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Messages - DuxorW

Very cool hacks, I'll definitely be trying these out :)
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Choto's ASM Hacks and Effects
March 07, 2016, 07:01:43 pm
EDIT: i erroneously said that an enemy would default to a spell flagged as random hits if it were more powerful than other offensive skills in their skillset. It has been some time since I experimented with this and because of Xif's observation I went back and tested it since I knew there was something about random hits that wasn't working the way I thought it should, and noted the following.

If I only have one ability flagged as random hits, it works like it should. And I can increase the frequency with which that attack is used if I put it in the skillset more than once.

However, if two skills, say flare2 and ultima lvl 2 are flagged as random hits, the ai will choose the stronger one if all else is equal (ct, can hit the same number of units). For example, I made Adramelk's lvl 4 black magic spells random hits, and also gave him flare 2 and ultima lvl 2 (both flagged as random hits). He essentially never used his skills that weren't flagged as random hits, and spammed ultima over and over (with very rare exception) since it was his strongest spell.

I'm guessing that when the ai is forced to use a random hits ability, if there is more than one ability flagged as random hits, it decides between them in a way that is nonrandom? Maybe it acts the same way it normally would if the abilities flagged as random hits were the only ones in the skillset?

In my case with Adramelk, I had flagged the lvl4 black magic spells, flare 2, and ultima as random hits. I am suggesting that when he is forced to use a random hits ability, he only sees the abilities labeled as random hits and chooses accordingly in the same way he would if I put those skills in his skillset (not flagged as random hits) and removed everything else. If this is correct, being forced to use a random hits ability is random, but which ability is chosen when there is more than one ability flagged is nonrandom. So, there could still be some utility to the hack I suggest, although I guess I might be the only one interested.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Choto's ASM Hacks and Effects
March 07, 2016, 06:41:33 pm
That's kind of my point, you have to weaken the enemy's stats in your example. Or give them an AI flag that might change their behavior in other ways. And what if I wanted them to randomly cast a more powerful offensive spell? In my hands they will default to it most of the time even with random hits flag, if their skillset has other offensive spells in it. Maybe what I want for myself doesn't have broad appeal, but I'd just prefer to have them randomly use a powerful ability now and then without having to micromanage their stats and abilities to get them to use it at the desired frequency.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Choto's ASM Hacks and Effects
March 06, 2016, 11:31:28 pm
The berserk hack is really cool.

How hard would it be to repurpose it? I have always wanted to be able to make bosses use more powerful skills (at a low frequency, to add some tension to the battle) but the "random hits" flag doesn't necessarily work for that, and sometimes neither does tweaking the CT of skills, especially when it comes to status effects. I could imagine something similar to this except instead of berserk, it is tied to another status (like dark/evil looking) or ??? stats that you could make innate to bosses. Instead of having a 50% chance of physical attack, it could give an X% chance of acting normally and a Y% chance of randomly using an ability from a specified skillset (could it just check the units secondary skillset? That would allow you to use different abilities for different bosses). You could indirectly control the relative frequencies of the random abilities, ie if you put galaxy stop in the random skillset twice, then, when the enemy is forced to use a random ability, it would be chosen 2/16 of the time instead of 1/16. I guess a problem would be to keep the unit from using the uber-abilities when acting normally, but if you unchecked "used by AI" in fftpatcher would it prevent them from using it normally but allow them to use it when they are forced to use a random ability from the specified skillset?

Sorry for the rambling in your asm thread, the berserk hack just got me overexcited :)
I haven't had the chance to play with it yet but will try to tonight. Thanks!

Edit: Played around with it but i obviously need to brush up on some ASM as I am clearly incompetent.
Xifanie makes the coolest hacks  :D

My knowledge is very basic though, I've only managed to edit some formulas and effects. So I'll save my questions until after the tutorial is released.
Yeah, I also imagined them rotating instead of having the walking animation, and maybe briefly levitating when casting. And perhaps graying out upon death.
I searched the forums but couldn't find anything, so I assume nobody has made a crystal sprite sheet? I think it would be cool to have magic-casting crystal enemies. Adramelk and Hashmalum could use some friends.
^ "Playing the reed flute" as they say.
Help! / Re: Random Haste Buff
October 17, 2014, 12:36:12 pm
Lol no problem, we've all been there.
Help! / Re: Random Haste Buff
October 16, 2014, 10:21:59 pm
You have all of the swords set to item attribute 3, in which you've set haste as a permanent status.
Help! / Re: Random Haste Buff
October 16, 2014, 03:07:49 pm
If you upload the fftpatcher file I can take a look at it. Sometimes just helps to have another set of eyes.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Monster Skill ASM
October 11, 2014, 06:20:55 pm
Same thing happened to me the first time I skimmed through it!
I am making my own personal patch using fft rebirth as a base. One thing I want to do is have some enemies, such as the Lucavi, cast a wider variety of spells. Currently I am testing my patch at the Adramelk battle and he pretty much spams the same abilities (summons) over and over (I almost never see the fire4/bolt4/ice4 spells). I thought the random hits flag in fftpatcher would be a good way to make him use an uber powerful ability once in a while.

These are not necessarily the final abilities I want him to have, but or the sake of experimentation I gave him fire4/ice4/bolt4/demi2/flare as his main abilities and took away his summons. Here are the stats for each ability in fftpatcher

fire4/ice4/bolt4: Range 5, Effect area 3, Vertical 3, CT 5, Y=40)
Flare is normal except Y=45 and CT is 6
Flare2 is Range 4, effect area 1, vertical 3, CT 8, Y=65, flagged as random hits
Ultima is Range 4, effect area 2, vertical 3, CT 10, Y=60, flagged as random hits

The spell powers are so strong because units have such high hp in rebirth.
I wanted him to occassionally use flare2 and lvl2 ultima, so I flagged them as random hits. This seems to cause him to vastly prefer flare2 instead of using a random mix of flare2 and ultima. I find that adding several other dummied "random hits" abilities to his skillset increases the odds that he will use flare2, but not the odds that he will use those other, weaker spells, including ultima. So it seems like random hits forces the AI to occasionally use one of the abilities flagged as random hits, but it looks at all the abilities flagged as random hits and chooses the one best suited for the situation (usually dealing maximum damage).

For example, if I flag fire4/ice4/bolt4/demi2/flare/flare2/and ultima ALL as random hits, he will use flare2 essentially every turn (unless he can hit more units with ultima and kill at least one of them), and I essentially never see the other spells unless my units are all spaced out and he can only hit one of them. In that case he will use whatever ability will kill that unit most efficiently, and if he can't kill them in one hit he will deal max damage using flare2.

If I try to give him an AOE "megadeath" spell he will use it every turn, and if I flag it (and ultima and flare 2) as random hits he will not use flare2/ultima and will instead only use death if he isn't casting fire4/ice4/bolt4/demi2. If i give him regular death he will spam it every turn if he can't kill multiple units using some other ability.

So right now I am essentially stuck having him use ice4/bolt4/fire4/demi2 and randomly using either flare2 or ultima (even though the ability is flagged as random hits, he uses it with alarming frequency). Strangely, if I give him ultima (not flagged as random hits) and flag ice4/bolt4/fire4 as random hits, he will only ever use ultima. So it seems like the ability flagged as random hits needs to be more powerful than the other abilities in order to ever be used, at least in my instance.

Is there a good way to get him to use all of these skills? I realize I am kind of asking to make the AI dumber than it currently is. It's just nice and suspenseful to know that the enemy has some ultra powerful abilities but will use them sparingly.
Help! / Re: How to convert CT to speed.
October 04, 2014, 06:40:18 pm
No prob! :)
Help! / Re: How to convert CT to speed.
October 04, 2014, 06:33:00 pm
Basically 100/CT=speed.

Think of it this way. In tactics, speed is the amount of ct gained by a unit in one tick of the battle clock. Thus, a unit with 20 speed will reach 100ct every 5 clock ticks and a unit with 10 speed will have a turn every 10 clock ticks. A spell with CT of 5 will fire after 5 clock ticks, the same time it takes a unit with 20 speed to reach full ct. Thus CT of 5 equals a speed of 20.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Hack Proposals
September 22, 2014, 04:21:24 pm
Even though I was only referring to the status, I do like Xifs idea about the reaction ability. Of course, the AI doesn't pay attention to reaction abilities so it would be imbalanced towards the player. However, if the reaction is like a magical hamedo but requires reflect status in order to be activated at Br% chance, then that balances it better. Except the AI is often reluctant to cast reflect to start with.

Maybe the reflect status could be left alone and the reflect reaction could act like a magical hamedo and directly target the caster?
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Hack Proposals
September 21, 2014, 11:06:07 am
I had actually forgotten that there was a reflect reaction ability that doesn't do anything. I was just referring to the way the reflect status effect works.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Choto's ASM Hacks and Effects
September 20, 2014, 11:52:40 am
Yeah, that's what I was assuming as well.

I wish there was a similar fix for blue mages so that they could learn monster abilities from crystals. Learn on hit doesn't care what skillset the caster's ability is in as long as the same ability is in the target's primary skill set, so it would be great if crystals operated similarly.