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September 20, 2024, 09:34:09 pm

Roll to dodge!

Started by Kokojo, September 09, 2014, 12:19:08 am


Previously on Super Idol Ryqo-Ry's Happy Bouncy Love Smile Theater: Roll to Dodge Edition:

Finally! Ryqoshay breathed a sigh of relief as her Love Power appeared to be behaving normaly again. It was indeed a shame that the power had been recharged in such a gruesome manner. Perhaps such was the way of thos tragic world. Ryqo vowed to do everything she could to change this ghastly system and ensure every denizen of the realm came to feel as blessed as she felt now.

"Ryqo-mom!" The twins called in unison as they ran up to her. "Look what we made!" They held up a piece of paper with macaroni pasted all over in adorable shapes.

Tears of pure joy brimmed Ryqo's eyes as she read the heartfelt message below the artwork. Her power spiked and began to feel more familiar. This was how it was supposed to be.

Suddenly, everything seemed to move quickly, making Ryqo dizzy for a moment. Just what the heck was that? After the spell cleared, she felt different. Better. Happier. Perkier. She imediately identified the source of the spell. The man looked familar for some reason, wasn't he the one who dominated this world recently? She was pretty sure she had seen something about it on the net or somewhere.

"Thanks Mr. King-type-man!" She waved gleefully to him. "Ryqo-Ry feels all charged up and ready to go now! Hee!"

''Ultra sad hate rejection family destroyer'' a grim voice intoned.

What?! The air was charged with static and a clap of thunder nearly deafened her. Cries of pain and anguish echoed behind her. No...

She turned in time to witness a strange armored man trampling the bodies of her newly adopted sons. No...

Something began to burn within her. Something far different from Love. Something else...


Gritting her teeth, Ryqo clamped down this strange flux in her power. No.

Love is what this tainted world needed most. Only Love could save it. Love could do anything... right...?

Before her stood a twisted soul in desperate need of Love. He needed to smile. He needed to be at peace.

And now on to today's episode:

Gripping tightly the sole gift from her sons, Ryqoshay dons she best smile she can manage. "I will pierce your heart!" She declares, aiming her Love Gun and praying to her goddess, Ioriana, that it worked properly this time.

>["Pain and Sorrow Mending Love Ryqo Bullet of Overwhelming Joy! Bang!"]
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


October 20, 2014, 11:52:04 am #241 Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 12:09:01 pm by rrs_kai
Quote from: Kokojo on October 19, 2014, 08:56:38 pm
rrs_kai : Has a mixing bowl that's nasty,Has a Wonder, 2hp, If you include FUSRODAH in your roll, it'll get +1, once.


I humbly apologize for this misunderstanding.......I always thought the 2hp corresponded to the wonder's hp "has a wonder, 2hp" :oops:

Quote from: Ryqoshay on October 19, 2014, 09:59:11 pm
She turned in time to witness a strange armored man trampling the bodies of her newly adopted sons. No...

was it this guy? hey don't look at me, I am a holy-knight now.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: rrs_kai on October 20, 2014, 11:52:04 am
was it this guy? hey don't look at me, I am a holy-knight now.

You Klingon bastard! You killed my son!

No, if you read the roll post, you'd know it was Dycedarg's elder brother who killed Ryqo-Ry's sons. You were in her narrative though, she called you "Mr King-type-man."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


October 20, 2014, 05:56:22 pm #243 Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 06:34:35 pm by Vaan
> [Become Nacht the Dark Knight]

Its time to go full power to obliterate this battlefield.
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


Quote from: Ryqoshay on October 20, 2014, 03:42:56 pm
No, if you read the roll post, you'd know it was Dycedarg's elder brother who killed Ryqo-Ry's sons.

I do know its Dycedarg's elder brother, and yes I did read your post.
I simply named the terrror knight rrs_kai because it was my old portrait :P.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I like that we have a tactics ogre fan.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


But the elder brother is a Mime, not a Terror Knight.

Hrm... in hindsight, perhaps I shouldn't have said "strange armored" man, rather "strangely dressed."

Eh, c'est la vie...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Quote from: TristanBeoulve on October 21, 2014, 02:05:21 pm
I like that we have a tactics ogre fan.


Quote from: Ryqoshay on October 21, 2014, 04:29:56 pm
But the elder brother is a Mime, not a Terror Knight.

Wanna know who's under the helmet??
Dievold is soul-less necro-animate which techinically makes him a zombie-mime
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: rrs_kai on October 22, 2014, 12:40:28 pm
Wanna know who's under the helmet??
Dievold is soul-less necro-animate which techinically makes him a zombie-mime

Kyaaa! Zombie! Kill it! Kill it with fi... *ahem* uhm... Ryqo-Ryqo-Ry! Reform it! Reform it with Love!
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Love aint going to make him alive :v
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


October 22, 2014, 09:22:54 pm #250 Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 11:58:29 pm by Ryqoshay
Love can do anything!

Even make dreams alive!

Hurry down the chimney tonight.


October 23, 2014, 12:24:57 am #251 Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 10:28:07 pm by Kokojo
Time to roll!
Urgh that anime avatar brings back boring memories.
Quote from: Kokojo on October 19, 2014, 02:18:59 am
> Summon meteor in order to cause mayhem and death all over the world.

Your roll : 6

You cause meteor to fall on the ground, but very soon, the shinra army decides to launch a rocket filled with nukes at it. Unfortunately for you, you're under the impact site and a shard from the explosion reaches you!

Kokojo must ROLL TO DODGE the shard!
Your roll : 5

You evade the shard and instantly ride it out into space, way way out of the way of the meteor. (Immune to meteor)

Meteor is comming in 2 turns

Quote from: rrs_kai on October 19, 2014, 05:04:18 am
>cast Meteor Impact EX on Kokojo

Your roll : 2

You fight your personnal space because it has withdrawal problems.

Quote from: Rufio on October 19, 2014, 08:41:39 am
>Dance my way into a Werewolf den and convince them to join the dance horde

Your roll : 3(+1) = 4

You get a horde of werewolf back-up dancers with you as they cheer you while howling the music's rhytym. (Horde of werewolf dancers)

Quote from: Dome on October 19, 2014, 12:05:50 pm
>Charge Kokojo with reckless abadon

Your roll : 4 (+1) = 5

You charge Kokojo with reckless abadon, so much so that he gets suprised and cannot defend properly! (Kokojo -1 to next roll)

Kokojo must ROLL TO DODGE Dome!
Your roll : 4(-1) = 3

Kokojo gets hit in the spleen and is badly wounded, bleeding all over the place! (-1 to next roll)

Quote from: Jumza on October 19, 2014, 12:58:24 pm>Punch rrs_kai's wonder

Your roll : 5

You punch rrs_kai's wonder so hard, that the wind produced from the impact that it quantum leaps into next turn, preventing it from rolling this turn!

Wonder must ROLL TO DODGE!
Your roll : 4

Wonder evades the attack.

Quote from: Ryqoshay on October 19, 2014, 09:59:11 pm>["Pain and Sorrow Mending Love Ryqo Bullet of Overwhelming Joy! Bang!"]

Your roll : 5(+1) = 6

You cast the spell on Dycerdarg Elder brother and he transforms into a bard of everlasting joy and hapiness! He leaps around the world in giant leaps, brigning with him an accordion as wide as a mile, as he sings songs of hapiness and joy! He circles around you and the world as fast as he can, and in a blazing glory, explodes in an orb of pure joy that cause an aurora of positivity around the world. (+1 to ALL actions next turn!) People explode a lot. I swear I am not obsessed, guys.

Quote from: Vaan on October 20, 2014, 05:56:22 pm
> [Become Nacht the Dark Knight]

Your roll : 1

You instead become Thcan, the puppy princess of caring. (-1 to attack rolls)

Dome: Cannot roll a 0, +1 to next attack.
Ryqoshay: Giant dog companion(+1 to all attacks)
bcrobert: +2 to next attack
Vaan: Airship, Hates Tristan (+1 to attacks vs Tristans), Magic gem (+ 1 on all RTDs), -1 to attack rolls.
Eternal : -1 to next roll
Kokojo : Immune to meteor. -1 to next roll.
Rufio: Is a zombie, +1 to attack rolls, is in a MJ's zombie horde, +1 to dance moves, has a horde of wolf dancer.
rrs_kai : Has a mixing bowl that's nasty,Has a Wonder, 2hp, If you include FUSRODAH in your roll, it'll get +1, once.
Çachagrei : Sleepwalking, +2 to next ''Ressurect'' roll
Jumza :
Barba :Dead
Artmicion: Dead
TristanBeoulve: Dead

MC Nail : Innactive for now.
Wonder : Wins the game for RRS_Kai in 81 turns. (2 hp) Now is the alter ego of RRS_Kai, and produces cookies, being built SUPER fast(D10)

Meteor : Comming in 2 turns. Will cause a global RTD.
Aurora of positivity : +1 to all rolls starting next turn.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Damn! It's too late...
I must stop the meteor!
>Raise hands to charge a Genki Dama to throw against the meteor

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


> [Absorb the meteor and canalize it into dark energy so i become nacht the dark knight]
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


Quote from: Ryqoshay on October 22, 2014, 09:22:54 pm
Love can do anything!

Even make dreams alive

He is not a dream
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Vaan on October 23, 2014, 11:38:56 am
He is not a dream

"I am not a crook dream." - Nixon Dycedarg's Elder Brother

Not if you believe Descartes. Or the The Chords. Life could be a dream (sh-boom) If I could take you up to paradise up above (sh-boom)...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


I oftenly have dreams where i see a scene that actually happens exactly like i saw, since i see them in 1st person perspective, although i cant use that in my favor because i cant know if its a dream or not until it happens. So perhaps life is nothing but a dream indeed, or im in the matrix.
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


I may have to reroll Ryqo's roll due to things. If anyone is affected they may choose another roll freely.

> Irradiate rrs_kai with a nuclear bee.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.