooner go to jail than play this again.

Final Fantasy XIII and it's spawned ilk

Hey!  I got a great idea for a game! We can spend countless hours designing a full world and amazing system for leveling!  We can just cheat off the sphere grid, and make it pretty for stats.   Hmm, pretty... I like that... LET'S MAKE THIS GAME BEAUTIFUL!  The main character can even have a really bad ass gravity device!  She'll only use it twice, but screw it.  It's only there to make her more badass than Cloud for fifteen minutes anyway.  Now... The best part about this game?!  It's a hallway.  Yeah.  A forty hour long hallway.  I mean... We'll change the scenery... Even throw in some exceptionally big rooms...  Then, seeing as the forty hour long hallway can really bore some folks, her sister can have the most confusing god damned time line of a story that anyone that knows how to correctly count will just give up on figuring it out.   Can't wait for the third one.
The Lounge / Hello
August 26, 2014, 12:40:10 am
Hi.  I'm just a guy.   I've played FFT since I was about six.  Loved the game.  I'm now twenty-three, and still play it from start to finish every six months to a year I'd say.   I've no idea why I enjoy it so much.  I've never been one to enjoy repeats of anything, but this game just draws me to it.  I'd like to mingle with the community.  I'm a digital artist, and writer.  I'd love to script write for projects, and I want to try messing around making custom sprites.  It something I did a long time ago for a game, and I fell out of it.  Anyone that can link me to relevant sprite editors I'd be happy to check them out.

As for writing, I just do it in my spare time.  I've been working on a novel for a little while that is fiction based, but uses heavy elements of my own life.   It's pretty fun creating something.  Anyone that has difficulty writing script for your project don't hesitate to pm me.  I'm ready with coffee handy.  (^_^)>c[_] 

Btw, my sig is something I made.  I just didn't feel like making another one with my name.  Distortion was my screen name on another forum a long time ago.