Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Spriting => Topic started by: Mando on May 15, 2011, 07:16:13 pm

Title: Title screen editing
Post by: Mando on May 15, 2011, 07:16:13 pm
Here is what I had so far as a title screen. If anyone wants to try and make the words a bit crisper or do some slight touch ups feel free.

The reason why I say this is because when going from 340x220 to 800 x 600 gaming window it can be a tid bit fuzzy.

Otherwise at a small native resolution I think its pretty good...
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: GeneralStrife on May 15, 2011, 07:26:43 pm
Purple thingys and their colors are lulzy compared to the rest.
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Zuzka on May 15, 2011, 08:06:24 pm
I really don't know about that purple, anything would be better than the purple things even just white blankness actually.
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Mando on May 15, 2011, 08:15:29 pm
I made it those colors due to using a negative of the black version. Recreating it in another color scheme would be a super pain in the ass outside gray scale.
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Lijj on May 15, 2011, 09:26:23 pm
That's no good. You can't change the color or (i agree negative space ftw) just turn it white? It just seems weird for this game.. where'd that purple zodiac design come from?
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Mando on May 15, 2011, 09:49:51 pm
Thats from the ivalice allaince logo

An edit of the current title screen.
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Xifanie on May 15, 2011, 11:46:41 pm
Pixelated is ugly. Meaning only the IA logo looks good. :/
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Mando on May 16, 2011, 01:08:50 am
Ya... I think the wording on advanced is a bit off... if anyone wants to try make an edit to it feel free...

Here it is w/o the ramza/delita and moved down a little

I was thinking of doing something like this with the IA sword but idk....
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on May 30, 2011, 04:42:59 am
necro :ban:
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Mando on May 30, 2011, 06:19:22 am
Thats pretty epic mitchi!

Also, I am curious are you back now? If so I wanted to ask you about a few things.

Thanks I'll use this as well :o
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Cheetah on May 30, 2011, 07:22:00 am
That is pretty freaking awesome Mike. Great to see you around.
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on May 30, 2011, 08:01:05 am
Great to see you guys around, too! I missed this site, so I thought I could use some of my spare time to visit. ;)
Thanks for liking the title screen!
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Kagebunji on May 30, 2011, 08:43:25 am
Mike you bastard! I thought you left for good! Good to see you back here, man. Hoping you will stick with us, heh.
Title: Re: Title screen editing
Post by: Lijj on May 30, 2011, 09:40:42 pm
The thing is at least for the psx version is the text wont look right on a white background since the text was designed to go on black and isn't fully outlined
. Looks clean though