Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => Archives => Mercenaries => Topic started by: LastingDawn on November 16, 2008, 12:02:32 am

Title: Artifacts, Treasures and their new role.
Post by: LastingDawn on November 16, 2008, 12:02:32 am
Alright, I would like a few new ideas for weapons and the like, and the effects planned for the Treasures, keep in mind, treasures are not end all - be all weapons, but they are weapons and items that maintain their use as the game continues on.

The treasures are...

Four God's Set (Shield)*
Madlemgen (Weapon)
Demon Slice (Weapon)
Tobacco Pipe (Weapon)*
Bartz's Crystal (Accessory)
Malice Mask (Helmet)*
Parade Helmet (Helmet...)*
Kid's Bread (replaced for Hades Helm)*
Adult's Bread (replaced for Blood Sword)*
Calbrena (Clothes)*
Doctor Lugae (Clothes)*
Red Materia (Accessory)
Blue Materia (Accessory)
Black Materia (Accessory)
White Materia (Accessory)
Rat Tail (Weapon)*
M-Fiction Novel (Reading Book)
Diary of Nanai (Reading Book)
Wyuvle (Reading Book)
Book of Enavia (Reading Book)
Rubicante's Cloak (Mantle)*
Engineer's Gun (Weapon)
Magi - Sword (Weapon)
Orb of Minwu (Weapon)*
Tarot of Ben (Weapon)*
Excalipoor (Weapon)*
Parasite Tree (Armor)*
Longibunne Spear (Weapon)*
Gran Grimoire (...?)
Band of Abilities (Accessory)
Post by: Archael on November 16, 2008, 12:07:25 am
Chocobo Cannon should be a Gun
M-Machine Gun should be a weak multi-hit gun or Crossbow
Rat Tail can be an Accessory

What is Calcobrena?

Four God's Set .. what is it?

Btw we need more of them to function as Armor / Shield / Helmets

way too many weps / accs
Post by: Disco_Peach on November 16, 2008, 12:10:27 am
How do you even use the treasures as items? I thought they were just for show...
Post by: Archael on November 16, 2008, 12:12:19 am
he's making items for them


equippable items
Post by: LastingDawn on November 16, 2008, 12:36:14 am
I 100% agree, Voldemort... but which of those can really be called Hats or Armor?
Post by: The Damned on November 16, 2008, 12:55:33 am
Ah, this thread reminds me of how stupid I am for not knowing how to backup things three years ago (and still not backing them up)  since I had developed these items out for HOI before my previous desktop computer decided to "self-destruct"/stop working entirely. That was fun.

Anyway, I'll post the descriptions of the Treasure from the Game Script ( since people probably don't know them offhand. I'll try and remember some of the ideas I had and post them before I go to bed tonight:


"Four Gods Set"
 This's a miniature set shaped like the gods from the far
East. Judging from its jewels, it must have belonged to a

"Statue of Lylis"
 The stone statue of the goddess Lylis is said to be the
source of life or the first devil. It is believed the
possessor of this stone statue increases his strength. A
favorite item for the ancient warriors.

"Beetle Charm"
 Called a scarab in some areas, it's a beetle-shaped ornament.
Well loved by the people as a good luck charm. It sparkles
like a rainbow.

"Tobacco Pipe"
 A tool used by thieves in the Far East. Normally, it is used
for smoking, but since it's made of Golden tight stone, it can
also be used in battle.

 Used for fortune telling by an itinerant Caranan trade group.
Made of foreign coins shaped into a sword.

"Black Cat"
 Ornamental black cat with eyes made of lapis lazuli and claws
made of diamonds. Very ancient and very popular with

"Malice Mask"
 Mask of a giant demon that rules an ancient foreign kingdom.
These demons were said to be the source of hatred among

"Parade Helmet"
 Used in victory parades, it's very impractical, but
breathtaking. A symbol the glory of the ancient world, it's
nearly completely covered with jewels.

"Kid's Bread"
 Ancient bite-sized bread snack for children. Few know how to
make it today... only a recipe book remains.

"Adult's Bread"
 Ancient over-sized bread eaten for stamina. Its recipe book
also remains. Adults like it.

 Traditional dress-up doll first popular among the girls of
this area when there wasn't much entertainment. The doll
contains the memory of those girls.

 Popular marionette with designs that hold the attention of
kids. No one knows how to make them anymore. Therefore, they
are very valuable.

"Red Materia"
 In the ancient magic city of Salonia, the people used to seal
their wisdom in magic orbs for posterity. These orbs are
called materia, and they raise the skills of whoever possess

"Blue Materia"
 In the ancient magic city of Salonia, the people used to seal
their wisdom in magic orbs for posterity. These orbs are
called materia, and they raise the skills of whoever possess

"Black Materia"
 In the ancient magic city of Salonia, the people used to seal
their wisdom in magic orbs for posterity. These orbs are
called materia, and they raise the skills of whoever possess

"White Materia"
 In the ancient magic city of Salonia, the people used to seal
their wisdom in magic orbs for posterity. These orbs are
called materia, and they raise the skills of whoever possess

"Rat Tail"
 Since ancient times, magicians have used this as magical
medicine. The desire for its delicious taste has been known to
start a war.

"M-Fiction Novel"
 First edition of the life of the Saviour, Mesa. Sadly, most
of it is damaged and only part of it is able to be read.

"Diary of Nanai"
 The psychologist Nanai analyzed many people in this book.
Part of it writes of the life of a gambler.

 If published, it is said this book would have changed the
course of history. It is the record of the life of a certain

"Book of Enavia"
 A record of Kusu Castle in Enavia. The most important part is
written in an ancient script and cannot be deciphered. It is a
story of 3 girls.

"Magical Gun"
 An ancient pistol believed to be magic, because its bullets
contain magical power. Later, bullets containing Summoned
monsters were invented.

"M Machinegun"
 An ancient gun mounted on many aircraft of the time. Its use
varied depending on the type of magic bullet inserted. Very

 From a nearly illegible inscription on the sword, I managed
to read that this sword killed a Warlock in Hell with one
slash. A gigantic tower-type sword.

 This is actually a Magi-orb. It's called the Minu Orb because
it contains the soul of the first Magician, Minu. It's also
known as the Soul of Minu.

"Tarot of Ben"
 Created by the famous artist, Benstat, only one set exists in
the world. It was stolen from the Lesalia Museum of art, a few
years ago.

 An imitation of the legendary sword "Excalibur". Although
it's a copy, its sharpness is superb. It was cherished by

"Parasite Tree"
 This tiny tree feeds on the bark of the World Tree,
Yugudoracil. Once it attaches itself to the tree, it usually
dies in half a day. The tree, which is tricky to get, is said
to be medicine for eternal youth.

"Longibunne Spear"
 Legendary spear used to kill the Demon who rules the earth.
This spear is said to be able to pierce any shield. Many died
trying to get it.

"Chocobo Cannon"
 With this, you get a fat chocobo to drink gun powder and fire
it like a cannon. Rarely hitting the target, it was never used
for practical purposes. It was made during an experiment.

"St. Elmo's Fire"
 This blue flame is said to come from the human body. Those
who produce it usually are suffering from some sickness. It is
thought that a virus causes the disease.
Post by: LastingDawn on November 16, 2008, 01:06:31 am
Thank you very much, I should have first looked for that. That puts things in a much more... moderate purpose.
Post by: The Damned on November 16, 2008, 03:33:01 pm
No problem. Sorry about not posting anything last night before I fell asleep like I promised I would. I fell asleep in the middle of trying to figure out what to do with the Materia that resembled what I had originally made up for them but could be done without having to ASM hack in Item Attributes or something like that.

Anyway, I still skipped quite a few of them, if only because I don't know enough about them or you "told" me to skip them indirectly via the list:

I did all of the 22 others, though, yeah, I have to agree that there's generally a lack of non-Weapons and non-Accessories. I went out of my way to make at least one Shield (Four Gods Set) and one Hat (Black Cat), but there's literally no body armor among the Treasure and I forget what the pictures look like that come with the Treasure, so both of those changes might be contrary:

I believe that's all of them.

As you will notice, most of them ended up being Accessories that got lumped under Armlet or Armguard because there weren't any other "appropriate" Accesory types. There weren't any Perfumes or Cloaks or Rings and pretty everything else was a weapon, usually a Book (surprisingly).

P.S. I would like to correct my earlier statement that the file I was talking only got destroyed about a year and half ago since it was on my laptop. It was not 3+ years ago when my other desktop did stop working entirely; I think that was actually 5+ years ago, actually....
Post by: Clockwork Seal on November 16, 2008, 05:17:30 pm
A few of these items ARE equippable in other games, for example, there is a 'Shield of the Four' (which, if running with Four Gods Set as a shield, could make a good point of comparison) and 'Orb of Minwu' in FFTA2.  IN which the shield of the four has pretty good evasion and adds mdef (maybe always:shell?).  Orb of Minwu provides a minor increase to PA and MA and blocks against 'most debuffs.'

Looking over it, the other obvious analogue is the Scarab (beetle) Charm: minor buff to def/mdef (which is hard to quantify in FFT terms) and immune:frog.
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 03:44:09 pm
Haha. That's interesting. So the Four Gods Set actually is a Shield in another game?

My, don't I feel special for coming up that with on my own?

Anyway, if some of these are in other games, then this gives me an idea....
Post by: LastingDawn on November 17, 2008, 04:06:17 pm
What might that be? Your ideas are truly quite interesting... though that Is a lot of Item Attributes, which we simply don't have the room for at the moment... some things might need condensed or use what is naturally there, a bit difficult.
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 04:46:50 pm
Since Clockwork Seal brought up that some of the items were in other games, I'm just going to see how many of them I can actually find in other games considering it should be possible to go through most item menus with relative ease. It might take a couple of hours, but considering that I was thinking about using a few of these in-game as well and that my own patch won't really take off until about New Years at this point, I figure I'll kill two birds with a gigantic freaking rock.

I'll try not to take up too much space and try to keep Item Attributes in mind next time I post.

Oh, there was something I had been meaning to ask (you), LastingDawn: Do you know what the Second Table for Items is (referring to)?
Post by: LastingDawn on November 17, 2008, 04:50:40 pm
Bah! If only we had more Item 4F attributes, but that is a sizable amount at least, it's not Too unreasonable, but first we also have to figure out what these items will be replacing, any thoughts regarding that?
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 04:58:26 pm
I think it's really dependent on nature of your patch, but, personally, I would say that you could probably stand to get rid of all Cloths and all Bags at the very least. That's about 8 or 9 spots already.

The problem is that even with only adding these items, if you add all of them, you would still need about 14 more.

You might just want to start out with the same type of weapons that you had the Longibunne Spear replace. (By the way, what did you have the Longibunee Spear replace?)

It weren't currently impossible, I would have also recommended that you get rid of the three relatively useless Ninja Ball Items and perhaps even the Shuriken, but since there's not anyway to edit those right now (that I've noticed) and the same is true of Items (which you still seem to want to use), I can't really think of anything else to suggest.

(Oh, maybe Nagrarock since no one ever uses that, but eh.... It's much the same with two highest Ninja Swords since they don't do anything but damage.)
Post by: LastingDawn on November 17, 2008, 05:09:40 pm
3 Bows (that many bows is Not necessary)
3 Ninja Swords? (With Ninja's gone...?)
4 Daggers (10 daggers? Why so many...?)
3 Swords
Also the Bombs and Shurikens can't be changed? Even with the patcher? I haven't tried yet.
23 Items thus far in total...
Also I got rid of the basic Javelin for Longibunne.
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 05:20:59 pm
I just checked FFTPatcher and Shuriken and Bombs can be changed. My bad.

You're getting rid of Ninja as well? Why not just get rid of all Ninja Knives then?

P.S. You counted Nagrarock twice.
Post by: LastingDawn on November 17, 2008, 05:33:42 pm
Hah, you're right. I forgot it was a sword... but this does leave us a lot of room for new items as well as the treasures, of course, I'm not even sure what I want to replace Ninja with as well as Samurai... hmm...
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 08:14:07 pm
Post by: Skip Sandwich on November 17, 2008, 08:30:35 pm
Rune Blade, Magic Gauntlet, Wizard Rod and Wizard Robe have identical item atributes, so thats three free slots right there
Triangle Hat, Holy Miter, Wizard Mantle and Wizard Staff have identical atributes, so another three free slots there
Reflect Ring and Reflect mail, another slot there
Headgear and power wrist, another slot there
Twist headband and Power sleeve, another slot there

That's a total of 9 free slots you can gain by consoladating redundant item atributes, still not enough, but a start

also, the chocobo cannon is a cannon that FIRES a gunpower stuffed fat chocobo instead of cannonballs, judging by the artwork.
Post by: Zozma on November 17, 2008, 08:34:17 pm
Quote from: "Voldemort7"What is Calcobrena?

you mean like that doll monster from FF4 ?
theres an artifact in fft that does look just like that monster.
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 08:34:39 pm
As per usual Skip, you are correct. I shall edit that into the above.

EDIT: Double oh shi-.

New page and Chocobo Cannon sounds really really cruel; I like it.
Post by: LastingDawn on November 17, 2008, 09:17:17 pm
Well... with women not in your party (just two men...) that eliminate the...

3 Bags +

Salty Rage
Golden Hairpin, that's a total of... 10 thus far

Grand Helmet (Who really needs immunity to Blind and Sleep by that stage of the game?)
Rune Blade (+2 MA is already elsewhere... why use it again?)
Wizard Staff (The +1 MA is already on the Triangle Hat)
Aegis Shield (See Wizard Staff)
Holy Miter (See above...)
Judo Outfit(I knew I'd find one! Same thing as Headgear, except with "dead" immunity)
Power Sleeve(Exact same as the Twist Headband)
22 Appears to be... Blank?
Rubber Clothes (Come on... two items that have the same exact resistance? Is it Really neccessary?)
Wizard Robe (Welcome back +2 MA!)
Chameleon Robe (Absorb Holy...? Unique, but pointless)
White Robe (Same exact as Venetian Shield...)
Black Robe(Same as... Kaiser Plate? Am I seeing a pattern?)
28 is empty as well...
Spike Boots (Jump + 1? Not that... useful)
Power Wrist (Ah PA + 1! It's been a long time...)
Magic Gauntlet (MA +2, my old friend! I see you've been well...)
Reflect Ring (Self explanatory)
Wizard Mantle (MA+ 1... not as repetitive as MA + 2... but pretty prevalent)
+ 6 Dummies...

That is in total...
35 freed up spots!
Pretty wasteful coders. Well, more the merrier for us, haha!

EDIT: And too late on the draw! Eh, well. Thank you anyhow Skip Sandwich, it seems you beat me far to the punch, heh.
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 09:58:31 pm
I wasn't aware that you would only have two people (regularly) the entire patch, but I haven't read the entirety of the main thread.

Quote from: "LastingDawn"Golden Hairpin, that's a total of... 10 thus far

Golden Hairpin, oddly enough, is just a regular Hat.

So unless you're getting rid of it just because it's womanly, it's not something that only women can equip it.

Quote22 Appears to be... Blank?

Black Costume has Immunity to Stop.

QuoteRubber Clothes (Come on... two items that have the same exact resistance? Is it Really neccessary?)

Well, options in different slots are always nice. However, they don't share the exact same Item Attributes since Rubber Shoes grant Immunity to Don't Move as well.

QuoteWhite Robe (Same exact as Venetian Shield...)
Black Robe(Same as... Kaiser Plate? Am I seeing a pattern?)
28 is empty as well...

We missed these. I will add it in another edit.

I guess Light Robe ( 28 ) was supposed to have some type of Item Attribute, but they never got around to it; well that certainly explains why it's so shitty for when you get it.
Post by: Zephyr on November 17, 2008, 10:05:04 pm
Doesn't golden hairpin give immunity to silence?
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 10:06:18 pm
Yes it does. It's also the only thing in the game that isn't a Hair Adornment (ironic considering its graphic) that gives you HP while blocking Silence; it's also the only thing besides Magic Ring that blocks Silence that isn't a Hair Adornment.
Post by: Archael on November 17, 2008, 10:12:52 pm
Quote from: "The Damned"Yes it does. It's also the only thing in the game that isn't a Hair Adornment (ironic considering its graphic) that gives you HP while blocking Silence; it's also the only thing besides Magic Ring that blocks Silence that isn't a Hair Adornment.


you.. have a way with words
Post by: LastingDawn on November 17, 2008, 10:13:28 pm
You know... I for some reason forgot about that... I could have sworn only women could equip the Golden Hairpin, hah... eh well, it only protects against Silence, but... Silence is Silence, 34 free spots then, heh.
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 10:44:26 pm
Quote from: "Voldemort7"you...

you.. have a way with words

A way that is as circular as an ourburous.

Quote from: "LastingDawn"You know... I for some reason forgot about that... I could have sworn only women could equip the Golden Hairpin, hah... eh well, it only protects against Silence, but... Silence is Silence, 34 free spots then, heh.

That would make sense, but this is Square we're talking about. The same company who gave us characters who survive getting hit by lightning bolts, shards of ice, several lethal degrees of flame, space debris and numerous mythological ghosts yet die permanently by getting stabbed once in the chest when there's adqueate healing around.
Post by: LastingDawn on November 17, 2008, 11:03:15 pm
Tellah! Now there's a proper death! An old man who exhausted every last bit of his energy to kill the man who was responsible for his daughter's death! Not that... he did manage to kill him, regardless, your point is well made, alright with these ideas taking shape, I think it might be proper for me to put up what I have so far in terms of weaponry to begin with.
Post by: The Damned on November 17, 2008, 11:11:42 pm
Wait. Tellah dies?

*hasn't played FF4*

Well ****.
Post by: LastingDawn on November 17, 2008, 11:25:25 pm
Excellent game, wonderful characters, and whether Tellah dies or not, he will always hold a special place in my heart, now... where was I? Ah right, the very few weapon modifications.

P Bag - Partner of Rapier. A legendary gun unearthed near Galthanas. Believed to have been made by the same Runesmith who created Rapier. It has a Rune of Shell on it's handle.
{Color 08}Attack power{Color 00}:12{Color 08}Range{Color 00}:8
{Color 08}Legendary Gun{Color 00}  {END}

Partner of Long Sword. A legendary gun, light as a feather but hard as steel. In defense this gun is unparalleled. On it's handle is engraved a Rune of Protect.  Passed down through the Gelkanis line as long as anyone can remember.
{Color 08}Attack power{Color 00}:10{Color 08}Evade{Color 00}:40%  {Color 08}Range{Color 00}:8
{Color 08}Legendary Gun{Color 00}  {END}

White Staff - Advent (Passed down through the White Lion's line. It's power is unparalleled in the realm of magic.) Add - Magic Disperse

Gold Staff - Judgment Staff (All decisions made are decided from this staff, which floats silently besides the Judge-Sal)

Scorpion Tail - Reverence (Won from an Ordalian general in one to one combat. It's power can rival that of any known weapon.) Add - Devil's Grudge

Bow Gun - Treasure Bow A legendary treasure which allows the wielder to shoot themselves as if they were an arrow. Returning to the base of the bow once it's target had been reached.
{Color 08}Attack power{Color 00}:25  {Color 08}Evade{Color 00}:15%  {Color 08}Range{Color 00}:4

Light Robe - High Court Regalia - (The clothing of choice for the Judge-Sal, supplies no outward protection but it's magical powers are unmatched)The clothing of choice for the Judge-Sal, supplies no outward protection but it's magical powers are unmatched
{Color 08}MP{Color 00}+120  {Color 08}AT{Color 00} Physical+5{Color 08}AT{Color 00}Magical+5

Javelin - Longibunne - The spear that saved the world in times past, now held in the hands of the mercenaries to use as they will.
Post by: philsov on November 18, 2008, 01:32:45 am
QuoteTellah dies?

Classic style, too.

Goes full avenge mode and then blinks into nothingness!
Post by: The Damned on November 18, 2008, 02:31:06 am
Quote from: "LastingDawn"Bow Gun - Treasure Bow A legendary treasure which allows the wielder to shoot themselves as if they were an arrow. Returning to the base of the bow once it's target had been reached.
{Color 08}Attack power{Color 00}:25  {Color 08}Evade{Color 00}:15%  {Color 08}Range{Color 00}:4

...That sounds really weird.

(What's with the Color thing?)

Anyway, I was going over the Item Attributes more thoroughly (since like I said, this isn't altruism) and saw that we missed a few repeats because we so readily got rid of the Bags:

So that's at least two more spaces. I'll try to edit everything into the list some time before tomorrow evening.
Post by: LastingDawn on November 18, 2008, 02:48:50 am
Ah! I hadn't thought of that... I'm rather surprised I didn't catch them in my cynicism... also the Treasure Bow is a weapon only weilded by the Treasure Hunter and you can guarantee they are going to be a really odd character with a weapon like that, haha! In any case, now that was have the Item Attributes finished, should we review and revamp the oriignal Treasures list? Or should we focus on the normal weapons (in which a few might be leaving...) for now?
Post by: The Damned on November 18, 2008, 03:14:41 am
More likely the latter, especially since all that research I did only showed me that Beetle Charm should at least give "Status Immunity: Frog"; I wasn't particulary enlightened by anything else other than I was generally correct about my choices for the items I found, such as Malice Mask being a Helmet and Four Gods Set being a Shield.

With regards to the latter, would be discussing what weapons to get rid of? Or just brainstorming possible new ones?
Post by: LastingDawn on November 18, 2008, 11:32:34 am
Brainstorming passible new ones is perfectly alright. And... was originally the purpose of the thread, before I derailed it with Treasure talk, heh... I'll decide what to remove though, no need to worry about that though. All I ask for is new weapon ideas for some of the new classes, Gambler and  "Seeker" come to mind.
Post by: The Damned on November 18, 2008, 08:02:38 pm
Oh, I see.

Well, with regards to Gambler and "Seeker" (*cough*), it might help to know what weapons you want them to be able to equip. I know you plan to get rid of Axes so that Gamblers can have Cards to play with, but have you decided upon anything else?

Any meantime, I suppose I should be straight you and say that I'm rather hestiant when it comes giving out weapon ideas at the moment because a)I'm getting rid of a lot of the same weapons you seem to be and b)you're ahead of me, so I'll probably be seen as copying you even if I suggest it.

Not that I have a problem with suggesting things, it's just that I thought it fair to let you know that there's a limit.

(That said, I also can't really think of any new weapons at the moment outside of one, which is both obvious and a Book, which you already have too many of.)
Post by: LastingDawn on November 19, 2008, 02:42:54 pm
Ah, well Gamblers would equip "Decks" which also Oracles can equip, they will have 50% skills (to keep their use for Oracles who want to equip them, though they are PA based, the exception is the Tarot of Ben). Reliquian(probably spelled that wrong),  will equip Flails and Swords, primarily, though they can't equip Armor, they can wear clothes. Gamblers are much the same way, except they can equip Helmets as well as Hats.
Post by: The Damned on November 20, 2008, 01:59:14 am

So, I'm going to assume that the 50% "Special Skill" is just any other "potentially activate on hit" ability for Weapons, but I'm not sure. Oh well. I'm also going to assume that Decks will simply be using PA*WP formula and have some type of distance:

I only came with five of them because a)you said stores weren't going to get updated and b)I suck when it comes to anything card-related (at least that wouldn't be a terrible anachronism like Uno).

I'm assuming that you don't need sword suggestions since you're getting rid of 4 of them and I can't think of anything for flails, so I guess that's it for now.
Post by: Skip Sandwich on November 20, 2008, 07:53:15 am
Cards should use an edited version of the Cloth graphic in battle, made to look like a line of overlapping cards that reach out and strike the foe, but should have a book-like icon in the equipment screen. The Cloth's [PA + MA]/2 * WP formula should also work fine, with no need to change it. Anyway, since the gambler is an upper-tier class, thier weapons should start showing up during chapter 2 and higher, so something like the following

Solitaire: Deck of high-quality playing cards, sure to last a long time - WP: 6 - Evade 52%

Magic Deck: Trick cards favored by slight-of-hand artists - WP: 8 - Evade 52% - Inflict Confusion

Trump: Marked cards used to cheat - WP: 10 - Evade 52% - Inflict Death Sentence

Tarot of Ben: A special deck of cards that supposedly allows the user to see the future...for a price... - WP: 13 - Evade 52% - Always: Faith - Cancel: ReRaise, Death Sentence

As for the Antiquarian (rolls off the tongue better then Reliquarian), with flails, how about giving them range 2? Flails in all other FF games are back-row weapons, after all.

Wooden Flail: also called a nuchaku, consists of two wooden rods connected by a short chain - WP: 7 - Range: 2

Flame Whip-->Chain Whip: a length of chain with a weight attached at the end, that wraps around the enemy's body - WP: 10 - Range: 2 - Inflict All: Don't Act

Morning Star: A heavy spiked iron ball on the end of a chain, sure to make your foe see stars! - WP: 13 - Range: 2 - 25% chance to cast Choco Meteor/Choco Ball (Probablly Choco Ball)

Scorpion Tail-->Battle Censer: Filled with purifying incense, used to drive away evil spirits - WP: 20 - Range: 2 - Holy Element - Strengthen: Holy - 25% chance to cast Seal Evil
Post by: The Damned on November 20, 2008, 04:29:16 pm
I was know they are supposed to be a higher-end class, Skip, I was just going on the vague description that LastingDawn gave of shops having their "shipments stopped early on".

If so possible, then can we get a more accurate description of the shop embargo situation, LD? (Again, I understand you saying no if you don't want to reveal anything.)

That said, I like your ideas as most always, Skip.
Post by: LastingDawn on November 20, 2008, 05:15:43 pm
Oh yes, I will fully explain it here. The game stops upgrading it's wares at the end of Chapter 1, it will never sell anything of real use again. It will hold onto it's minor weapons and armor, as well as it's two relicz, but beyond that it won't upgrade again until Very late in the game, that update isn't anything too amazing as it stands anyhow. Now, the Fur Shop is a good source of Monster Essences, as well as some assorted items here and there, that will be the main way to upgrade your equipment as well as stealing (which probably will be in a couple of other skillsets, to show their prevalence). I hope that explained a bit more about the shops.
Post by: LastingDawn on February 12, 2009, 02:35:28 pm
Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated this thread, but I need a few suggestions...

I'm finalizing the EsperBlade, but I need a few ideas for the Magi-Sword, as it stands, it has

17 WP, 60% Evasion, But I don't have any concrete idea for an ability that it will cast or what attributes it should have, any thoughts?
Post by: Skip Sandwich on February 12, 2009, 03:07:23 pm
Maybe, instead of dealing standard weapon damage, it would use the Difference formula instead, dealing damage equal to the target's current mp.
Post by: LastingDawn on February 12, 2009, 04:19:35 pm
It's odd that you suggest that, since that's already being used for the Spear of Longibunne.
Post by: boomkick on February 12, 2009, 05:39:03 pm
+3 MA
Casts Lich at a chance
or you can make it cast Ultima (weakest one). I see it as a Magi-Sword, not much of an Esperblade though. But lets just say for kicks that the ultima from that weapon is a basic summon without a picture, just pretty lights a boom.
Post by: LastingDawn on February 12, 2009, 05:49:09 pm
Lich is Rich now... Though Ultima seems like it would work... Well it's the only SpellBlade which doesn't summon, also it's name is just another way of saying SpellBlade. +3 MA though? Considering that the class focuses on both PA and MA 1 PA, 1 MA Immune to Addle?
Post by: boomkick on February 12, 2009, 05:52:11 pm
I was focusing more on boosting the effect of "Magi"-Sword and its Ultima skill. But if you want you could try and make it +1 PA +1 MA and resistance to Addle. But personally i would like weapons that compliment themselves.
Post by: LastingDawn on February 12, 2009, 05:55:16 pm
True... +3 MA is fitting to a Magic Sword after all, okay that idea works fine then.
Post by: PX_Timefordeath on February 12, 2009, 08:30:00 pm
Usable only by Hessein Ramza
+3 PA
+1 MA
Or if possible a 2 range sword
Post by: LastingDawn on February 12, 2009, 08:53:26 pm
Excalipar in FF is normally a joke weapon, now considering it's description, it doesn't seem to be so. Though odds are I will take the "1 HP damage" from that weapon, giving it nothing else, just for collector's sake.
Post by: boomkick on February 13, 2009, 05:54:59 pm
I think the Chocobo Cannon is a gun and should have a chance to cast Confuse 2.
Post by: LastingDawn on February 14, 2009, 12:31:42 am
Haha! I wasn't really sure what to do with that. Confuse 2, though? Why not just 100% confuse?
Post by: boomkick on February 14, 2009, 12:37:25 am
I want it to shoot a Fat Chocobo outta it and the closest thing to that is Confuse 2 and its huge star.
Post by: LastingDawn on February 14, 2009, 12:38:31 am
Oh... that's true. Good thought.
Post by: Zuka on March 03, 2009, 06:05:14 pm
Parasite Tree (Armor...?) I only have a tiny idea.  Adds Haste+Poison starting status Death Sentence. Big Heap loads of HP+MP maybe Immune to a couple other statuses, like instant death?
Post by: LastingDawn on March 03, 2009, 06:17:08 pm
Well... the large problem with that is if you are immune to Death, Death Sentence doesn't kill you. As well, if you have Death Sentence the AI completely ignores you. Haste + Poison is interesting... but Haste is an Extremely powerful status, another one would have to replace that, no doubt.
Post by: boomkick on March 03, 2009, 06:27:03 pm
Parasite Armor- +400 HP +200 MP, Poison.

Rat's Tail- Weapon, Flail. Adds Poison.

Parade Helmet- +10 HP, Adds 1 to Many stats (like 1.3's Nagrarock)
Post by: LastingDawn on March 03, 2009, 06:56:59 pm
Quote from: "boomkick"Parasite Armor- +400 HP +200 MP, Poison.

Rat's Tail- Weapon, Flail. Adds Poison.

Parade Helmet- +10 HP, Adds 1 to Many stats (like 1.3's Nagrarock)

Parasite Armor - Faaaaar too powerful, for something that only causes poison, it would need to be extremely debilitating for those who can equip it.

Rat's Tail seems a bit weak... as it stands.

Parade Helmet, makes sense.
Post by: boomkick on March 03, 2009, 07:12:51 pm
Isn't poison HP MAX based? Maybe reduce what i gave it to +120 HP and +100 MP. Just make it something worth wearing.

Rat's Tail- Weapon, Spear. Adds Confusion.
Post by: PX_Timefordeath on March 03, 2009, 09:34:25 pm
Rat's Tail- Flail, Deals 1-400 damage, adds poison
Parasite Armor - +400 HP + 100 MP Always: Poison, -10 PA and MA
Post by: LastingDawn on March 03, 2009, 10:14:42 pm
We have no control over true rate of damage, nor can we actually make stats negative from equipment...

Hmm... Armor is a tricky point... we'll have to go back to that topic, it is a good idea though.
Post by: boomkick on March 04, 2009, 12:54:16 am
Or maybe this

Parasite Armor- -100 HP and -30 MP, +4 to PA and MA
Post by: LastingDawn on March 04, 2009, 12:58:48 am
Well trouble with that is that you can't have negative stats, on items as it appears.
Post by: PX_Timefordeath on March 06, 2009, 01:52:19 am
Magical Gun-Deals 1 dmg, 10% to inflict EVERY status in game?
Post by: boomkick on March 06, 2009, 10:36:51 am
umm, i think only one effect can be applied per weapon?
Post by: PX_Timefordeath on March 06, 2009, 10:47:55 pm
Tobacco Pipe: Sword, Add: Dead, Always: Slow, +3 PA +2 MA, WP=20, Chance to use Diminish
Post by: LastingDawn on March 07, 2009, 01:22:32 pm
Quote from: "PX_Timefordeath"Tobacco Pipe: Sword, Add: Dead, Always: Slow, +3 PA +2 MA, WP=20, Chance to use Diminish

I'm  thinking more of the Tobacco Pipe from Alice in Wonderland which would no doubt apply more to a pole, rather then a sword. WP will stay low though, I don't want any weapon with more then 12 WP, at the end. 8 would be fine.
Post by: boomkick on March 07, 2009, 01:54:02 pm
Tobacco Pipe- Low weapon damage, Pole/Stick. Adds: Darkness/Silence/Confusion.

(choose any status)