Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Topic started by: VampragonLord on February 10, 2011, 06:35:02 am

Title: Hi im ashie and im new here.
Post by: VampragonLord on February 10, 2011, 06:35:02 am
and by new, i mean i've been here for like over a year ^.^ thats new right.....? my mom still calls her car "new" and shes had it like 2 years, so this clearly fits the criteria.

Anywho, my names ashley, im 19 (20 by the end of the month), i'm a girl, and i live in cali. No this isn't omegle, and no im not trolling you, blame odd coincidence, or St. Ajora. I've been playing FFT since i was little, though I'm actually over due for a playthrough. (the deeper into its mechanics and such i go, the less i play the actual game..... go figure). I'm a student....sorta. I've been attending college off and on depending on where my life is at. I *am* interested in school/learning/etc, but i honestly can't live where I'm living anymore, and i need a place of my own. No its not for stupid reasons, and no I'm not going to elaborate. My house just isn't a safe environment for me to live in at the moment for various reasons. I love going to the mall, shopping, watching movies, going out to dinner, long walks on the beach.... wait a second.... i forgot this wasnt an ad in the paper, especially considering im taken ;)

I'm currently starving but its 3am so im not gonna eat anything. no matter how much my stomach disputes it! I'm interested in writing, reading, tampering with fft, doing friend's make up (doing your own isnt that fun), going to clubs,  the occasional video game, talking on the phone, wandering the internet, and plenty of other things. if you want to get to know me better, im usually in the chatroom, and im fairly good about replying to private messages on here as well ^.^

Yours falsely~
Ashley aka ashie aka vampragonlord aka vamp aka CCVamp aka CCV aka CC aka mikuru aka miku aka Mi-Mi-Mikuru beamu aka beeeeeaaaaam aka hey you
Title: Re: Hi im ashie and im new here.
Post by: Dome on February 10, 2011, 08:53:53 am
Girl? Here? No way xD
Welcome :-)
Title: Re: Hi im ashie and im new here.
Post by: RavenOfRazgriz on February 10, 2011, 08:33:15 pm
Your name always makes me think of the Dragonzord for some reason.
Title: Re: Hi im ashie and im new here.
Post by: formerdeathcorps on February 11, 2011, 03:09:10 am
You're my age?  I could have sworn most of the people on FFH were older, except for the obvious children.
Title: Re: Hi im ashie and im new here.
Post by: VampragonLord on February 11, 2011, 03:48:48 am
i fall under the obvious children category, at least if were counting personality/tastes into it.
Title: Re: Hi im ashie and im new here.
Post by: VampragonLord on February 14, 2011, 04:15:57 pm
my old intro topic, cause im cool like that
Title: Re: Hi im ashie and im new here.
Post by: Lijj on March 10, 2011, 10:03:53 pm
Doing other's make up!! Acutualy does sound fun. I did do my two punk rock friends' up some crazy eye make up once; the checkerboard eyeshadow was actually pretty cool looking.