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Original Jot5 Thread

Started by 3lric, October 24, 2011, 04:53:34 am

Joseph Strife

Quote from: Durbs on November 28, 2011, 09:25:35 pm
Credit where credit is due. This is what I have for Link; I'll do Snake tomorrow (I have tons of ideas :D).


Warrior; Ancient Skills

1.) Fairy- Restores HP
2.) Fairy Bottle- Add: Reraise
3.) Boomerang- Line damage, strikes twice
4.) Magic Boomerang- Line damage. Add: Stop
5.) Magic Powder- Causes Frog, Poison, or Sleep
6.) Hammer- Damage. Add: Confusion
7.) Blade Whirlwind- Wind weapon damage around self
8.) Bomb- Fire damage with one AoE
9.) Deflect- Add: Protect / Shell on self
10.) Mirror Shield- Add: Reflect on self

Musician; Ocarina Songs

1.) Zelda's Lullaby- Add: Sleep around self
2.) Epona's Song- Add: Haste around self
3.) Saria's Song- Cancels debuffs around self
4.) Sun's Song- Restores MP around self
5.) Song of Time- Add: Slow or Stop around self
6.) Song of Storms- Wind / Thunder damage around self
7.) Midna's Song- Add: Invisible around self
8.) Bombos- Deals heavy Fire damage to all enemies.
9.) Ether- Deals Ice damage to all enemies and may inflict Immobilize
10.) Quake- Deals Earth damage to all enemies and may inflict Disable

Seeker; Adventure
Note: Begins the battle w/ Reraise

1.) Master Sword- Strength based on current HP level (the higher it is, the more this attack does)
2.) Hookshot- Line-ranged, and you can only pick one target; non-elemental damage
3.) Bushwhack- Weaker, wind-elemental ranged attack
4.) Shovel- Chance of uncovering a Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion, or Gil
5.) Steal Rupees- Steals Gil
6.) Potion Bottle- Restores a decent amount of HP and some MP
7.) Slay- High-damage move that is more powerful the lower the target is on HP
8.) Ice Wand- Line-ranged, and you can only pick one target; ice-elemental attack
9.) Fire Wand- Line-ranged, and you can only pick one target; fire-elemental attack
10.) Potion
11.) Hi-Potion
12.) X-Potion

Thumbs up for this! I liked this very much. Great job Durbs. :mrgreen:
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


  • Modding version: PSX


Great ^^ each one of the specials will have more jobs, this will open for more combnations.

Liked most of link ideias, but as as ever, as the annoying guy i am, there some points that i need to comment 2 things:

- Warrior class command, as the way it is, could be called "Ancient Tools" instead of "Ancient Skills", more for the fact that they are more like tools than skills.

- Bombos, Ether and Quake could be on Seeker instead of Musician, and remove the potions from Seeker (maybe put in the Warrior ), that way you will have 3 skillsets with each one having one utility, like Warrior have some heal+buff+little atack (like some Jack of all trades), Musician will have his songs, that buff / debuff on area, and Seeker will be a ofensive skillset

For Cloud i did think on Job Names, but not yet the skillset

EX-SOLDIER;      Limit Break ( i always missed the "break" on skillset name, its Limit as we know )
Mako warrior;     Master Materia ( some magical skills, like thunder ones and summons )
Advent Children; Fusion Sword ( Skills based on each part of his Fusion sword, a little like Sword spirit from samurai, and would have his ultimate skill OmniSlash version 6 )

The difference on Limit Break and Fusion Sword is that Fusion could use more auto buff, and skills that workwith a diferent range than Limit BReak, like Limits could have more range and some AOE, wherever Fusions are more porwerfull / fast but only single target or Line target., with OmniSlash Version 6 ( that´s it name, not that i´m fond of this ) ending up being a close range multi hit attack
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Quote from: Lucifer_zero on December 01, 2011, 05:42:36 am
Great ^^ each one of the specials will have more jobs, this will open for more combnations.

Liked most of link ideias, but as as ever, as the annoying guy i am, there some points that i need to comment 2 things:

- Warrior class command, as the way it is, could be called "Ancient Tools" instead of "Ancient Skills", more for the fact that they are more like tools than skills.

Actually.. You are completely right. Lol that will have to be adjusted

EX-SOLDIER;      Limit Break ( i always missed the "break" on skillset name, its Limit as we know )
Mako warrior;     Master Materia ( some magical skills, like thunder ones and summons )
Advent Children; Fusion Sword ( Skills based on each part of his Fusion sword, a little like Sword spirit from samurai, and would have his ultimate skill OmniSlash version 6 )

I like the Mako warrior, not so sure about Advent Children besides the fact that it is to long and won't fit

  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric42 on December 01, 2011, 06:26:29 am
I like the Mako warrior, not so sure about Advent Children besides the fact that it is to long and won't fit

I´ve already said, i´m really bad with names hahahaha, but i like myself one class to Cloud based on Advent Children, as i didnt could get a hint of anything else that could be from his universe, to tell true, when i was thinking on this i putted myself under two rules

1st - Each job need to have relationship with characters universe
2nd - Each job must be unique on some way

Then the original ideia for cloud would be a job with limits, a job with materia and a job using Advent Children Universe.

Another ideia i had was a job with limit, one that merge two types of materia, and another that merge the other two types of materia ( the types that i mean are Green, Red, Yellow and purple )

The most common set in this case would be, one job that merge green and red ( a magical class ) and another that uses Yellow and Purple
With Yellow being either this set of Yellow materia:
- steal ( all steals here )
- DeathBlow ( double damage low %hit )
- Throw ( Ball and Shuriken)
- Manipulate ( give charm to one enemy )

Or could be used only one Yellow materia: Enemy skill ( and Cloud becomes a Blue Mage )

For purple materia i was thinking on innates for class + some supports and reaction, like HP+ ( 20% more HP ), Pre-Emptive ( Hamedo ), Speed Plus ( Speed Save ).

Actually, i did think on Cloud having Enemy Skill only just now, and i love Blue Mages... so i would go with along all the way, but i dont think that the purple materias are that good for Cloud, and i still couldn´t think on anything better...


Also when i use the rules for thinking about Dante and Snake, something like this pop in my head

Snake - a job for spy/stealh skills, second is for martial arts and the third is weaponry.

Dante - a job for gun skills, another for the swords and itens, lastly the third we have Demons power

Thats only ideias that may be usefull ( or not ) for you guys ^^
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


Quote from: Lucifer_zero on December 01, 2011, 07:59:33 am
1st - Each job need to have relationship with characters universe
2nd - Each job must be unique on some way

They sort of do, take Link's for example, almost every single move he has for all 3 sets are basicly different parts of what he learned (or acquired)  in his years in Ivalice

QuoteThen the original ideia for cloud would be a job with limits, a job with materia and a job using Advent Children Universe.

This is kinda what i was thinking as well as having 3 jobs instead of just 1 makes it alot easier to use one of the ideas Durbs gave for chapters 1's "other" side quest

QuoteAnother ideia i had was a job with limit, one that merge two types of materia, and another that merge the other two types of materia ( the types that i mean are Green, Red, Yellow and purple )
The most common set in this case would be, one job that merge green and red ( a magical class ) and another that uses Yellow and Purple
With Yellow being either this set of Yellow materia:
- steal ( all steals here )
- DeathBlow ( double damage low %hit )
- Throw ( Ball and Shuriken)
- Manipulate ( give charm to one enemy )

Or could be used only one Yellow materia: Enemy skill ( and Cloud becomes a Blue Mage )

For purple materia i was thinking on innates for class + some supports and reaction, like HP+ ( 20% more HP ), Pre-Emptive ( Hamedo ), Speed Plus ( Speed Save ).

Actually, i did think on Cloud having Enemy Skill only just now, and i love Blue Mages... so i would go with along all the way, but i dont think that the purple materias are that good for Cloud, and i still couldn´t think on anything better...

I REALLY like the idea of a Enemy Skill/Blue Mage type skillset. They have always been my favorite. 

Also when i use the rules for thinking about Dante and Snake, something like this pop in my head

QuoteSnake - a job for spy/stealh skills, second is for martial arts and the third is weaponry.

I was thinking this as well, but Durbs said he has some great ideas for Snake so i would wait until he posts them

QuoteDante - a job for gun skills, another for the swords and itens, lastly the third we have Demons power

I was thinking this as well, but with at the same time implementing the equipment requirements that Eternal thought of, those would be awesome

QuoteThats only ideias that may be usefull ( or not ) for you guys ^^

It's always useful  :mrgreen: the more ideas the better.
  • Modding version: PSX


Also, pertaining to Link, Ancient Skills fits Link far more than Ancient Tools, but if you really want to incorporate that he is using items more, the set should be Hero's Arms. Now, without further adieu...


SPEC OPS; Stealth
(Note: Begins battle with invisible)

1.) Rations- Restores HP
2.) Recon- Add: Invisible
3.) Cutthroat- Add: Silence (much higher chance if invisible); deals damage
4.) Nerve Crush- Add: Sleep (much higher chance if invisible); deals damage
5.) Cyanide- Add: Poison (much higher chance if invisible); deals damage
6.) Stealth Takedown- Add: KO (much higher chance if invisible)
7.) Backstab- Massive damage if invisible

INFANTRY; Special Weapons

1.) Assault Rifle- x3 hits at 2/5 damage each of the original attack; 4 range
2.) Knife Stab- Decent close-range damage to one unit; small chance to instant kill
3.) Grenade- Fire elemental attack with an AoE of 1; 3 range
4.) Ballistics Knife- Slightly more powerful than a regular attack; 3 range
5.) Shotgun- Heavy damage; range of 2
6.) Nikita Launcher- Fire elemental line-attack
7.) Snipe- 100% accuracy, 8 range
8.) Gatling Gun- 10x hits at 1/5 damage each of the original attack; 4 range; high charge time
9.) First-aid Kit- Revives a unit with 1/3 health

BLACK BELT; Close Combat

1.) Roundhouse Kick- Deals damage to adjacent units
2.) Sweep Kick- Deals attack damage with a high chance of knockback
3.) Feint- 100% accuracy but less damage
4.) Darkness Powder- Add: Blind to adjacent units
5.) Chain Whip- Attack damage; Range of 3; chance to add Paralyze
6.) Penetrate- Attack damage; Cancel: Protect, Defend
7.) Double Kick- Two hits of total attack damage x1.2
8.) Switchblade- Heavy damage to one unit
9.) Choke- Heavy MP Damage
10.) Defend- Add: Defend
11.) Jitsu Stance- Phy. Attack +1
12.) Aggravate- Add: Berserk on one unit
  • Modding version: PSX


Awesome job once again Durbs

And the reason i said that Ancient Tools sounded better is becuase most of them are tools rather then skills. The only probably i saw with it is that things like Bombs, Bommerang and Hammers aren't really Ancient. But then again since Ivalice was once thriving with technology and has since lost it, then i guess they would be considered Ancient. But these are just small details and aren't as important as the fact that the moveset themselves are getting done  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX


Hey guys im back plus i got some suggestions for the Generic Units

hope you like my suggestions

Guardian - if he is a holy unit
Holy Armor
Energize - heals a small amount of both hp and mp
Magic Ruin
Power Ruin
Speed Ruin
Mind Ruin
Armor Crush - Randomly destroys helm, armor or shield
Tool Crush - Randomly destroys weapon and accessories (name can be change to fit better)
a move that can make units defend

Guardian - if not a holy unit
Magic Ruin
Power Ruin
Speed Ruin
Mind Ruin
Armor Crush - Randomly destroys helm, armor or shield
Tool Crush - Randomly destroys weapon and accessories (name can be change to fit better)
a move that can make units defend
their own version of crush punch
  Check out my sprites


December 01, 2011, 08:50:17 pm #172 Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 08:55:22 pm by MountainDew~
Just out of curiosity, are these going to be different sprites/recolours with different skill sets or the same sprite with different skill sets? Like using a green Link for the Ancient Tools, White for the musician and Yellow for the adventurer? Or Cloud's A.Children sprite, FFT sprite, and a new/changed one?

Also, are the materia going to be actual items? You could always make them items, and then require Cloud to equip them to be able to use his skills, like his Materia Blade in Vanilla. I think different equipment for the different classes would be cool too. Like Warrior Link can use Bows/KnightSwords and Heavy armour, the Adventurer can use Swords/Crossbows and Light armours, and the musician can use robes and.... instruments?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363

Joseph Strife

Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 01, 2011, 08:50:17 pm
Just out of curiosity, are these going to be different sprites/recolours with different skill sets or the same sprite with different skill sets? Like using a green Link for the Ancient Tools, White for the musician and Yellow for the adventurer? Or Cloud's A.Children sprite, FFT sprite, and a new/changed one?

As far as i know same sprite, only abilities will change.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


December 01, 2011, 08:57:32 pm #174 Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 09:07:18 pm by MountainDew~
Okay, cool. Just wonderin :) It looks like you guys are doing a fantastic job; keep it up, I'm excited to try this out.

Elementalist- FFTA route?
Low Damage, Debuffs, medium MP cost, fast cast, and a sub-par melee

Wind Slash - 10 MP
"A quick lash of wind to send opponents Flying"
Causes - Float/Knockback(?)


Elementalist - Apprentice
Medium MP costs, medium speeds, medium damage, and a decent melee

Wind Crush - 10MP
"Traps a foe between two large blasts of wind, suffocating the foe."
(No Debuff/Effect)

I can come up with a skill set if you decide you'd want to go with either one. It won't be a straight rip from FFTA either lol
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


December 01, 2011, 09:08:06 pm #175 Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 10:43:13 pm by Elric42
Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 01, 2011, 08:50:17 pm
Just out of curiosity, are these going to be different sprites/recolours with different skill sets or the same sprite with different skill sets? Like using a green Link for the Ancient Tools, White for the musician and Yellow for the adventurer? Or Cloud's A.Children sprite, FFT sprite, and a new/changed one?

Also, are the materia going to be actual items? You could always make them items, and then require Cloud to equip them to be able to use his skills, like his Materia Blade in Vanilla. I think different equipment for the different classes would be cool too. Like Warrior Link can use Bows/KnightSwords and Heavy armour, the Adventurer can use Swords/Crossbows and Light armours, and the musician can use robes and.... instruments?

We haven't decided yet, Durbs thought it would be a good idea and i tend to agree i just don't know how to go about doing it, tho it would be nice to do that, my thought was because then Dante could have his last one be a devil trigger mode and he would be more demonic looking

Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 01, 2011, 08:57:32 pm
Okay, cool. Just wonderin :) It looks like you guys are doing a fantastic job; keep it up, I'm excited to try this out.

Elementalist- FFTA route?
Low Damage, Debuffs, medium MP cost, fast cast, and a sub-par melee

Wind Slash - 10 MP
"A quick lash of wind to send opponents Flying"
Causes - Float/Knockback(?)


Elementalist - Apprentice
Medium MP costs, medium speeds, medium damage, and a decent melee

Wind Crush - 10MP
"Traps a foe between two large blasts of wind, suffocating the foe."
(No Debuff/Effect)

I can come up with a skill set if you decide you'd want to go with either one. It won't be a straight rip from FFTA either lol

Awesome! we are always open to new ideas :)

Quote from: DarkShade on December 01, 2011, 08:44:24 pmHey guys im back plus i got some suggestions for the Generic Units

hope you like my suggestions

Guardian - if he is a holy unit
Holy Armor
Energize - heals a small amount of both hp and mp
Magic Ruin
Power Ruin
Speed Ruin
Mind Ruin
Armor Crush - Randomly destroys helm, armor or shield
Tool Crush - Randomly destroys weapon and accessories (name can be change to fit better)
a move that can make units defend

Guardian - if not a holy unit
Magic Ruin
Power Ruin
Speed Ruin
Mind Ruin
Armor Crush - Randomly destroys helm, armor or shield
Tool Crush - Randomly destroys weapon and accessories (name can be change to fit better)
a move that can make units defend
their own version of crush punch

I like these but at the same time we are trying to avoid trying to have to many "Holy Knight/Holy Sword" Type characters not only are they normally pretty gamebreaking they also seem to much alike, so the non Holy unit would probably be better. Lets see what the rest of the team has to say
  • Modding version: PSX


December 01, 2011, 11:03:58 pm #176 Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 11:16:17 pm by MountainDew~
You can pick between the two, this isn't two separate classes, but more of a...separation of class. Feel free to change them or remove things however you wish. These are just suggestions after all :)

The layout is

Element type
Spell name - MP cost
Spell Description not spell quote
Causes (FFTA Route) or Notes (Apprentice)

Elementalist- FFTA Route - 13 action abilities, 4 R/S/M Abilities.

A person in-tune with nature, allowing manipulation of elements and an enlightened state of mind.

Low Damage (Equivalent to the 1st tier of Black Mage spells), Debuffs, medium-high MP cost, fast cast, and a sub-par melee.

Wields: Knives, Swords, Robes, Light Helmets, Boots. (No equipment on the hands [rings, gauntlets, gloves], freeing the hands for work with Nature)

All spells inflict damage or heal hp at 4 range, NO status-only skills. Single Target Only (with exception of Heavy Rain)

Action Abilities
Banshee Shriek - 12 MP
"A loud, forceful shriek that can silence a foe with gusts of Wind"
Causes - Silence or Knockback

Flame Switch- 15 MP
"Absorbs the foe's Fiery passion for battle"
Causes - Slow or Absorbs MP

Terra Blast - 12 MP
"Uproots and launches a large piece of Earth out from under the foe"
Causes - Addle (?) or Immobilize

Nyx's Curse - 12 MP
"Impose Horrific aparitions in the opponent's mind"
Causes - Confusion or Chicken

Consecration - 14 MP
"Blesses one ally, removing all impairments and slowly regenerate grave wounds"
Causes - Regen and Remove debuffs

Heavy Rain  - 12 MP
"Creates a fierce Hurricane over the battlefield"
Causes - Small chance of CT - 0 for ALL units, friend and foe.

Static Buildup - 12 MP
"Creates an Electric buildup in an opponent's weapon, rendering it useless"
Causes - Disable

Absolute Zero - 16 MP
"Freezes the immediate area occupied by a foe, stopping all sense of time"
Causes - Stop

Non-Elemental 1
Mind Blast - 12 MP
"Telekinetically control your opponent"
Causes - Charm

Non-Elemental 2
Telekinetic Transfer - 12 MP
"Support a struggling ally using willpower beyond comparison"
Causes - Medium level heal, utilizes either Shell or Protect, never both.

Infernal Sacrifice - 14 MP
"Offer a sacrifice to a hellish demon...No one knows if it will approve..."
Causes - Random Buff or Debuff on an opponent

Shining Strike - 12 MP
"Blast an opponent with divine light and natural lightning"
Causes - Faith or Atheism

Congealing Grass - 12 MP
"Cause the earth to emit shards of intense magical cold"
Causes - Sleep or Slow

R/S/M Abilities

MP Shield, Magic Counter

Half MP, M Atk^

No Move Abilities

Elementalist - Apprentice - 17 action abilities, 2 R/S/M Abilities.

A mage-in-training that relies on the strength-of-arms and insticts to keep pace in combat.

Fast Casts, Medium power (equivalent to 2nd tier Black Mage spells), Pure Defensive/Offensive Mage, No support spells, Lower Faith = higher damage

Wields: Flails, Swords, Spears, Light Armor, Robes, No Capes.

Action Abilities

Wind Crush - 10 MP
"Crushes opponents between two walls of Wind."
Straight Line attack up to 3 spaces, ignores Height

Arcane (Non-Element)
Magicka Infusion - 8 MP
"Strikes a foe with a blade imbued by magicka"
MA Attack that pierces Reflect/Shell (If possible)

Blast of Light - 10 MP
"Holy light decends judgement in a Small area"
4 square area hit. No vertical tolerance

Inexperienced - 6 MP
"A panicked, hurried spell that pushes foes away"
Adjacent multiple targets, Knocks back. Instant Cast. Very weak (Think Rush, but area hit and MA oriented) 2 up/down tolerance

Spinal Injection - 12 MP
"Causes Electrical jumps along the spinal cord, severely wounding opponents"
Heaviest hitting spell, 3 range, 4 square target, no vertical tolerance.

Liquify - 10 MP
"Spews water forth from the palms in a straight line"
6 space straight line attack, lower damage than wind crush. No vertical tolerance

Immolation - 6 MP
"Ignite the opponents clothing with one fast, easy spell!"
4 range, 4 square effect, low fire damage. Exactly the same as Fire =(] LAAZZYYY!

Sphere of Frost - 12 MP
"Emit a slow moving ball of ice, hitting a large area"
Long cast, 4 range, the 2x3 (?) effect. 2 vertical tolerance

Icy Shard - 8MP
"Impale opponents on blades of ice"
Standard Blizzara spell.

Swamp Decay - 10 MP
"Inflicts poison in a large area"
Exactly as the spell description, 4 range. 3 vertical tolerance

First Aid - 6 MP
"Grasps the basic concept of healing magic, regenerating wounds"
Caster-Only Heal and Debuff cure.

Healing Breeze - 8 MP
"Gentle breezes upon your face reminds one of better, peaceful times."
Generic Cura/CureII spell with a wind element. no vertical tolerance (wind on face lol)

Arcane Explosion - 10 MP
"Utilising pure magicka, the Elementalist can wound with no elemental influence"
Similar to Flare, but on-par with 2nd tier spells and AoE hit. No vertical Tolerance

Catacylsm - 8MP
"Show the opponents their ever-inevitable fate"
Inflicts Medium Dark damage. 4 Range, Adjacent to target effect. 2 vert. tolerance

Meditate - 0MP
"Focus your magical power"
Restore some MP, Increase MA +1, LONG Cast. Caster-Only

Fencing - 6 MP
"Practice makes perfect"
Increase PA +1, Caster-Only

R/S/M Abilities
R:Speed Save - Critical HP,+1 Spd (Cowardice forces an apprentice to panick)

S:No Supports

M:Move +1

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 01, 2011, 11:03:58 pm
You can pick between the two, this isn't two separate classes, but more of a...separation of class. Feel free to change them or remove things however you wish. These are just suggestions after all :)

The layout is

Element type
Spell name - MP cost
Spell Description not spell quote
Causes (FFTA Route) or Notes (Apprentice)

Elementalist- FFTA Route - 13 action abilities, 4 R/S/M Abilities.

A person in-tune with nature, allowing manipulation of elements and an enlightened state of mind.

Low Damage (Equivalent to the 1st tier of Black Mage spells), Debuffs, medium-high MP cost, fast cast, and a sub-par melee.

Wields: Knives, Swords, Robes, Light Helmets, Boots. (No equipment on the hands [rings, gauntlets, gloves], freeing the hands for work with Nature)

All spells inflict damage or heal hp at 4 range, NO status-only skills. Single Target Only (with exception of Heavy Rain)

Action Abilities
Banshee Shriek - 12 MP
"A loud, forceful shriek that can silence a foe with gusts of Wind"
Causes - Silence or Knockback

Flame Switch- 15 MP
"Absorbs the foe's Fiery passion for battle"
Causes - Slow or Absorbs MP

Terra Blast - 12 MP
"Uproots and launches a large piece of Earth out from under the foe"
Causes - Addle (?) or Immobilize

Nyx's Curse - 12 MP
"Impose Horrific aparitions in the opponent's mind"
Causes - Confusion or Chicken

Consecration - 14 MP
"Blesses one ally, removing all impairments and slowly regenerate grave wounds"
Causes - Regen and Remove debuffs

Heavy Rain  - 12 MP
"Creates a fierce Hurricane over the battlefield"
Causes - Small chance of CT - 0 for ALL units, friend and foe.

Static Buildup - 12 MP
"Creates an Electric buildup in an opponent's weapon, rendering it useless"
Causes - Disable

Absolute Zero - 16 MP
"Freezes the immediate area occupied by a foe, stopping all sense of time"
Causes - Stop

Non-Elemental 1
Mind Blast - 12 MP
"Telekinetically control your opponent"
Causes - Charm

Non-Elemental 2
Telekinetic Transfer - 12 MP
"Support a struggling ally using willpower beyond comparison"
Causes - Medium level heal, utilizes either Shell or Protect, never both.

Infernal Sacrifice - 14 MP
"Offer a sacrifice to a hellish demon...No one knows if it will approve..."
Causes - Random Buff or Debuff on an opponent

Shining Strike - 12 MP
"Blast an opponent with divine light and natural lightning"
Causes - Faith or Atheism

Congealing Grass - 12 MP
"Cause the earth to emit shards of intense magical cold"
Causes - Sleep or Slow

R/S/M Abilities

MP Shield, Magic Counter

Half MP, M Atk^

No Move Abilities

Elementalist - Apprentice - 17 action abilities, 2 R/S/M Abilities.

A mage-in-training that relies on the strength-of-arms and insticts to keep pace in combat.

Fast Casts, Medium power (equivalent to 2nd tier Black Mage spells), Pure Defensive/Offensive Mage, No support spells, Lower Faith = higher damage

Wields: Flails, Swords, Spears, Light Armor, Robes, No Capes.

Action Abilities

Wind Crush - 10 MP
"Crushes opponents between two walls of Wind."
Straight Line attack up to 3 spaces, ignores Height

Arcane (Non-Element)
Magicka Infusion - 8 MP
"Strikes a foe with a blade imbued by magicka"
MA Attack that pierces Reflect/Shell (If possible)

Blast of Light - 10 MP
"Holy light decends judgement in a Small area"
4 square area hit. No vertical tolerance

Inexperienced - 6 MP
"A panicked, hurried spell that pushes foes away"
Adjacent multiple targets, Knocks back. Instant Cast. Very weak (Think Rush, but area hit and MA oriented) 2 up/down tolerance

Spinal Injection - 12 MP
"Causes Electrical jumps along the spinal cord, severely wounding opponents"
Heaviest hitting spell, 3 range, 4 square target, no vertical tolerance.

Liquify - 10 MP
"Spews water forth from the palms in a straight line"
6 space straight line attack, lower damage than wind crush. No vertical tolerance

Immolation - 6 MP
"Ignite the opponents clothing with one fast, easy spell!"
4 range, 4 square effect, low fire damage. Exactly the same as Fire =(] LAAZZYYY!

Sphere of Frost - 12 MP
"Emit a slow moving ball of ice, hitting a large area"
Long cast, 4 range, the 2x3 (?) effect. 2 vertical tolerance

Icy Shard - 8MP
"Impale opponents on blades of ice"
Standard Blizzara spell.

Swamp Decay - 10 MP
"Inflicts poison in a large area"
Exactly as the spell description, 4 range. 3 vertical tolerance

First Aid - 6 MP
"Grasps the basic concept of healing magic, regenerating wounds"
Caster-Only Heal and Debuff cure.

Healing Breeze - 8 MP
"Gentle breezes upon your face reminds one of better, peaceful times."
Generic Cura/CureII spell with a wind element. no vertical tolerance (wind on face lol)

Arcane Explosion - 10 MP
"Utilising pure magicka, the Elementalist can wound with no elemental influence"
Similar to Flare, but on-par with 2nd tier spells and AoE hit. No vertical Tolerance

Catacylsm - 8MP
"Show the opponents their ever-inevitable fate"
Inflicts Medium Dark damage. 4 Range, Adjacent to target effect. 2 vert. tolerance

Meditate - 0MP
"Focus your magical power"
Restore some MP, Increase MA +1, LONG Cast. Caster-Only

Fencing - 6 MP
"Practice makes perfect"
Increase PA +1, Caster-Only

R/S/M Abilities
R:Speed Save - Critical HP,+1 Spd (Cowardice forces an apprentice to panick)

S:No Supports

M:Move +1

I like these my only issue is that we have a black mage and red mage already, that and I'm not certain what Durbs has in mind for the Elementalist skillset but there is a good possibility that we will use some of these
  • Modding version: PSX


I won't lie, I didn't thoroughly look through your classes, I just looked for a red star XD
But yeah, feel free to rip em all you like.  I'll see what I can come up with for other classes after I.... examine them this time lol.

What type of character do you have in mind for Agrias? Support Tank? Spellblade?

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: MountainDew~ on December 01, 2011, 11:42:29 pm
I won't lie, I didn't thoroughly look through your classes, I just looked for a red star XD
But yeah, feel free to rip em all you like.  I'll see what I can come up with for other classes after I.... examine them this time lol.

What type of character do you have in mind for Agrias? Support Tank? Spellblade?

Well she would retain of few previous abilities, the general idea for Returning chars is that it's been several years since the Lion War ended so while the characters may have honed certain skills, others may have gotten weaker
  • Modding version: PSX