Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Non-FFT Modding => FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking => Topic started by: Aquarius322 on July 13, 2015, 07:46:27 pm

Title: FFTA Difficulty change mod is it possible?
Post by: Aquarius322 on July 13, 2015, 07:46:27 pm
Hello to all of you.
I've played FFTA a lot. I've been through it at least 10 times and I never get tired but one question came to my mind...
Why does it get so easy? Then this past few days tired of playing the same old games over and over again I decided to play FFT A2 and I got very disapointed. The game is too easy and doesn't have the feel the first one had.
I'm currently trying Eternal's GG, sounds good, but the problem is I really like the regular one.
So I'd like to ask if someone thought about making the regular game but with difficulty levels.
For example the unmodded one could be EASY.
Then you could make three more with increased difficulty:


A bit less money earned in each mission.
An increment of AP of 50 in order to learn skills.
Increased AI.


Less money earned in each mission.
An increment of 100 in order to learn skills.
Further increased AI.


Much less money earned in each mission.
An increment of 200 in order to learn skills.
Godly increased AI.

A change in the equipment of all characters in the missions.

And I don't know if that's possible but could the equipment and abilities of members of clans and clan turfs change based on the levels?
Like for example at 10,20,30,40 and 50. That would give much more of a challenge since stats would change and they would grow in combat experience as our team does.

It's kinda dumb that you fight them over and over and they don't really learn nothing new or renew themselves.

And I think that it would be a good idea that they dropped equipment according to that too.

For example:

10 level would drop an estoc
20 level would drop a silver rapier
30 level would drop a mage masher
40 level would drop a colichemarde
50 level would drop a diabolique

All within the range of levels.

Maybe I'm complicating too much but if someone could discuss the idea with me maybe something could come out of it.
By the way I understant ZERO about hex editors and such.
I'm just expressing a wish I have for this game.

Please come and discuss it.

Title: Re: FFTA Difficulty change mod is it possible?
Post by: bcrobert on July 14, 2015, 11:03:33 pm
It is possible. Of course, technically anything is possible. Editing the money earned and AP to learn abilities is easy. Increased AI is significantly harder but the edits you can make to ability priorities make enemies much more competent.

The hardest thing would be to change the equipment and abilities of a clan based on your level. This would require an ASM hack and additional structures that the game doesn't have by default. It could be done but that change stands out as the one that would take the most commitment.

The good news is that if you just want a hard mode hack, it's hilariously easy to do with the editors that have already been released (AIO and my .nmm files). Just point, click, type, done. No hex knowledge required.
Title: Re: FFTA Difficulty change mod is it possible?
Post by: Aquarius322 on July 15, 2015, 08:31:18 am
Could you leave the links here or the programs?

I would also like to make vermillion and those items available somewhat so I could do the trading missions.
Title: Re: FFTA Difficulty change mod is it possible?
Post by: 3lric on July 15, 2015, 09:07:46 am
They are literally ON this site, AIO is even stickied in this very section, and bcrobert's files are easily found here as well.

Title: Re: FFTA Difficulty change mod is it possible?
Post by: Aquarius322 on July 15, 2015, 05:08:51 pm
Is there a way to make the gadgeteer target all targets with low accuracy? Even with the positive status. Make red spring target all with 35% chance for example. This way the randomness would dissapear and it wouldn't give you the disadvantage it actually does.

By the way I'm playing with AIO now.

I made soldiers able to use bows but I can't equip it with them.

I tuned the black magic spells a bit and added poison to fire, blind to thunder and slow to blizzard, but if the spell hits the status will always hit too which is kinda broken. Elementalists use their skills and sometimes the status stick and others they don't. And the little animations of slow and poison don't appear. Can someone help me?