Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => Archives => Topic started by: karsten on March 02, 2008, 05:53:56 am

Title: adding custom FMV to your patch!
Post by: karsten on March 02, 2008, 05:53:56 am
while we still need a text editor, our artists here can start working on their custom FMV to substitute the original ones! (or maybe just adding the psp ones after converting them :)

let me hear your toughts.

PS: the method do work, i used these programs years ago, with nice results!
Post by: Austin on March 02, 2008, 09:31:26 am
Well making FMVs sounds like it would be really hard, but I'm down with adding in the PSP version's if we can. Also wouldn't we have to figure out how to add more free space? If people are having trouble making room for new abilities, adding FMVs sounds like it'd be tough.
Post by: Asmo X on March 02, 2008, 12:55:13 pm
The original 3D fmvs look dated and crap. I rekon a few still pictures in a sketchy style with text laid over the top would be much classier.
Post by: trickstardude7 on March 16, 2008, 10:12:24 pm
hm I may try this but sadly if I use it for epsxe it will look HORRIBLE
Post by: karsten on March 17, 2008, 03:20:17 am
if someone's interested i'll share the programs for converting avi to str...
Post by: Xifanie on March 17, 2008, 07:36:24 am
I'm surely interested whoever I don't have any idea right now of what I could put instead.

What is your program by the way; is it specific to FFT? I read on some site that if you directly conver back avi to str the video won't work well because it misses some sort of codec specific to FFT.

I lost my program to convert from str to avi too. :/
That's how I got the XA encrypted songs converted to mp3.
Post by: karsten on March 24, 2008, 04:14:35 am
sorry that i was THIS slow.

here is the link: (

inside there are instructions. actually the instruction are for making VCDs but it's enough to just follow the part regarding re-encoding.