Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Topic started by: Melancthon on August 15, 2010, 09:02:04 pm

Title: Your Top Three
Post by: Melancthon on August 15, 2010, 09:02:04 pm
Originally this was meant to be a "What are your three favorite video games?" topic, but I think I'm going to open it up.  What are your three favorite ANYTHING?  Please give some reasoning with your lists, and by all means feel free to rip on others for their bad taste.

Video Games:

FFT:  Vanilla has eaten up so many hours of my life that it's not even funny.  With the addition of 1.3, this game has been promoted to the BEST GAME EVER.  Challenge, replayability and customization put it at the top of the list.

Wizardry 8:  Again it's a case of customization and replay value.  Fourteen Classes and almost as many races combined with random monster and treasure spawns make this a game for the ages.  I've played this game innumerable times and I'm still finding new stuff.  Cemetery Reapers?  Axe of many Runes?  Who knew?

Grand Theft Auto:  San Andreas:  This game is HUGE and this game is HILARIOUS.  One of the best-written games I've ever played, and a ton of fun if you're just playing for fun or going for 100%.  Unlimited minigun ammo?  Yes please.


China Mieville:  New Crobuzon is badass.  Some serious world-building here.  Humor and a touch of darkness make him essential reading.  Start with Perdido Street Station

Kurt Vonnegut:  A great blend of humor and philosophy.  Never has suicide been so funny.

Stephen King:  Say what you want about his contributions to society, the man is good at what he does.

So yeah, what are your favorite________?  Let's see some interesting stuff here.  Foods, Seasons, Sexual Positions, if you like them and there are at least three of them, let's see a list!
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: ffta707 on August 15, 2010, 11:52:57 pm
My top favorite games are:

1) Final Fantasy Tactics
2) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (IV was OK, but the handling sucked, and so do the cheats)
3) Either Kingdom Hearts, or Red Dead Redemption

My top favorite Seasons are:
1)Winter (I'm a hunter)
2)Fall (I like the mid 60's temperatures)
3)Summer (The hot are gets to extreme sometimes)

As for Sexual positions:
I'm not going to answer, because I am 15 in 14 days. XD
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Pickle Girl Fanboy on August 17, 2010, 10:42:11 am
Type of Women
1. Women with dark, subversive, self-depreciating sense of humor (see Bridget Jones' Diary - the scene where she talks about dying and being found half eaten by dogs is hilarious and sexy, in a totally inappropriate way).
2. Women who are so passionate about something that they continue to do it despite being discouraged to do it, like Juana Molina, a comedian who makes some amazing music.
3. Women who are much smarter than me, and who aren't afraid to correct me when I'm wrong.

Screw you and your list of threes, I have three more.
4. Women who are genuinely talented and dedicated to what they do.  Fairuza Balk.
5. Predatory older women, or predatory tall women who think I'm cute because I look much younger than I really am and I am a complete dork.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: ffta707 on August 17, 2010, 04:29:33 pm
Quote from: "Pickle Girl Fanboy"Type of Women
1. Women with dark, subversive, self-depreciating sense of humor (see Bridget Jones' Diary - the scene where she talks about dying and being found half eaten by dogs is hilarious and sexy, in a totally inappropriate way).
2. Women who are so passionate about something that they continue to do it despite being discouraged to do it, like Juana Molina, a comedian who makes some amazing music.
3. Women who are much smarter than me, and who aren't afraid to correct me when I'm wrong.

Screw you and your list of threes, I have three more.
4. Women who are genuinely talented and dedicated to what they do.  Fairuza Balk.
5. Predatory older women, or predatory tall women who think I'm cute because I look much younger than I really am and I am a complete dork.

Hmm... Were do you get this stuff from. XD
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Skip Sandwich on August 23, 2010, 01:52:55 pm
Top Three Sandwiches!

1. B.L.T. - My particular favorite incarnation of this replaces the lettuce with fresh spinach, Sourdough bread

2. Corned Beef + Sauerkraut on Sourdough bread

3. Grilled Cheese + Sun-dried/Roasted tomato on Sourdough bread

Top Three Sushi!

1. Hawaiian Spam Roll - grilled spam, drizzled with pineapple mayonnaise and rolled in crushed macadamia nuts

2. Philadelphia Roll - smoked salmon and cream cheese

3. Tobiko Nigiri - Flying Fish roe
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Vanya on August 23, 2010, 06:01:01 pm
1)my wife
3)coconut icecream
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Kaijyuu on August 23, 2010, 09:29:20 pm
Quote from: "Vanya"1)my wife
3)coconut icecream
You must mix all three of those and tell us of the results.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Pickle Girl Fanboy on August 24, 2010, 10:16:23 am
I hate coconut.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Draivyn on August 29, 2010, 08:17:48 pm
I'll have to go with games

Baldurs Gate 2: Probably one of the most perfect games to me, containing an interesting story unique characters and an engrossing enough battle system

Final Fantasy Tactics: I've owned the game since 98 and keep on returning to there has to be something pretty special about it.

Super Robot Wars Alpha: ....What can I say I like giant robots
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Miroshi Beshima on August 29, 2010, 10:14:36 pm
1.) Paramore (as you can tell from my avatar)
2.) VersaEmerge
3.) The Scene Aesthetic

1.) Final Fantasy XII
2.) Xenosaga Series
3.) Final Fantasy Tactics (lol i bet this one is getting old XD)

1.) Spring (I love the mild temperature)
2.) Fall (Beautiful and also mild temperature)
3.) Summer (Just cuz I get out of school lol)
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Melancthon on September 12, 2010, 07:34:04 pm
My three favorite beers:

Harpoon IPA.  Absolutely without a doubt the best beer I've ever had.  You know how sometimes your drinking beer, and then you have a different kind of beer and it doesn't taste as good?  Never happens with a 'Poon.

Newcastle (Draft):  Newcastle is a great beer, but when it's on tap it's one of the best.

Black and Tan:  Guinness floated on top of Bass.  Looks almost as good as it tastes.  You can make them with Harpoons instead of Bass too!
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Kaijyuu on September 12, 2010, 07:40:37 pm
I give you my (constantly changing) top 10 favorite video games, to the total indifference of everyone:

1. FF6
2. FFT
3. Valkyrie Profile 1
4. Super Mario World
5. Chrono Trigger
6. Earthbound
8. Disgaea Hour of Darkness
9. Super Mario RPG
10. FF5

I rank them pretty much by how long of rant I could have about them. As I see it, the more I can say about a game's flaws and strengths, the better it drew me in... the more it made me care about it. Every one of those in the top 8 have at least one extreme flaw and one extreme strength.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Zozma on September 12, 2010, 08:05:05 pm
my favorite drinks! yess

Long Island Iced Tea!

Southern Comfort 100proof + Coke

A nice big shot of Rumplemintz
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Samuraiblackbelt on September 12, 2010, 08:26:08 pm
1) Music
2) my girlfriend
3) Monster
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Mimi on September 18, 2010, 09:01:50 pm
My three favorite games:
1) FFT (of course)
2) Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time. Like FFT, I felt like I really accomplished something when I beat that game.
2) A tie between the original Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG. Both are great!

My three favorite bands:
1) She Wants Revenge. They're just plain Awesome!
2) The Killers
3) Muse

My three favorite movies:
1) Enemy Mine (I'm sure not many people have heard of this one.)
2) A.I.
3) E.T.

That's about all for now. :-)
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Jon on September 19, 2010, 02:18:52 pm
Favorite 3 Games:
1 Final Fantasy Tactics and 7 (tied evenly in my sense of harmony)
2 Star Wars Republic Commando and JK2 (tied also)
3 Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis (but this can change at any time)
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Zaen on September 19, 2010, 07:56:02 pm
Favourite RPGs:
1)Might & Magic 8
2)Wizardry 8 (Haven't played it enough to be sure exactly how much I like it)

1)Final Fantasy Tactics
2)Grandia II
3)Final Fantasy XII

Favourite Music
2)Led Zeppelin
3)Pink Floyd

-Baroque Composers
1)Karl Ditters Von Dittersdorf
2)George Frideric Handel
3)Georg Philipp Telemann

-Classical Composers
1)Franz Antoine Hoffmeister
2)Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
3)Johann Baptist Vanhal

-Romantic Composers
1)Johannes Brahms
2)Niccolò  Paganini
3)Alexander Borodin

2)Tenor Viol
3)Double Bass/Bass Guitar

Give me a break, I play the Viola!
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Melancthon on September 19, 2010, 10:13:36 pm
Peppermint Patties
Other Candy
Everything else

Wizardry 8 is one of the best games ever made.

Rush Sucks.

Alright, it's not Rush so much as Getty Lee.  Getty Lee is a goblin.  Not a person.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Zaen on September 20, 2010, 08:14:22 am
It's because he's a Jew, isn't it? Hahaha.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Mari on September 21, 2010, 12:36:38 pm
Top three numbers!

1, 2 and 3.

Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: SentinalBlade on September 21, 2010, 06:58:36 pm
Quote from: "Vanya"1)my wife
3)coconut icecream

1) Sex
2) Writing
3) Programming

As far as im concerned, me and Vanya are the only straight ones here. Listing sex in the top three things. Though ill admit, im gay about it... They gotta be close to my heart. You get burnt out on emotionless, passionateness one night stands pretty quickly
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Mari on September 21, 2010, 07:35:06 pm
I didn't know gay people didn't like sex.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Samuraiblackbelt on September 21, 2010, 11:25:10 pm
Quote from: "SentinalBlade"
Quote from: "Vanya"1)my wife
3)coconut icecream

1) Sex
2) Writing
3) Programming

As far as im concerned, me and Vanya are the only straight ones here. Listing sex in the top three things. Though ill admit, im gay about it... They gotta be close to my heart. You get burnt out on emotionless, passionateness one night stands pretty quickly

my girlfriend comes with sex, why should I bother putting it in there twice?
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Mimi on October 03, 2010, 03:21:34 am
My Top 3 Anime:

1) Serial Experiments Lain
2) Cowboy Bebop
3) Bleach

Favorite Snacks:

1) Chocolate
2) Cheese Pizza
3) Pretzels
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: GeneralStrife on October 08, 2010, 07:31:36 pm
1) Bud light
2) Michelob ultra
3) Budweiser regular
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Samuraiblackbelt on October 09, 2010, 03:12:05 am
1) Life
2) Frosted Mini Wheats
3) Cocoa Pebbles
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Kaijyuu on October 09, 2010, 03:47:16 am
Gonna have to agree Life is the greatest breakfast cereal ever.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: Mari on October 09, 2010, 04:26:23 am
1.) Club
2.) Grilled Cheese
3.) Grilled Chicken 'n' Cheese

1.) Trigun
2.) Cowboy Bebop
3.) Don't like anime so only 2.
Title: Re: Your Top Three
Post by: ffta707 on October 09, 2010, 06:03:51 pm
Let me add a few to mine.

1)Michelob Light
2)Miller Light
3)Bud Light