Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Spriting => Topic started by: Krobelus on September 27, 2009, 05:38:42 pm

Title: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Krobelus on September 27, 2009, 05:38:42 pm
Well it seems my last topic was lost among the server transfer (or someone is playing a mean trick on me =/)

In any case, I posted a Wakka sprite I whipped up in a short amount of time, and got some great Crits from the public, which really made me wanna fix it. So here it is again, the original:


Here is my update:

What I changed:
-Made his left hand equal the height of his right
-Made his shoulder guard a bit smaller (it really isn't supposed to be up to his head, but I figure FFT sprites are more "smushed" together kinda)
-Tried fixing his torso, fixing the straps and adding his little necklace plus tried fixing his groin area
-Fixed the sandals. Hopefully they look like sandals now.

Criticism welcome!

Edit: I have an idea to lower the shoulder pad by one pixel, which may make it look a little better. I'll see what I can do.
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on September 27, 2009, 06:15:51 pm
how's gbatemp? :)
I'll try one, then you could start from there if you want.
Post by: dwib on September 27, 2009, 07:14:39 pm
Head looks good and the sandals are looking better, although his right foot is lighter than his left foot, which is strange for a front view, they should be the same
Also, it looks confusing and messy right above the pants where the greyish color is

Is this 16 colors? Get a pallete before you start spriting
Post by: Cheetah on September 27, 2009, 08:04:06 pm
Nice work, he is looking quite good. Are you using the archer's padded arm to do Wakka's armored arm?
Post by: Twinees on September 28, 2009, 04:39:19 am
This is looking good, hair looks nice =D. FFX ftw...

Anyway... your trying to put too much detail into the sprite i think, the arm shape is looking good but as i said before, too much detail (if u remove some of the detail you could do some more shading). The shirt/body is also suffering from over detailing too. The shoes dont look like sandals im affraid, but keep trying to get the shape and colours right.

Also, that doesnt seem like 16 colours to me...

Good Luck with the sprite. =D
Post by: Zozma on September 28, 2009, 04:53:21 am
i agree that you are trying to put too much detail into the sprite.

its looking fine but too much detail on such a small sprite will make it look odd
Post by: jimmyjw88 on September 28, 2009, 04:59:26 am
What they said ^^
Post by: Seushiro on September 28, 2009, 05:30:49 am
Yeah here a little history from what my first attempt looked liked when I tried everything and how it looks now

Old by trying to add everything


New concept: Dropped down to shoulder pads, belt buckles, hood, and bracelet as accessories. No more red net stuff nor "jecth family symbol"
Post by: RolyTunedIn on September 28, 2009, 10:07:19 am
looks good seushiro,but definetly needs work on front and back frame (especially in the leg/feet areas).the back diagonal frame looks a little funny too. i think one of the biggest problems you have with spriting is mostly in the feet area... good job on the hair. and it just dont seem like tidus without the family symbol.
Post by: jimmyjw88 on September 28, 2009, 11:44:38 am
Yes. The feet is your main problem. They're straight left and right rather than diagonal. Overall, it looks good and nice hair.
Post by: Seushiro on September 28, 2009, 04:59:06 pm
hahah I was just posting that as an example. ..  had that ever since Jap_tac came out and Twinees made Tidus edits. . . those were the bad times  of my patching ^__^ but definitely not lazy back then. . . back then the backward diagonal was used in a signature I had that is why he was facing up to the sky with yuna's pic in the clouds.

@Roly: you mean a single red Y looking sprite on his right leg will show he is Tidus?!!! atleast he has the small family symbol at the back ^__^

but now back to the concept for Wakka's Sandals (just ripped it out from Celia):
Post by: jimmyjw88 on September 28, 2009, 11:03:46 pm
Looks like barefeet but looks better. Well, with that outlines at the bottom, it won't look much like barefeet ^^
Post by: RolyTunedIn on September 28, 2009, 11:52:18 pm
no no seushiro, that's not what i meant. i think it looks more him with it. but yay wakka's feet is fixed! huh? but what is this? he... he has PINK TOES!!!! :D lol
Post by: Seushiro on September 29, 2009, 12:02:01 am
Zoomed in 6x. . . Pink toes where!!!!! anyway while literally just ripping the parts I did not try to color reduce it yet which should always be the first step. . .
Post by: Krobelus on September 29, 2009, 12:09:18 am
Thanks everyone for the great criticism!

@Seushiro - Those sprites look awful :O! Well not really haha, but I do see your point. I think I'm gonna learn from that and fix Wakka as best I can, to match FFT but keeping it bland and nice looking.

Also nice sandals. I think we'll have to recolor them however, to brown or green or whatever (I'm color blind =/).

I'll post back soon!
Post by: Seushiro on September 29, 2009, 01:05:24 am
haha. . . they were more than awful. . . still had the worst sprite for keeps in the first page of my thread. . . ^__^ now u know why I dont post concepts anymore. . . atleast you know you are in better shape than i am on your first attempt keep it up!
Post by: jimmyjw88 on September 29, 2009, 01:06:20 am
That's nice looking Ryu and Ken Seu ^^
Well done.
Post by: RolyTunedIn on September 29, 2009, 01:22:38 am
seu, are you planning on finishing tidus?
Post by: Seushiro on September 29, 2009, 01:32:08 am
twinees is working on it so nope those will stay only for examples sake. . . but i did use the head for my signature. . .
Post by: RolyTunedIn on September 29, 2009, 01:34:29 am
why don't you hand it over to twinees to work on it. his spriting skills should be good enough to finish it.
Post by: Luminar on September 29, 2009, 01:34:32 am
Quote from: "jimmyjw88"That's nice looking Ryu and Ken Seu ^^
Well done.

word, they look really good actually, if i could i would give ryu a fireball and ken a flameuppercut, lol.
Post by: Twinees on September 29, 2009, 05:00:52 am
Quote from: "RolyTunedIn"why don't you hand it over to twinees to work on it. his spriting skills should be good enough to finish it.

I wouldn't mind finishing it, I may incorporate the hair and some other parts onto my original sprite of tidus.

Edit: Maybe Seushiro, Krobelus and I should work on completing all FFX characters for fft? Also someone for portraits... lol
Post by: Seushiro on September 29, 2009, 05:51:09 am
Yup good Idea. . . the more people focused on a goal the easier the goal can be achieved. . .

Here is the sheets. . . get the .pal from the BMP if needed the .PNG is incase the .BMP looks bad

Whoa I read it wrong it should be :

hey Seushiro. . . . Maybe Krobelus and I should work on completing all FFX characters for fft? Also someone for portraits... lol

that is better ^_^ <- I have a gazillion concepts only 2 finished sprites ahahah. . .

** The vertical walk animation is now complete and remember that all shoes should be converted to geomancer boots because it matches the "Air Tidus Shoes" those are what I used it in the walking. . .
Post by: jimmyjw88 on September 29, 2009, 06:52:27 am
This is not looking bad at all. Very nice. Looking forward to this guys ^^
Keep it up.
Post by: Krobelus on September 29, 2009, 02:07:58 pm
Whoah wait Seushiro, I don't know if I can help with all FFX characters lol. I mean I'm in the middle of Auron and I'm not sure it's looking too good.

Well I'll post him and Wakka later today. I suppose you can be the judge of that haha.

Edit: Here is the new Wakka. All I did right now was try and fix his arm, and keep it simplified. There are two versions, one with and one without the armguard.


I personally think that without the armguard he looks more FFT - like, but then with the armguard he looks more like Wakka.

What do you think?
Post by: mav on September 29, 2009, 05:04:49 pm
I say drop the arm guard. The more details you cram into a sprite, the worse it'll look. Great use of the monk as a base, but work on his vest a bit.
Post by: jimmyjw88 on September 29, 2009, 10:59:54 pm
Yes. Drop the arm guard. The vest, and the top part of the legs (belts?), that black portion, fix that.
Post by: Krobelus on September 30, 2009, 12:29:43 am
Yeah I suppose. Plus making all the frames would be a bitch with the armguard.

There are still a bunch of things I don't know about spriting, especially in FFT style. Like where does the sun shine from? In Pokemon it was always north-west of the sprite, from behind, which is why I was shading to reflect that in Wakka's chest and etc.

I removed some stuff and tried to simplify it yet again, this time the chest area.


The black between his pants are apparently his shorts or something, with those pants being held up by straps, so I figured I had to keep that. I'm also unsure how the arm straps are supposed to look like now. I mean they're supposed to go straight down, but yeah, idk.

What do you guys think?
Post by: jimmyjw88 on September 30, 2009, 02:17:26 am
The chest isn't shaded enough. It looks plain now. Maybe because of the lower part. There's no shading between the transition of the chest and the upper leg/waist. Try take a look a Male Monk and see how the chest is shaded. Also, that black portion thing is still weird. Probably needs some shadings in that too. Also, his wristband's shadings looks random. Fix that too.
Post by: Krobelus on October 06, 2009, 08:42:50 pm
Thanks Jimmy I took your advice and tried to fix him as best I could:


I took another look at the Monk and there is no shading on his chest between his chest and his pants. So I tried adding some shading anyway and I also tried making the wristbands a little better. I also decreased the size of the black thing on his pants, to look a little more neat.

But now I can't help that it looks like a bunch of garbage between his arms and his torso. Or is it just me? =/

Edit: I took a break from Wakka to do his portrait. I can't really get the hair style just right.. what do you guys think I could do to improve it?

Post by: Vanya on October 06, 2009, 11:49:23 pm
Wakka's portrait should look a bit chunkier and absolutely needs to have a smile. ^_^
Post by: Sephirot24 on October 07, 2009, 12:24:35 am
Quote from: "Vanya"Wakka's portrait should look a bit chunkier and absolutely needs to have a smile. ^_^


Very nice progress BTW... but I miss the shoulder pad T_T
Maybe include it but smaller...? Take a look at the Warder concept for Mercenaries, as it has this bigass shield-thingy in one arm too.
Post by: Krobelus on October 07, 2009, 01:17:48 am
Thanks guys I'll see what I can do.

@Sephirot24 - No worries. In the final draft of the front view I'll make two copies, and include the armguard in one of them.

On another note; I decided while I was waiting for replies, I would do a quick Rikku (FFX) concept using the Assassin as a base along with Alma, Male Archer and Balmafula.


I think a perfect portrait for her would be the modified Agrias Portrait and someone else.. but I'll get to that later. What do you guys think?
Post by: Seushiro on October 07, 2009, 02:33:07 am
colors below and surrounding the waist should be changed. . . she looks pregnant cause it blends to her flesh ^__^. . . Good WIP with the Wakka Portrait. . .
Post by: kafei on October 07, 2009, 05:08:44 am
Rikku's top is orange like her armguard thing, which could also stand to be much smaller. The hair needs a lot of work too, because when I first looked at her, I had no idea it was Rikku. Her shoes should also be a lighter color, perhaps like her glove there.

Is this 16 colors?

EDIT: Hm, I double-checked the shoes again, and noticed you tried to add in the lighter color, but honestly, I didn't even notice it because it blends in with the flesh tone on her legs. It also makes her legs look really white, and doesn't really look like part of her shoes at all...
Post by: dwib on October 07, 2009, 05:14:11 am
wow that orange is way too saturated. where'd you get the pallete for the armguard from?
Post by: Zozma on October 07, 2009, 06:11:51 am
k i didnt read all about the rikku sprite but, no, as stated above the orange is way too saturated but thats not all, the greens in the pants need a more drastic difference from one shade to the next which is also another situation involving the orange as well. considere borring from other sprites color palettes
Post by: Krobelus on October 07, 2009, 07:20:11 am
Thanks for the crits!

@Everyone - I know I'll fix Rikku up eventually, but right now I want to concentrate on Wakka. What do you guys think I should improve on it now?

Also keep in mind I'm color blind so similar colors/shades I get confused (blue/purple and red/orange).
Post by: Cheetah on October 07, 2009, 11:29:28 am
Youch, a color blind spriter, well that explains it. No worries though we have lots of folks here who can help with color balance you are doing the hard part.
Post by: jimmyjw88 on October 07, 2009, 12:02:03 pm
Hmm...Really? Well, anyway, Wakka is looking better now. Also, not bad portrait, need some fix though ^^
Good job.
Post by: RolyTunedIn on October 07, 2009, 02:27:03 pm
here is wakka in progress... yea i know some of the pixels in the hair is too thin... the colors is still being picked out (bandana and hair color is not official)... it's still being worked on... tell me what you guys think, should i continue it?
Post by: Jumza on October 07, 2009, 04:09:31 pm
if you do a portrait like this tone the colors down alot way too bright
Post by: mav on October 07, 2009, 05:27:24 pm
Bandanna looks flat and cartoonish, just take it straight from the male Monk, take the knot from the female Samurai, and the loose ties from the female Thief. And even if you're just messing around, those colors are insane. They distract from what could be good aspects of the sprite. And I'd use a different face than Golagros's for Wakka. Krobelus was headed in the right direction, but the hair ended up looking too fake.

5 minute WIP:
Post by: Seushiro on October 07, 2009, 06:23:01 pm
looks like your attempts are better. . . here was my try. . . EPIC FAIL!!!
Post by: Krobelus on October 07, 2009, 06:34:29 pm
@Roly - Looks like you took the top from the KH: Chains of memories sprite. That's probably why it's too colorful.

@Mav - So far yours is my favorite. It looks very FFT-like, and looks like Wakka. But the only thing I see that could be changed is the shoulder part to match the colors of his shoulder straps.

@Seushiro - O.o.. I'm not even gonna say anything haha. Get working on your program so things like this are easy as pie! >=P
Post by: mav on October 07, 2009, 08:46:33 pm
Alright, well I've been in the mood to just mess around, so I'm using this portrait as a guinea pig. I didn't get to cleaning up the shoulders yet (I'll probably try and give him some suspender-like straps or something), but I did add some facial hair, swap out the eyes, and give him a new smile. Somehow all this made it look a bit too different from the old one so...

Oh and the hair needs work--I stole it from Roly, but I think the coloring is still off or it lacks that FFT quality. But it's a work in progress, so what could you expect...
Post by: Krobelus on October 07, 2009, 11:07:59 pm
Mav that looks great!

MiKeMiTchi "Mav should make Wakka's face a bit fatter. He had the best attempt so far, and the beard should be removed, or lessened a bit."

I think the hair looks great. Wakka also has hair that comes out behind his ears a little bit, but that's not all too important. And on the contrary, I think it looks very FFT, compared to my portrait attempt haha.

Oh and I noticed that his ears hide under his bandana. Not sure if you wanna add that or not.
Post by: RolyTunedIn on October 08, 2009, 12:40:29 am
looking nice mav, but as someone mentioned, the hair was taken from the kingdom hearts series. didn't have much time to recolor or anything because i was late for work....
Post by: jimmyjw88 on October 08, 2009, 12:32:02 pm
Very nice Wakka portrait mav ^^
Post by: mav on October 08, 2009, 02:08:50 pm
Ver 3.0:
Post by: Fein on October 08, 2009, 03:33:31 pm
The long part of the spike comes out of nowhere, the surrounding spikes need to gradually get bugger to lead up to the larger spike. It's either that or make the big spike wider and less of an incline. It might just be my opinion, but it looks funky the way it is now.
Post by: RolyTunedIn on October 09, 2009, 12:19:26 am
i think that his hair looks fine. but in my opinion, he needs to be fatter... he looks kind of like a leprechaun lol. i imagined more manly shoulders and a thicker neck... the strap on his shoulder looks kind of like a robe... i think that his ear should be tucked in the headband (he's got some pointy ears). i also cant help but to say that it looks like his headband should be moved down a little bit. the chin hair was more like a buzz cut, but that's on you. that's pretty much what i think...
Post by: mav on October 09, 2009, 08:18:45 am
As far as the chin hair goes--it's tough to give that stubble look in FFT--I messed around with it, but couldn't get it right. I'll tuck that ear in too (I thought I already did, but apparently I didn't...) and will definitely work on the clothes again. As for a bulkier neck, I'll look into it. It seems too uncharacteristic for FFT though...I'll mess around with the face shape too. Right now he's a skinny little man, so I guess that needs some fixing too.
Post by: RolyTunedIn on October 09, 2009, 10:32:33 am
i think that it should be okay to make him fatter, they have other fat people in the game. i think that he also needs a darker skin tone.
Post by: Krobelus on October 09, 2009, 02:58:10 pm
Yeah I was thinking the same skin tone as Rafa. It's not as dark as Malak either.
Post by: mav on October 09, 2009, 04:59:41 pm
Whoops...I used Malak's skintone instead of Rafa's...Anyway, this is basically a rehaul of the Wakka portrait: rounder face, thicker neck, and clothing that needs to be replaced and recolored.

EDIT: I removed his clothing, temporarily. It'll be easier to put the suspenders on a shirtless body than a fully clothed body. I'll need to cut the portrait down to size too, but now it's on track.
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on October 09, 2009, 10:28:59 pm
He looks young.
I don't think a rounder face would fit. Other than that, it's good.
Post by: kafei on October 10, 2009, 06:05:24 am
That's definitely on the right track, mav. Looking good.
Post by: Seushiro on October 10, 2009, 07:04:43 am
Great rehaul mav. ..  that is quite a great success with making the flesh parts. . . and yeah he does not look a little skinny man anymore. . . but
Post by: jimmyjw88 on October 10, 2009, 09:46:52 am
Looking great mav.
Post by: mav on October 10, 2009, 11:18:55 am
Just for comparison's sake, here's how the broader neck and currently-shirtless body look with his old head shape:
Post by: Kagebunji on October 10, 2009, 11:31:43 am
For me this is perfect.
Post by: RolyTunedIn on October 10, 2009, 04:42:15 pm
all it needs is the suspenders and it is complete :D
Post by: Krobelus on October 10, 2009, 06:24:28 pm
Yep the suspenders should come next. But what about resizing it 128*128? It looks a little small.
Post by: mav on October 10, 2009, 07:58:25 pm
Here are the suspenders. This portrait is at a whopping 25 colors, as it currently stands. I should be able to reduce them without losing too much quality, but no promises. Reducing this to game size (32 x 48) is gonna require some notable clipping as well: either we lose the top portion of his hair, the portrait starts at his chin, or I'm gonna have to shift stuff around.

But anyways, how do the suspenders look?
Post by: Kagebunji on October 10, 2009, 08:07:50 pm
Awesome. I got nothing more to say.
Post by: Krobelus on October 11, 2009, 12:09:27 am
Very nice Mav! I think the beard should be thinned out a bit though because they're more like whiskers rather than a full beard.
Post by: Twinees on October 11, 2009, 02:19:54 am
Nice. Once again mav you seem to amaze me :o
Post by: Asmo X on October 11, 2009, 02:35:53 am

The hair was bugging me so I had a crack at it. Mine is on the right
Post by: Twinees on October 11, 2009, 02:38:05 am
Very well done Asmo X. The hair looks better, looks more fft style.

Edit: One thing, it seems to me that the bandanna shading is a bit wrong, his bandanna seems to look a bit square with it.
Post by: RolyTunedIn on October 11, 2009, 02:52:30 am
yes it do look squarish.... but the hair looks better...except to the right of the long strand of hair near the bandana looks like it needs a darker shading.
Post by: jimmyjw88 on October 11, 2009, 10:43:09 am
Looking great mav and Asmo.
Post by: MiKeMiTchi on October 11, 2009, 11:19:27 am
Ahh yes, the bandana doesn't quite match the lighting of the face.
Post by: mav on October 11, 2009, 12:20:10 pm
Ah, I see what you guys are talking about--I'll get to that in a bit. That's what I get for stealing without altering.

Many thanks for fixing the hair, Asmo. I doubt I'll ever have the eye to work on hair properly.
Post by: jimmyjw88 on October 11, 2009, 01:20:27 pm
Looks better mav. The bandana, I mean ^^ Though I have a question, why is there empty part below his shoulder? Left out? Or purposely?
Post by: mav on October 11, 2009, 01:23:20 pm
I got lazy and knowing that it's not gonna fit into the sprite, I didn't bother filling it in...
Post by: jimmyjw88 on October 11, 2009, 01:36:06 pm
Ah, I see. Well, it'll be fill by Krobelus ^^
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Huge Black Dude on July 21, 2010, 05:00:39 pm
I'm actually almost finished Wakka the portrait looks great! Is anyone interested in helping finishing FFX sprites with me?(//[code][/code])
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: scatttman on July 22, 2010, 12:44:56 pm
looks good
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: mav on July 24, 2010, 12:25:33 pm
There's something weird about the pants...Pillow shading, perhaps? And your colors are a little bit too saturated. The sprite itself looks marvelous.

Here's the 16 color version of the portrait, 32x48 pixels.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: jimmyjw88 on July 25, 2010, 09:51:53 pm
I think its because of the saturated colour. Shading wise, I think its fine. Hmm...Can't be sure till desaturate the palettes.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Krobelus on August 01, 2010, 10:19:14 pm
Oh wow Huge Black Dude, that looks awesome!

I'm glad someone else picked this up. I just got too bored with spriting... ahah. I can't wait to see the finished project!
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Atma on January 20, 2012, 05:17:32 pm
ok, I realize this hasn't been worked on in a while, but I was just organizing my sprites and I noticed that the Wakka sprite sheet didn't have the portrait added to it, so I decided to do it.  I reordered the palette (I like them looking pretty for editing). 
anyways, I didn't work on the sprite at all just combined them for future work if someone wants to pick up where it was left off.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Taichii on January 20, 2012, 05:19:26 pm
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: CONMAN on January 20, 2012, 05:28:06 pm
Never seen this before it's very interesting... i have no idea who or what wakka is.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Taichii on January 20, 2012, 05:31:19 pm
wakka is a character from kingdom hearts :D
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Kagebunji on January 20, 2012, 05:49:26 pm
More like from FFX, he just appeard in KH as a side character.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Durbs on January 20, 2012, 06:02:21 pm
Quote from: Kagebunji on January 20, 2012, 05:49:26 pm
More like from FFX, he just appeard in KH as a side character.

Yeah, he and Tidus are from FF10. They only make appearances in KH. Neat Wakka concept, though. Is it your own or an unburied one? Nevermind.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Lijj on January 20, 2012, 06:34:13 pm
Isn't Wakka also in Saga Frontier? I didn't like him in that movie.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: 3lric on January 20, 2012, 07:28:06 pm
Quote from: Lijj on January 20, 2012, 06:34:13 pm
Isn't Wakka also in Saga Frontier? I didn't like him in that movie.

Where was Wakka in SaGa Frontier? Are you thinking of the Character Gin?
and what movie?
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: CONMAN on January 20, 2012, 09:55:22 pm
I assume he's the Samuel L. Jackson of video games-he's in EVERYTHING!
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Durbs on January 20, 2012, 10:02:44 pm
Quote from: CONMAN on January 20, 2012, 09:55:22 pm
I assume he's the Samuel L. Jackson of video games-he's in EVERYTHING!

Nah, not him. He's only in the three / four. Cloud has at least twice that.

Maybe Laharl, Flonne, and Etna. That would be a more correct statement.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: GeneralStrife on January 20, 2012, 10:09:29 pm
It needs some work, Lol.
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: Lijj on January 20, 2012, 10:40:10 pm
Quote from: Elric42 on January 20, 2012, 07:28:06 pm
Where was Wakka in SaGa Frontier? Are you thinking of the Character Gin?
and what movie?
I was thinking of Gin; you pick him up in Wakatu. And he resembles Wakka. Yeah I was way off Elric
:oops: :oops: :oops: .
Title: Re: Wakka WIP (first attempt)
Post by: 3lric on January 20, 2012, 10:58:11 pm
Quote from: Lijj on January 20, 2012, 10:40:10 pm
I was thinking of Gin; you pick him up in Wakatu. And he resembles Wakka. Yeah I was way off Elric
:oops: :oops: :oops: .

Haha it's cool :P I forgot the name of his town so I can easily see now why that came to mind  :mrgreen:
I more reminder of SaGa Frontier and i will take it as a sign that I have to play it again XD