Final Fantasy Hacktics

General => The Lounge => Spam => Topic started by: Cyberblade on October 07, 2008, 10:38:01 pm

Title: Cyber now hates the beach (rant about my day)
Post by: Cyberblade on October 07, 2008, 10:38:01 pm
So This morning i wake up and remeber that my school had set up a
 beach trip for the day. SO i get ready and get to school around 6:30 am
while the card said be there at 7 am well the bus was leaving when i got
 there >___> i caught the bus, then when we got to the beach we had
 some fun (after sitting in the bus for 3 hours just stepping on the beach
 is fun And we flooded the bathrooms to get changed.

Around an hour later they called us in to talk about something (some
stupid science lecture) till lunch time we ate then waited the 30 minutes.

Once we went back out we were swimming and the lifeguard said get out
 of the water cause of a rip current he saw forming well guess what >_> I
 got sucked in along with a Girl who was struggling to swim out, And yeah
 i was about 15 feet away with my boogie board and i swam after her
while 2 lifeguards came to help us. All in all my day sucked but there was
an upside, along with a downside.

Upside i now have a "girlfriend" and i got a kiss on the cheek for swimming after her and helping her.
Downside he "ex-boyfriend" want's to kill me >_>
Post by: DarthPaul on October 07, 2008, 10:49:28 pm
i got my ex girlfriend in exactly the same way lol
Post by: gojoe on October 07, 2008, 11:02:45 pm
the worst part is now ya gotta top "saving" her when theres a special ocassion. 8 ex's and now i think i finally got it down. just dont think youre "in love" too early.
Post by: Cyberblade on October 07, 2008, 11:04:00 pm
I dont even want her >_> though she is pretty hot XD
Post by: Vanya on October 08, 2008, 12:48:32 am
Pretty rough day! Wierd. Good luck, man! =)

I'm glad I'm passed all that stuff. But since I'm getting married in a little over a year I have a whole other batch of stuff to deal with! =S
Post by: DarthPaul on October 08, 2008, 03:10:47 pm
think of it as the start of a beautiful relationship or if you cant top saving her life go the route i did very painful enemy...ship
Post by: Archael on October 10, 2008, 04:49:00 pm
ell I went to beach today it was nice

btw girl get go do it go