Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Hacking/Patching Tools => Topic started by: Tzepish on August 19, 2008, 02:31:23 am

Title: Stop Boco from breeding?
Post by: Tzepish on August 19, 2008, 02:31:23 am
For those completionists who like to keep Boco because he's a story character... is there a way to make him stop breeding?  I saw there was a character type called "Boco", and I tried swapping his "Generic Monster" type to Boco, but it caused his sprite to be a messed up looking Bomb sprite...
Post by: Zozma on August 19, 2008, 04:04:32 am
i have an idea that might help you
you know how there are undead knight/oracle/summoner etc?
their jobs are sealed meaning they cant equip anything new or change jobs
if you were to change the job name to Chocobo and set monster portrait and gfx to the chocobo then you could create a non breeding choco? and really you could give it a custom skillset too...

i haven't tested this but in theory.....
hrm and i did not take into account that the right monster gfx might not show up correctly in the menu, but test it out

Edit: this doesnt exactly work im going to now test to see if its the skillset or the sprite that is hardcoded to make it breed
Post by: Zozma on August 19, 2008, 05:59:36 am
okay got it!! to make a non breeding monster:

1) Use one of the sealed jobs (i used job 46 undead oracle)
and assign a NON monster skillset.

2) Make its stats into whatever you want, you could match the chocobo's status or make him a little better.. or godly whatever...
but you need to make sure that you put the matching values in
Mportrait and Mgraphic (for a yellow choco its 86 and 1)

3) In ENTD editor make the unit have sprite set 82 (monster) and the matching job (again, for me its 46)
select monster for its gender, and set the matching skillset instead of "jobs" so that everything is learned.

[If you give him a monster skillset it WILL breed glitchy characters, mine bred a glitched high priest when i set his skill as a normal choco, so thats why it can NOT be a monster skill set, notice how ultima demons/apandas/ worker8/holy dragon all have skillsets that look like human?]

thank you for posting that question btw, as now i know how i plan on creating a blue mage. Boco the blue magic choco!
Post by: Sen on August 19, 2008, 06:33:04 am
Quote[If you give him a monster skillset it WILL breed glitchy characters, mine bred a glitched high priest when i set his skill as a normal choco, so thats why it can NOT be a monster skill set, notice how ultima demons/apandas/ worker8/holy dragon all have skillsets that look like human?]

 :lol:  :lol: Boco breeds humans
Post by: Zozma on August 19, 2008, 06:48:07 am
awww i tried making it so he could be blue magic style but no matter what i do, even making him male or female instead of monster, his skills are all auto learned

edit: got another idea

you can limit what a monster can use by how much mp it has!
even tho a monster never uses mp even if a spell costs mp, if the monster has less mp than the spell required then it cant use it... soo i could make the chocobo skills cost certain amounts of mp and then hed have to be at a certain level to use them... mmm not bad..

edit: ewps... unlike other chocobos, this one WILL consume mp
so i guess give him a decent mp growth and make the cost of chocobo skills not too high and its all good... also it is not necessary for him to have "Choco Attack" since he has "Attack" by default.. that will give space for one more skill IF you really want him to have a boatload of skills that is...
Post by: Vanya on August 19, 2008, 10:26:47 am
Interesting stuff. This'll be useful for me too... in the future. =)
Post by: Tzepish on August 19, 2008, 12:21:09 pm
I'll totally try this out after work today, Zozma.  Thanks!
Post by: BeoulveBlack on August 19, 2008, 01:36:58 pm
just try giving Boco, in the ENTD section, a human gender also. this may stop him from breeding; if this is not enough, fill one of those blank skillsets with choco attack/cure and give it to the normal chocobo and that should do it
Post by: Zozma on August 19, 2008, 03:44:30 pm
no, trust me the way i did it works  AND he can still be a monster
its the monster skillsets that make them breed i think.

i couldn't figure out how to make him not have all his skills auto learned tho. making his gender male or female didn't work
Post by: Tzepish on August 19, 2008, 04:22:10 pm
I don't mind him having all his skills auto-learned though... all I'm trying to accomplish is for him to be identical to the normal Boco, except he no longer clutters up your party with a bunch of chocobos.
Post by: Zozma on August 19, 2008, 04:31:12 pm
ohh be sure to put "counter" in his innate skills
(i think its kind of neat to give him all of the chocobo skills since hes special rather than just the normal chocobo choco cure and attack)

(or you could do hamedo mwahahah....)
Post by: Tzepish on August 20, 2008, 12:47:50 am
So if I build the new Boco with this method, using a sealed job such as 46 undead oracle, won't that mess up all the undead oracles (for example) in the game?  Are there any sealed jobs that are unused?
Post by: Zozma on August 20, 2008, 12:54:34 am
well there is only like 1 or 2 undead oracle in the game (at that lake, in an event battle)

you could take all of the undead sealed jobs and use them for something else really... and then create a job that isn't even sealed and use it for all undeads and just call it "Undead" giving it in between fighter/mage status or make two jobs called Undead one for mages and one for fighters... anyway its a good way to consolidate stuff in order to add more jobs.

then, with entd editor you can make an oracle, summoner, knight etc with the exact same job... and then also set a primary to match it.

entd is a wonderful thing... there are so many things the original ppl didn't make use of when the game was created.
Post by: Tzepish on August 20, 2008, 01:58:04 am
Doh... New Boco can't be mounted.  Heh.  I guess I should have seen this coming.

If only we had control over which jobs were sealed and which types of characters can be mounted...
Post by: Zozma on August 20, 2008, 05:30:25 am
thats right, its probably hard coded which job can be mounted (or used as a stepping stool) i didn't even think about that mounting thing since i usually never have monsters (i hate the breeding thing)