Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Help! => Topic started by: DuxorW on September 13, 2012, 02:22:37 pm

Title: changing status text above unit in battle
Post by: DuxorW on September 13, 2012, 02:22:37 pm
I have changed the name of a status effect but how do I change the text that appears above the unit when they are afflicted? For example, when casting doubt faith, "INNOCENT" appears above the unit. In addition, when a unit is targeted it will display something like "96% INNOCENT." How do I edit this?

Title: Re: changing status text above unit in battle
Post by: Celdia on September 13, 2012, 03:38:22 pm
The graphical data for those status effect words are stored in FRAME.BIN. If you open it in TileMolester and set the following you should be able to see and edit them: View -> Mode -> 2-Dimensional; View -> Codec -> 4bpp linear, reverse-order; Image -> Canvas Size -> Columns: 32, Rows: 36

There is a bit more to it with editing some data in BATTLE.BIN and WORLD.BIN but if you want to rename existing effects using the space that the original word took up and no more space than that, this should be enough to do what you want. The other data is something that really deserves its own full tutorial and I haven't had the time to get to work on that yet.
Title: Re: changing status text above unit in battle
Post by: DuxorW on September 16, 2012, 02:53:17 pm
I just wanted to alter berserk for now, so this was sufficient. Thanks!
Title: Re: changing status text above unit in battle
Post by: Celdia on September 17, 2012, 12:11:49 am
For anyone else looking to do something more complicated in the way of changing status names, attached is the data Secondadvent put together for changing how the game handles the graphics for them.

Also, a little tip when using Tilemolester for editing FRAME.BIN: Load your palette [Palette -> Import From -> This File] at Offset 37056, Size 256, Format 15bpp BGR (555), Byte Order Intel. Then just use the big arrows at the bottom beside the palette to flip through what you just loaded. There are a few that make it very easy to read the words on screen.