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Messages - fluke84

Tutorials and Learning / Re: ATTACK.OUT Editing Tutorial.
February 10, 2011, 09:16:51 pm
yay :D

I appreciate the tutorial, with this and kokojo's I think I can start piecing together my battle/event chain.
Help! / Re: attack.out & event editing help
February 10, 2011, 09:16:20 pm
thanks for the help raven. Also now that I've found where the tutorial board is hidden I also have kokojo's tutorial on basic event editing. I'm gonna try out some of the stuff now and see how it goes. I already went through the process of trying to list every single event, battle, formation screen and save point in my patch. I assume knowing the flow beforehand really helps when it gets down to editing it all.

I guess I really need to know the limitations too, does each event have a certain amount of text allowed? Max number of lines of commands? I don't intend to make anything nearly that complicated but it's good to know the limitations in case.
Help! / attack.out & event editing help
February 10, 2011, 11:33:08 am
I'm hoping someone can help me understand the flow of editing these two side by side(attack.out & events to match). I want to have an opening scene, followed by a series of battles with the chance to save between. I also need to know if I'd be able to "restart" the chain from the last map.

I'm hoping to keep the scenes as simple as possible so I can get the basics down. Would it be possible to go back after and modify them? I have a metric ton of questions so if anyone is willing to deal with that and help me please let me know.
Old Project Ideas / Re: Patch Proposals/Ideas Thread
December 02, 2010, 01:23:31 pm
Putting the FF1 patch on the backburner for the time being because I've been working for weeks on it and need a breather from that project...

In the meantime, I've been brainstorming for ways to make a vanilla-based patch that adds some fun and difficulty to the game with a new twist. One idea I've been toying with is to treat the elements more realistically. Here's some of the concepts I've come up with so far (didn't see anyone else with a similar idea so here's hoping no one has already posted this)...

- metal items give wearer weakness to lightning (ie. armor, helmets)
- non-metal items give wearer weakness to fire (ie. clothing, robes)
- ice & wind element attacks have chance to add slow
- earth element attacks have chance to add don't move
- water element attacks don't do anything different yet...

If anyone has some suggestions on how to expand this I'd much appreciate it.
Help! / Re: Help with a skill (formula)
November 26, 2010, 02:02:43 am
If I remember correctly when you use that formula it takes the value in the inflict status and uses it to pull the ability of the same value from the abilities list... you can find the values of abilities if you go to the items tab and select the same 25% chance to cast formula. It will give you a dropdown called ability that lists the ability value and it's name.
The only way I can think of doing this in patcher is if none of your starting jobs (sq, ch) unlock till job lv.2 or 3 at minimum. That way you can preset the generics to their jobs, but the other job that you preset to the non-changing unit sticks because he hasn't unlocked the base jobs. At work right now so I can't test it, but in theory it should work...
Old Project Ideas / Re: Patch Proposals/Ideas Thread
November 12, 2010, 11:00:33 pm
Quote from: "philsov"If you're going for mega throwback you can rummage through the game with the attack.out editor and make all the fights consist of only 4 units instead of 5 :)

great minds think alike! it's already in the planning, but yeah... it's gonna take a bit to do so it's last on the list.

Quote from: "philsov"Also, how are you managing the classes?

I haven't decided quite yet how to manage it. I dropped red wizard and grand master due to redundancy issues so that leaves two classes with no upgrade path. I'm looking at either using a two tree method with fighter and red mage bases, but this doesn't really hold true to the concept. The other option is to just make the two non-upgraders a little more unique than the other classes and go with the lv.8/9999jp upgrade route for each individual class.

I've renamed ramza's job to hero of light to infer him as the leader of the group of warriors. Trying to work out a group of skills based around the elemental orbs on paper now, but this was more of an afterthought so I'm sidelining it till the rest of the patch is done.
Old Project Ideas / Re: Patch Proposals/Ideas Thread
November 12, 2010, 12:07:05 pm
Wasn't sure I should create a thread after reading the stickys. ANYWAY!

Just finished ch.1 of my personal patch and I'm considering posting a demo for balancing help and suggestions/comments. What I've tried to do is inject the classes, enemies, and items from FF1 into the tactics world (I'm sure it's been done to death but if not YAY!). Not a huge task if you really think about it, I haven't done any editing outside of patcher and tactext mainly because I know what my limits are... maybe in the future. Just concentrating on the groundwork for now.

Quick Overview of Edits
- new classes (total of 10 generics and edited Ramza job, removed some jobs that didn't fit)
- all weapons/armors edited, modified, new effects & attributes
- removed chemist items completely (if I get into ASM might consider giving innate ITEM to all)
- all monsters in battles have been given ???? status and have modified HPG/HPM (so they don't get TOO powerful)
- spells renamed to FF1 version if there is one (ie. LIT2, BLND, CUR2)
- minimum 2 skills per physical class (added these so the Fighter or Blackbelt would have something other than attack)

If this idea has been done to death (FF1 Tactics) please tell me now, I have a second concept ready to go but this one won the coin toss.
Old Project Ideas / Re: Job & Skill Proposals/Idea Thread
November 12, 2010, 12:04:34 pm
whoops wrong thread... moving to the patch proposal thread.
Spriting / Re: Official Sprite Request Section
May 14, 2010, 02:16:07 am
I looked around but didn't see anything, I'm wondering if anyone could do a crystal battle sprite and portrait? As in take the little spinning crystal that dead bodies decay into and make it into a floating enemy sprite. If anyone's up for it I really only need the floating, movement, and a charging animation/damage animation. Palette doesn't matter as much but if you wanna go all out I need orange, dark blue, light blue, white, green, yellow.

Spriting / Re: Official Sprite Request Section
March 26, 2010, 02:14:00 pm
I can't sprite to save my life but I had an interesting idea for customizing and replacing the samurai sprite... it's a pretty basic edit and I'm wondering if anyone could help me out with this? PM please.
As far as making the units you should be able to do everything with FFTPatcher, FFTacText, and ShiShi. Replacing the sprites should be pretty straightforward for standard sprites...  Check this out... http://www.ffhacktics.com/tutorials.php?id=1

Changing the palette is done with graphics gale... so you should look into that. Again since I'm new there might be an easier way, but this is all I could find in my searches.

And to the people wondering why I'm posting if I have no idea... I feel the more I try to help people the more I'll understand... seeing as I arrived late to the game.
-edited out message-

thanks Boxiii, and R999 I'll mess around a bit more and see what I can figure out, if nothing else works I'll make a thread, didn't intend to highjack :)
Help! / Re: New to FFTPatch
March 26, 2010, 12:27:09 pm
Thanks I'll give it a try today! I have no idea what works with what as far as mixing and editing skills so for now it's all trial and error for me. Right now I've tried changing accumulate and heal into different skills, although they don't fully work I still get strange glitches. Sometimes on generics the two skills I edited don't even show up even though upon checking in status they are learned. This is not true however if I modify Guts, it seems it's only the Basic Skills skillset that gives me the strange error.

Also once I start figuring stuff out I'd like to have a look at adding maps to the map selection on deep dungeon... my patch idea pretty much hinges on either chaining battles (which feels clunky to me) or having a menu system like the deep dungeon that allows you to select the map you want to play. I'm pretty sure you mentioned this in another thread R999, if there's been any leeway made on this I haven't been able to find it, what's the status on it?

... hell I still can't believe I never knew about hacktics... :D
Help! / New to FFTPatch
March 26, 2010, 04:17:10 am
Just started using this program as I've just now found out about hacking tactics period... I know. Under a rock!

Anyway, my one major first question is this, I want to make a skill that damages and lowers a stat. Like a knight's power break with standard damage added. I want to know if it's possible to do this given the formulas, or more importantly, other than ASM hacks is there a way to introduce new formulas or modify current ones? Hope that's not a completely ridiculous question... I'm not on the trolley! I got excited today cause I renamed "guts" to "grapple"... :D