Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Topic started by: UltimaGabe on September 12, 2009, 09:33:58 pm

Title: Chronicles of Kanbabrif status?
Post by: UltimaGabe on September 12, 2009, 09:33:58 pm
Hello, everyone! I found this website after meeting BastardPoetry on the Gamefaqs FFT:WotL forum. I met him over a year ago, I believe, when he was looking for characters to add to the next installment of CoK. I submitted a couple character ideas, which, to my understanding, he was going to use.

Anywho, fast forward a year. I've heard nothing about it since hearing that his computer was stolen or something (about a year ago), which unfortunately set him back quite a bit. Does anyone happen to know if he's gotten everything back up again? Anyone happen to know the status?

I loved the first one, and I'd love the see the next. Any info would be most appreciated!
Post by: LastingDawn on September 12, 2009, 10:18:19 pm
While he does still communicate with us, most of his work is found at that's where the main core of the project is.
Post by: Bastard Poetry on September 13, 2009, 05:10:25 pm
I have to correct a small typo you made, LD.


UltimaGabe, it's good to hear from you! I saw your post over on the Muse and I responded there.

EDIT: Ehh.. I'll just copy-paste my response here, in case anyone else is curious about the status of the project:

Long time no see!

Cheetah and I were making some damned decent progress for awhile, but then our lives kept getting busy--all back and forth-like. The latest occurrence of this phenomenon is all on me; Cheetah set up a hell of a lot of great work for me to do, but I haven't had enough time to really focus on all of it. The spare time I have is large enough to allow me to do mindless things like host AI tournaments on Gamefaqs, but too short to devote to anything requiring more thought. (School and work eat up the majority of my attention span, so at the end of the day, I find myself wanting only to zone out to something mindless).

However, rest assured that this will change soon. We qualified for some very decent financial aid this semester, so I'm about to cut my hours at work. That'll give me a lot more time and significantly more energy, and I am extremely anxious to get back to work.

As far as the current status: we're almost 33% finished, and we've been focusing on the most work-intensive stuff first. After that, the rest of the video will be smooth sailing. The video is estimated to be approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour long.

Meanwhile, some of the most devout fans are trying to keep spirits up around here. Dukki Boi made some fantastic fan art recently: (

You submitted Voltram the Archmage and The Shoulder, right? Damn. Sorry. I'm trying to remember.

Otherwise, how the hell are you, buddy?
Post by: DarthPaul on September 13, 2009, 06:58:10 pm
Good to hear BP. Also nice to hear you hit a break with financial aid. I missed out because my mom makes too much. Applying for a loan now. College is a pain.