Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Help! => Topic started by: lionheart17 on October 22, 2012, 02:05:45 am

Title: A little bit of help please!
Post by: lionheart17 on October 22, 2012, 02:05:45 am
Okay, so I am working on a project that seems like it will be simple enough to accomplish. I am just altering a couple of things from the main story and whatnot, yada yada.

So far I have updated the names of various jobs, weapons, skills names. I changed Ramza's chapter 2,3 and 4 sprites to look cooler (I always hated how everyone else had badass armor and his was kinda lame). I gave Ramza the holy knight job in chapters 2,3 and sword saint in chapter 4 because I think that the main character should be more useful than the generic characters. I am currently trying to edit the event where Delita captures Olan, to where Olan and Balmafula join your party afterwards.
Oh, I also edited Balmafula's job a little bit. I pretty much gave her ja magic because I think that those magic's are pretty awesome. I changed Rafa and Malaks magic to not be so random.

Okay, so that's what I've gotten done so far, I basically want to make the game just a little more entertaining, without changing the story too much or anything like that.

Here's my problems. I know that you can only use certain characters to change in the formation screen. From messing around with the unit.bin I noticed that there are a few random bishop looking characters and I want to change them to be an ark knight (the version with destroy sword) and an assassin. I'm having a little trouble with matching everything up between the programs though. Like what job's and skillsets do come with? I'm just a little confused by that because they have ??? for the name so it's hard to tell. If it's ridiculously hard, I have a version where I've changed teta and algus to the jobs and sprites I want, I have it as a different copy of my iso, but I want to make it to where I don't have to switch iso's every time I play if I want them. I'd also like to have it to where they join my party as I play through the game at some point in time.

I've browsed through a lot of the tutorials and posts trying to find info on this, but to no avail.

Oh, and for the assassin job I've been using Demetrius and for the ark knight Vicks, so thanks to whomever made them, I enjoy them very much. :D

Lastly, I would like a little help with altering the hit rate of the assassin jobs. I think it'd be a little overpowered if I don't, so I was wondering what formula would you guys recommend that I use? I used the same formula for black magic when I was fixing up Rafa and Malaks abilities, do you think that would work out okay? I don't think it'd make them too much tougher.

Okay, I know this post is ridiculously long now, but I was needing some suggestions on the following:

What should I make the Jp cost of the assassin's and ark knights abilities?
I don't remember the names of all their abilities, but there's seal, shadow stitch, allure, mind ruin, speed ruin, magic ruin and so on.

And Ramza is not exactly a holy knight because i never took of those 'special' abilities that he had as a squire. So I am taking suggestions on what his job name should be instead of holy knight (chapters 1, 2 & 3) and sword saint (chapter 4)

Thank you for reading this really long post about a lot of nothing and any help would be awesome and awarded with me hugging my computer screen pretending it's you.
Title: Re: A little bit of help please!
Post by: lionheart17 on October 22, 2012, 02:07:31 am
Also, what would be good jp cost for the ja magic abilites?
Title: Re: A little bit of help please!
Post by: Eternal on October 22, 2012, 02:18:54 pm
First things first, as far as -ja magicks go, I'd make them -at least- 600 JP. They're very potent and can easily change a battle's flow in a single casting.

If I'm understanding your problem correctly, you can see which job uses what skillset by using the FFTPatcher. It has all that data in it, and you can edit it at will.

In regards to the Assassin skills, Hit_SP+X might be best, but PA+X also works as well. As far as Assassin JP costs go, their skills are pretty damn good, but if you change them to SP/PA+X, I'd put them at around 600 and up, depending on if you're keeping their effects. Hope this helps!

Title: Re: A little bit of help please!
Post by: lionheart17 on October 22, 2012, 04:52:14 pm
That was helpful, thanks a bunch! I'm going to go and mess around with it some and see how it works out. I'm slowly figuring out that a lot of this stuff you'll just have to toy with and figure out what works best for you and your personal preferences.

Thanks Eternal!