Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Spam => Topic started by: SentinalBlade on July 28, 2009, 05:43:03 am

Title: Anyone else retarded when they frist played video games?
Post by: SentinalBlade on July 28, 2009, 05:43:03 am
I was thinking about my past gaming experiences today, trying to pull ideas and shit form my head, and i realized, i was a dumbass kid.

English has always been my favorite subject, but its like my entire state(north carolina) had dyslexia. Its insane, EVERYONE there pronounced Ramza, as Razma. They pronounced Ocarina as OrKarina, Suicune as Suyi-kun, and the list goes on and on.

Was there any major mistakes you made as a kid? ones that just dont make sense because you saw it everytime you played, but just kept saying it weirdly.
Post by: goldblade0 on July 28, 2009, 05:50:13 am
Me and my friends allways called Delita Delta.  Dont know why.  Thats about all I can think of
Post by: Mental_Gear on July 28, 2009, 08:05:23 am
Nothing to do with translations, but when I was first getting into PS1 all I had was demo discs. Without realising it I was (badly) playing Command And Conquer, Spyro, Tekken 3, Dead or Alive, and that MGS VR game.

I actually did not have a clue what was going on.

Oh, and I remember watching someone playing - guess what - FF7, and now that I have it on my PSP I realise what it is. The main thing I remember is dressing up as a woman.
Post by: Kuraudo Sutoraifu on July 28, 2009, 11:26:20 am
Umm... nothing comes to mind, except Final Fantasy VII.  I couldn't figure out how to pronounce Aeris.  Actually, I'm not sure if I pronouce it correctly now.

Outside of gaming however, I remember pronouncing Psylocke as pissle-lock.
Post by: Mental_Gear on July 28, 2009, 11:30:38 am

Kuraudo, I can merely imagine your confusion when 'Aeris' became 'Aerith'.
Post by: SilvasRuin on July 28, 2009, 11:43:38 am
Aerith is the way it's supposed to be spelled and pronounced.  Sony's translators sucked for quite a few games.

The one and only time I messed with one of those tamagachi thingies, I killed the thing as quickly as I possibly could... unintentionally.

Playing Final Fantasy V, saw a sign in a castle dungeon (optional area, if I remember correctly) warning to beware of the Harpy.  I didn't listen and I didn't save.  I was so sore about the progress I lost that I've yet to pick the game up again.
Post by: Xifanie on July 28, 2009, 11:49:17 am
actually it's spelled Earisu. E pronounced like the french é, ri has a pronunciation between li and ri, and su pronounced like between s and th in English therefore translating to either is fine.

possible translations:


EDIT: I just heard in chat her name was supposed to sound like "earth" and it is a viable translation, pretty much like the others
Post by: philsov on July 28, 2009, 11:55:09 am
street fighter Guile = Gill.
FuSoYa = FuSheYa.  Really, the original flows so horribly it's awkward to correctly speak.
Post by: Kuraudo Sutoraifu on July 28, 2009, 12:04:34 pm
Confusion did set in when some strategy guides said Aerith.  Aeris sounds better though, and will always be what I call her.  Sorta like how Balbanes will always be Balbanes to me, not Barbanath.

And speaking of Street Fighter, I pronounce Ryu as Ri-yu instead of Ree-yu for the longest time.
Post by: DarthPaul on July 28, 2009, 12:19:39 pm
Suicune = Su-e-son <- I lived in Virginia so I had a similar problem to SB's.
Post by: Kaijyuu on July 28, 2009, 12:31:47 pm
I called chocobos "chalk-o-bos."
Post by: Samuraiblackbelt on July 28, 2009, 05:52:11 pm
I call chocobos "co-co-boes", I will never call them "cho-co-boes"

and also, is it "ya she" or "yo-she" for yoshi?
Post by: SilvasRuin on July 28, 2009, 09:59:21 pm
Yo-she.  They say their name like pokemon in certain games.
Post by: Dol on July 28, 2009, 11:12:03 pm
I'm from NC and I don't dyslexia have.
Post by: SentinalBlade on July 29, 2009, 08:20:20 am
lol, i lived in goldsborogh area, Dol.

I have a new one, and i pronounced oddly until last night.

My brother was playing Fire Emblem: Radian Dawn(to carry over teh data to the Wii one). He got a "Physic" in a chest, one of the staffs that heal an assload of panels away.

I've always been pronouncing it "Psychic" like ESP or the damage type on pokemon. rofl
Post by: DarthPaul on July 29, 2009, 08:43:23 am
Quote from: "SentinalBlade"lol, i lived in goldsborogh area, Dol.

I have a new one, and i pronounced oddly until last night.

My brother was playing Fire Emblem: Radian Dawn(to carry over teh data to the Wii one). He got a "Physic" in a chest, one of the staffs that heal an assload of panels away.

I've always been pronouncing it "Psychic" like ESP or the damage type on pokemon. rofl

I did the same thing till a friend called me an idiot in 10th grade.
Post by: Archael on July 29, 2009, 11:37:22 am
Tetris Blast was a great game
Post by: gojoe on July 29, 2009, 12:28:29 pm
i like salt and vinegar chips
Post by: Archael on July 29, 2009, 02:37:51 pm
Quote from: "gojoe"i like salt and vinegar chips

Tetris Blast
Post by: Samuraiblackbelt on July 29, 2009, 06:48:36 pm
I like ketchup chips