Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Topic started by: Bastard Poetry on November 21, 2011, 03:00:55 pm

Title: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: Bastard Poetry on November 21, 2011, 03:00:55 pm
Hello, my old friends - I'm here to plug my LPs!

I've started a fully recorded Thief SSCC. By "fully recorded," I mean that I'm recording all successes, failures and most out-of-battle stuff. And by "most" I mean formation screen stuff and shopping.. I'm not recording cutscenes for the most part.

And by "cutscenes" I mean those story things.

And by "things" I mean stuff.

Thief SSCC playlist:

I'm also doing the SkyBlock 2.0 Hardcore Challenge in Minecraft:

And a "magic only" challenge in Terraria:

Enjoy! The bulk of the discussions regarding the Thief SSCC are happening on the GF board, but I'll keep an eye on this thread as well.
Title: Re: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 04:38:27 pm
Solo Thief looks "fun" so far, though I'm thinking it might be in your best interest to take the extra minute and get that Power Sleeve for Golgorand Execution Site.   I imagine you'll also level yourself to fuck all for it, and Thief Ramza has the advantage of taking that Blood Sword away from Gafgarion, but you lack healing, range, or shenanigans like Stat Saves.... getting stuck with nothing but some high Move and Abandon Super Lite (Caution).  That extra HP and DPS seems make-or-break to me, all things considered.

Not started on the other two playthroughs yet, but I intend to when I get some free time.  They sound fairly interesting to watch.
Title: Re: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: dinosaur on November 22, 2011, 06:35:12 pm
I'm posting here so it will remind me to bookmark your solo thief. Good luck!! I don't know how youll do it >_> seems very tough
Title: Re: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: Bastard Poetry on November 22, 2011, 09:44:28 pm
@ Raven -

Absolutely, yeah. Twist Headband and Power Sleeve are a solo thief's best friends!

I'm actually already set up and ready for Golgorand at this point. I'll be uploading the rest of the videos this whole week, and then I'm taking a lengthy break (until about mid-Dec). That will give viewers a chance to catch up, but also give my sanity a chance to cool down.

After that, I'm going to schedule a live-streaming event for the battle at Golgorand, which may very well take several hours (even with the best gear and highest level possible). Should make for a truly great experience.
Title: Re: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on November 24, 2011, 12:18:27 am

I know... I think saves the video and allows you to download it after you're finished.  You can use a livestreaming host that allows you to just download the stream after its finished and upload the video file.  You won't get the chat in the window obviously, but I find having the chat visible scrunches up the gameplay... and trying to play, stream, and record all at once can be a resource hog if you want any form of quality.  Since you're on a laptop, you probably don't have infinity resources to stream and record and play and have music and everything else, so I do recommend just downloading the stream's video file when you're done and uploading it for the sake of your own sanity and your poor laptop's everything, especially if you'll be going at it for several hours, which I can definitely see happening unless you get lucky as shit super-early.
Title: Re: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: Bastard Poetry on November 24, 2011, 12:25:45 am
Terrific, thanks! That's a lot of really good information--I'm completely new to livestreaming as a form of entertainment.

I need to learn all about it now, because I also want to set up a livestreaming event for the release of Haxtun Institute as well. That'll probably be around the same time as the Golgorand fight.
Title: Re: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: Serdash on November 29, 2011, 06:04:05 am
It would be a good idea to look at how well you can actually stream live video.  Although for Tactics you don't need the SMOOTHEST streaming.  But it can be flat out impossible on some connections.
Title: Re: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: Bastard Poetry on December 26, 2011, 11:49:33 pm
Sorry, I've been neglecting this thread!

Golgorand Execution Site LIVESTREAM -

Be sure to read the description - This is only the last hour and 10 mins of the event. (But it has the important parts.. the END).

My thanks to Eternal, for helping to direct people from FFH over to the channel, and my apologies to Celdia (and anyone else who followed Eternal's direction) for the hour and a half of technical difficulties!!! We did finally get it working properly, but I fear we lost a lot of viewers in the process.

Next time, it'll be much smoother; I promise.
Title: Re: Solo Thief Challenge (and my other ongoing LPs)
Post by: Bastard Poetry on August 08, 2012, 03:43:00 pm
Velius, you ill-thriven ding dongs.