Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Spam => Topic started by: Xifanie on March 15, 2010, 09:44:52 pm

Title: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Xifanie on March 15, 2010, 09:44:52 pm
We have yet to discuss INTAILLAIGENT TALKIN about shopping clothes and watching LADY GAGA

[21:25] *** Topic is 'Caves of Narshe Chat || ( || CoNCAA signups open:' (')
[21:25] *** Channel mode is +Pcnrst
[21:25] *** R51 has joined #narshe
[21:25] <ChanServ> [R51] I'm a star, I'm on top, somebody bring me some haaaaaaaaam!
[21:25] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o R51
[21:26] <Dragon_Fire> I can't imagine you rocking the construction boots, Nate.
[21:27] <Kaptop> lol
[21:27] <NovaXPlus> (
[21:29] <Dragon_Fire> ...
[21:30] <NovaXPlus> what?
[21:31] <Kaptop> lolz
[21:31] <Dragon_Fire> So what you did, was essentially turn FFT into Dragon Ball Z with beards.
[21:31] <Dragon_Fire> 'grats.
[21:32] <NovaXPlus> reference phail
[21:32] <Dragon_Fire> urgh.
[21:32] <Kaptop> dbz + beards = awesome
[21:32] <Kaptop> dragonbeard z
[21:32] <NovaXPlus> 1.3 Kanbabrif and  
[21:32] <NovaXPlus> DEB
[21:32] <NovaXPlus> fight 1.3 kanbabrif before you complain
[21:33] <Dragon_Fire> This is my caring face :)
[21:33] <R51> What the hell is a phail?
[21:33] <Kaptop> im so confused
[21:33] <R51> Is that what the hipster interkids say these days?
[21:33] <Kaptop> is it like a pheasant and a quail
[21:33] <Dragon_Fire> It is not.
[21:33] <Dragon_Fire> To Josh
[21:33] <NovaXPlus> if you don't get the references perhaps you'll prefer this one (
[21:33] <Dragon_Fire> LOL @ nate
[21:34] <NovaXPlus> Phail: The act of failing; as to not achieve a desire goal/dream. Used in many forums, as a way of saying that particular person is a true failure to human kind or some other put down related insult.
[21:34] <NovaXPlus> from urbandictionary, just for you
[21:34] <Dragon_Fire> So, what, like, your video is a whole lot of phail?
[21:34] <Dragon_Fire> Did I use that right?
[21:35] <Kaptop> argh
[21:35] <Kaptop> i got an IM noise but no IM
[21:35] <Kaptop> this computer is haunted
[21:35] <Dragon_Fire> Phantom messenger.
[21:35] <NovaXPlus> no I said you phail because you comment negatively on a video that you don't even know the character references
[21:35] <Dragon_Fire> it's like ghostwriter went electro.
[21:36] <Kaptop> I think reading Sunday comics always inspired my wardrobe ideals
[21:36] <Kaptop> ive always wanted to just buy 8 identical outfits in different colors
[21:36] <Dragon_Fire> rofl.
[21:37] <Dragon_Fire> If I like the outfit enough, I'll do that.
[21:37] <R51> Why do you come in here to post video links and then just talk about how none of us are cool enough to watch them?
[21:37] <R51> It confuses me.
[21:37] <NovaXPlus> to teach you!
[21:37] <Kaptop> LOL
[21:37] <NovaXPlus> Kanbabrif is at the scene where Delita kills Gelwan
[21:37] <R51> Can you teach something that's useful to my life?
[21:38] <NovaXPlus> Then he was used as the main character of "The Vilain of Ivalice"
[21:38] <Kaptop> you can't teach an old dog new tricks
[21:38] <Kaptop> sweet bro fft fanfic videos
[21:38] <NovaXPlus> Watch Caesar the dog whisperer
[21:38] <NovaXPlus> old scoller
[21:38] <NovaXPlus> schooler*
[21:38] <R51> I'm sure it's a lovely hack.
[21:38] <R51> It holds no interest for me.
[21:38] <Kaptop> I can barely stand final fantasy story when its written by professionals
[21:38] <NovaXPlus> Vilain of Ivalice: (
[21:39] <Dragon_Fire> Now punch! Punch! Kick! Kick! All the things that I'll teach ya are sure to beat ya, nevertheless you get a lesson from teacha!
[21:39] <Dragon_Fire> Oh g od, please, just stop talking.
[21:39] <Kaptop> {{parappa}}
[21:39] <NovaXPlus> g od? LOL you called a supernatural being!
[21:39] <NovaXPlus> AHAHHAHA
[21:39] <Dragon_Fire> ...
[21:39] <Dragon_Fire> Alright, it's officially retarded.
[21:40] <Kaptop> YES
[21:40] <Kaptop> this is awesome
[21:40] <Dragon_Fire> I can't stop watching the telephone video.
[21:41] <Dragon_Fire> Nate, help me.
[21:41] <Dragon_Fire> be my beyonce.
[21:41] <Kaptop> oh man i watch that all the time
[21:41] <Kaptop> ON MAH VIDEO
[21:41] <Kaptop> PHONE
[21:41] <Kaptop> MAH VIDO
[21:41] <Kaptop> PHONE
[21:41] <Dragon_Fire> Now watch that + lady gaga's back to back.
[21:41] <Dragon_Fire> it doesn't make sense.
[21:41] <Dragon_Fire> I don't understand.
[21:41] <Kaptop> this is going to be awesome
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Samuraiblackbelt on March 15, 2010, 10:06:43 pm
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Dokurider on March 15, 2010, 11:22:32 pm
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Kaijyuu on March 15, 2010, 11:42:23 pm
I got a generally bad vibe from caves of narshe when I first found it. This place is much more inviting.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Xifanie on March 16, 2010, 12:05:17 am
I have been member of CoN for 2-3 years... It was only after a friend's comments and seeing how they formed a sect where "if you don't agree with the others you're just a retard not worth our time" (this wasn't from self experience, I saw what they did to TheAncient and Hamedo) that I came to realize how bad the place is.
Sure it got worse over time, but CoN is rotten to the core.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Zypher on March 16, 2010, 12:34:01 am
What a polluted stream of consciousness to go from bashing things they don't know---> to Lady Gaga and fashion tips from comic strips.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Asmo X on March 16, 2010, 10:40:29 am
Lady Gaga owns.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Kokojo on March 16, 2010, 11:20:25 am
Quote from: "Zodiac"I have been member of CoN for 2-3 years... It was only after a friend's comments and seeing how they formed a sect where "if you don't agree with the others you're just a retard not worth our time" (this wasn't from self experience, I saw what they did to TheAncient and Hamedo) that I came to realize how bad the place is.
Sure it got worse over time, but CoN is rotten to the core.

Oh, like when Voldemort banned that girl for saying FFT music sucks?

Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: philsov on March 16, 2010, 11:25:18 am
Arch banned a girl?!?
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Xifanie on March 16, 2010, 11:50:30 am
Nah more like lazslow made a REALLY bad joke against TheAncient, in the News section. TheAncient complained, saying he had enough of that BS. The others were of course on lazslow's side because they were all part of their fan sect so they all started flaming him saying he was a retard and that he was "obviously overreacting", while of course, he was not. So TheAncient ragequit.

If you want to join a join where everyone is part of the moar intelligent of comunitiez, where no one's opinion's differs, that's your place.

It's not like lazslow wanted to make public excuses even when he knew he was wrong, so he just went with the flow. A CoN mod making an excuse because they're right? Talk about nonsense!
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Dome on March 16, 2010, 02:38:45 pm
Quote from: "philsov"Arch banned a girl?!?
Arch can ban ppl?!?!
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Eternal on March 16, 2010, 04:25:26 pm
Quote from: "Zodiac"Nah more like lazslow made a REALLY bad joke against TheAncient, in the News section. TheAncient complained, saying he had enough of that BS. The others were of course on lazslow's side because they were all part of their fan sect so they all started flaming him saying he was a retard and that he was "obviously overreacting", while of course, he was not. So TheAncient ragequit.

If you want to join a join where everyone is part of the moar intelligent of comunitiez, where no one's opinion's differs, that's your place.

It's not like lazslow wanted to make public excuses even when he knew he was wrong, so he just went with the flow. A CoN mod making an excuse because they're right? Talk about nonsense!

The internet is serious business.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Archael on March 16, 2010, 06:14:46 pm
I didn't ban a girl, I kicked her from chat for obvioustroll

also, I didn't know CoN people watched my videos (or bp's for that matter)

or that they played 1.3

time to stop by their IRC and let them know what Voldemort thinks of CoN
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Samuraiblackbelt on March 16, 2010, 06:33:48 pm
let me know when you do, I want to be there to see that
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Xifanie on March 16, 2010, 07:23:16 pm
They don't know about FFH, 1.3, or BP's video.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Kaijyuu on March 16, 2010, 07:25:37 pm
aren't internet cliques awesome
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Mari on March 16, 2010, 09:24:51 pm
Obvious troll my ass. You just saw it as trolling because you got angry.
You called the whole thing trolling when, in fact only the very last comment was anywhere near trolling.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: CidIII on March 16, 2010, 11:15:07 pm
Yeah these guys are douches, I was talking and being nice, and they are just complete fucksticks about anything outside of their small 5 person community.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Xifanie on March 18, 2010, 09:44:39 pm
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Archael on March 19, 2010, 08:13:40 pm
Quote from: "Mari"Obvious troll my ass. You just saw it as trolling because you got angry.
You called the whole thing trolling when, in fact only the very last comment was anywhere near trolling.

saying that FFTA music is better than FFT music is trolling

ask zodiac

thats why I kicked you

and I will kick anyone who makes a troll statement like that (not just you)

remember: some facts stay facts regardless of your own damn opinion

Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: DarthPaul on March 19, 2010, 09:40:06 pm
Quote from: "Voldemort"
Quote from: "Mari"Obvious troll my ass. You just saw it as trolling because you got angry.
You called the whole thing trolling when, in fact only the very last comment was anywhere near trolling.

saying that FFTA music is better than FFT music is trolling

ask zodiac

thats why I kicked you

and I will kick anyone who makes a troll statement like that (not just you)

remember: some facts stay facts regardless of your own damn opinion


Musical preference is always an opinion.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Kaijyuu on March 19, 2010, 09:45:17 pm
"I like FFTA music better than FFT music."
Misguided opinion. A-ok.

"FFTA music is better than FFT music."
Obvious falsehood, thus obvious troll.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Xifanie on March 19, 2010, 11:28:51 pm
She admitted to trolling anyway, so there's no use discussing this matter.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Archael on March 20, 2010, 01:00:59 am
Quote from: "darthpaul"
Quote from: "Voldemort"
Quote from: "Mari"Obvious troll my ass. You just saw it as trolling because you got angry.
You called the whole thing trolling when, in fact only the very last comment was anywhere near trolling.

saying that FFTA music is better than FFT music is trolling

ask zodiac

thats why I kicked you

and I will kick anyone who makes a troll statement like that (not just you)

remember: some facts stay facts regardless of your own damn opinion


Musical preference is always an opinion.

white knight again

do it
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: DarthPaul on March 20, 2010, 01:30:37 am
No white knight. Just saying that calling opinions facts does not set a precedent.

EDIT: I can't white knight on this subject, because I hated the FFTA music.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: VampragonLord on March 20, 2010, 01:44:37 am
If you need to white knight, go white knight magitek at CoN
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: DarthPaul on March 20, 2010, 01:56:31 am
Quote from: "VampragonLord"If you need to white knight, go white knight magitek at CoN


You know what, I might do that for the sheer lols.

Though I would foresee a ban from there in no time as they seem like a bunch of douche trucks hauling some major loads of BS.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Samuraiblackbelt on March 20, 2010, 02:24:22 am
I think they need some mods more like FFH and some rules more like GameFAQS
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: tithin on March 21, 2010, 04:37:58 am
I think people should lay off darthpaul and the white knight thing, I'm starting to think it's a personality flaw, rather than a desire for e-pussy. (Flaw is probably a bad way of putting it, but he just seems to believe the best in everyone - he'll learn off that later in life)

As for Mari, she made it into j3 once, and I've never seen her since, I guess I made her not welcome or something? She didn't seem that bad as I recall.
Title: Re: CoN seems to be too awesome for us
Post by: Kaijyuu on March 21, 2010, 05:36:45 am
Pff, pessimist :P Most people are pretty ok. Plenty of uncaring dicks on the internet but most of those are just ignorant that they're talking to another person and not some faceless being.

It's the ones that are uncaring dicks real life one should be wary of. Don't be friends with them - they're dicks.