Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Help! => Topic started by: Vir on June 21, 2015, 11:55:28 pm

Title: PSP: keep playing after final battle, ADD/ZERO to move on world map
Post by: Vir on June 21, 2015, 11:55:28 pm
Hi, I'm trying to do approximately what Pride did here, but for PSP:

That is, make the final battle send Ramza back to the world map after (or instead of) the ending scenes. I think I can just check a box in ENTD/1B9 to let Alma join my party after Altima (not because I care to have her as a battle character, but hopefully I just rescued her!), but feel free to chime in if you know something about that. Once concern I'll have to see about is if a join screen would mess up the ending scenes there, necessitating I add Alma to the Delita/Ovelia finale (133 in ENTD I think) so she can join after that.

Please feel free to tell me about that.

So I have been trying to research Elric's advice:

QuoteYou would edit the last battle of the game in Attack.out GUI to be "Go to Worldmap" after that senario
You would also need to change the ADD/ZERO commands in that event to move you off of Murond as well as to remove the lines :D
It's all pretty painless

The first thing he says there looks plenty straightforward after minimal poking around. The second thing, about the ADD/ZERO commands, I've had more trouble with. I've got Elric's tutorial, the workbooks, the wiki, numerous topics, and the fine editing programs to hand here. I just haven't been able to connect the right dots.

In EasyVent, I have found the Ultima battle events as well as the funeral and Delita/Ovelia finale (012C in ATTACK.OUT). So ideally I might change 012C's After Event to "Go to World Map" and do an ADD/ZERO thing to move my world map position, if that's necessary once I've let the end events run? I have been able to decipher some of the event scripts, but not well to do this thing yet.

Thanks for your input. While I await replied, I'll be trying to figure out how to test experiments down this line without playing through the entire game.
Title: Re: PSP: keep playing after final battle, ADD/ZERO to move on world map
Post by: Xifanie on June 22, 2015, 06:33:38 am
That Alma might start the battle dead, you might want to check on that. If you invite a character like that, they'd start any battle dead. You can only have characters join during a Darkscreen (, but I kinda forgot the details. :x

ADD ( ( instructions are always right before EventEnd ( that's pretty much all these is to it.

//Removes Murond
//Moves Ramza to Orbonne Monastery
Title: Re: PSP: keep playing after final battle, ADD/ZERO to move on world map
Post by: Vir on June 22, 2015, 11:32:27 am
Thank you very much!  :D

After work, I'm going to look at the wiki, etc., to try to figure out why those were the correct numbers. If I can get the patch work, I'll post here.

OK. I had a break to check the wiki and the code part of your post makes sense now. Basically

Forget Murond
Forget where the party's present location
Have the location of Orbonne

I see Orbonne is listed as 0x12 on this page

and has the ID $12 on the variables page. I was not even looking at the right column of numbers originally.
Title: Re: PSP: keep playing after final battle, ADD/ZERO to move on world map
Post by: Vir on June 23, 2015, 01:37:29 am
Ah. Perhaps I have been foolish. I had extracted the ATTACK.OUT from my WoTL ISO, but maybe I can only implement a change to ATTACK.OUT via orgASM, which then wouldn't be a viable PSP ISO (if I haven't misread my latest page of searched up topics)?

I read a number of topics to find whether anyone was editing ATTACK.OUT for PSP, and then I checked the downloads page it it plainly shows the program is for PSX, no PSP icon.

Or am I still missing something?

Well, if I have started on a faulty premise here, hopefully the thread will help someone else later.