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September 20, 2024, 07:56:09 pm


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EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.91 BugFix [King Needed a Band-Aid.]

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, September 05, 2011, 07:57:43 pm


This still says that you must add 4x the correct amount per panel

they should be 28 per panel for X/Y

And AFAIK it's 12 per panel for Z
  • Modding version: PSX


Not bad for being a shitty VB program being coded by someone whose only knowledge of VB.NET comes from coding said program and who hasn't touched an Event with any level of seriousness in what's likely been well over a year, eh?

I've already got a small list of features for a 1.10 release in addition to what Elric posted, but they're mostly just further souping-up the error-checking because I want to get that to the point where it's almost impossible for any human error can slip through.


  • Modding version: PSX


so i downloaded this and its a rar file how do i open it (how to use this epic stuff)


You can use WinRAR (which has a free trial then you're suppose to pay) or you could use 7zip, which is free, to extract the program.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


\o/ I'm back with a explanations on 2 Unknown commands

{3E} An example of which would be  {3E}(r02000000FFFFFF3C00)
This command is FADE. It is used to make the map fade out during cut-scenes by using
black (FFFFFF) and the Speed is controlled by the 3C after the color and can be adjusted
to be faster or slower at the Eventers preference.

Not only can this fade out to black, but with certain argument to the command you can make this
(instead of black) use primary or secondary colors instead with these arguments
r00   -   R,G,B
r01   -   R,G,B
r02   -   G,P,Y
r03   -   R,G,B
r04   -   R,G,B
r05   -   R,G,B
r06   -   G,P,Y
r07   -   R,G,B
r08   -   R,G,B
r09   -   R,G,B
r0A   -   G,P,Y
r0B   -   R,G,B
r0C   -   R,G,B
r0D   -   R,G,B
r0E   -   G,P,Y
r0F   -   R,G,B
r10   -   R,G,B
r11   -   R,G,B
r12   -   G,P,Y

NOTE: You would still need to adjust the FFFFFF to be the correct color.

{7F} An example of which would be {7F}(r80000002) has to do with EVTCHR palette color.
In this instance UNIT 80 would use palette 02 (they start at 0, so 2 would actually be the third sheet)
(For anyone confused on this, download EVTCHR Viewer, then open a EVTCHR and you will see ~ 5-10
sheets for every EVTCHR which all represent different palettes and need to be edited separately.)
*Thanx to Kokojo for helping me figure this one out*

NOTE: I will provide a full tutorial on how EVTCHR works in events soon, It will be added to my tutorial
since some seem to be a bit finicky and actually make your character change direction in which you would need
to follow otherwise they wouldn't show.  :P

EDIT: In regards to command {99} BlueRemoveUnit(xID,x00) This only works on non Charmed/Invited enemy units
an example would be when you defeat Weigraf at the windmill map and his units disappear with a blue hue. This (AFAIK)
will not work on Ally units or guests.
  • Modding version: PSX


New green comments/syntax highlighting strategy:

  • Download ScintillaNET (a zip file): http://scintillanet.codeplex.com/

  • Extract the zip file to someplace temporary.

  • Inside VisualStudio, add the SciLexer.dll as a regular file to the project, set it to "Copy if Newer" in the properties so that it shows up in the same directory as the .EXE of your program when your project is built by VisualStudio.

  • Now, reference the ScintillaNet.dll from the temporary directory.

  • If all goes well, you should now have access to a Scintilla form item in your VisualStudio Toolbox on the Windows Form editor (Designer) view (NOTE: if you haven't set up VisualStudio to show EVERY form item in the toolbox, you will have to manually make it show up by right-clicking and choosing "Choose Items..." in the toolbox).

  • For more information about installation, check here: http://scintillanet.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Installation&referringTitle=Documentation

  • For information about usage, check here ("Examples" heading): http://scintillanet.codeplex.com/documentation#Examples



DD = Dialogue Box ID.
Starts at x01, IDs based on age of oldest currently-existing dialogue box.

This is incorrect, x01 controls dialogue using x91 and x02 controls x92

Thanx to Pride for clearing this up for me
  • Modding version: PSX


Text error: ColorField(xID,+RED,+GRN,+BLU,TIM)

ID = Unit ID
Target Unit's ID in ENTD

xID should be the Preset Color ID
Instead of setting RGB values, you can pick any of the preset colors:
x01 : Night
x02 : Grayscale
x04 : Original palette?
x08 : Original palette?
x10 : Completely Blue
x20 : Completely Blue
x40 : Completely Blue
x80 : Completely Blue
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?



  • Modding version: PSX



Should be


  • Modding version: PSX


Updated all my post 1.91 posts (as well as a couple new ones) into this post (+1 of Pride's) so they can be more easily found:

EVTCHR Palette Command:
{7F} An example of which would be {7F}(r80000002) has to do with EVTCHR palette color.
In this instance UNIT 80 would use palette 02 (they start at 0, so 2 would actually be the third sheet)
(For anyone confused on this, download EVTCHR Viewer, then open a EVTCHR and you will see ~ 5-10
sheets for every EVTCHR which all represent different palettes and need to be edited separately.)
*Thanx to Kokojo for helping me figure this one out*

More EVTCHR command info:
The command {7F} that i mentioned before actually works a bit different then i originally thought.

If you want to make Unit 20 be the second palette of a EVTCHR loaded into RAM Block 1 you would use:

If you want to make Unit 20 be the second palette of a EVTCHR loaded into RAM Block 2 you would use:

PortraitCol Error:
Calls Portrait from WLDFACE.BIN when combined with DisplayMessage.

This is actually incorrect, this loads the Portraits from the EVTFACE.BIN rather then the WLDFACE.BIN
(EVTFACE.BIN can be edited in the Japanese version of FFTEVGRP)

Inflict Status:

Should be


MORE Inflict Status:
SS = Status ID
x02: Poison
Not entirely correct, this actually causes both Critical and Poison


DD = Dialogue Box ID.
Starts at x01, IDs based on age of oldest currently-existing dialogue box.

This is incorrect, x01 controls dialogue using x91 and x02 controls x92

Fade/Color Tint:
{3E} An example of which would be  {3E}(r02000000FFFFFF3C00)
This command is FADE. It is used to make the map fade out during cut-scenes by using
black (FFFFFF) and the Speed is controlled by the 3C after the color and can be adjusted
to be faster or slower at the Eventers preference.

Not only can this fade out to black, but with certain argument to the command you can make this
(instead of black) use primary or secondary colors instead with these arguments
r00   -   R,G,B
r01   -   R,G,B
r02   -   G,P,Y
r03   -   R,G,B
r04   -   R,G,B
r05   -   R,G,B
r06   -   G,P,Y
r07   -   R,G,B
r08   -   R,G,B
r09   -   R,G,B
r0A   -   G,P,Y
r0B   -   R,G,B
r0C   -   R,G,B
r0D   -   R,G,B
r0E   -   G,P,Y
r0F   -   R,G,B
r10   -   R,G,B
r11   -   R,G,B
r12   -   G,P,Y

NOTE: You would still need to adjust the FFFFFF to be the correct color.


This still says that you must add 4x the correct amount per panel

they should be 28 per panel for X/Y

And AFAIK it's 12 per panel for Z

Replace Bug:
When trying to replace Ramza with {Ramza} using replace now! It doesnt work quite right,
if i continue to hit the button it makes the same one gain more brackets example {{{Ramza}}}
Maybe you should add a Exact Phrase/Word Option?

ColorField: (From Pride's Post)
Text error: ColorField(xID,+RED,+GRN,+BLU,TIM)

ID = Unit ID
Target Unit's ID in ENTD

xID should be the Preset Color ID
Instead of setting RGB values, you can pick any of the preset colors:
x01 : Night
x02 : Grayscale
x04 : Original palette?
x08 : Original palette?
x10 : Completely Blue
x20 : Completely Blue
x40 : Completely Blue
x80 : Completely Blue

This should be labeled more clearly, as it is it makes it seem like
AA is used for all allies.

Bring back the ability to decompile. With 1.91 I cannot get the PSXEvents.txt
out of the TEST.EVT so I've been using 1.9 since 1.91 came out. I need to be able to
use the decompiler.
  • Modding version: PSX


That portraitCol helps a lot, since the referenced list on FFH is not the good one, apparently!
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Was going to test this out, but the download link no longer works (shut down by government). Is there a new location to download this?


Mediafire mirror link right next to the main DL link looks like it works fine.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0



Bring back the ability to decompile in 1.92 or 2.0 or whatever is next.
I've been using 1.9 because 1.91 doesn't allow me to get my PSXEvents.txt out of the TEST.EVT :-(

This may not be a huge problem for people doing vanilla mods, but for something like Jot5 or CoP, this is a must.
  • Modding version: PSX


Pause() description

Since its not entirely useful, a suggestion could be made that it can be used during a text sequence like the opening text (one such as x09) to pause the event until the user presses circle/start and give them a chance to read the entire text. Instead of using something stupid like a delay in the text box. We don't want more l i t t l e m o n e y
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?