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Re-Release Info and Changes

Started by 3lric, July 03, 2015, 08:16:32 pm


This sounds very ambitious and nerve racking. When changing a game drastically from the original "demo" there are many things that can go wrong. I encourage you all to take your time as balancing can either make or break any game and the original difficulty made this game very enjoyable. I think I speak for everyone when I say we the fans would like to see the final product released as a game that is as smooth as possible with little revision as that would really show the talent of the developers behind it

The prospects of a farm to me is like building and running your own town, which has always been one of my favorite game mechanics in those games that have them. Crafting gives a lot of depth to a game by functioning as side quests and increases the fun factor. Keeping certain job classes in mind is also important as to still make them worthwhile with all the added content. It sounds like this project will still be in development for quite some time and I encourage the developers to do their best in identifying ways the game can be exploited and balancing it in order to get the most fun out of it. Keep up the good work, I know this game will blow most everyone away with just the chapter 2 release.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


Awesome, thanks for the update man!

I know I been hanging out here long enough to know that you guys are always pushing forward with this, but I do understand that it is tough waiting in the dark for something. I would definitely rather you keep working on the game than keeping us posted though, but this is much appreciated! Everything sounds awesome and I can't wait to see what you guys have in store. This update goes a long way and gives us a lots of exciting material to contain us for a while  ;)

The crafting system sounds even better than I imagined, didn't think that was possible lol. Farms??? Can't wait to see how you incorporate that.

I got a few questions. Feel free not to answer if you don't want to reveal it.
So will there be unique items only available through crafting?
And I remember the treasures being mentioned somewhere on FFH as having a function, like materia treasure could have an effect like 1+ magic or something along those lines. Will treasures make an appearance in your mod at all and will they have any kind of function? (besides things like the novels anyways, which I already know your using)


i guess when this game will come out, the download will jump about 10 times more.
As i'm reading this isn't even worth to call a mod XD it's like a revisioned version of FFT 2, guess not even square could have done it with all this passion ,an details.

If there is not, you guys should add a Donation button where to click  ,because i'm sure some would donate for all the work and the free game we will download.

I know you don't do this for money, but i honestly think you deserve at least some, more like to see that people  DO REALLY appreciate your work , not only with words, but with fact too.
I would definitely donate if there was a option to do so, when you guys release the full game.


Thanks fellas, and yeah, it's no easy task, especially for Xifanie, who handles the coding behind these awesome new mechanics. She seriously deserves a lot more praise than she gets.

As for donations. We will never be accepting those. While I myself have put a lot of my own money into this mod, we cannot actually accept money, making mods isn't exactly legal to begin with and accepting funds would be a fast train to C&D.

However, if someone did want to donate, i would instead ask that you take that urge and instead use it to play with some of the hacks Xifanie has made and posted to the site. There are so many awesome things that can be done with the hacks she has released in the last 2 years and they really could use more recognition than just being used in Jot5! Even if you were to just do something like setup a synth shop or soldier office upgrade and release them in a vanilla mod with no other changes, that would still be great to see!
  • Modding version: PSX


I think a lot of it is because you are the "face" of JOT5, and a lot of people probably just thank you guys without realizing everyone involved and who does what... I didn't even really know who was responsible for what until I started hanging around here for a few months.

Xif does do awesome work though, she's like a wizard in the shadows lol( Wish I could remember where that "Are you a wizard!?" pic was  :P) .
All you guys are awesome really, it's definitely the whole team that makes JOT5 shine.

I will definitely try and put some good use to xif's hacks though. I haven't got as far as I would have liked by now in learning how to mod, but yeah that's life for ya. I am still moving along tho, I just haven't had much time to do shit lately, but I will have a break here in next couple months and I want to start picking it up again. I do try to keep up to date with everything so when I do jump back in I'll know what I have to work with  ;) I'm really looking forward to seeing how that job class hack works out, and be able to do monster class changes  :mrgreen:


Wow! This sounds even more remarkable than I ever thought. You guys keep plugging away, you have a huge fanbase here eagerly awaiting this bad boy! You guys keep up all this deep, tedious and revolutionary work. You have all of our support!

Thanks for the update!

Elric, is there anyway you could possibly send me some sample videos? I would love to see what you're working with.

I of course understand if this is not possible.

thanks to you and your team!

  • Modding version: PSX


April 19, 2016, 02:28:04 pm #166 Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 02:42:05 pm by Xifanie
I'll admit, right now I'm not exactly in a good position to work fast... in fact, I haven't been in years. I'm, whoever, the one with the highest workload besides Elric on the project. But it's also lots of coding, ASM hacking and so on... making me the only person able to work on these things. I'm not proud to say I am slowing the project down, but I am.

My wife and I have a very tight financial situation, and it's been this way for years. Her job hardly pays anything, she hardly gets any hours. Even if she has 7 years of experience in management, a few in IT, and some more in customer service, yet she won't get hired by anyone, much less in her field (seriously, fuck this economy). She's a very hard worker, always giving her all at work and really deserves a better job than this... Having her work more hours on a better job would allow me to reduce my stress levels and dedicate far more time to working on the project. So please, if you could offer my wife a better job... that'd be great. (Current location: U.S. Pennsylvania, willing to relocate)
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Man if i had any power to do so , i would have gladly.
But i live in ireland moving to germany soon.

Elric are you sure , a Donation button for the work you're doing, and not for the game itself, would be illegal?

There is many way go around the "Legal" thing if that is the problem. Just put donation for another reason!
Everyone would know the real reason, and i think it's legal no?
Aniway if you guys don't want this or really can't i think you have to know, you have all our respect and admiration for what you are doing.


Nah, it would be too much of a hassle tbh, there may only be a few of us that work on Jot5 currently (Xif, Angel, Twin, Jumza, Nyzer, Myself, Choto) However, we do not all live in the same country, not to mention past members who I wouldn't want to leave out, which would add another 3 or 4 different countries to the mix. I'd honestly have no idea how to fairly split it up based on conversion rates as well as quantity and quality of work. Besides, I was never in this for money, as I'm sure can be said for the rest of the team. I'm in this because I love FFT, and I love the fan support we get for it!

Quote from: Hyraldelita on April 20, 2016, 03:55:10 am
But i live in ireland moving to germany soon.

What part of Germany? My wife is from Dannstadt-Schauernheim :D
  • Modding version: PSX


I'd feel guilty if I were paid for working on Journey of the Five.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Then guys, the best i can do personally is just play your mod to death when they come out, and say thanks :P


Will time advancing play any role in Jot5 or will the calendar be mostly ignored as in many other similar games.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


It won't play a huge factor, though, like Propositions from vanilla, I'd imagine there will be some marks that can only be accessed during certain times of the year.

I mean, in vanilla the only time it came into play was with the Propositions, as well as the 1 year jump from Ch1 to Ch2 (which Jot5 doesn't have)
  • Modding version: PSX

RJ Cid

Quote from: Elric on April 17, 2016, 01:18:55 pm
However, if someone did want to donate, i would instead ask that you take that urge and instead use it to play with some of the hacks Xifanie has made and posted to the site. There are so many awesome things that can be done with the hacks she has released in the last 2 years and they really could use more recognition than just being used in Jot5! Even if you were to just do something like setup a synth shop or soldier office upgrade and release them in a vanilla mod with no other changes, that would still be great to see!

I was just browsing through the Patches. First off, all the concepts are awesome! Very mouth-watering to any hardcore FFT fan :D. But I couldn't help but notice almost all of them were under development. Is there another list of completed ones around this site?

I did play Call of Power awhile back. Crazy amount of new content! Big thanks to those involved with this patch! But I didn't like that all the battles were back-to-back. I enjoy grinding and building up a roster. Any suggestions? I'd love a patch to hold me over until Jot5 is hot n ready.


There should be a re release of chapter 1 coming soon, then chapter 2 short after. I'm not entirely sure if its a matter of weeks months or years but i check these forums every... day...  :shock:


June 13, 2016, 08:39:53 pm #175 Last Edit: June 13, 2016, 09:41:25 pm by Elric
Well when I was talking about the hacks on the site above, I was referring to Xifanie's ASMs and tools, not actual mods.

For story mods, you could try CoP (as already mentioned), A Stones Ripple demo, or tabletop demo, as well as Souls of Destiny. Aside from Jot5, these are the only story mods being worked on and non are finished as of yet, and I cannot give an ETA on any of them as Rufio is gone, Jumza is rarely around (other than randomly in the help section :P) and CONMAN rarely talks. lol

There are completed vanilla mods on the site if thats your thing though.
  • Modding version: PSX


Celdias  http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?board=60.0

monster tactics http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10886.0

although I have been meaning to, I haven't got around to playing these 2 myself. I believe they are both completed though( or at least several chapters ). They both look very interesting, I just haven't got around to playing them yet.

Another one I did play was souls of destiny http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=9333.0

he's got 2 chapters done and working on the third. Some graphical glitches but nothing that effects gameplay IMO. Lots of new characters and unique skills sets and a kick ass story.

There also a couple others being worked on like stones ripple but he is pretty busy atm (working on JOT5) ;)

*edit* Elric beat me to the punch  :mrgreen: celdias is a vanilla mod but monster tactics and souls are story mods and if you haven't played CoP lately....it's definitely worth it!

*edit again* Oh yeah and eternal has been working on some ffta/ffta2 mods but I haven't got around to looking into those yet. They are in the non-fft hacking section of the forum if you want to check them out!

RJ Cid

Thanks for the info. I will check these out when things in the near future. Actually, I recently brandished my old PSP and began playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. It's addictive enough to hold my attention, but very soon I will be needing more... more! MORE! :twisted:


Will Jot5 change/clarify the ending of the original game slightly to help fit Jot5's story. Example: adding a scene in Jot5 that shows certain people leaving Ramza's party before entering into Orbonne/Dead City (Orlandu, Rafa, Malak...).

How did Ramza survive his encounter with Altima? We might find out these answers during the game but it was implied that Ramza and Alma might have died.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


Quote from: KingUrameshi on June 24, 2016, 05:16:04 pm
Will Jot5 change/clarify the ending of the original game slightly to help fit Jot5's story. Example: adding a scene in Jot5 that shows certain people leaving Ramza's party before entering into Orbonne/Dead City (Orlandu, Rafa, Malak...).

Didn't you view the bravestory in Jot5? Pretty much everything is bridged there, there are even some bonus scenes as well.

How did Ramza survive his encounter with Altima? We might find out these answers during the game but it was implied that Ramza and Alma might have died.

No it wasn't, you see him and Alma on chocobos during the funeral scene at the end.
  • Modding version: PSX