Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => War of the Lions Hacking => Topic started by: commieclone on August 17, 2009, 12:16:10 am

Title: 1st Post, Looking for Suggestions
Post by: commieclone on August 17, 2009, 12:16:10 am
So I recently got CFW, finally (via an illicit meeting in a subway station in Korea, no less!), and I would like to do some fiddling with FFTPatcher.  

So here I am.

I've always been a big fan of alternate history, and I've had some ideas re: FFT kicking around in my head for some time now.  Imagining how some things could have gone differently.

Anyway, while I can't actually start messing with patcher (I'm in the process of heading back to the USA and won't have access to a pc), I wanted to put out some feelers on these boards and maybe get some suggestions.

It's my understanding that when people make patches that a lot of folks use 1.3 as a base and go from there.  Is this correct?  Is it a good idea?  The kind of things I had in mind involve some spriting (mostly to replace some uniques and base classes), changing some base classes (like removing arithmetician and adding in holy knights while also trying to salvage the onion knights).

What I guess I'm asking is whether it would be better to use 1.3 as a base and change things from there, or simply start from scratch.  Also, how difficult is it to completely change some events, such as dialogue and the people involved in them (for example, adding characters to special dialogue scenes who weren't originally there, or removing/replacing characters who were)?

I don't want to be a big jerk and ask things that are answered elsewhere, it's just that there's a huge volume of posts and combing through them looking for these answers is very daunting (I've been going through the forums for the past week on and off before signing up to post this, and still no 100% joy).  If anyone could help answer some of these or point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.

As I said, I won't have a chance to actually get my hands dirty with patcher for a couple weeks, but once I do I hope I can make some positive contributions to the community.  And for what it's worth, the kind of scenario I have in mind has a central theme of redemption for a number of characters and situations from the original game (I'm looking at you, Argath!).

Anyway, glad to be here, and thanks for any advice you can offer!
Post by: Mirage on August 17, 2009, 01:11:01 am
It seems like you are pretty much in the same boat as I am at the moment! I suggest doing 1.3 after you have beaten the game or atleast familiarized yourself with the game again. with the increase of difficulty and changes in jobs/Battles It would probably be a better experience if you just do the original game with your own adjustments before moving onto this one...but thats just my opinion.
Post by: LastingDawn on August 17, 2009, 01:18:31 am
I agree with Mirage, for a good look at what can be modifed, one should look no further then 1.3, it's a great base to play off of.