Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Topic started by: ChimpMaster on April 09, 2009, 08:02:08 pm

Title: Be careful everyone (Conficker)
Post by: ChimpMaster on April 09, 2009, 08:02:08 pm
Anyway if you haven't been keeping up, recently a "major" virus was released (depending on who you look at). While this isn't the point of the topic, we might as well be prepared, so let us see if we can do that.

This virus can currently spread a few ways, the two most common now being from visiting websites without having any protection on your computer, and using P2P with an infected file or person.

First go here to check if you have it. ... chart.html (

If you do I'll see what I can do, since you can't go to websites that I will post after that.

Anyway, if you don't you need to prepare.
First go here, and download this. ... 8-067.mspx (

Make sure you check which system you have, which you can check by doing this.
My controls->system, it will show you what you have.

Anyway, now download these programs, ( (single computer) (

These will let you scan for it, and it will remove it when it does find it.

From there, make sure your virus scan is up to date, and everything else is.

Also I recommend removing auto-run from your computer, which is the major start for most viruses as well, you can do this by following these instructions in this site here. ... -asap.html (

Go to the link that your operating system has down there.

Anyway, if you have anymore questions, or anything along the lines of that, then please post here or send me a PM. I'll try to get back as soon as possible.

Recently a copy-cat virus has came out, using the same method as the conficker virus to try and infect your computer. (
Giving you another reason to patch your computer to make sure nothing happens to it.
Don't worry thought, once you patch your computer then you'll be protected from both.

Edit 2: Well more information about the virus it seems. While not being a mass means of destruction seems it wants its infected to download and pay for a certain type of virus software to "remove" the virus. So perhaps its for more of a commercial (assholes in short) means instead of super end world destruction. However, I'd recommend still keeping on your toes for the moment ladies and gentlemen, and make sure to spread the word about the virus as well.
Link: ... 7-1_3-0-20 (

Edit 3:
Sort of semi update really, but doesn't matter. Anyway I recently manage to stumbled upon a whole entire work group dedicated to the conficker virus and its doing. Hopefully it'll provide a little more information then I can, and answer a few more questions. Keep safe guys.
Link: (
Post by: Archael on April 09, 2009, 08:11:05 pm
good thread

Post by: FFMaster on April 09, 2009, 08:20:41 pm
Thanks for the links. Especially auto-run.
Post by: DarthPaul on April 09, 2009, 08:51:00 pm
This thread gets a seal of approval.
Post by: Smitson on April 09, 2009, 09:20:12 pm
Your 7 posts have proven to be more useful then Smitsons 290 :D.
Post by: DarthPaul on April 09, 2009, 09:29:42 pm
And Ph33rb0t's 3371.
Post by: Kokojo on April 09, 2009, 10:34:03 pm
And kokojo's --

Post by: DarthPaul on April 10, 2009, 10:27:00 am
Damn we almost got him.
Post by: ChimpMaster on April 10, 2009, 09:39:43 pm
Update, go to first post.
Post by: Archael on April 11, 2009, 03:58:48 pm
so, has this caused damage to any serious CPU networks???

progress REPORT!
Post by: DarthPaul on April 11, 2009, 06:33:44 pm
Not yet to my knowledge everything is still up in the air for the time being as to how destructive this thing actually is.
Post by: ChimpMaster on April 11, 2009, 07:11:48 pm
Quote from: "Voldemort"so, has this caused damage to any serious CPU networks???

progress REPORT!

Honestly, we really don't know, however, we do know that we have some serious criminals on the other end of this virus, and we don't know what they'll do. Even if we meet their "demands" if you say. So give it another month or two for something "big" to happen....or if good news happen, nothing at all.
Post by: ChimpMaster on April 14, 2009, 10:19:47 pm