Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Spam => Topic started by: Archael on October 09, 2009, 08:53:58 pm

Title: Didn't they test this game before they released it?
Post by: Archael on October 09, 2009, 08:53:58 pm
ITT: You post the worst games you have ever seen / played
Post by: Bastard Poetry on October 09, 2009, 09:02:01 pm
Post by: Archael on October 09, 2009, 09:06:19 pm

I was expecting the previous one, actually

but yeah... a lot about it sucked
Post by: degrofm on October 09, 2009, 09:17:47 pm
Quote from: "Bastard Poetry"

Disagreed with. But hey, it's your opinion and you are welcome to it.
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on October 09, 2009, 09:39:44 pm
Post by: Archael on October 09, 2009, 09:43:16 pm
uh, wat

is that ET?
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on October 09, 2009, 09:49:09 pm
haha yeah ET!
Post by: dwib on October 09, 2009, 09:55:00 pm
forget you homos FFVIII was awesome. Definitely one of my favorites.

FFTA was really fun, but only once. No replay value whatsoever. Nor did I like the graphics or the way the portraits looked or how the characters acted or how how dispatch missions were so boring and showed up only in certain months, meaning you had to wander around forever. And how mythril items were ridiculously rare.
Post by: Sephirot24 on October 09, 2009, 10:23:56 pm
Hmm... I've played a hell lot of games, but I only seem to remember the good ones xD

Whatever AVGN says. I'd buy one of his original T-shirts 'n' stuff but the shipping here is a bitch.
Post by: Fusso on October 09, 2009, 10:33:54 pm

worst game ever
emo story, dumb gameplay, awful script
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on October 09, 2009, 10:58:31 pm
Post by: tithin on October 09, 2009, 11:33:51 pm
Quote from: "MiKeMiTchi"Dissidia

Counterpoint: I had fun with it.
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on October 09, 2009, 11:42:28 pm
coz I never got to play it. :)
Post by: Aquablack on October 10, 2009, 12:25:50 am
This game just looks painful to play, if you can call it a game.

Post by: Vanya on October 10, 2009, 12:29:01 am
Nothing beats ET!!
One guy made that piece of shit over the course of one weekend!
That's the formula for a successful game alright! ^_^
Post by: SolidSnakeDog on October 10, 2009, 01:13:54 am
Rebels Truckers (i think that the name) can go backyard at OVER 9000MPH!! And pass In any buldings! Trucks can climb montains! Your rivals dont EVEN MOVE! No Speed limit! You always go faster and faster..there is no limits!
Game crashes very often...Rated 0/10 by THAT a bad game...but ET still probably worse.
Post by: boomkick on October 10, 2009, 01:59:55 am
Post by: Dome on October 10, 2009, 03:06:45 am
Big rigs, over the road racing
Post by: Mental_Gear on October 10, 2009, 03:36:15 am
Not 'bad' games per se but the QA team was badly underpaid.

ANYTHING Bethesda.
Post by: LastingDawn on October 10, 2009, 03:42:40 am
Hmm let's see...

To be honest, I'm going to have to say Final Fantasy 2's original release.

I'm going by the title of the topic "Didn't they test the game before they released it?" FF2 fits this perfectly...

The original version of this game had the FF1 Monk glitch on Every Character, (I Cannot see how Tester's missed That!)and when stat gains were so frequent that was a Large annoyance, as well as the "fight - back" glitch, which allowed you to amass stupidly high stats, and just that you were Encouraged to beat your own people so their stats can grow.

Thankfully the Dawn of Souls and PSP release fixes... well the majority of these problems.

I am a large fan of FF2, but I think I would have been disappointed if it had been released on the NES over here, I am glad they waited so everything could be more accurate as to their original vision.
Post by: SolidSnakeDog on October 10, 2009, 04:09:06 am
Dome say : Big rigs, over the road racing


SEE IT HERE : ... re=related (
Post by: Fusso on October 10, 2009, 07:48:24 am
Quote from: "MiKeMiTchi"haha yeah ET!

ET was not the worst game of all time, the history behind it is the real problem
the game itself is just bad
but bad as the great majority of the 2600 games of the time

Atari per Atari, their port of Pac-Man was far worse
Indiana Jones for the 2600 is also worse than ET, and they have more in common that you could think
Title: Re: Didn't they test this game before they released it?
Post by: Luminar on October 10, 2009, 08:22:43 am
beat this game in 3 day's, seriously disappointed...
Post by: Kaijyuu on October 10, 2009, 09:49:15 am
Quote from: "Dome"Big rigs, over the road racing
Pff. That game at least had proper ground (though not environment) collision. Assuming you don't go out into the nothingness that is.
Post by: SolidSnakeDog on October 10, 2009, 09:52:09 am
Yeah but you know the testers team was...retarded and lasy in testing this. (That exatly the point of this tread right?)
At if there was kids trying to make a game.
Post by: Kuraudo Sutoraifu on October 10, 2009, 06:03:50 pm
Quote from: "Fusso"ET was not the worst game of all time, the history behind it is the real problem
the game itself is just bad
but bad as the great majority of the 2600 games of the time

I'd disagree with that, unless I had uncanny luck with picking good games.  A few reasons why ET sucked that come to mind: no instructions on what to do, no goal to achieve in the game except 'don't get caught', and you can't win.  YOU CAN'T WIN!  There is no way to win this game, because there is no objective.  You can only lose.
Post by: Archael on October 10, 2009, 07:02:50 pm
QuoteYOU CAN'T WIN! There is no way to win this game, because there is no objective. You can only lose.


that reminds me of a certain (and brilliant) design philosophy!


Post by: Kuraudo Sutoraifu on October 10, 2009, 08:48:13 pm
Ummm... hwhat?
Post by: tithin on October 10, 2009, 08:49:39 pm
Post by: KazeKasano on October 10, 2009, 10:17:11 pm
And now we've all lost The Game, bro.
Post by: Archael on October 10, 2009, 10:20:42 pm
Quote from: "Kuraudo Sutoraifu"Ummm... hwhat?

1.3 joke
Post by: Mental_Gear on October 11, 2009, 02:59:44 am
Kuraudo, even I got that joke, and apparently I'm more dumb than Dome.
Post by: Kuraudo Sutoraifu on October 11, 2009, 03:24:16 pm
How does your dumbness correlate to my knowledge of the 1.3 forum?
Post by: philsov on October 11, 2009, 03:27:44 pm

Post by: SilvasRuin on October 12, 2009, 03:21:32 am

No, seriously.  The game was rather fun to play, but you'd think some of its more glaring issues would have been fixed before release.  None of you can deny that they are there, or you probably wouldn't be a part of this community.  Same goes for WoTL.  Did they really think Onion Knights as designed would be worth a shit...?

Similarly I had a ton of fun with FFVII, but the game has loads of problems.  There's even signs that the game wasn't quite finished.  One example is that there is an Aero3 or whatever but no Aero(1).

Spyro Enter the Dragonfly takes the cake though.  I don't think I've ever played a buggier game.
Post by: DarthPaul on October 12, 2009, 10:07:44 am
QuoteSimilarly I had a ton of fun with FFVII, but the game has loads of problems. There's even signs that the game wasn't quite finished. One example is that there is an Aero3 or whatever but no Aero(1).

I have to check where this is but in FFVII there was supposed to be a subplot but the idea got scrapped and they never removed the beginning of the plot. Making that part a bit confusing as it was never expounded on.
Post by: Mental_Gear on October 12, 2009, 11:28:35 am
Oh, how did I forget this?


Don't get me wrong - it's amazing, worth buying the Orange Box just for it...hell, worth buying Orange Box purely for 2Fort. However, some of the glitches kinda ruin the fun. In particular, reaching glitch spots.

You try having fun when THREE enemy engineers reach the top of a shed you can't normally reach, all with three sentry guns there, and right next to them ready to repair, or when a 'friendly' Engineer puts a teleporter entrance in a spot you easily see, you eagerly go in, and reach a glitch spot that there's no way out of.

Or a 'friendly' scout grabs the enemy intelligence then jumps into a corner of a room in your part of 2Fort, hovering above the ground, and him and everyone around him starts taunting and not doing anything, just being stupid.

So I switched sides, became a spy, went there disguised, then got a headshot on him for an instant kill.

Oh, and this:


CoD is the greatest example of A) Activision being greedy cunts and B) how all developers these days seem to think the best way to demonstrate advances in technology is churning out ANOTHER samey FPS (First-person Shooter / Fucking Piece of Shit)
Post by: Redux on October 12, 2009, 01:27:50 pm

Scout with SMG? Hacks.
Post by: Mental_Gear on October 12, 2009, 02:00:41 pm
Yeah, I noticed that was a bit wierd. I wasn't really paying attention when looking for an image.


Oh, God...where do I start?

- Guest characters - Bamco, SC can stand on its own two feet. Stop it now. Star Wars characters is one thing, but do you think anyone cares about your 'special' ones designed by manga artists? You gave us (depending on how generous we feel) up to 3 new characters, as Amy was in 3 but a 'bonus' character and Algol's been in SC lore since the days of Soul Blade. And don't think we didn't notice your 'hidden' guest character in SC3. At least you picked KOS-MOS of Xenosaga, a series nobody gives a fuck about.

- A character creation mode that when compared to SC3's gives with one hand and takes with the other, and although the new stats system is interesting, a cool-looking character can end up broken.

- Character balance that was dodgy to begin with, then the patch fixed a couple of things (Ivy's infinite combo for example) but further broke some characters (Kilik's throws = rape)

- A story that, for the most part, had no effort put into it compared to the previous games. Sure, it had standout moments like Sophitia's ending, but it just falls short of the previous games.

- The online. Oh, God. The online. The horrible, useless online. Awful netcoding and P2P is not a good way to go for a fighting game where one bit of lag ruins it, now consider SC4's lag is abysmal, making it unplayable for anyone aside from those in a highly-developed country with an expensive connection. SC4 online and offline may as well be two different games. The only way to win is spamming the same move, and who gets in first wins. Not how SC's meant to be played at all. Best way to combat a spammer? Guard Impact. But oh, lag makes that impossible. The only enjoyment you can get is the odd game when someone doesn't skip the character introductions or you get whooped by someone who's actually good at the game. The leaderboards are nothing but a great way to tell who has a more expensive internet connection. Thanks for making the online nigh-on unplayable in Ireland, Namco. Sure, all we did was DESIGN THE FUCKING PHYSICS ENGINE YOU USED.

Oh, and online play isn't an excuse to drastically cut down on the amount of single-player content on offer.

All I can say good about SC4 is it (i.e. Cassandra) looks amazing, and that it gives added value to my copies of Soul Blade, SC2 and SC3. I like to look at the boxes and then cry as I realise how fast the series is going downhill.
Post by: Kuraudo Sutoraifu on October 12, 2009, 05:22:56 pm
MG, did you play the PS3 version of Soul Caliber 4?  Because on Xbox 360, I don't experience much (if any) lag problems.  If it was on PS3, maybe it was just the PSN.  The sucky part about the online was the matchmaking was too slow.

I agree about guest characters.  As much as I like the Force Unleashed, leave the Apprentice out of it.  And Yoda, this joker is absurd as all high attacks cannot hit him.

I agree about the character creation point.  I want to have a cool looking character AND a strong character; I don't want to sacrifice one for the other.  I pretty much found one good (and strong) look and used it for each character, as such, all my custom characters looked the same.
Post by: Mental_Gear on October 12, 2009, 05:39:15 pm
Yeah, PS3 version.

Then again, my broadband is 3 things - cheap, wireless, and Irish.

100kbps download speed at most, and pretty bad ping. So it's really just my western Irish 'broadband' (if you can call it that). I will admit custom characters look cool as hell though, except they're leaning more towards heavy armor than anything else, I'd say 3 had more parts, and the DLC is all novelty, the only one worth buying is the classic headgear set.

But, as a member of Soul Academy, I felt obliged to buy the school uniform packs.

A purchase I regret.

Still, one last good thing about SC4 - I got a pair of gioteck realtriggers with it. L2 and R2 now feel SO much more comfortable.

Oh, and I heard that Sony may be going into a Dreamcast emulation deal with Sega. So maybe SC1 may be coming to the PSN store one day. That's the only 'normal' SC I've yet to play (and believe me, Soul Blade is so-so, at least it had Japanese VAs for the Japanese characters a la modern Tekken).
Post by: Fusso on October 13, 2009, 04:03:17 pm
Quote from: "Kuraudo Sutoraifu"I'd disagree with that, unless I had uncanny luck with picking good games.  A few reasons why ET sucked that come to mind: no instructions on what to do, no goal to achieve in the game except 'don't get caught', and you can't win.  YOU CAN'T WIN!  There is no way to win this game, because there is no objective.  You can only lose.

Like 90% of 2600 games

and as i said, ET was bad... but it was JUST bad
and it is beatable... only barely
lots of games in the intellivision were much worse

and like i saind
pac-man port to the 2600 is the worse game evah
Post by: Dokurider on October 13, 2009, 05:02:11 pm
Post by: Archael on October 13, 2009, 06:17:46 pm

Twisted Metal kicked ass
Post by: Dokurider on October 13, 2009, 06:26:27 pm
Quote from: "Voldemort"WUT

Twisted Metal kicked ass

Not TMIII. It was laggy, glitchy, and the controls were bad. It's characters were retarded, and it's attempts at being funny was painful. The only thing I kinda liked were the cheat codes and Calypso's voice, and even then, it gets tiring being god after awhile. I heard TM IV sucked too, but I wouldn't know.
Post by: Archael on October 13, 2009, 08:31:45 pm
TM kicked so much ass... 1 big arena, bunch of people raping eachother

Post by: DarthPaul on October 13, 2009, 10:26:27 pm
Quote from: "Voldemort"TM kicked so much ass... 1 big arena, bunch of people raping eachother


Yes, the concept was perfect the game kicked assloads of ass..
Post by: Rythe on October 15, 2009, 12:03:15 am
I only played Twisted Metal 2, but it was very fun. The thing that stands out the most to me was the Grasshopper vehicle's special. HAW!
Post by: kiaxiou on October 20, 2009, 11:53:55 am
man runescape or et....has anyone beaten et? how about zelda 1
Post by: DarthPaul on October 20, 2009, 11:58:28 am
Quote from: "kiaxiou"man runescape or et....has anyone beaten et? how about zelda 1

Runescape is not buggy it's just too simple. No amount of product testing is going to ween that out.