Final Fantasy Hacktics

Modding => Help! => Topic started by: renegadeofunk on March 17, 2015, 05:56:04 am

Title: Emulator + plugins?
Post by: renegadeofunk on March 17, 2015, 05:56:04 am
After 5 hours of trying every emulator and plugin combination in existence I come to you all a beaten and broken man. Is there some magic combination that works? Either Windows 7 or Mac (but pref Windows).

Edit: Also I wanted to add that I'm not even trying to get the hacked version to work, just the regular version!
Title: Re: Emulator + plugins?
Post by: 3lric on March 17, 2015, 07:03:49 am
This belongs in the help section.
Title: Re: Emulator + plugins?
Post by: Jumza on March 17, 2015, 01:23:05 pm
pSX comes with everything you need to just double click it, open an ISO (or BIN or whatever you have) and play, I believe.
Title: Re: Emulator + plugins?
Post by: renegadeofunk on March 17, 2015, 03:21:17 pm
Quote from: Jumza on March 17, 2015, 01:23:05 pm
pSX comes with everything you need to just double click it, open an ISO (or BIN or whatever you have) and play, I believe.

Awesome, that worked! I thought the only good ones were ePSXe and PCSX-R. Thanks!
Title: Re: Emulator + plugins?
Post by: Angel on March 18, 2015, 09:22:42 am
Strictly speaking, ePSXe (the worst emulator since ZSNES) will play the game fine with default plugins (with bugs and errors). pcsx-r will play the game perfectly with default plugins. pSX plays most games well without any configuration or plugins whatsoever, FFT included.
Title: Re: Emulator + plugins?
Post by: Adryan J.F on March 29, 2015, 11:47:18 pm
Well... you could try what i use, ePSXe 1.5.2 version with Pete's DX6 D3D Driver 1.65, for this video plugin make sure to activate Hi-Res textures and use the best texture quality possible, in framebuffer access you should use full software drawing, in framebuffer textures use emulated vram, turn off mask bit and use standard off-screen drawing, this is everything in the video plugin i said above, i told the basic, after doing it try chaging other things, specially texture filtering, this option is a bit of a headache, sometimes the letters will be messed up, but when you get rid of this issue, the character sprites will be more "pixelated", is more of a personal taste, but for me i prefer option number 3 in texture filtering, but if you want the letters to be 100% sacrificing some visual for the character sprites, use no texture filtering, for me both are the best options, maybe you would like option 2 here, but anyway ... if it doesn't work for you try using other versions of Pete's plugin, they are very good

For sound plugin you better go with Eternal SPU Plugin 1.50, this one is doing the job perfectly here, and for bios i'm using SCPH1001.BIN, anyway everything above is what i use, i choose 1.5.2 version because of Chrono Cross game, but anyway FFT can work in more recent versions of ePSXe just fine, hope this all helps you :)