Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => Archives => Mercenaries => Topic started by: LastingDawn on March 07, 2009, 03:02:42 pm

Title: Item Suggestions for Mercenaries
Post by: LastingDawn on March 07, 2009, 03:02:42 pm
Well this thread will probably get controversial, but allows me to tell you what changes I've made as of now...

Axes are Claws
Cloths are Cards
Dagger's formula has changed to 02, which allows them a 50% chance at another hit, they have low WP for when you can unlock them, but that is because of their potential never ending attacks.

KnightSwords - SpellBlades

Ninja Sword - (Something to do with Warder, suggestions needed)

Hair Adornments - (Invoker equipment)

Any suggestions for any items, weapon or armor is appreciated.
Post by: boomkick on March 07, 2009, 03:36:35 pm
Ninja Swords.... is it possible to make them have wider blades like knightswords since the warder is mostly about defense? Those blades would have a high physical evasion yet would be weak in attack (if that is what the warder is for).
Post by: SilvasRuin on March 07, 2009, 03:50:06 pm
I would see them using arm shields as weapons, but I'm not sure how doable the visuals for that would be unless you make them just punch the enemy.  That would kind of drop variety since that would be two fist weapon types...  Defender style weapons would be interesting, of course, and that's probably the way they should be setup stat wise for the flavor of the unit, no matter what they ultimately end up with.  Graphically, I could see them using a heavy weapon like flails or battle hammers.
Post by: Kuraudo Sutoraifu on March 07, 2009, 03:59:38 pm
Claws and cards are awesome ideas.  Have we found a way to change the weapon animations?
Post by: PX_Timefordeath on March 07, 2009, 04:44:38 pm
Ninja swords to Armguards?
Post by: Skip Sandwich on March 07, 2009, 11:12:31 pm
no, ninja swords to rod/mace/hammer weapons for the warder
Post by: LastingDawn on March 07, 2009, 11:42:42 pm
Hmm, a Hammer, Arm Shield,  Broader Swords, Armguard... all interesting ideas, but yes Kuraudo, we can change Weapon Animation, the file is Wep.spr, The Cloths work Ideally for cards, because of the way they are tossed, it looks pretty legitimate
Post by: CidIII on March 07, 2009, 11:45:36 pm
Have you made claws yet?
Post by: LastingDawn on March 07, 2009, 11:51:13 pm
Have I? Not in any... truly good form, for the original Alpha, I had...


Then I changed that for...


All made from the Bag's graphic originally, it admittedly looks very, very poor. Which is why I switched the item switch to the Axe, since that's a very large icon to use.
Post by: CidIII on March 08, 2009, 12:11:47 am
Do you want them that giant?
Post by: LastingDawn on March 08, 2009, 12:42:15 am
Well, they'll certainly be. I want them to have some texture to them, gigantic claws don't bother me at all.
Post by: SilvasRuin on March 08, 2009, 12:42:45 am
Personally, I think the claws should be much less noticeable.  In other FF games with them, you really didn't even see them.  They could probably be an estimated fourth of the size and still remain noticeable.  Of course this is only a matter of preference.
Post by: LastingDawn on March 08, 2009, 12:44:11 am
Yang's claws were quite present, ideally I would just like to make them look like spiky multicolored fists, but we don't have that much control over that to make it happen.
Title: Special armor
Post by: NKKCLOUD on March 15, 2009, 10:15:09 pm
Hey guys, how about an armor that u can use damage split when attacked :?:
Post by: Sephirot24 on March 16, 2009, 02:02:50 am
Awesome ideas! Anyways, I also think that those claws are a little too big..
Post by: beawulfx on March 16, 2009, 02:21:56 am
I personally think they look great, but apparently I am alone on that one. I don't see any problem with them.
Post by: Sephirot24 on March 16, 2009, 11:51:35 am
Other FF items that could be implemented are Gloves and Whips. Also, I'd LOVE to see scythes! They're the most awesome weapons ever IMO.

I think every class should have 1 special item only for them (not an item class, but only ONE item). Like ONE special claw for whoever is the most proficient class using Claws. It could be anything so.. it could be a special robe for some caster class, a special shield for knights, etc..
Post by: NKKCLOUD on March 16, 2009, 04:26:19 pm
yeah that's a nice idea sephiroth
Post by: ArkDelgato on March 16, 2009, 05:23:07 pm
For the gambler, would it be possible to have some of the cards have sprites to look like darts or dice, like Setzer from FF6?
Or do all the cloths have the same sprite and the cards will have to be re-colours?
Post by: LastingDawn on March 17, 2009, 02:28:59 pm
Unfortunately they all share the same sprite, therefore all of them will be cards, oy... spriting is a lot more difficult then I had ever hoped for. Also BeawulfX, while I do appreciate the sentiments, those "claws" were quickly thrown together, also they use the bag graphic, which at the moment, probably isn't the best idea, I'd love to use another defunct item though, such as Axes, unfortunately my 3D spriting skills are terrible.
Post by: k3yblad3 on March 20, 2009, 04:08:28 pm
Someone before me mentioned scythes.

I must also state that I would love to see scythes. However, and I'm thinking this might be impossible, or just about. I don't know much about spiriting, but I'm thinking you'd have to create a whole entire new set of sprites for these. Basically, its guns.

When I first played fft and saw Mustadio, I thought sweet, guns. After a while, the guns seemed pretty lame. What I'm thinking is You could create a job class based off of guns or perhaps an entire job tree. Start with Gunner, then it branches to Machine Gunner and Blaster. Finally it ends with Gunslinger and Grenade Gunner.

I have a ton of other ideas for this, so if you're interested I'll post them here.
Post by: Zozma on March 20, 2009, 04:28:46 pm
what about fans? i think it would have made more sense for characters like dancers to have things like that
Post by: LastingDawn on March 20, 2009, 05:16:54 pm
Fans eh? Well Poles do need replaced, and they do have an item called Iron Fan... but which item animation would be sacrificed for such? Since there isn't really any Dancer like class left, with Females only as guests or enemies, there really isn't any class where that would fit, it seems...
Post by: Zozma on March 20, 2009, 06:20:04 pm
i have no idea what you could replace to get those. it would probably swing similarly to a sword or the axes/ maces etc .. but i guess if theres no jobs that it would go well with then perhaps not. whips would be cool too but again what would one replace for them
Post by: boomkick on March 20, 2009, 06:39:34 pm
Whip? Use a throwing kind of animation or a swinging animation?

Fans need a slashing motion or a stabbing motion if the fan is closed.
Post by: LastingDawn on March 20, 2009, 06:43:31 pm
Ah, of course! Whips can be replaced with the old flail graphic. Which has a full three animations to use for such.